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2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread 2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread

02-08-2011 , 02:41 PM
since I assume i'm going to die tonight, I'll compile a final list of thoughts and stuff tonight before night happens.

off the top of my head titan needs to die though along with uaw
2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-08-2011 , 04:33 PM
wtf guys


the village just doesn't deserve to win
2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-08-2011 , 05:36 PM
Sorry been working....
2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-08-2011 , 05:37 PM
LL, titan, UAW?

2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-08-2011 , 06:06 PM
Votes as of post 1579
night in 3:54
8not votingderm, EADGBE, Larry Legend, OneCrazyDuck, OrangeRake, sportsjefe, TitanRulez, UAW710
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02-08-2011 , 06:34 PM
the silence of the thread
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02-08-2011 , 06:34 PM

herp derp
2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-08-2011 , 07:04 PM
Page 1 reread

Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i'm thinking sports is villa
Looks like maybe a sports villa fake-peek so far

Originally Posted by Larry Legend
I look forward to being a helpful member of the village this game,

I am going to use the time I do have to give substantial reads and in-depth analysis.

Let's begin:

systolic gonna systolic. Interesting he is basically calling my attention to him so early in the game.

Some fluff from felix, I wouldn't call it straight wolfy so early, but lack of substance for sure.

This post is very strange to me so early.

It is obvious that gabe is trying to be helpful, or trying to appear to be helpful. I am not sure which it is.

The vote on systolic is wolfy if he knows anything about systolic.

Having two wolf leans already is villagery though.

Sponging two of his three reads and admitting it is probably villagery.

The first line of "this is my second game village" is written from the POV of being outside the village, which is strange..

I think we need to watch this guy closely.
Do not recall Larry following up on this(providing analysis), which is wolfy to me.

Originally Posted by sportsjefe
I thought about that, but to me sooted is saying that it would look far too obvious if wolves insta-jumped on someone who self-votes.
Originally Posted by sportsjefe
yeah, but that's not 'blindly'. listen to the language

'you play anti-village'

it's personal. and you can tell because he pursues it longer than that one post. filthyvermin caught on to that instantly when his next post talked about games without drama.

i guess my point is, it's not 'game-related', it's 'history-related'.
sports is thinking about the game trying to figure it out, not just following others and agreeing with them. I think sports is villagery.
2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-08-2011 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by EADGBE
how is it better for us to lynch you villa and go to must lynch?

wouldnt it be better if you helped find a wolf and we still had you as unresolved at ML+1?
Obviously it isn't good to lynch me because I am a villager, but at this point I feel like my lynch is already determined and if it is, it is better to lynch me now than must lynch and lose.

I will do what I can today to help find a wolf.
2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-08-2011 , 07:15 PM
Wall of text incoming...

Originally Posted by UAW710
I'm here now and caught up.

First impressions after reading through thread:

bsball8806 not going to try to read yet, too tricky
EADGBE don't know
exoendo don't know
Felix the Cat don't want to lynch yet, last game seemed wolfy early, but then did a good job clearing himself later
filthyvermin don't know
Larry Legend wolf lean
OneCrazyDuck don't know
OnThInIcE911 don't know
OrangeRake don't know, but lean villa
sportsjefe lean villa
Systolic don't lynch him yet, yes he is fun to wagon
TitanRulez don't know
well named wolf lean
xxsooted don't know
younguns87 don't know

don't like the Felix and systo wagons

well named
Reads from when he initially came into the thread. Lots of don't knows on there... didn't like the Felix or Systolic wagons, leaned wolf on WN. WN came up clear, Systolic came up wolf.

Originally Posted by UAW710
To elaborate on my well named vote, I can definitely see him claiming wolf as a wolf. I think it is a baaaad idea to claim wolf as a villa, so if he did I still think he deserves my vote. He is a good wolf and I can see him doing this just to brag about it in postgame if he is a wolf.
More of WN being a wolf based on his wolf claims early in the game.

Originally Posted by UAW710
This is the post that makes me lean wolf on you Larry. You say you are going to provide "substantial reads and in-depth analysis" yet this post really doesn't say anything.
Good analysis of a post from Larry that seemed wolfish; I agreed with this and think a couple other players did too. Could UAW/Larry/Sys really be w/w/w?

Originally Posted by UAW710
I don't have any faith in my ability to read bsball after last couple of games I have played with him. I read him as a wolf when he was a villager and read him as a villager when he was a wolf. So I am going to leave him alone for awhile.

I already explained my well named read, but I don't think he will be lynched today.

Will probably vote Larry later because I think he is wolfy plus I don't want to vote Felix or Systolic.
Admits to not being able to read bsball; again talks about not wanting to vote Felix or Sys...

Originally Posted by Larry Legend
First off,

I am "shadowing" for a new job today, if it goes well I will probably take the position.

So I going to be afk, i think, for an extended period today.. May be able to sneak in some phone posting, but not going to push it.

I will be back for EOD unless something crazy stops me..
Originally Posted by UAW710
Ugh, I was thinking it was wolfy for Larry to not be posting much but then as I was rereading his posts I came across this post.

So I will wait to see what he says before deciding if I want to vote him or not.
Lets Larry go for not being around all day. Probably for the best not to lynch Larry when he isn't around on D1...

Originally Posted by Larry Legend
didnt wn say he was gonna try hard this game?
Originally Posted by UAW710
He did and he is not, which is part of why I am voting him. I think I will keep my vote on him aorn.
Interactions with Larry...

Originally Posted by XXsooted
so does anyone actually read systo as a villager or is everyone that doesn't think he's a wolf just have nfi
Originally Posted by UAW710
Originally Posted by UAW710
Don't like my vote ending on a non-wagon.

Both Felix and Systolic said they wouldn't be here for end of day. That sucks.

I think Felix will be able to clear himself as a villager whereas I think it will be harder for Systolic to do so.

Having to choose between the two:

I choose you Systolic.
And then all of a sudden flips to Systolic at EOD. However, when he made this vote, it was 5-3-3 Felix, and there wasn't much action going on. He could've made this vote wanting to end up on the wolf wagon, not thinking Systolic would get another vote or two to shift the balance. It would've been risky though, unless he knew Systolic was going to be around for the 9:00 snipe...

Originally Posted by UAW710
well named

Still think he is a wolf and nothing today has changed my opinion.
Back on well named...

Originally Posted by UAW710
Is there a reason exoendo is being wagoned other than wagon resolution? Because I read his posts and I don't see anything screaming wolf to me. Plus the fact that well named led his cfd makes me not want to vote him.
Originally Posted by UAW710
I think you are taking that out of context. I don't know for sure, but it seems to me he had xxsooted as villa and based his read of filthy on that. Then when he saw xxsooted was killed he removed xxsooted from his post but kept that read of filthy in there. At least that is the way I interpreted it.

Typing that out I realized how convoluted that is.

But I don't think him doing that makes him a wolf. If there is other stuff he's done that is wolfy I will consider it, but aorn I don't think that makes him a wolf. I see villagers make mistakes like that as well.

If he gets lynched and comes up village, I think the people who pushed for his lynch for that one point need to seriously be looked at.
Defending exo when basically nobody else was... with exo being an easy mislynch target, this seems villagery.

Originally Posted by UAW710
The only Felix voter I feel comfortable calling a villager would be sportsjefe.

Makes me think Systolic was saved last night. Systolic wagon was comprised of me, xxsooted, derm, and Felix. Two confirmed villas, me, and derm who I read as villa right now.
Felix voters were: bsball, EADGBE, sports, Systolic, OTI, and Filthy. Systolic came up wolf, but Filthy, OTI, and bsball are all confirmed villagers. If there's another wolf there it's between sports and EADGBE.

Originally Posted by UAW710
Why would exoendo as a wolf say that well named is villagery after claiming wolf?

I would think a wolf would see well named claim wolf and use that as an excuse to vote him. I don't see what exoendo gains as a wolf for clearing well named.
This seems like some reverse psychology to me.

So exo is a villager for saying well named is villagery after claiming wolf, because if exo was a wolf, he would push for WN's lynch.

HOWEVER, UAW is supposedly a villager who is pushing for WN's lynch because WN claimed wolf. By UAW's own logic, UAW is a wolf. Hmm.

Originally Posted by UAW710
I think that is a real possibility. I have never seen bsball push for the seer to peek anyone and this comes across as really strange to me. I mean why not tell the seer who to peek, because does the seer really ever listen to people in thread telling him who to peek? Why would the seer trust anyone that he hasn't peeked villager? I think it is a play to look villagery by suggesting who the seer should peek when he probably knows the seer isn't going to listen to him anyways. And why would the seer peek systo who has been a wagon the past two days and is likely to be lynched? systo is a horrible peek and bsb knows it.
This is what bsball and UAW were debating yesterday. Bsball did end up being a villager through all of this; and Systolic was not necessarily a terrible peek: there seemed to be a lot of indecision over whether or not Systolic was a wolf or not. If, by some chance, he came up as villager, this would've been a brilliant plan and may have won the game for the village. It only really looks bad because Systolic came up wolf...

Originally Posted by UAW710
Because I also think Systolic is a wolf and he can actually be lynched. bsball is unlikely to be lynched today. Systolic has also been a wagon the past two days and provides us with information we can use.
He wasl ynched and did end up a wolf, but it wasn't easy. He may have been lynched yesterday regardless of the peek though, but that's something that can be debated.

Originally Posted by UAW710
Yes, I think a wolf jumps all over well named(who is considered a good player) for claiming wolf.

It looks good for you because you can make a real case on him instead of having to make one up.

Your vote sucks. Vote Systolic or exoendo.
But it seems like UAW was jumping all over WN for claiming wolf...

Originally Posted by UAW710
EADGBE could be a wolf as well.

He says Systolic is > rand to be a wolf, yet he won't vote for him.

He says a Systolic wagon complicates analysis so he shouldn't be wagoned.

He says we should ignore Systolic and let the seer peek him.

If Systolic is lynched and comes up wolf this guy needs to be turbo-lynched.
Do you still believe this UAW? It's a good case....

Originally Posted by UAW710
Yeah, but I think Systolic is a wolf and I think exoendo is a villager.

Plus bsball and EADGBE saying he should be peeked and not lynched should give us information if he is a wolf.

I mean does anybody have a case on exoendo besides that one post he took his read of xxsooted out of and cleared filthy? Because I have read all his posts and he doesn't read wolfy to me.
This ended up being accurate.

Originally Posted by UAW710
Started reading OTI and I am not so sure Systolic is a wolf anymore. He is a possible fake-peek. Still reading him though.

Has anybody found OTI's fake-peeks?

I voted well named because I thought he was a wolf.

Originally Posted by UAW710
Reread OTI and it looks like Systolic was a villa fake-peek day 1.

Day 2 looks like maybe well named was his fake-peek.
And now he starts defending Systolic... going back, this was RIGHT AFTER filthy put a 4th vote on Systolic to tie it up, and exo hadn't voted yet.

Originally Posted by UAW710
I see I'm the only one on bsball now with Titan changing to exo.

So I will vote exoendo to save Systolic, but I don't have to like it.
And now he goes from exo being villager and Systolic wolf to exo wolf Systolic villager.

Originally Posted by UAW710
Don't think I have time to make a case right now, but the way bsball is soft-accusing people and telling the seer to peek systo is suspect to me.

Aorn I don't think Systolic is a wolf after reading oti. I think he was a villa fake-peek.
He might've been, but it was wrong... I don't think UAW linked to OTI's fake peek of Systolic either. I'll see if I can dig it up...

Originally Posted by UAW710
bsball's vote on me is pretty lame as well. I would think he would know I wasn't getting lynched today with all the talk about Systolic and exoendo earlier. Looks to me he doesn't want to be caught on a villa wagon.
Originally Posted by UAW710

Let's lynch a wolf
So UAW figures that bsball is a wolf because bsball isn't voting between exo and systolic... and then ends up voting bsball?

Originally Posted by filthyvermin
plz exo be a wolf one tiiiiiiiiime
Originally Posted by UAW710

Originally Posted by UAW710
As a wolf, why do I try to save exoendo last night? What purpose does it serve? He was like the easiest mislynch in the history of mislynches last night.

Why do I not vote Felix day 1? It would have been another easy mislynch for me if he was a wolf.

I mean, read my posts, my thought processes are explained in them.
He makes some alright points here, especially the D1 vote. Not so sure on the exo vote, since that didn't seem as in much debate...

All in all, UAW looks to be all over the place. He may have been the victim of unfortunate timing with his switch on Systolic happening right around the time of Systolic taking the lead. But every case he has made about someone else beinga wolf seems to lead directly to UAW himself doing the exact same wolfy behavior.

I think bsball is probably right on this... I won't vote UAW yet in case of majority, but I'd vote him right now otherwise...
2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-08-2011 , 07:26 PM
Page 2

Originally Posted by bsball8806

bsball8806- me!
EADGBE- have not played much with, heard that he gets mislynched and wagoned a fair amount regardless of role
exoendo- don't remember
Felix the Cat- usually a pretty clear villager, can be UTR sometimes...haven't seen wolf much
filthyvermin-on and off, can be mislynchable sometimes
Larry Legend-reasonably good villager, ok wolf. post count probably indicates role more than most
OneCrazyDuck- no idea really
OnThInIcE911- i suck at reading him but promises=wolf game
OrangeRake- only played a game or two with but wolf game not the strongest
sportsjefe- don't think i've ever played with
Systolic- i could write essays on this guy. excellent wolf and subpar villager
TitanRulez- spammer, just lynch him if he appears to not be doing anything
UAW710- utr, wolves will go after him, but he's reasonably good at clearing himself
well named- great wolf, pretty good villager. will fool you on tone. do not read him on tone.
xxsooted- great wolf, damn good villager. will fool you on tone. if he's genuinely appearing to try and figure things out, he's a wolf. gets high a lot so may appear spacy or forgetful
younguns87- not much experience with in vanilla games, appears to be reasonably good
I think the bolded apply and LarryLegend and Titan need to be looked at closely

Originally Posted by OrangeRake
IN the car on my way to work this morning I said to myself....if this guy isn't a villager then I really suck at this game.

Then I come into work and for some reason I've done a complete 180.......this post seems soo over the top wolfy to me. Like "hey guys, this guy CLAIMED come noone else sees this?" kinda thing. The kind of thing a wolf would do to try and lynch a villager.
Originally Posted by EADGBE
wagoned alot yes
mislynched never

but well named can prob soul read me im sure he played/modded my few games here

titan, ocd and larry legend should also be able to get decent reads on me
Have any of the people you said could read you done so yet?

If so what has their read been?

Originally Posted by EADGBE
so you checked the thread before you left the house this morning?

i find this strange
Originally Posted by EADGBE

who checks a thread as soon as they wake up?
Originally Posted by OrangeRake
Quoted my morning posts above.

ummmmmm.......anyone playing a game? I usually wake up, make coffee, and dick around on facebook while I drink my coffee. Then I go to work. This morning I checked out the thread....then I came to work.
Originally Posted by EADGBE
i wake up go "o **** im late" and brush my teeth and run out the door

so cant really relate
Originally Posted by exoendo
lots of people?
Originally Posted by OrangeRake
Well I was 20 mins late for work. But I blame the coffee for that one.
Weird conversation going on between EADGBA and OR about who reads the thread first thing in the morning.
2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-08-2011 , 07:32 PM

I do still like that post about EADGBA being a wolf I made.

You should look below it where LarryLegend says bsball is basically doing the same thing, but I don't think he ever votes bsball or EADGBA.

LarryLegend could be a wolf along with EADGBA.
2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-08-2011 , 07:41 PM

will elaborate but UAW is still a good vote but I want titan dead first
2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-08-2011 , 07:43 PM
Personally I think the wolves are EADGBA, LarryLegend, and Titan.
2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-08-2011 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Titanrulez
I have decided this is going to be my last game

So i'm going to make it count

gonna reread the thread and solve this

These two posts are super wolfy given the fact that he has still not done anything.

I think villager titan would have been somewhat hurt that I insulted his game and would have been motivated to try harder than he has in this game.

Titan is harder to lynch than UAW. UAW is probably still a's in all honesty probably just as simple as titan/uaw/ll

if there isn't a wolf there I suppose it's OR
2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-08-2011 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by bsball8806

will elaborate but UAW is still a good vote but I want titan dead first
Can i proxy my vote to you?

I am happy to go with titan...
2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-08-2011 , 07:45 PM
Yeah, whenever someone calls someone wolfy for doing something and then does it themself, it's wolfy. It's especially wolfy when it happens multiple times.

But I would still rather lynch titan today because at least UAW is doing SOMETHING. I still want to lynch him tomorrow

All villagers please vote titan

I'll take the blame postgame if he's a villager
2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-08-2011 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by bsball8806
OTI is on AIM but hasn't posted yet

I know for a fact that he sometimes fakes AFK as a wolf to avoid posting so this is probably at least a little wolfy
Originally Posted by OrangeRake
I feel that this info is a bit angle-shooty......
This seems villagery from OR because if she was a wolf why would she be worried about bsball(villa) becoming suspicious of OTI(villa). As a wolf I would think OR would leave it alone and let people draw their own conclusions of OTI's role from the AIM thing.
2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-08-2011 , 07:47 PM
OK so the best strategy is to rank remaining players based on their wolfiness, and try and lynch the wolfiest one today. The sooner we find the wolf, the sooner we can analyze the thread and the sooner we can win.....

2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-08-2011 , 07:48 PM
both of LL/titan have just gone dead silent the last few days. I would be ok lynching them just on principle.

If we lynch LL/titan/uaw and we lose, I will just be very upset. There is no excuse for at least two of them being villagers (mostly ll/titan)
2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-08-2011 , 07:48 PM
2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-08-2011 , 07:49 PM
I'm headed to the gym but I expect to see a lot of titan votes

Do not be dissuaded when he inevitably sees he has votes and randomly pops in to save himself

Do not be dissuaded when he inevitably sees he has votes and randomly pops in to save himself

Do not be dissuaded when he inevitably sees he has votes and randomly pops in to save himself

titan the wolf
2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-08-2011 , 07:49 PM
Ok so then the question becomes who is more likely to go silent? Wolves or villagers?
2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-08-2011 , 07:50 PM
I suppose OCD could theoretically be a wolf

if you lynch titan/uaw/ll and it's f3 with OR and ocd then good luck to whoever is still alive
2/3 Mad Men Vanilla Game Thread Quote
02-08-2011 , 07:52 PM
What I find for the most part is that wolves sort of sit back and see what is going to happen, and what nonesence the village comes up with. If it is nonsence, they just let the villagers lynch villagers....with slight encouragement.

Especially now, all they really need is to hide 1 person for the win. So I can't decide if this makes them more likely to be quiet, or more likely to come out with guns blazing..
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