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2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) 2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16)

09-20-2013 , 02:23 PM
Are we 100% SK killed Elliot and not YP? Not sure if relevant. Just wondering.
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by shortline99
Are we 100% SK killed Elliot and not YP? Not sure if relevant. Just wondering.
This is a mishmash so no
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Zayana
K, doing chuckles first, you volunteering is pretty villagery though imo... unless you are a wolf and aaron is a villa and I'm wrong which is possible...
i kinda need to volunteer to have fresh eyes on me at this point, mets obviously isn't going to shut up until i'm dead
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by legend42
Out of the lead LOLOL. Yeah he was completely safe in that spot. Glad you maintained.

As far as yesterday, how about being cordial and telling me why moni went from the "person highest on your wolf list" to below Tao?
Tao has also been one of the highest on my wolf list all game. Given all your super d1 soah analysis, you might notice that I was voting for him before I went to moni. I believe I also mentioned on d3 that he was my top choice at the moment. This is a huge game and there are lots of people who need(ed) to die and I can only vote them one at a time.
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:26 PM

Felix fits your theory


How about a good Job on round and digger mets and truce fit a day instead of looking to get me metsy by troll voting me

Can you do that honey
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by shortline99
Are we 100% SK killed Elliot and not YP? Not sure if relevant. Just wondering.
i assumed village vig shot elliot?
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:27 PM
here's a bunch of stuff from page 6:

Originally Posted by J.D.
Oh, forgot this was quoted. was a joke post. 100% a joke what in that post was sooo logical that you believed it?

And yeah, this is pretty much the only reason I didnt want to vote thingy...but decided **** it, need to play WW.
JD asks keshaldra about agreeing with a joke post

Originally Posted by keshaldra
I don't like the thingyman wagon, but I don't really have any wolf reads except for Sun Tzu for asking what the read on him was.
keshaldra is around and responding to recent posts but doesn't seem to notice that JD addressed him

wolves often skim over each others posts which would explain why he doesn't notice it

also note how ridiculous this reasoning is

has he called anyone else a wolf for this?

I'm sure other people itt have asked someone else what their read on them was

Originally Posted by J.D.
So my daughter just walked over looking for "licky" , ie, Telcontars avatar..

Instead she got a naked ass shot of suns.
JD doesn't follow up

Originally Posted by vaya
Kesh seems mildly villagy so far
vaya thinks keshaldra is villagery even though he's posted no content and the few posts he's made have all been wolfy

Originally Posted by J.D.
Is it bad that I want to give people wolf points for posting about wagons/backup wagons, etc.

Just seems like people are leaving the door open for lynching whoever someone else says is good...then dont take the blame for it the next day.

Ie hoya in the last slow game.
Originally Posted by keshaldra
It wasn't this whole "OMG, totally convincing argument" just made sense to me. Not that I'm expending a bunch of energy trying to find a SK just yet, they have bigger fish to fry than ol' Keshaldra.

But you made a point that claiming that you're a wolf is silly if villa, and douchey if wolf. I can't think of anybody in this thread that would do either, tbh, so SK just "fit", I guess....idk. I know that several posts later you (or someone) said it was a joke post, so obviously not putting much weight into it. Just posting my thoughts as I have them!

TBH, I don't even know at what point finding a SK is beneficial....I haven't played with SK's much.
keshaldra finally seems to notice

prompted by wolfchat?

Originally Posted by J.D.
So you flipped your read on me thingy?

Are you doing this because you want me to change my vote??
another wolfy JD post
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:27 PM
Elliott was princely vigged
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Jd is peeked
J.D. or JDalla...
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:30 PM
ZomgHax Part II. So I think this is probably too far out there, but is it possible he peeked Sooted n1 or n2?

Originally Posted by ZomgHax
This was one hour before eod3 when Sooted was not a wagon at all. Zomg was kind of out of it this game, but this is an odd move for him.

Originally Posted by ZomgHax
Has something occurred that completely cleared Xxsooted on the last page?

Cause otherwise that is the worst use of that gif of ALL TIME.
Reply to Felix's Jags fan gif.

Originally Posted by ZomgHax
Cause I think there is a high probability that he is a werewolf.

And because it's fun!
Then the next day:

Originally Posted by ZomgHax
Sooted voting me is cute
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
Um off the top of my head top 5 villas


Wolves I guess

Then maybe like telc/tao
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
Sooted has 2 posts today?

Originally Posted by ZomgHax
Those are his only two posts today, if it wasn't obvious.

Pretty sure Sooted is like a 97% wolf.
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
When Tao and Sooted both have flipped wolf, can we clear me plz?
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
Today's soul reads are Timelady and Legend = villagers.

Get at me.
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
Has something occurred that completely cleared Xxsooted on the last page?

Cause otherwise that is the worst use of that gif of ALL TIME.
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
Cause I think there is a high probability that he is a werewolf.

And because it's fun!
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
Sooted voting me is cute
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
Um off the top of my head top 5 villas


Wolves I guess

Then maybe like telc/tao
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
Sooted has 2 posts today?

Originally Posted by ZomgHax
Those are his only two posts today, if it wasn't obvious.

Pretty sure Sooted is like a 97% wolf.
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
When Tao and Sooted both have flipped wolf, can we clear me plz?
Nothing definitively peek-y there, but leaving wolf peeks can be tricky. I don't think he would add me to "soul reads" just on a read, but I was SHCed and day 3 was my most villagery day. Plus I don't think he'd peek the same player his village "peeked".

Also, if he had that strong a wolf read on Sooted and nobody was paying attention to him, why not go ahead and hunch peek him n3 instead of shorty?

The real question is whether the wolves would consider it.
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by soah
Actually, I have two theories about the SK kill (which are not incompatible with each other), and I can share the second one.

The SK killed someone who was hugely likely to be lynched soon, or at least a serious contender for it. From this we can infer that the SK does not feel any immediate threat of being lynched.

I'm not sure how useful this is, since it's not going to change our strategy right now, but when it actually comes time to hunt the SK we should probably look away from anyone who was a semi-consensus wolf read as of yesterday but never ended up dying. For example, keshaldra wouldn't make sense as the SK, probably not chuckles either, etc.
so we have reason to believe the sk is someone who isn't under much pressure and is likely also an active poster
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan


How about a good Job on round and digger mets and truce fit a day instead of looking to get me metsy by troll voting me

Can you do that honey
i'll do that happily on the condition that you spend all of your posts until one hour before EOD looking at everyone in the game and every post from the point of view of me being a villager that had a wrong read on roundtower after just subbing in and defended digger because i thought he might have peeked me

if you do that, i'll change my vote and won't care if you decide to go back to thinking i'm a wolf at 7

how does that sound?
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:32 PM
Mod Note

The joint games function now works again with the older games.
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Noah
i kinda need to volunteer to have fresh eyes on me at this point, mets obviously isn't going to shut up until i'm dead
*laugh* ok I get that. I'll definitely reread you before today is done, though he probably won't trust my reread of you since apparently he thinks I'm wolfy too. Whatever, he's wrong about me.
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Noah
i'll do that happily on the condition that you spend all of your posts until one hour before EOD looking at everyone in the game and every post from the point of view of me being a villager that had a wrong read on roundtower after just subbing in and defended digger because i thought he might have peeked me

if you do that, i'll change my vote and won't care if you decide to go back to thinking i'm a wolf at 7

how does that sound?

Keep trolling and voting me

Pro village

I'll be the better man
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:35 PM
gah not going to be around today, only read to the bottom of 39. that worked out well w the SK sniping for us and not crossing swords.

some chance I will make it back before eod but if not I'll try to check in on phone and put my vote and sponge shorty's vote
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
I see the post Nazi's won the day and we have 50ppd.

Diggerthedog day 1 passes
Expertise clearance

Fun to play with clearance
Sun tzu

Would be bad karma to lynch organiser clearance
Originally Posted by legend42
ZomgHax Part II. So I think this is probably too far out there, but is it possible he peeked Sooted n1 or n2?

This was one hour before eod3 when Sooted was not a wagon at all. Zomg was kind of out of it this game, but this is an odd move for him.

Reply to Felix's Jags fan gif.

Then the next day:

Nothing definitively peek-y there, but leaving wolf peeks can be tricky. I don't think he would add me to "soul reads" just on a read, but I was SHCed and day 3 was my most villagery day. Plus I don't think he'd peek the same player his village "peeked".

Also, if he had that strong a wolf read on Sooted and nobody was paying attention to him, why not go ahead and hunch peek him n3 instead of shorty?

The real question is whether the wolves would consider it.
I think the fact that he made a point to title his list "Wolves I guess" means sooted wasn't an actual peek

There may be something else there though
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by legend42
ZomgHax Part II. So I think this is probably too far out there, but is it possible he peeked Sooted n1 or n2?

This was one hour before eod3 when Sooted was not a wagon at all. Zomg was kind of out of it this game, but this is an odd move for him.

Reply to Felix's Jags fan gif.

Then the next day:

Nothing definitively peek-y there, but leaving wolf peeks can be tricky. I don't think he would add me to "soul reads" just on a read, but I was SHCed and day 3 was my most villagery day. Plus I don't think he'd peek the same player his village "peeked".

Also, if he had that strong a wolf read on Sooted and nobody was paying attention to him, why not go ahead and hunch peek him n3 instead of shorty?

The real question is whether the wolves would consider it.
97 percent wolf is never a peek

that means a strong read

case closed
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
And you think he would push you regardless while busing his whole team
mets, the thing is he's not really bussing them, he's just pop-in voting them. If he randed vig and I was a wolf, that is pretty much exactly how I would have him play.
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:37 PM
At least I vote you cause I think you're a wolf not to be a dick
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
I see the post Nazi's won the day and we have 50ppd.

Diggerthedog day 1 passes
Expertise clearance

Fun to play with clearance
Sun tzu

Would be bad karma to lynch organiser clearance
I'll requote this

I was looking at digger and wondering what if anything him listing chuck up there could mean
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:38 PM
legend is the sk!
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan

Keep trolling and voting me

Pro village

I'll be the better man

why on earth wouldn't you do that?
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by vaya
I'll requote this

I was looking at digger and wondering what if anything him listing chuck up there could mean
he was big on talking up chuck
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
09-20-2013 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by Zayana
*laugh* ok I get that. I'll definitely reread you before today is done, though he probably won't trust my reread of you since apparently he thinks I'm wolfy too. Whatever, he's wrong about me.
If Aaron flips vil you're dead
2009 Werewolf Reunion Game (2013/09/16) Quote
