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2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! 2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread!

02-04-2014 , 12:29 PM
again, Suq is one of the most villagery people here

and Gad isn't bad at this game
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Yeah that post.


Originally Posted by vyk07
I'm coming at you to get a gage on your role since I'm not sure

I'm not locked in on you, I'm just digging in to see what I can find out

I'm always willing to reevaluate as a villager, just show me that I'm wrong and I will
you are always so loud & for sure of everything, it comes off as locked in. i'm here, i'll do what i can.
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:30 PM
Yes he is
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
So your peek thing was bs Thanks
what peek thing?

first of all, what kind of peek in the world would allow me to both know that LKJ is a wolf and that he is day angeled?

for that I would need to peek both LKJ, the wolf day angel and then track the wolf day angel onto LKJ

it was clearly me trying to soul read
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
btw, I can buy one of those peeks if we want, but I would rather just play more events and power up super strong for ITAs.
wait wut

do that immediately
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by vyk07
theres tinfoiling and then theres TINFOILING

my healing ability is a day action, hence me asking for any objections before I used it this morning
I don't see where anything I said excludes that btw
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
I went in www
no idea what this means

why TL?
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
okay, so

...Suqata is >>>rand wolf. I pointed this out at the time, and now that Ash has flipped wolf maybe people will listen to me. (n.b. I doubt it)

Let's recap, shall we?

TTT makes an obviously facetious post

Ash pretends to take it seriously and uses it as the basis of a wolf read when no one in the world would ever do so

Suqata downplays the wolfiness of Ash's post by positing two explanations for it: he says that either Ash is "trying to level people with this," or Ash is serious. Neither of these possibilities are remotely plausible, and Suqata ignores the most likely possibility: that Ash was a wolf looking for a reason to call something wolfy. (TTT is obv >>>>rand villa based on this exchange)

here are the possible reasons why Ash would purport to take TTT's joke post at face value:

1) Ash is braindead and thought TTT was being serious.

2) Ash knows TTT isn't being serious but is "trying to level people" by pretending to take it seriously. Trying to level people implies that Ash was setting some kind of tarp or trying to make the wolves outguess themselves...that's what "level" means in this context. (Which is why I ask Suq repeatedly why he thought Ash's post could possibly be a level)

3) Ash knows TTT isn't being serious, but he's looking for a pretext to call someone a wolf, because building wolf cases as a wolf ain't always easy or organic

Ash is too smart for #1 (my elderly aunt would know that TTT wasn't being serious with his request if she was briefed on the rudiments of the game), and #2 requires a chain of inferences that doesn't make any sense. #3, that Ash is a wolf looking for a reason to call someone a wolf, is a strong possibility that everyone who reads this exchange should at least have considered (especially when the alternatives are uber-thin)

And yet Suqata frames the possibilities as being between #1 and #2, and completely ignores explanation #3, the one that has Ash being a wolf. Oh, and by the way, #3 was the correct explanation, and Ash was a wolf.

Suq was trying to shield his wolf buddy from the heat I was bringing.

Suq is >>>rand wolf.

feel free to disregard this and follow *snort* vyk's lead on stringing me up, though
gad if you think im a wolf for this youve literally lost you mind

you could also quote the posts after i asked if ash was leveling, but im not sure what your agenda is right now

you have not been in the thread much and i have been posting my ass off with content

i was one of the first to come in today to resolve you/ash based on that interaction, but now theres a chance you are ambiguous cause youre coming at me from this

your case on me is literally "suq asked ash if it was a level or if he was serious' OMG WOLF OMGOGOMGOGMOGOMOGSISGJ!!!!! OUTED ZOMG

youre a better villager than this and i find it weird that out of everything thats happened so far, with everyone in the thread, you zoom in on this
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Gad I think your case on Suq is reaching pretty hard

I think Suq is still likely to be a villager

I remember him from turbos

He's not a sneaky wolf IMO
Suq is a very good wolf, but as someone who has wolf'd it up with him multiple times, I can confidently say this is not Suq's wolf game IMO.

Take this with a grain of salt because I'm been even more wrong than I typically am, but its probably the most confident read I have this game.
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:30 PM
Oh yeah I'll totally get on with proving your "call me a wolf 50 times without reason" case wrong, vyk. Considering that you're far more likely being a selfish ass who won't play with the team than a wolf here, I'll certainly LOL as much as I want.

Anyway, do whatever you're going to do, despite the fact that I'm a bad wolf you've never caught me wolfing and have only ever murdered me with friendly fire, so keep ****ing that chicken.
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:30 PM
I can't search mod posts, can someone please let me know if it's ok for me to post?
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by TheNothing

you are always so loud & for sure of everything, it comes off as locked in. i'm here, i'll do what i can.
I just wanted to see more emotion and game solvyness from you earlier b/c at that point all I remember from you was the charts
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Yeah Fnord is likely an Umber Power Wolf. Not joking
explain, because I might get on board with this
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:31 PM
I'm good parking on Punker

Leaving for work in 30 minutes, so if I need to address something please don't hesitate to post it
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Disney Mod
***********Pictures with Disney Characters******************

Top Tier Tom

You were photographed with your favorite Disney Characters. CONGRATS, I hope you had fun!

Pics (peeks!) of yourselves are readily available in Town Square Photography, Main Street U.S.A.. They will be retained there until they find buyers...

These beautiful, unique, professional pictures cost only 9 tickets each!

are duckburg, grant, or top tier tom worth peeking? I'm just gonna assume tom is a villa on volume and am not overly concerned with grant either. I have no read on duckburg.
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Zayana
I can't search mod posts, can someone please let me know if it's ok for me to post?
yea. you're good
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
...and naturally of the five posts you can search down of SickPuppets, two of them go after VMF. So maybe that's nothing. I still thought that vote post was wolfy as ****, especially now that we have gambit as a confirmed villa. That vote was well before EOD by the way, so v/v wagons at EOD wouldn't salvage it.
I invited SickPuppets to this game from another forum

He has not been keeping up at all but he is used to games with far less activity

I don't know if he's a wolf or not, but he will probably just sheep me if I tell him to

So we can use his vote that way I guess lol
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:31 PM
Beyond SickPuppets, iversonian is another one who is somehow totally escaping heat despite being over-the-top wolfy. He almost seems twtbaw, but I haven't even seen people discussing him or anything. You would think if he was a villager playing like he is that a wolf would have brought some heat at him or something.
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Jah, ma vihkan seda, kui see juhtub liiga
Haha, it translated "too" as in "I am too furious to play the game"
It sound lol weird .
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:32 PM
CDL, if somebody had exactly 9 tickets, would they be able to peek you?
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Yeah Fnord is likely an Umber Power Wolf. Not joking
I don't care how you meant it, I'm taking this as a compliment.
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:32 PM
Suq is a villager always itg

Gads case makes me mega skeptical

I trust vyk unconditionally

I trust domah conditionally

Ckjaids still villa

LKJ I'm still gonna stick up for Jim a villa

Ihckay is posting very limp

Tn too

Punker as well find me apost of his that's not hiding behind mechanism talk
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Zayana
I can't search mod posts, can someone please let me know if it's ok for me to post?
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:32 PM
if i wake up in the morning & decide to make charts for everyone...that's gonna be what you remember.

i'll update them as needed & i'll play my game. you can reevaluate as you like.

but seriously, the search function being ****ed is messing me up. i use that a lot.
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-04-2014 , 12:33 PM
Okay so SickPuppets/iversonian/ihcjay, maybe Punker, those are my wolf suspects Luckbox. I guess that didn't take as long as I thought. Game's been a bit of a struggle since I haven't been current throughout.
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
