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The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4

05-19-2015 , 02:01 PM
This was fun! I loved all the counter-cop claims.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:03 PM
I completely concur. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard due to a TWG before.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:03 PM
so many seers

so many seers
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:09 PM
That was fun Mashiii. Love the selection -- were you cullingn as the game went on?

Great fakeclaim -- what lead you to do it? I've rarely seen someone take the hint any better.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:10 PM
Yeah. I've never played in a game with so many Cop claims. It was quite something.

On Kami's thing D2, I actually did think she was Cop right up until she voted jrd after NL's claim, and even then I was still paranoid of it for a bit. In hindsight, I suppose it was indeed too obvious.

When soah unclaimed in response to my claim, I would probably have been pretty amused if I was in fact seer. As scum I was slightly less amused because I realized the only possible Cop left was Phoen and I'd innoed him. I thought since soah hadn't been countered he was real. xD
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:10 PM
Thanks for hosting thingy -- good game everyone. Really enjoyed this one. I hope to play all of you again.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:14 PM
Major props to Mashii, that was some of the most amazing vanilla town play I've seen.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by soah
dude you lost, you can give up now lol

the game is a lock

I claim vanilla. Lissa is the seer and village wins.

If one of you guys wants to claim now the have fun with that.
Originally Posted by notquitethere
Woah woah woah OK what.
this post is a lot funnier now that I understand the context better
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by soah
Why did you kill Mashiii?
On N2, the decision was actually between Mashiii and spruce. We settled on NOT Mashiii, and just went for spruce.

So when D3 happened, it just kind of made a whole lot of sense. And we went with it without much consideration. I remember laying in bed that night with a bad feeling about it, actually, but I highly doubt we would have ever night killed Phoenicks.

I looked back at our notes and Gnaw wasn't even on our suspected N0s for Phoenicks.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Lissa2
Yeah. I've never played in a game with so many Cop claims. It was quite something.

On Kami's thing D2, I actually did think she was Cop right up until she voted jrd after NL's claim, and even then I was still paranoid of it for a bit. In hindsight, I suppose it was indeed too obvious.

When soah unclaimed in response to my claim, I would probably have been pretty amused if I was in fact seer. As scum I was slightly less amused because I realized the only possible Cop left was Phoen and I'd innoed him. I thought since soah hadn't been countered he was real. xD
So sorry to make you claim! I thought about it for a while, and in the fuss of the site being down I tried to think back to my reads and I don't think it would have lined up at all. And if anything... I probably would have also picked Phoenicks as a clear so it might not have mattered anyway.

I was also pretty paranoid of soah just being a crazy Seer and having actually viewed one of us, and the waiting for one of us to claim was a trap. So I just wanted to take the safe route.

Not being able to talk during the day was really weird. I kinda liked it though.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:23 PM
Can we view the mafia QT? I love that sort of thing.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Lissa2
It only goes wrong if he claims an inno on them (not too difficult to avoid) or if they have a guilty on his buddy.
ah the irony
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Phoenicks
Can we view the mafia QT? I love that sort of thing.
We used Skype, is there a way to export the chat? I don't mind at all if so. It's just a lot of boring seer hunting.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Phoenicks
That was fun Mashiii. Love the selection -- were you cullingn as the game went on?
Not as the game went on; I was pretty intent on keeping focused on just playing the game. I did keep in mind any quotes I thought would be good for Post Game. Once I died, I just reread the topic and started collecting them!

Great fakeclaim -- what lead you to do it? I've rarely seen someone take the hint any better.
Well, somewhere early Day 3, I had made the suspicion list (that I would later post at about 2AM EDT, I think). I didn't post it immediately though, because, as I mentioned, I wanted to hear No Lynches Red check. The reason being because when I was trying to find good Wolf Trios where No Lynches was the Seer, nothing seemed to make sense. I mentioned in the topic a couple of times that I was concerned the actual Seer was trying to lay low and not claim in order to get in another seering for the following Day Phase. It would be a perfectly reasonable explanation for why No Lynches survived through the Night Phase, seemed to not care about the game or reveal his Red check, and why he went uncounterclaimed. That all said, I was still paranoid that a push on No Lynches would be regrettable.

When soah took initiative and claimed-but-not-really Seer, I actually thought he was the actual Seer trying to make a wishy-washy claim (I thought it was bold for him to have No Lynches as a Red check). He did give me the confidence to pursue the mutual suspicion of No Lynches though, so I figured that if he was the Seer making said wishy-washy claim, I should claim in his stead in an attempt to protect him. I was worried that no one would believe him and he would be mislynched too (he was indubitably my strongest Town read), so I figured that if ever I was going to commit to some convoluted plan, this game was a good time.

Originally Posted by notquitethere
Major props to Mashii, that was some of the most amazing vanilla town play I've seen.
waoifhuofhofhdso, you don't know how flattered that makes me feel. I was so stressed when I made the claim, because I wasn't sure if it worked. I was ecstatic when I woke up at 8AM and saw that I died.
The antics with the two extra Seer claims definitely made everything worthwhile too.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by nolemonplease
So sorry to make you claim! I thought about it for a while, and in the fuss of the site being down I tried to think back to my reads and I don't think it would have lined up at all. And if anything... I probably would have also picked Phoenicks as a clear so it might not have mattered anyway.

I was also pretty paranoid of soah just being a crazy Seer and having actually viewed one of us, and the waiting for one of us to claim was a trap. So I just wanted to take the safe route.

Not being able to talk during the day was really weird. I kinda liked it though.
I waited a bit to see if you were going to claim, but at some point I realized you probably weren't trusted enough for it to work anyway. So I went through my iso, set it up and did it myself.

And yeah, I wondered about that too. But I eventually decided nqt or ash made more sense as peeks for him, being people he was unsure of, whereas I was a strong Townread and you a strong scumread.

Yeah, it was. I can see an advantage - it's easier to not think about your alignment or buddies if you're not constantly able to talk to them. But it would have been nice to be able to discuss, for example, yesterday (i.e. monday, not d3). xD
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:31 PM
So we have to pick a Top Gun from that awesome lineup?
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:32 PM
This was a really well-played game from both sides.

Was fun to watch. gg all
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by nolemonplease
We used Skype, is there a way to export the chat? I don't mind at all if so. It's just a lot of boring seer hunting.
We could copy-paste it. I wouldn't mind doing that. Too bad the spoiler tags on this forum don't affect length.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:35 PM
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:39 PM
Thanks for sharing Mashiii -- what bothered me most was how all the cops kept giving me clear as or townreads. I ran out of ideas to get you to suspect me.

Your claim bought us the night we needed though -- it was well-done.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:40 PM
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by nolemonplease
On N2, the decision was actually between Mashiii and spruce. We settled on NOT Mashiii, and just went for spruce.

So when D3 happened, it just kind of made a whole lot of sense. And we went with it without much consideration. I remember laying in bed that night with a bad feeling about it, actually, but I highly doubt we would have ever night killed Phoenicks.

I looked back at our notes and Gnaw wasn't even on our suspected N0s for Phoenicks.
I wish we'd had a chance to talk more N3.

Though I don't know how much I would have doubted Mashi's claim. If you mentioned doubts about it, maybe.

I doubt Phoenicks would have been on the table anyway, though.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:48 PM
So did I actually choose the best way to play the final day?

I went through my options the night before and decided that this one was best, but afterwards I was struggling to reconstruct the logic I used to arrive at that conclusion.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
05-19-2015 , 02:49 PM
well if your intention was to scare scum into fakeclaiming it worked lol
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 4 Quote
