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2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans 2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans

02-13-2012 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by derm
kb said that he is basically new to the game. his experience comes from some games 4 years ago.
and thats how most of his posting reads.

annie on the other hand is a clever guy and has a lot of experience. why wouldnt he try it as a wolf?
I realize kb is new, but his tone has been at least as bad as crm's, and he's never been challenged or been brought up as a wagon. He's just floated along, content to hide behind being a noob without really contributing in either way. Multiple people have told him to start posting his thoughts and work to clear himself, but he hasn't even done that. I consider this reticence to post as a noob this late in the game to be more indicative of a frightened wolf than a villager. What does he have to lose by posting? We're in a pretty tight spot and going 3 for 3 to pull out a villa win is at best unlikely; why not try to clear yourself?

I'm not saying it can't be annie, I guess I'm just trying to get into a discussion about why our lynch orders are different (assuming crm is a wolf which it seems like he must be, since the game's still going). I would take kb before annie every time, and I would have to do some rereads and think pretty long and hard about annie vs wn (but would probably go wn first).
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
I realize kb is new, but his tone has been at least as bad as crm's, and he's never been challenged or been brought up as a wagon. He's just floated along, content to hide behind being a noob without really contributing in either way. Multiple people have told him to start posting his thoughts and work to clear himself, but he hasn't even done that. I consider this reticence to post as a noob this late in the game to be more indicative of a frightened wolf than a villager. What does he have to lose by posting? We're in a pretty tight spot and going 3 for 3 to pull out a villa win is at best unlikely; why not try to clear yourself?

I'm not saying it can't be annie, I guess I'm just trying to get into a discussion about why our lynch orders are different (assuming crm is a wolf which it seems like he must be, since the game's still going). I would take kb before annie every time, and I would have to do some rereads and think pretty long and hard about annie vs wn (but would probably go wn first).

I was the #2 wagon yesterday, and every other poster today is trying to find a reason to wagon me, it seems. And FWIW, I've been posting more today. I know I'm still either wrong or making absurdly obvious insights, but I'm at least posting.

I don't know how I can clear myself beyond what I posted in #929. I don't think I'm the easiest wagon today, and a NK would be laughable. As I'm clearly the weakest player in the game, it seems wolfy that anyone would be trying to get my wagon going for today or tomorrow. In not just kneejerk wolfing anyone who calls me a wolf, either. I honestly don't see how it makes any sense I could be a wolf unless someone thinks I'm triple-range-merge-noob-leveling. El Oh El.
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by kb coolman
Yeah, and my opinions have been as valid as everyone elses. And my completely noob determination that PVN was wolf after Hifi had cleared him just screams wolf. It should be abundantly clear that derm and I are villa. This increases our lynch odds to 60%.

well named

Of these, I put carty at the bottom of my list. Not sure about wn...but I kinda feel like he's playing us like a fiddle. His actions are just 'too villagery' iykwim, and I've fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

Still, I'm following wn's advice and letting derm lead the charge.
This is the post that clears you? Really? You have like 25 posts in this game, if you don't post more we are going to lose because a lot of villagers think you're a scared wolf.

I don't think the pvn thing clears you, if you're a wolf, you were in wolf chat, and that's just the kind of noob doesn't know what's going on tell that they'd tell you to throw out there.

Can you expand on these reads, at least?
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
Votes as of post 832
Night in 11:12

1 montecore pvn (9)
1 Toganim anarchist (15)
1 unvote globetrotter (33)
6 not voting crmccarty (8), derm (11), kb coolman (5), montecore (46), well named (48), Toganim (4)
Originally Posted by kb coolman
When you voted for toga you weren't even a wagon yet, and you never even came back after you voted. So how exactly did you respond to the heat of being a counterwagon? By not posting?
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 05:28 PM
Also, regarding your posting volume: I led a d2 lynch on chris because of his low posting volume. He still has one more post than you. How exactly have you been helping us clear you?
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 05:49 PM
Votes as of post 1005
Night in 01:12

2 crmccarty derm (21), globetrotter (9)
1 globetrotter crmccarty (12)
4 not voting anarchist (12), kb coolman (6), montecore (8), well named (19)
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
When you voted for toga you weren't even a wagon yet, and you never even came back after you voted. So how exactly did you respond to the heat of being a counterwagon? By not posting?
Didn't realize I was in any danger which required responding to the counterwagon, and didn't have anything to add to the discussion. My default is to not post, and I have to adjust to that ITF.

Originally Posted by Montecore
Also, regarding your posting volume: I led a d2 lynch on chris because of his low posting volume. He still has one more post than you. How exactly have you been helping us clear you?
I don't think I can clear myself at this point. My low post approach is evidently in violation of forum ethics, it's very late in the game and any action I take will be construed as villa or wolf, depending on the interpreter's prejudiced reading. I've said all I can say. You either think I'm a wolf or you don't.
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 05:53 PM
Well, I took a work phone call and expected there to be no response from kb when I got back. This is my shocked face.
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by kb coolman
Didn't realize I was in any danger which required responding to the counterwagon, and didn't have anything to add to the discussion. My default is to not post, and I have to adjust to that ITF.

I don't think I can clear myself at this point. My low post approach is evidently in violation of forum ethics, it's very late in the game and any action I take will be construed as villa or wolf, depending on the interpreter's prejudiced reading. I've said all I can say. You either think I'm a wolf or you don't.
You've said all you can say in 27 posts? I know they say the key to communication is brevity, but you appear to be taking things a bit to the extreme sir.
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Well, I took a work phone call and expected there to be no response from kb when I got back. This is my shocked face.
Epic xpost.
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:00 PM
Expanding on crcmcarthy, I still don't think he's a wolf. Derm is clear, and the lack of wagon after globe's vote confirms crcmcarthy is villa (it's easy game over, otherwise) Pending on how it plays out, this should also clear globe.

By process of elimination, here are our wolves:
well named
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:02 PM
Alright, I'm leaving to go out to do real world errands since no one is going to chat, apparently. I'll put my vote on crmccarty and hopefully no one majs until nearer eod.
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:02 PM
mccarty is a wolf.
otherwise the game would be over already.
wolves are mean but they wouldnt slowroll us like this.
but dont maj it anyways.
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by kb coolman
Expanding on crcmcarthy, I still don't think he's a wolf. Derm is clear, and the lack of wagon after globe's vote confirms crcmcarthy is villa (it's easy game over, otherwise) Pending on how it plays out, this should also clear globe.

By process of elimination, here are our wolves:
well named
Wait, what? I think you've got it backwards. If crm was a villager the game would be over because the wolves would have piled in. The choices are:

--crm is a wolf
--crm and globe are wolves fpsing

There are no other choices.

I don't think this action necessarily clears globe, but I had cleared him before this so whatevs.
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Wait, what? I think you've got it backwards. If crm was a villager the game would be over because the wolves would have piled in. The choices are:

--crm is a wolf
--crm and globe are wolves fpsing

There are no other choices.

I don't think this action necessarily clears globe, but I had cleared him before this so whatevs.
Yeah, you're right. I was gonna edit once I realized my error in logic. Gotta take more time to think on my posts when I'm multitasking.
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by derm
mccarty is a wolf.
otherwise the game would be over already.
wolves are mean but they wouldnt slowroll us like this.
but dont maj it anyways.
Yeah, I get it.
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
You've said all you can say in 27 posts? I know they say the key to communication is brevity, but you appear to be taking things a bit to the extreme sir.
Then help me out a little here. I don't know how to clear myself, as my actions can be interpreted either way. I can beef up my posting and try to offer some reads, but I don't see how they'll sway any opinions at this point in the game.
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:13 PM
It doesn't really make sense for wolf-globe to put a vote on wolf-mccarty that early unless the wolf team is exactly mccarty/globe/anarchist

because if globe was a wolf and anarchist a villager, based on what globe posted before he left, he could have just as easily voted anarchist, and there wouldn't be much incentive for him NOT to.

It's not impossible that's the exact wolf team but I would think it should be discounted pretty heavily. At least so much as to say globe should probably be off the table for tomorrow.
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:24 PM
anarchist/monte makes the most sense

they both pushed kb coolman today in a way that is not incompatible with a wolf waiting for a villager to vote him, especially given the fact he was the second wagon yesterday

and it makes more sense then a globe/anarchist wolf team

bussing is certainly possible so I'm not sure entirely whether these kinds of deductions are right, but it fits.
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:27 PM
the only real concern I have with you kb coolman is you do seem too much to be relying on this "i'm afraid to post reads because I'm a noob" thing, and you basically have to post reads as a villager. you shouldn't focus on clearing yourself, you should focus on solving the game
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by well named
the only real concern I have with you kb coolman is you do seem too much to be relying on this "i'm afraid to post reads because I'm a noob" thing, and you basically have to post reads as a villager. you shouldn't focus on clearing yourself, you should focus on solving the game

Ok, then. So here are my assumptions right now.

mccarthy is a wolf, and is lynched tonight
derm and globe are villa. derm is NK'd tonight, as the only 'confirmed' villa.

this leaves the following villa:
kb coolman

Then the wolfs are a 2:1 dog:
well named

Of these, monte should be the next lynch. I highly suspect he's trying to wagon me in the hopes one villa will jump on.
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:56 PM
Why is there no activity?
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:56 PM
I kinda feel coolman and monte are wolfy but I don't think that wolf team makes those NKs
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:58 PM
I was waiting to see if monte would respond to your post

You are basically on the same page as I am
2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:59 PM
I don't want any eod shenanigans


2/9 Vanilla: Attack of the Alan Rickmans Quote
