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3/26 FFIX Vanilla++ GAME THREAD 3/26 FFIX Vanilla++ GAME THREAD

03-27-2012 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Drontier
i think it hints at henrik wolf as well, but yes
yes, everything i say or do, and everything that happens in the game hints at me being a wolf.

but what happens when it turns out i'm not?
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03-27-2012 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by bsball8806
Would someone please tell me if the mechanical reason nofear is a wolf is because mac/bowens weren't angeled?
I think thats what some people are grasping at.

They are assuming the wolves would have angeled Nofear because he could get vig'ed.

Unfortunatly this isnt reliable because obviously the vig didnt target him.

I think the biggest thing that makes nofear a wolf is how Hi-Fi went down instead of him. There "Should" be a good reason for the wolves to have let that happen.

Could just be they are WOAT.
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03-27-2012 , 05:29 PM
I wouldn't overestimate the power 8 wolves have to decide the lynch on d1 in a 30+ player game
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03-27-2012 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Drontier
tarot cards
Ok I will be more specific.

Why those players?

Is it something they have done today or is it based on interactions yesterday?
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03-27-2012 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin
or maybe i was writing a long post?

at least you found the balls to vote me after tunneling for 2 days, but it was funny how you asked for villa permission earlier to do so. i'm already a zero-accountability lynch who everyone in the game thinks is wolfy, why were you so afraid? worried about the consequences when i flip?

anyway, gonan try to do some reading, feel free to continue to comment on how i'm struggling to post as i do so...
wtf are you talking about

yeah I'm scared to go after you

sorry that I don't put as much stock into someone bolding someone's name as I do the reasoning behind it

pretty cute how you just soft-pushed me and didn't vote me; I encourage you to come at me

and a bunch of your posts have been silly pop-ins commenting on unimportant material
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03-27-2012 , 05:30 PM
That's kind of a weak explanation

Wolves angel each other for all sorts of reasons
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03-27-2012 , 05:30 PM
small party of me thinks henrik is the sk
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03-27-2012 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by well named
i think that's the theory. seems like it would only apply to macavoy though, not bowens (or at least I'd expect wolves to want to angle macavoy more often then bowens last night)
Do you agree with it? I think it's far less significant than some people are saying.
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03-27-2012 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin
oh and Jerry, the stupid theory i had earlier but didn't really want to bother with was about ppl spelling my name wrong. i recalled ppl doing that in the past, and i thought it was a wolf tell based on my vague recollections. checked the Gods game and it didn't really pan out as it was mostly villas (saw ppl do it a lot in another game, but not sure if it's worth digging through that one to see one way or the other). but, it was interesting that one of the ppl who did spell it wrong in the Gods game was SYF (wolf). why is this interesting? well, for one he knows who i am. we're both regs in the NHL thread, we co-modded a game together not long ago, and he knows exactly who Henrik Sedin is, and how to spell his name. also there are 3 other high profile Henriks in the NHL (Karlsson, Lundqvist, & Zetterberg, the last being a star on SYF's favourite team, so he should be familiar with the correct spelling). i don't think the name is spelled in any other way (Hendrick, Henrick, etc) with any great popularity, so imo spelling my name wrong is kinda weird.

now this theory clicked for me to look into further when i saw bsball spelled my name wrong today (and i remembered that vix did it yesterday), but i checked and he did it in the Gods game too, and we don't have a ton of history so w/e. but this brings me to why i think it's weird that vix in particular spelled it wrong. he's probably played more with me than anyone else in the game, so like with SYF last game it seems pretty odd that he'd get my name wrong. it's not that hard, it's 6 letters. it's a fairly simple and standard name. now i realize how extremely thin and probably stupid it is, but it made some sense to me this morning after already being concerned about a possible connection between vix & bsball.

anyway, will try to read them both before EOD today and report back...

Dude check your facts. I never voted you in gods of greece
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03-27-2012 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
small party of me thinks henrik is the sk
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03-27-2012 , 05:31 PM
lol how can we not lynch henrik after that

that is like the worst thing ever
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03-27-2012 , 05:31 PM
bowens seems to spew a lot of villagers:


I hope I got all this right; I didn't do enough quoting.... so many names..!

He may have even spewed TheNothing villager?? that one is thin though. :P And maybe hotwings...
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03-27-2012 , 05:31 PM
Someone explain to me why nofear got steam yesterday and why it was a good wagon yesterday. I've asked like 8 times and would like an opinion since a lot of people are pushing it
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03-27-2012 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan

Dude check your facts. I never voted you in gods of greece
read the post, i didn't say vote anywhere.
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03-27-2012 , 05:33 PM
henrik you're still commenting on stuff that no one cares about

you're not contributing anything to discussion
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03-27-2012 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
small party of me thinks henrik is the sk
interestttting. i kinda like this.
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03-27-2012 , 05:33 PM
Well Named Presents An Exhaustively Researched And Hopefully Pretty Amazing Day Two Reads List With Notes

jerry yang mcguire


steve yzerman fan

henrik sedin



#57 - bowens refers to vyk as a villager in a way that's likely genuine, then throws suspicion on him. vyk==villager
#67 - moocher makes a good hifi vote, hifi responds in a way (#69) that probably indicates moocher=villager
#82 - bsball defends that hifi was not in passive commentator mode but hifi's first post is extremely passive commentator-ish. wolf points for bsball
**#88 - interesting jerry yang post to hifi. check for followup
-- #93 hifi "finds" a villager in jerry == jerry villager?
-- #1152 hifi refers to jerry coming after her early and says it's too ballsy for a new wolf. Interesting to remember it. also seems villagery for jerry

#97 - aicirt soft defends hifi in a wolfy way
#103 - moocher makes a bowens vote. 2 wolves in 2 votes is pretty good
#106 - more good vyk interaction with wolves. not gonna really note vyk villageryness any further since he's lock clear
#108 - officedog entrance is wolfy-ish
#120-130 - bsball giving vyk crap about his poker analogies seems rather forced
#128 - bsball makes a passive agreeing comment about vyk bitching about passive commentator mode :P
#129 - aicirt's "analysis" of vyk seems really forced for not saying anything
**#131 - aicirt has bowens/moocher as wolf leans and asks for info. followup?
-- after getting lists from both players basically immediately votes moocher. but why ask if you're going to vote before following up?
-- answer today is ok-ish only in that I also somewhat ignored bowens based on the "he's always wolfy" theorum.

#161-ish - moocher interaction with bowens looks good for moocher
#173 - bowens calls moocher villagery == moocher villager?
#186 - supine soft defends bowens in a wolfy way

#266-267 - caedus with caedussy reads that seem pretty good
page 2 - not really sure that NLS is THAT villagery. Monte seems mildly villagery but need more

#302 - seems slightly wolfy from officedog but maybe I'm overestimating her knowledge of me?
#322 - bowens calls slighted clear. Clears slighted?

NLsoldier masonry stuff is mildly villagery?
reading soah I think somewhat depends on bsball/aicirt, mildly concerned about the breadth of his reads being too narrow

#502 - I think bsball's efforts to say basically that nothing is villagery for me is wolfy on his part.
#549 - bowens calls moocher/vix v/v in a way that's probably true?
#584 - wolfy equivocation from aicirt re: moocher

(current) steve yzerman fan asking for thoughts on a pretty good list

#638 - what to make of FN2339 being so far behind/not saying anything really useful (but 4 pages back?)
#640 - officedog "can't get a bead on me" and refers to me as "angry" which seems really fake/wrong since I wasn't angry
#654 - villagery tone from fn2339
#679 - villagery post and reads from shipitup
#710 - drontier enters with SIU and FN as villlagers, reads I think I share regardless of his role? interesting way to start though?
#718 - very villagery reads list for FN
#729 - comeasur seems to have a wolfy pattern of asking questions but not giving conclusions
#730 - drontier seems very wolfy. this explanation for why he thought aksdal calling him a wolf is villagery makes no sense
#749 - a villagery NLsoldier observation made in a villagery way
#754 - village points to shipitup for pursuing a case that was out of the mainstream discussion
#767 - compared to how I've seen monte react to this kind of thing as a wolf it's mildly villagery (less aggro)
#812 - villagery explanation of suspicion on shipitup

#1099 - shipitup likes a tweedy post calling out bowens. village points for both
#1165 - villagery post about OD from magic_gazz to hifi. More so if OD is a wolf (pending)
#1168 - villagery of monte to call out comeasur for not re-reading like he said he would?
#1195 - good post from vix about henrik's list
#1213 - soah spots something I missed in a villagery way for soah
**#1271 - bowens calls nofear wolfy - where does he vote?
#1301 - montecore/vivi makes a good mac vote
#1423 - mcavoy voters (aksdal, monte/vivi, tweedy) likely to all be villagers.
#1561 - aicirt question about mac read is iffy
#1590 - vix makes a good macavoy vote
#1601 - wolfy for comeasur to pose this as a question rather than giving a read between nofear/hifi (even though the read is implicit)
#1619 - now votes hifi
#1638 - bowens pushes nofear over hifi. would he do this with nofear=wolf? maybe cause of hifi's power role?
#1647 - wahoo commenting on bowens wagon seems villagery

#1600s - magic kind of villagery in a tone way?

#1696 - don't think vix is as likely to comment on bussing as a wolf with hifi.
#1729 aicirt makes a wolfy nofear vote if nofear is a villager.

#2514 - like this argument about bsball from soah.
#2559 - vivi makes a thoughtful post about officedog

kind of wolfy that slighted is narrowly tunneling on interpretation of the NK today
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03-27-2012 , 05:33 PM
Henrik having possibly woat d2 so far. Also I'm curious why several people are listing me as wolfy.
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03-27-2012 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
gonan have a party when you mislynch me?

Originally Posted by bsball8806
lol how can we not lynch henrik after that

that is like the worst thing ever
again, mislynching me bc i suck, just like last game...beautiful.

and the cool part is no one will care tomorrow. zero accountability.
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03-27-2012 , 05:34 PM
Even though nofear is still in my wolves list, I kind of think we should lynch one of the wolfiest nofear voters before nofear. If there are too many wolves on the nofear wagon it makes it fairly likely that nofear is a villager, for obvious reasons
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03-27-2012 , 05:34 PM
well named I think it's in your best interest to bus your entire team for cred
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03-27-2012 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
henrik you're still commenting on stuff that no one cares about

you're not contributing anything to discussion
i'm being forced to defend myself bc ppl keep attacking me, numbnuts.

you and bsball are seriously the worst...
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03-27-2012 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by well named
I wouldn't overestimate the power 8 wolves have to decide the lynch on d1 in a 30+ player game
Well if all 8 of them went onto the the next wagon it would have made it closer and if they did it early enough could have got other people to join. Momentum and other such things.

I guess that requires too much co-ordination though and wolves often panic bus when one looks like they are going down.

If nofear is a villager why is he not here villaging and instead messing about playing in game actions?
Seems like he is trying to win something to save himself rather than bother to be here clearing himself.
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03-27-2012 , 05:35 PM
WOAT thunderdome
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03-27-2012 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by well named
Well Named Presents An Exhaustively Researched And Hopefully Pretty Amazing Day Two Reads List With Notes

jerry yang mcguire


steve yzerman fan

henrik sedin



#57 - bowens refers to vyk as a villager in a way that's likely genuine, then throws suspicion on him. vyk==villager
#67 - moocher makes a good hifi vote, hifi responds in a way (#69) that probably indicates moocher=villager
#82 - bsball defends that hifi was not in passive commentator mode but hifi's first post is extremely passive commentator-ish. wolf points for bsball
**#88 - interesting jerry yang post to hifi. check for followup
-- #93 hifi "finds" a villager in jerry == jerry villager?
-- #1152 hifi refers to jerry coming after her early and says it's too ballsy for a new wolf. Interesting to remember it. also seems villagery for jerry

#97 - aicirt soft defends hifi in a wolfy way
#103 - moocher makes a bowens vote. 2 wolves in 2 votes is pretty good
#106 - more good vyk interaction with wolves. not gonna really note vyk villageryness any further since he's lock clear
#108 - officedog entrance is wolfy-ish
#120-130 - bsball giving vyk crap about his poker analogies seems rather forced
#128 - bsball makes a passive agreeing comment about vyk bitching about passive commentator mode :P
#129 - aicirt's "analysis" of vyk seems really forced for not saying anything
**#131 - aicirt has bowens/moocher as wolf leans and asks for info. followup?
-- after getting lists from both players basically immediately votes moocher. but why ask if you're going to vote before following up?
-- answer today is ok-ish only in that I also somewhat ignored bowens based on the "he's always wolfy" theorum.

#161-ish - moocher interaction with bowens looks good for moocher
#173 - bowens calls moocher villagery == moocher villager?
#186 - supine soft defends bowens in a wolfy way

#266-267 - caedus with caedussy reads that seem pretty good
page 2 - not really sure that NLS is THAT villagery. Monte seems mildly villagery but need more

#302 - seems slightly wolfy from officedog but maybe I'm overestimating her knowledge of me?
#322 - bowens calls slighted clear. Clears slighted?

NLsoldier masonry stuff is mildly villagery?
reading soah I think somewhat depends on bsball/aicirt, mildly concerned about the breadth of his reads being too narrow

#502 - I think bsball's efforts to say basically that nothing is villagery for me is wolfy on his part.
#549 - bowens calls moocher/vix v/v in a way that's probably true?
#584 - wolfy equivocation from aicirt re: moocher

(current) steve yzerman fan asking for thoughts on a pretty good list

#638 - what to make of FN2339 being so far behind/not saying anything really useful (but 4 pages back?)
#640 - officedog "can't get a bead on me" and refers to me as "angry" which seems really fake/wrong since I wasn't angry
#654 - villagery tone from fn2339
#679 - villagery post and reads from shipitup
#710 - drontier enters with SIU and FN as villlagers, reads I think I share regardless of his role? interesting way to start though?
#718 - very villagery reads list for FN
#729 - comeasur seems to have a wolfy pattern of asking questions but not giving conclusions
#730 - drontier seems very wolfy. this explanation for why he thought aksdal calling him a wolf is villagery makes no sense
#749 - a villagery NLsoldier observation made in a villagery way
#754 - village points to shipitup for pursuing a case that was out of the mainstream discussion
#767 - compared to how I've seen monte react to this kind of thing as a wolf it's mildly villagery (less aggro)
#812 - villagery explanation of suspicion on shipitup

#1099 - shipitup likes a tweedy post calling out bowens. village points for both
#1165 - villagery post about OD from magic_gazz to hifi. More so if OD is a wolf (pending)
#1168 - villagery of monte to call out comeasur for not re-reading like he said he would?
#1195 - good post from vix about henrik's list
#1213 - soah spots something I missed in a villagery way for soah
**#1271 - bowens calls nofear wolfy - where does he vote?
#1301 - montecore/vivi makes a good mac vote
#1423 - mcavoy voters (aksdal, monte/vivi, tweedy) likely to all be villagers.
#1561 - aicirt question about mac read is iffy
#1590 - vix makes a good macavoy vote
#1601 - wolfy for comeasur to pose this as a question rather than giving a read between nofear/hifi (even though the read is implicit)
#1619 - now votes hifi
#1638 - bowens pushes nofear over hifi. would he do this with nofear=wolf? maybe cause of hifi's power role?
#1647 - wahoo commenting on bowens wagon seems villagery

#1600s - magic kind of villagery in a tone way?

#1696 - don't think vix is as likely to comment on bussing as a wolf with hifi.
#1729 aicirt makes a wolfy nofear vote if nofear is a villager.

#2514 - like this argument about bsball from soah.
#2559 - vivi makes a thoughtful post about officedog

kind of wolfy that slighted is narrowly tunneling on interpretation of the NK today
So I'm slightly wolfy, but you have NOTHING in those notes about me? Why is that?
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