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22 April Vanilla WW Game 22 April Vanilla WW Game

04-25-2011 , 01:05 PM
How did I end up a wolf? What are you on, I want some to distract me from my ear hurting.

As a reminder: I voted NeVeR end of d1 when it was razor sharp to him getting lynched. In comes kowboys4, gder402 and exo to derail the votes in the wrong direction.

Now kowboys4 comes in with accusing me of being a wolf? LOL! The reasons I'm sticking with gder402 and not switching over to you is because you seem to have done way too much work for a wolf. Re-reading the thread and all.

But really,

Originally Posted by kowboys4
Gder402 - Too many players have pushed him at one point or another for him to be on a wolf team
Terrible reason much? Is that how you got Systo lynched after NeVeR CLEARLY slipped that both him and CDL are villas? You're either a wolf or a bad villager, and I'm leaning toward the former.

So wolves for me based on what kowboys is saying:

gder402 and koyboys4.

kowboys4 is also accusing exo of being on 3/4 wolf teams so if we lynch kowboys4 tonight and he's a villager, we can go with his reads and lynch me or exo, but if he's a wolf, then gder402 is lol-wolf-obviously and we have 1 wolf left to catch, who I don't know.
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 01:06 PM
Either lynch SixFour --> Ilya
or BitchiBee --> Ilya

Each goes the path of victory.
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 01:10 PM
nevermind about systo, I just checked and you voted for 64. still, lol
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by IlyaMuromec
How did I end up a wolf? What are you on, I want some to distract me from my ear hurting.

As a reminder: I voted NeVeR end of d1 when it was razor sharp to him getting lynched. In comes kowboys4, gder402 and exo to derail the votes in the wrong direction.

Now kowboys4 comes in with accusing me of being a wolf? LOL! The reasons I'm sticking with gder402 and not switching over to you is because you seem to have done way too much work for a wolf. Re-reading the thread and all.

But really,

Terrible reason much? Is that how you got Systo lynched after NeVeR CLEARLY slipped that both him and CDL are villas? You're either a wolf or a bad villager, and I'm leaning toward the former.

So wolves for me based on what kowboys is saying:

gder402 and koyboys4.

kowboys4 is also accusing exo of being on 3/4 wolf teams so if we lynch kowboys4 tonight and he's a villager, we can go with his reads and lynch me or exo, but if he's a wolf, then gder402 is lol-wolf-obviously and we have 1 wolf left to catch, who I don't know.
Love this post for information. Not so much for villageriness.

A. You're obviously a gimmick. Everyone thought you were a newb and cleared you because of it. I see posts that tell a different story. I can point out more then this one.

B. I didn't get systolic lynched. I didn't vote for him and said I didn't want him lynched. You should read more.

C. I was the one who brought the original case against Never. I posted tons and tons against him. Even if I were a wolf and bussed, posting over and over like that with evidence and calling out a slip with hifi is out of my range. Everyone here knows I am a terrible wolf and whichever player is behind this gimmick also knows that

D. Lastly, you seem to be at odds with whether you want to push me or not over Gder. You're staying with gder because he is the popular choice. He's a total villager and you know it.

Cmon villagers just read my posts. If you have any questions as to why I think a certain way on someone I am happy to divulge especially on my villagers.
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 01:14 PM
also if you read my post I haven't nailed you yet but you do fit 3 out of 4 wolf teams. So if you aren't a wolf then vote sixfour with me for great success.
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by kowboys4
D. Lastly, you seem to be at odds with whether you want to push me or not over Gder. You're staying with gder because he is the popular choice. He's a total villager and you know it.
sigh, this is kind of lol when more or less all your wolf teams include exo and nobody else apart from you thinks he's a wofl
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 01:22 PM
i mean cmon guys. When the only argument im getting back is "you are lol" they might as well be lolcatting.

They have no defense for the supposed slips, there is plenty of evidence to support this theory via Process of elimination and now their tones as well.
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by sixfour
meant to say how is not everybody

I obviously knew others were voting insure.
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 01:25 PM
kowboys why are you completely ignoring insures mega sus snipe? You think as a villager she just elects to stay silent all the way to :00?

You think as a villager she wouldn't try posting in the thread that she very obviously was paying attention to near eod?

You think as a villager she would have the kind of posts that she had today? Not even addressing the snipe or saying anything at all?
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 01:35 PM

Let me get this clear up this 64 Ilya being a girl's name and all. IlyaMuromec is a Russian folktale hero. and Ilya is a male name, so the whole assumption that 64 would talk to me, know I'm female and therefore call me a she = wrong.

I have testicles. Is that the only reason you wanna lynch him?

Besides that,

Calling me a gimmick is pissing me off, as is the very idea of anyone accusing me of being a wolf, given that, repeat after me:

I voted NeVeR end of d1 when it was razor sharp to him getting lynched. In comes kowboys4, gder402 and exo to derail the votes in the wrong direction.

So judging by your reasoning, you're actually not a wolf and I was simply steaming and I'm still steaming a bit but gder402 and exo do sound like the more likely candidates BECAUSE they derailed the NeVeR d1 lynch AND

Originally Posted by Oreos
Votes as of post 1113
4InsureMePlzCPHoya, exoendo, kowboys4, rebonkulous
4Systolicderwipok, gder402, InsureMePlz, sixfour
2exoendoSystolic, ZomgHax
2gder402Aicirt, IlyaMuromec
Look who voted for Insure/Systo? I'm guessing the 3 wolves are 3/8 votes there.

Rebonk is dead, Insure has to be innocent or else it wouldn't come to the wire. Leading me to believe that 3/6 people are guilty in there.

The list:


End of d1 ppl to derail the NeVeR wagon were kowboys4, gder402 and exo.

Kowboys is on one hand making sense, on the other accusing me of nonsense.

Gder402 has completely ignored my accusations and has not defended himself, at all. Exo self-voted. CPHoya, derwi and 64 I really didn't pay any attention to so I don't know.


Also, 3 ppl are already voting for Insure again. Once again, if he was a wolf, the vote between Systo and Insure WOULD NEVER BE 4/4 EITHER WAY. So the ppl voting Insure today are either lol-bad or wolves.
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by IlyaMuromec

Also, 3 ppl are already voting for Insure again. Once again, if he was a wolf, the vote between Systo and Insure WOULD NEVER BE 4/4 EITHER WAY. So the ppl voting Insure today are either lol-bad or wolves.
umm trust me, wolves will bus their own, tie up counts, etc. Assuming that just because it was 4/4 insure can't be a wolf isn't very logical. Additionally, insure was basically cfd'd in the last 30 seconds. So wolves wouldn't have been able to do much about it.
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by exoendo
kowboys why are you completely ignoring insures mega sus snipe? You think as a villager she just elects to stay silent all the way to :00?

You think as a villager she wouldn't try posting in the thread that she very obviously was paying attention to near eod?

You think as a villager she would have the kind of posts that she had today? Not even addressing the snipe or saying anything at all?
I'm having a tough time convincing myself to get involved.

I got frustrated yesterday because people were trying to vote me because of the person I subbed in for. How am I even supposed to defend myself against that?
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 01:53 PM
I kinda just gave up this morning so I'm just fluffing it up. I assume people are going to lynch me eventually so we might as well get it over with.
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by exoendo
kowboys why are you completely ignoring insures mega sus snipe? You think as a villager she just elects to stay silent all the way to :00?

You think as a villager she wouldn't try posting in the thread that she very obviously was paying attention to near eod?

You think as a villager she would have the kind of posts that she had today? Not even addressing the snipe or saying anything at all?
I'm not ignoring it. But Sixfour made the same exact vote that insure did yesterday and got no heat for it even though he had no reason to make the systolic vote at all.

Look at the votes from yesterday and look how it went down and you will see that all of the teams I propose make total sense.
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 02:07 PM

Beats the hell outta insure and myself

And ilya stop tunneling and basing reads off me being a wolf.
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by InsureMePlz
I'm having a tough time convincing myself to get involved.

I got frustrated yesterday because people were trying to vote me because of the person I subbed in for. How am I even supposed to defend myself against that?
I'll take a big leap of faith on what exo said about wolves willing to tie up votes and lynch their own since it's my first game. Who knows, maybe wolves who random-lynch CDL are actually doing something brilliant that I'm unaware of.


As soon as this turns out to be villager, I'm back to gder402.
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by gder402

Beats the hell outta insure and myself

And ilya stop tunneling and basing reads off me being a wolf.
And what reasons would you like to give for me to stop basing my reads off of you being a wolf?
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by kowboys4
reading bitchibee and ilya was easy. They don't really eliminate themselves from any wolf teams. They have interactions with people on my villager list making them not W/W like most of the other wolves most importantly aicirt is ever more clear.
I'm kinda thinking the same with regards to BitchiBee. He could be a wolf with pretty much everyone and probably should be lynched soon. At the very least any vote that he makes should have some thoughts behind it.
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 02:17 PM
One more and you guys Maj me. If I was a wolf I would have suicide maj'd by now.
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Oreos
Votes as of post 1113
4InsureMePlzCPHoya, exoendo, kowboys4, rebonkulous
4Systolicderwipok, gder402, InsureMePlz, sixfour
2exoendoSystolic, ZomgHax
2gder402Aicirt, IlyaMuromec

PM me your corrections. If there are none, the next post will be a flip.

If the Id is even, InsureMePlz will be lynched.
It the Id is odd, Systolic will be lynched.

It is night. Do not post.
Look at these votes.

If insureme is a wolf then CPHoya, Exoendo and myself cannot be on his team because we're all on the wagon when it is really close.

Derwipok, Gder402, SixFour all look more suspect BUT SixFour is pushing her today. Derwipok is already voting Insure today.

That would mean either Gder is on the wolf team or no wolves voted to save insure yesterday except herself. This is looking at it unbiased without looking at other data obv.

Other people who could be on Insures team are people who were not around at EOD yesterday late when Insure last minute sprung up which would include the aforementioned Insure/Ilya/Bitchibee team that is in my possible teams.
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 02:19 PM
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Aicirt
I'm kinda thinking the same with regards to BitchiBee. He could be a wolf with pretty much everyone and probably should be lynched soon. At the very least any vote that he makes should have some thoughts behind it.
aicirt I know you are a villager. Can you unvote at the very least to avoid a majority.
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by IlyaMuromec
I have testicles.
Quoting for testicles, lol.

If this is true then obv the slip by 64 wasn't actually a slip. Of course there could have been some coaching involved but it's probably unlikely.
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 02:21 PM
ilya can no longer be on insure's team. Pretty much impossible for her to be a wolf unless I am completely mistaken about gder which i don't feel I am.
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
04-25-2011 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by kowboys4
aicirt I know you are a villager. Can you unvote at the very least to avoid a majority.
I switched to gder earlier for ballanceaments.
22 April Vanilla WW Game Quote
