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3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs 3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs

03-07-2011 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by InsureMePlz
Just because I'm seerpeeked doesn't mean there's not a good chance I suck
i know- but your intentions are good- while some have bad intentions
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911
Lol votecount.

I had no idea 64 was in the lead and Toga had no chance of being lynched.
Originally Posted by Forsythio
Originally Posted by ibavly
So looks like it comes down to GG
I was writing a post that pretty much said the same things as OTI & ibavly here. Didn't see "NIGHT" and just got "thread closed" when I hit submit. I didn't actually think EOD was coming.

after that it was just, you know, go into "hope I'm wrong and everyone else is right" mode before the inevitable sixfour=villa reveal.

so, yea, pretty frustrating.
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 02:44 PM
just to be clear I'm not talking about if the things she said are ok if she IS villa

I'm talking about whether she is villa or not because her actions at EoD are not exactly those that I would put to a villager making that post this morning.
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 02:46 PM
how do you not know sixfour is lead wagon when a bunch of people turbo voted him + Togs and atak's votes?

I don't buy that

it's worse for OTI, I don't think you'd point this out as wolf now when you didn't need to.
his post seems fake
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by G0tGame?
was that in reponse to the scenario where I talked about wolves keeping v/v atak and tog around?
I wasn't talking about not NKing them obviously, I was talking about pushing another villa wagon over them.

so you're saying, the hifi/sixfour wagon pushes were wolf directed, to keep us stuck dealing with atak/toga for another day? given that atak/toga are v/v?

except that the primary steam for the hifi/sixfour wagon pushes came from...atak & toga.

seems to me a smart wolf, seeing v/v atak/toga pushing *yet another* v wagon, would just stay out of it.
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Pyromaniac

so you're saying, the hifi/sixfour wagon pushes were wolf directed, to keep us stuck dealing with atak/toga for another day? given that atak/toga are v/v?

except that the primary steam for the hifi/sixfour wagon pushes came from...atak & toga.

seems to me a smart wolf, seeing v/v atak/toga pushing *yet another* v wagon, would just stay out of it.
but wouldn't a villager also stay out of it because of that?
that's something to think about

my point wasn't that it has to be that scenario, but I can certainly see it.
the point was wolves were involved in this some way or another.
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by G0tGame?
how do you not know sixfour is lead wagon when a bunch of people turbo voted him + Togs and atak's votes?

I don't buy that

it's worse for OTI, I don't think you'd point this out as wolf now when you didn't need to.
his post seems fake
fail obv - i wasn't counting

the thing that *is* bad for OTI isn't that particular post, but the post where he revotes atak prior to that. since it was a revote, it didn't "count" but it made it look like atak was getting some votes to counter the votes sixfour was getting.

but that's an incredibly subtle thing. does anyone actually do this? revote a wagon to give the impression that it's getting votes?

we had a similar situation at the beginning of the game regarding atak's analysis of the votes and particularly donk's vote. where forsy backfilled the vote.
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by G0tGame?
Toga/hifi/WG or Donk, pack your bags, this game is locked!
Hmmm... Why don't you think Atak is a wolf? I'm inclined to lean villa on WG because he had the opportunity to vote 64 yesterday when votecounts were unclear/close and didn't.

Originally Posted by Pyromaniac
types of players left

solid villa types - OTI, kwami, ibavly. sixfour was the solidest of them.

utrish unclears - donk, wg

villagers mixing it up - gg, hifi

here be woofs - atak, toga

...i keep slicing the pie and keep coming up with the same results.
Yes, lynch should be Atak, if not Toga.
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 02:54 PM
if exactly one of Toga/Atak is a wolf I'm just super disappointed in the other (and to a lesser degree villas who went off of Toga/decided sixfour was better than atak)
just lynch me now then, i dont need this ****
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 02:57 PM
actually, yeah, OTI's not to blame here.

Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911
Atak in case my vote changed from bolding fake

I never said you couldn't have missed it but it was literally rebonks last post before his claim.

So if you didn't find it on your look at his claim why didn't you look back 10 posts like the rest of us did?
he's utterly explicit about revoting and why

Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911
Honestly I can't change my vote ATM

I can't let Toga die over Atak when Atak is >>>>>>>>> to be a wolf.
and this isn't a revote

Originally Posted by Whitegoose
Yeah this sums up my thoughts too.

I'm pretty sure my vote is on Atakdog, but just in case

this *is* a revote but again he's explicit

Originally Posted by Oreos
Votes as of post 1914
Running time: 48:54 -- dunno adjusted time
6sixfouratakdog, DonkDonkDonkDonk, filthyvermin, ibavly, kwami42, Toganim
5atakdogHifi, InsureMePlz, OnThInIcE911, Pyromaniac, WhiteGoose
2ToganimG0tgame?, sixfour
Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911
Lol votecount.

I had no idea 64 was in the lead and Toga had no chance of being lynched.
I mean, so, we've got 2 people bolding atak, yet they've both already voted atak. so while it looks like atak is keeping pace with sixfour...he's not.

theoretically it's a wolf play to pretend someone is getting votes, but, i don't actually see it in practice from either OTI or WG here.
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Toganim
just lynch me now then, i dont need this ****
that's the second post like this you've made as if it definitely is the case. I thought you were still clearing atak.

that doesn't ma....... you know

and if you're v/v I've got a lot of respect for you, you just should have chosen a better wagon.
Donk would have been good.

you shouldn't play WW if you can't take criticism in your play

and you went emo on me as wolf when I commented on the shortline and aces lynches. I thought it was villagery. definitely not falling for that again.
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by G0tGame?
but wouldn't a villager also stay out of it because of that?
that's something to think about

my point wasn't that it has to be that scenario, but I can certainly see it.
the point was wolves were involved in this some way or another.
at least 1 villager didn't stay out of it

I dunno, there was certainly an air of hero-call about the whole wagon. I think a villager is more likely to be seduced by that than a wolf who knows it's a failwagon and doesn't know what the fallout will be. standard village reaction is "let's lynch somone off the sixfour wagon" or "let's start lynching down the sixfour wagon, gotta be some wolves there"
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 03:01 PM
imo OTI's EoD comment is way worse than what you're pointing out.
I've never heard of this revote to make it look stronger concept.
and both make it clear they already were on atak.

I thought you were pretty sure in your atak=wolf read anyway?
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
Hmmm... Why don't you think Atak is a wolf? I'm inclined to lean villa on WG because he had the opportunity to vote 64 yesterday when votecounts were unclear/close and didn't.
this is a moderately good point for both donk and WG

unless they're w/w ofc
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by Pyromaniac
this is a moderately good point for both donk and WG

unless they're w/w ofc
heh, both?

Donk could have switched, but he could have switched to atak, who you think is a wolf.
WG could have switched, but he could have switched to sixfour.

I guess you're mixing something up
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 03:04 PM
dude, im not saying hes super super super clear- i have multiple ppl above him. but you fail to see the big picture here:

- i somehow became a major wagon
- atak got to be a major wagon
- we're both copout wagons which would give minimum info since wolves can pick easily from us
- i got a villavibe from atak since he reacted same way i did
- i tried to push multiple other ppl but none would fly
- i saw a chance that sixfour could fly, so i went for it
- me voting atak would have helped nothing but making him vote me

and yet i feel you are judging me
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by InsureMePlz
I saw we lynch donkdonk. If he's a wolf, Atak isn't.
If you keep playing this badly you'll never be nk'd and you'll just be left alive to make mistake after mistake all the way until mustlynch. Read the thread.

Originally Posted by G0tGame?
which is why there are at least 2 of the wolves involved in this

MAYBE it's just Toga/Atak, in which case I can only say thank you to ibavly, donk and kwami and MAYBE it's neither of them and wolves decided keeping both Toga and Atak alive would be a distraction for us.
if so Donk is a lock wolf and one of kwami/ibavly is likely playing a good wolf game. I'd lean ibavly.

if exactly one of Toga/Atak is a wolf I'm just super disappointed in the other (and to a lesser degree villas who went off of Toga/decided sixfour was better than atak)

I think it's also noteworthy that HiFi was around when the sixfour thing was foreseeable, but did not put in the effort I'd expect from here to save him.

also she started posting up a storm again right after EoD was called.
It's not my ****ing fault that nobody ever listens to me. I made my stance on sixfour VERY well known, and when I saw that people were actually voting him I came in and made those posts. I wasn't 100% around at eod yesterday because I had guests and I hear it's not polite to sit at your laptop typing away like mad while you have people at your house who have driven cross-town to see you. I (obviously) can't stop people from making terrible, baseless decisions. I couldn't do it yesterday to keep the sixfour failwagon from picking up steam, and I can't seem to stop you from thinking I'm wolfy for "reasons" that don't exist. If your goal was to piss me off, well done, but other than that you've accomplished nothing other than make yourself look like a total ass.

Originally Posted by G0tGame?
I mean she was around posting sunday million sweats on POG when atak started getting some listeners and imo was pretty villagery.

then ibavly, filthy and donk all vote sixfour

like this post, because that vote IS wolfy

and that's it

sure, she said not to lynch him, but it doesn't warrant the reaction she had this morning.
she made a couple more posts on pog 40 minutes after this, but nothing in here.

then 30 minutes after EoD she starts posting in Miss POG and turboing.
Um, I was playing in the million too. And people came over. We've been over this. And sorry that I didn't know I wasn't permitted to post 30 minutes after eod unless I approved of the lynch. I'll make a note of it.

Originally Posted by G0tGame?
she didn't do ANYTHING after sixfour became the lead wagon
That's because I wasn't checking the game thread obsessively and there was really NO REASON why sixfour should have been lynched. I didn't think you people could actually all be this idiotic all at the same time. Don't worry, I won't make that mistake again.
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by G0tGame?
imo OTI's EoD comment is way worse than what you're pointing out.
I've never heard of this revote to make it look stronger concept.
and both make it clear they already were on atak.

I thought you were pretty sure in your atak=wolf read anyway?
i am pretty sure in my atak=wolf read

what i'm saying is, *I* had no idea that sixfour had taken the lead. & I was about to say as much when it was suddenly EOD.

so OTI saying it isn't strange to me b/c it was exactly what I was thinking.

the revote-to-make-it-look-stronger is something I just ed

and yes, they do make it clear they were both on him. which isn't the same as when you're just scrolling the thread looking for bolded names.
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 03:05 PM
oh you mean good for donk, because he brought it forth? I see
definitely a villagery thought process if atak is wolf. probably even if he's villa.
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by G0tGame?
heh, both?

Donk could have switched, but he could have switched to atak, who you think is a wolf.
WG could have switched, but he could have switched to sixfour.

I guess you're mixing something up
i mean

WG gets some villa points for not voting sixfour when he could have

Donk gets some villa points for pointing this out about WG

3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 03:06 PM
xpostaments yes
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by Toganim
dude, im not saying hes super super super clear- i have multiple ppl above him. but you fail to see the big picture here:

- i somehow became a major wagon
- atak got to be a major wagon
- we're both copout wagons which would give minimum info since wolves can pick easily from us
- i got a villavibe from atak since he reacted same way i did
- i tried to push multiple other ppl but none would fly
- i saw a chance that sixfour could fly, so i went for it
- me voting atak would have helped nothing but making him vote me

and yet i feel you are judging me
let's just be cool okay?

I don't mean to be results orientated

if your read on him is right it definitely helped. as I said I just don't see why either of you went sixfour over others.
others would have definitely failed in that scenario as well, as I said in the original post.
why there wasn't more willingness for a Donk wagon over sixfour comparing their voting histories I won't understand.
atak says sixfour did nothing villagery, I disagree, but even if he didn't neither did Donk really.
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by HiFi
If you keep playing this badly you'll never be nk'd and you'll just be left alive to make mistake after mistake all the way until mustlynch. Read the thread.
You're sweet. Are you saying he can't be a wolf? Because if you are I think you're wrong.
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 03:18 PM
same with HiFi

if you're villa you obviously had reasons for it, please understand that's not what I'm talking about.
I'm just trying to determine your role.

"you've managed to make yourself look like a total ass" is funny considering what some people have posted.
I think I've remained calm about everything and didn't make any personal comments.

we're playing WW, you've got to get yourself a thicker skin if you don't like people criticizing your play IF you're villa, which is not done to insult anyone in any way but to figure out roles.
if people determine that you are likely not villa because of it and you actually are villa, tough luck.
you can just call them stupid I guess.
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
03-07-2011 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by Toganim
dude, im not saying hes super super super clear- i have multiple ppl above him. but you fail to see the big picture here:

- i somehow became a major wagon
- atak got to be a major wagon
- we're both copout wagons which would give minimum info since wolves can pick easily from us
- i got a villavibe from atak since he reacted same way i did
- i tried to push multiple other ppl but none would fly
- i saw a chance that sixfour could fly, so i went for it
- me voting atak would have helped nothing but making him vote me

and yet i feel you are judging me
If you're a wolf you have me owned. Im going to be sad if you get lynched.
3/3 Random Day Lengths Vanilla WW Game Thread: The Three Little Pigs Quote
