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25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD 25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD

12-17-2013 , 04:13 PM
what are the chances that one of these halfassing players is a wolf who wants to get peeked or targeted?
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Charry
bhuber, that clearance is weird

I was just as active last game on d1 and you had me as a wolf (you were a villager).

so you can see my confusion..
There's literally nothing weird about it...its a tone read. I can rescind it if you want (but I think you questioning it is also kind of villagery so theres that...I think a wolf would be more inclined to be just happy with it/go with the flow).

You gave me a wolf lean last game which probably played into it (meaning I might have been a little biased/thought you were wolfy because you thought I was a wolf) always seem to think I am a wolf though

Dont know what to tell you...l2readmebetter
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by GooberMcfarland
gambit, i often have bad EOD's on d1 (sometimes just bad d1's) but i'm not worried about it

i would be willing to vote as a block today most likely. last night was just an unorganized cluster**** with many people switching their vote and me having no idea what the actual count was. was pretty surprised it worked out
You left me hanging kid
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
If you are a villager I truly apologize because I'm a villager too - but I keep going back and forth on you and that typically means you are a wolf. Plus - I'm just going ot sponge a cleared player who looks like he is actually in tune with the thread whereas I am not.
ok, fair enough
I've been going back and forth on you a lot as well
I don't get to sponge the cleared player - he wants me dead

I think that the people that see us as wolfy have a different take on what makes someone villagery

25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:14 PM
and please don't forget about this role

Day Seer / Ender - Receives 1 peek / day beginning d1, by PMing the mod. Has a one time power to end day early by exactly as many hours as he has peeked vanillagers up to that point in the game.
earlier we have reasonable wagons better it is
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by GooberMcfarland
filthy, are you trying to die or something?
lol no

i woke surprised the wolves didn't nk me

i think all chrisv(he was the wolf, right?) voters should be off the table today. if i am accidentally voting for one of them i'll switch my vote
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
That its Sun who is actually posting
What? Of course it's Sun, why wouldn't it be? I mean he's posting like Sun, and his reads seem good, so at the very least it's someone as good as Sun. But Sun's like one of my favorite ww players... and this is definitely his style of posting. Which I could see someone trying to mimic, but I can't imagine anyone succeeding.

Explain yourself please.

Originally Posted by filthyvermin
it would be better if i came in and bickered with people for pages and pages, right? or maybe if i whined and complained and insulted people.

ww games would be much better if people made less posts.

i said CT was a wolf. i was probably wrong about that.

i said mets was a wolf. i was probably wrong about that too.

i sponged okse. i'll stick by my feeling that he is a villager.

i called zayana a wolf based on a post of hers i didn't even read. i'll stick by that. just hoping to get lucky really.

i forget what other reads(guesses) i made.

and now i voted TL even though i dont think i read any of her posts.

my points is that within my few posts i have carved out associations, not bickered with other players.
you aren't getting lucky...

Originally Posted by gambit8888
That is the conclusion I came to about half way thru day1
yeah but why?

Originally Posted by gambit8888
I am not the only person who thinks/thought this LKJ

If you disagree with me than I agree to disagree.

My whole point was not to base your Sun read off of what WN said in that post
who else thinks this?
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
But anyway I'm at least a day away from really considering lynching him anyway, so we can table that for now.
That is exactly where I am with him as well.

Glad to see we are on the same page

good response btw
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
Lol at insinuating that I would go and search anyones posts

Anyways, my point is that when I am a wolf and you are a villa, you post hard, find a wolf pretty fast, and push push push.

Have you done that?

Yes or No is good enough answer
nope (although I think I am very close to selecting my victim for the day)

(most likely one of kruze/luckbox/vermin IMO)

I am fond of the fact that you think I always find a wolf quickly though I wont let it get to my head (even if its not always true )

my d1 reads own though so everyone would be better off sponging them come EoD when they are ON POINT.
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
lol no

i woke surprised the wolves didn't nk me

i think all chrisv(he was the wolf, right?) voters should be off the table today. if i am accidentally voting for one of them i'll switch my vote

change your vote then because i voted chris
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
what are the chances that one of these halfassing players is a wolf who wants to get peeked or targeted?
yuck, this is a good point.. the seer killer
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Klairic
ok, fair enough
I've been going back and forth on you a lot as well
I don't get to sponge the cleared player - he wants me dead

I think that the people that see us as wolfy have a different take on what makes someone villagery


If you start posting really villgery and find someone who looks like a wolf, I'll gladly sponge you instead.
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Zayana

you aren't getting lucky...
story of my life

that's what all the girls say to me
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin

cuz well named said he was a wolf
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
lol no

i woke surprised the wolves didn't nk me

i think all chrisv(he was the wolf, right?) voters should be off the table today. if i am accidentally voting for one of them i'll switch my vote
You are voting a ChrisV voter, a pretty pivotal one even...
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
what are the chances that one of these halfassing players is a wolf who wants to get peeked or targeted?
the only person i felt posted like that yesterday was redd, although he's not really half-assing

kept talking about how he'd always get mislynched in this game which seemed to be begging for a peek. pretty dumb thing to say half way through day one and i'm pretty sure he likes to do "cute" stuff like that as a wolf ime
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:18 PM
had this quote in a different window Ii forgot about. it's a lil interesting, thought u should check it out
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:19 PM
who did sun vote for last night?

im actually liking my sun vote the more i think about it. well named was killed for a reason. if he was all over sun being a wolf. that is a good reason to lynch someone.
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by GooberMcfarland
the only person i felt posted like that yesterday was redd, although he's not really half-assing

kept talking about how he'd always get mislynched in this game which seemed to be begging for a peek. pretty dumb thing to say half way through day one and i'm pretty sure he likes to do "cute" stuff like that as a wolf ime

Who the **** are you? LOL Reveal yourself - NOW!
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Zayana
What? Of course it's Sun, why wouldn't it be? I mean he's posting like Sun, and his reads seem good, so at the very least it's someone as good as Sun. But Sun's like one of my favorite ww players... and this is definitely his style of posting. Which I could see someone trying to mimic, but I can't imagine anyone succeeding.

Explain yourself please.
Please show me any game where Sun posts at SOD and continues through out the day/game.

Furthermore, please show me any game where he talks like this
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
and please don't forget about this role

earlier we have reasonable wagons better it is
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
You left me hanging kid
you switched to kruze last night right?

i'll vote him today since he's not even trying
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Charry
had this quote in a different window Ii forgot about. it's a lil interesting, thought u should check it out
Yeah well I think he's a wolf, but apparently a lot of people disagree with me. He keeps showing up on villa lists, and I really don't get it.
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Zayana
You are voting a ChrisV voter, a pretty pivotal one even...
goddammit! fml

lol at xpost of liking sun vote more

25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
who did sun vote for last night?

im actually liking my sun vote the more i think about it. well named was killed for a reason. if he was all over sun being a wolf. that is a good reason to lynch someone.
i voted chris (he's dead wolf rber)

and stop acting like 3 year old and take some responsiblity for your actions and don't hide behind other people reads
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
who did sun vote for last night?

im actually liking my sun vote the more i think about it. well named was killed for a reason. if he was all over sun being a wolf. that is a good reason to lynch someone.
sun voted chris, tried to save mets, and had chris as wolfy all day

so i'd say sun is a pretty likely villager

your timelady vote was fine
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:21 PM

i'll get on this wagon
25K Poast V++ Alpha Strike Extravaganza GAME THREAD Quote
