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3/14 Mod Wars Werewolf Mish-Mash 3/14 Mod Wars Werewolf Mish-Mash

03-16-2016 , 08:19 AM
bigger it's time for some claims
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03-16-2016 , 08:20 AM
also bigger was campaigning hard for batm's lynch last night
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03-16-2016 , 08:26 AM
basically anything than a full claim of all his actions from Roman upon his first post today is a wolf claim

bigger and insanity need to prepare claims as well.
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03-16-2016 , 08:33 AM
I'm fine claiming. My role isn't that great.

I'm a vote giver/getter. I can make anyone's vote either 0 or 2. I made lilrascals's vote yesterday 0 (lol). I made mexi's 2 today.

You won't find this anywhere. I didn't sign up for this, I was invited. My only games to mod were H&F vanillas. I didn't know what to ask for so I just said seer since there was a seer and watcher since I was that last game I played. I really didn't put any thought in it at all. I was obv. given neither.

off to work
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03-16-2016 , 08:45 AM
I believe you about being invited and assigned a random role, but I don't believe that the mods gave you vote powers as a villager given Gad's role

not one bit
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03-16-2016 , 08:46 AM
Another thing, if you had this role that doesn't exist, that would give you pretty strong evidence that wolves don't have char vigs, since there would be some (you) they couldn't target. Why did you never think to bring this up?

Bigger lock wolf imo
3/14 Mod Wars Werewolf Mish-Mash Quote
03-16-2016 , 09:03 AM
Votes from post 2913 to post 2931
Night in 11:57:51

2 RAORoman biggerboat (4), StuckinARutt (14)
6 not voting Gadarene (0), insanity31 (0), Jar Jar Bakes (0), mexineil (0), Myrologue (0), RAORoman (0)
3/14 Mod Wars Werewolf Mish-Mash Quote
03-16-2016 , 09:06 AM
A shot rings out, and StuckinARutt is dead.


StuckinARutt, you are Scott Lang, AKA Ant-Man.

You have the following powers:

Lost in the Crowd: Once per night, starting night 0, you can choose to shrink and hide behind another player. By doing so you cannot be targeted, but if the player you are hiding behind is targeted, you will become a target as well.

Pym Disks: Once per night, starting night 1, you can shrink a player by throwing a disk at them. They will be night angeled for that night, but should they use an action on the same night, it will only succeed at a half of their original rate.

Restrictions: You may not target the same player on consecutive nights with either action, and you may not target a player with both actions on the same night.

I think we should call the Avengers.
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03-16-2016 , 09:17 AM
Wolves have gained the control of today's lynch, and it is impossible for any non-wolf for preventing them from eliminating the non-wolves. Due to this, the game has been called for the wolves.

Congratulations to the surviving wolves:


biggerboat, you are the wolf Angel and Claim Duplicator , and you have the following abilities:

1) Every night, starting night 1, you may night angel a player. You may target yourself, but you may not target the same player on consecutive nights. This ability will disappear once there are fewer than 4 wolves left OR there are 8 non-wolves left, whichever comes first.

2) Every day, starting day 2, you may submit a post to the moderators. If that post was made by a non-wolf, and if it contains what the mods consider to be a truthful hardclaim, you will receive the claimed action for that day and the following night (whichever is appropriate). You may successfully attempt to use this ability twice during the game.



insanity31, you are the AIDS Virus. Really, what WW game is complete without a little AIDS? Surely not this one.

You are a wolf Nullifier. Each night, starting night 0, you may select one player, and the following day that person’s vote will count for 0. You may not select the same player on consecutive nights.

Furthermore, you will gain a percentage night vigilante shot, to be used on that night. If you self-vote, the vote will not count for vig-gaining purposes, though it will count as a normal vote towards the lynch total.

The hit rate percentage of your Night Vigilante shot is equal to the double of the percentage of the votes from the live player list you receive at EOD of the previous day.



Myrologue, you are Anivia.

"I am the fury of the blizzard, the bite of the wind, and the cold of the ice. I am the Freljord."

You are the wolf Jaileeper.

Every night, starting night 1, you may target a player. That player will be angeled and roleblocked for that night. You may not select the same player on consecutive nights, and you may not select yourself.



RAORoman, you are Doctor Facilier.

You are the wolf Tailor. Every night, starting night 0, you may target a player that is not yourself and supply us with a wolf role. If that player is lynched on the following day, they will be revealed as the role you created. The wolf team will receive that player’s true role. You may not target the same player on consecutive nights and you may not target yourself. Once you successfully use this ability, it will be consumed.

as well to their dead comrades.
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03-16-2016 , 09:19 AM
So many wolves
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03-16-2016 , 09:19 AM
6 wolves rofl

so who took that shot?
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03-16-2016 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by Jar Jar Bakes
So many wolves
i wonder why
3/14 Mod Wars Werewolf Mish-Mash Quote
03-16-2016 , 09:20 AM
so I was severely on point this game.

wolves must have been shook

I'd like to know if anyone targeted me n1 or n2 and how rattled they were

my role was fun

great game everyone (except BATM) was very fun.
thx mods. gj wolves
3/14 Mod Wars Werewolf Mish-Mash Quote
03-16-2016 , 09:20 AM
Jar Jar Bakes played well, but he got no help from the village:


Jar Jar Bakes, you are Asterix.

You are the main character of the Asterix comic book series, following the exploits of a village of indomitable Gauls as they resist Roman occupation. They do so by means of a magic potion, brewed by their druid, which gives the recipient superhuman strength. Asterix is a brave, clever, shrewd warrior of somewhat diminutive size, who eagerly volunteers for all perilous missions.

What are you doing here you might ask?

Park Astérix is a theme amusement park nearby Disneyland. Once successful, the attendance and turnover dipped because of the Disney competition. So you do not really care about the petty rivalries between cute Disney characters; your only goal is to massacre everyone in Disneyland and burn the place to the ground.

What's the plan, you might ask?


First of all, On night 0, choose what you want to be peek as. You may choose among the following options:
i) Affiliation peek as villager, full role peek as vanilla villager
ii) Affiliation peek as villager, full role peek as Grumpy.
iii) Be unpeekable. All peeks on you will return "no result". .

You also have a nightkill that cannot be roleblocked, tracked or watched. It can, however, be angeled.

Furthermore for this mission, the druid gave you a flask of magic potion containing 2sips. Drinking the potion guarantees your invincibility (except from lynch) during the day or night you took the potion. The last sip gives you an extra unRBable kill as you will be rustled not to have any more potion.

You win when Disneyland is left in ruins, i.e., you are the last man standing.

Commiserations to the remaining villagers:



mexineil, you are Friend Bear, a Care Bear with peach colored fur and a belly badge with two smiling intertwined flowers. How cute! If there's one thing Friend Bear knows, it's how to be a pal. She practically wrote the book on companionship, and knows that there's no greater gift in the world than a good buddy to share all of life's ups and downs. She's willing to stand beside anyone who needs a companion, consort, partner, sidekick, or just plain acquaintance. She's the social butterfly of the Care Bear team, and with her around, you're never in danger of being alone.

You are a Village Friend Maker. You have the following abilities:

No later than the lynch reveal of day 1, you may select two players that are not yourself from the playerlist; these players will become masons and have 24h chat. The effects of this action will not be made public.

Gadarene, you are a village Hanging Judge. You have the following powers:

Voice of the People: One time during the game beginning n0, you may choose at night to have the top two wagons lynched the following day. This will be announced in-thread at the start of the day.

Lynch: One time during the game beginning d1, you may choose to lynch the second wagon (based on the true final count) as well as the first wagon. You may make this choice by PMing the moderator during the corrections period at EOD.

Street Justice: One time during the game beginning d1, you may choose to execute the lead wagon at any time at least one hour prior to EOD, provided that the lead wagon has at least eight more votes than the second wagon as of the most recent posted vote count.

Voting: In addition, you have eight total votes that you may use over the course of the game, in any combination (for example, if you use all eight votes on d1, then your d1 vote will count as 8, but the rest of your votes for the game will count as 0). PM the game mod no later than the corrections period at EOD each day to say how many of your votes (from zero to however many you have so far not used) you would like to use on the person you have voted for that day. If you do not PM the game mod by the end of the corrections period, your vote will default to 1 as long as you have a vote available to use. You may PM the game mod at any time to know how many total votes you have left.

Postgame is open. You may post!
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03-16-2016 , 09:20 AM
I flipped back and forth between raor and stuck but im never winning this amyway

Lol village
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03-16-2016 , 09:21 AM
3/14 Mod Wars Werewolf Mish-Mash Quote
03-16-2016 , 09:21 AM
got you well stork
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03-16-2016 , 09:21 AM
so did roman create a day vig for the wolves or something?
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03-16-2016 , 09:21 AM
gg bakes

gg village
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03-16-2016 , 09:22 AM
3/14 Mod Wars Werewolf Mish-Mash Quote
03-16-2016 , 09:22 AM
holy **** jjb

very well done
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03-16-2016 , 09:22 AM
Well, okay then. gg.

Gadarene, I'm sorry.
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03-16-2016 , 09:23 AM
Curious why wolves kill me there instead of a lock clear villa like gad or mexi

I had NSK equity - which if I flip wolves basically lose
3/14 Mod Wars Werewolf Mish-Mash Quote
03-16-2016 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by Jar Jar Bakes
got you well stork
Its quite funny, the reason you didn't kill me n1 was because stuck targetted you so your kill failed.

I worked out that you couldn't have a track/watch/etc. on me but I couldn't work out what it actually was.

Oh well.
3/14 Mod Wars Werewolf Mish-Mash Quote
03-16-2016 , 09:24 AM
Stuck jjb killed you
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