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2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! 2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread!

02-06-2014 , 03:00 PM
so vyk is just a stealer

he was able to heal because he stole from cankles?
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by domer2

healer and stealer?
you're getting closer

just combine the 2
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Zayana
Why can't you be a neutral?
So if I was being a neutral - and there was talk about peeking me - and I knew I peeked villager - which apparently is ringing vyk's bell....

Wouldn't I advocate for being peeked, by saying that I wouldn't be able to clear myself at any time - and the only way I could be clear would be by being peeked?

If you wanna shoot me, fine - do it. Then it's going to be yet another classic village implodes after a good start - by killing one and only confirmed peeked villager in the game.
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
the peeks are available in the photo booth which is separate from the store
I'm searching for this but not getting any luck. not sure what to do here
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:03 PM
I'm the village thief

Flynn Rider from Rapunzel, check Wikipedia for flavor

I'm the day version of effen's role (Apu)

I steal people's tickets and their day power for the following day

n1 binkles (healer + 3 tickets)

I used the 1x heal day power on poisoned DannyOcean b/c he was always poisoned by wolves on n1

n2 zayana (day vig + 2 tickets)

I knew that zayana was an outed village day vigilante and thought there was a great chance she would either get shot that night (since 1 of our angels was dead and the other was probably incompetent since peter pan was clearly not angeled n1) or day vig'd the moment day broke on d3, b/c wolves like monte outed themselves during ITAs to try to kill her.

This way even if she died, a villager would still have her day vig shot (me).

if I targeted someone without a day power (which is a huge portion of the players), I would get nothing and only get their tickets, so it made sense to target someone with a known day power who was at risk of dying, then risk whiffing on somebody without a day power.

I used zayana's day vig shot to kill TimeLady/cory yesterday

I was the one screaming like a confused person and asking my mason Vagos for guidance about who to day vig during the whole gabe NEUTRALGATE negotiations


I had a bunch of tickets yesterday and I spent 10 of them to get grant's role for the village (the mute village idiot)

I targeted quadstriker last night (n3) hoping that he was the wolf day vig

if he was, I would get his power and the terms of it's use, confirming my suspicions and get a SHAT in the process

so in effect, I can confirm if people have day powers, b/c I get their day powers and the terms of their use, but I don't get their affiliation
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:04 PM
i'm not following

he had binkles power the day *after* binkles died

and then stole zayana's power the day of

these are different mechanics
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:06 PM
Zay, I would only steal the tickets you had accrued up that point, you would still generate and have the use of 3 tickets of your own come that morning

I figure if monte is outing himself to come @ you, you're not long for this world and I might as well guarantee that a villager gets to use a day vig on d3

a bit fancy if anything, but I'm pretty eccentric in that regard
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:06 PM

so we started with 1.5 thiefs
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:06 PM
I was wondering how Vyk had so many damn tickets
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:07 PM
vyk: i like it. i like all of it
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:07 PM
not fully on board with that but i'll roll with it for now

redundant roles have thus far all proven to be false
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
i'm not following

he had binkles power the day *after* binkles died

and then stole zayana's power the day of

these are different mechanics
nah, you're just misunderstanding

I target people at night and steal any powers they have the following day + any tickets they have

for example, I target binkles n1 and even though he dies, I still get his healer power for d2 (his healing power was a day action)

if I target lets say a night vigilante, I would only get their tickets b/c they have no day action/power for me to steal
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:08 PM
I won't be able to return to the thread to really answer much for a while still. FWIW zayana sincerely took my response to her yesterday as defensive when it wasn't at all (those who play with me more could look and see that...or hell, people who have just seen me deal with vyk this game could see it too).

And vyk's reasoning toward me has been as ******ed as any case in the long and storied history of WW, but he is what he is.

I don't mind going down next but will fulfill my ethical obligation of trying to fight my lynch off later.
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Disney Mod
***********Pictures with Disney Characters******************

Top Tier Tom

You were photographed with your favorite Disney Characters. CONGRATS, I hope you had fun!

Pics (peeks!) of yourselves are readily available in Town Square Photography, Main Street U.S.A.. They will be retained there until they find buyers...

These beautiful, unique, professional pictures cost only 9 tickets each!

charry ^
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:08 PM
My day actions, that are presumably stealable:

-secret shot during ITAs
-buy ppl into events

probably no point in stealing them, just throwing it out there
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
I was wondering how Vyk had so many damn tickets
I had 9 tickets on d2, since I started with 3, stole 3 from binkles and got 3 at the start of d2

I was asking around how many tickets I needed to buy a Disney photo, b/c I thought it was 9, but I needed 10 in actuality

I then bluffed the wolves by saying I had buffed up my ITAs with all my tickets, so they wouldn't try to steal my tickets on n2 since they knew I had so many
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:09 PM
i like it
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:10 PM
if I successfully target someone with my thief night action, I know exactly what their powers are and exactly what the terms of their use are

i.e. I get everything but their actual character role writeup + affiliation

I only get the power portion if they have any
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:10 PM
I don't see any point in charry buying duck's picture again

we already know he wasn't photographed as the carpet
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by vyk07
I had 9 tickets on d2, since I started with 3, stole 3 from binkles and got 3 at the start of d2

I was asking around how many tickets I needed to buy a Disney photo, b/c I thought it was 9, but I needed 10 in actuality

I then bluffed the wolves by saying I had buffed up my ITAs with all my tickets, so they wouldn't try to steal my tickets on n2 since they knew I had so many
tricky tricky Vyk GOAT
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by Forsythio
I don't see any point in charry buying duck's picture again

we already know he wasn't photographed as the carpet
its not for finding a wolf

its for finding an SK
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by vyk07
yeah duck, you're untouchable b/c of all the villager things you've done this game such as

1) get peeked villager under shady circumstances with disguises available and a dead wolf calling all the peeks from that event "totally 100% legit"
2) ???
3) ???
4) claim you're going to "digger" the next person who tries to kill you
Why is it that you never can accept logic?

Let's assume I started with one gazillion tickets (this fits better in your version)
besides that I would also have needed to:
  • Foresee that the photo session would be peeks, and that it would be peeks that were "frozen in time".
  • Have bought a disguse and donned it during DAY - this would be logical - since we're all familiar with DAYPEEKS - I mean - it happens every game, right?
  • Advocated AGAINST buying the peek of me, even though it would clear me for the foreseable future

Sounds totally legit to me - how about we shoot me now - and then you can all clap your hands when I turn up :
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:12 PM
SHOPS ARE CLOSED - you can't buy anything....?
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:12 PM
there's no reason to be this mad duckburg

I'm just trying to solve the game and I'm naturally going to suspect the low volume players who barely post
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-06-2014 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by Forsythio
My day actions, that are presumably stealable:

-secret shot during ITAs
-buy ppl into events

probably no point in stealing them, just throwing it out there
well, I guess the point would be to confirm the secret shot part of my role, which is as of yet hearsay. might go a little farther towards showing how similar my role is to mutigers', he had that power as well

he had other day actions too, so it would also show I'm not an exact copy, like a decoy
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
