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2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! 2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread!

02-03-2014 , 03:48 PM
Yeah, quick skim above that gambit post and I see nothing to suggest mirrorage, just a read.
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
mucks has seemed neutral to me, leaning villagery. his tone seems fine. he seems happy to be playing. ive noticed he seems to like talking about me most of the time, but that's understandable.

NL i think is a wolf for a handful of reasons. his opening post sucked, granted, got a lot of attention. he then stuck around for a little bit, he asked to interact, and i queried him on what the wolfiest posts so far were. he gave me a response with a couple of posts, neither of which found wolfy. i really couldn't understand his thought process. he then slowly disappeared from the thread completely. separate from that, i feel like i have a firm grasp on very recent NL meta from the chess game where he was working the phones all day and trying to find woofs. very into it iirc. this seems less so. his reads seem like he just needs to get them out of the way and be done with it, rather than try to convince others that he has found something worth finding.

Ash and Gad I have no reads on, and haven't been paying much attention to tbqh. I don't even remember what Ash's avatar is right now.

monte seems villagery if anything

that being said, i don't really like you assigning villager reads to anything i am saying. like i wuoldn't be listing montecore as a villager. i do not like giving ppl early village reads, because my mind truly does not work like that. everyone is a suspected wolf until proven otherwise.
Can anyone help me read domer here

Because it sounds like fence sitting bull**** to me
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:48 PM
alright meeting confirmed over, i've got a little time

there's an event or something soon, right?
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:49 PM
peeked villagerwell named is the 3rd wagon

2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by exec771
Thoughts on our genie stuff

I outed the 3rd choice being cloak as a power villa

Possible well named did that?
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:49 PM
insanity what are your thoughts on me, aside from thinking I'm villagery for not clearing you
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:49 PM
i reckon 2-3 of my 6 voters are wolves

seems about right

Originally Posted by Eurotrash
a smattering of the past couple pages
alright well good luck and have fun out there euroa

i think you not showing up yday was potentially sketch

yeah i know i know it probably isn't sketch, but it could be
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:50 PM
I thought winner just won a vig from that event, but didn't read too close.

In either case, if I win a vig, I get to yolo one of my wolf reads.
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Can anyone help me read domer here

Because it sounds like fence sitting bull**** to me
he's for sure less forceful here than normal, the simplest explanation is that he's a wolf

he could be in mourning over PSH, though, who knows
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:50 PM
For those not normal in CT games..

The wolf team might be one faction - but divided up in small groups, who will join forces during the game. (when we move from one part of the park to another).
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:50 PM
Mucks being on the WN wagon is

Can you guess it


2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Hold'em 07
peeked villagerwell named is the 3rd wagon

Holdem not voting,
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by SuqAta8
ash caused a bit of a stir very early in the game when he quoted someone's sarcastic list and he took it at face value and people jumped on him; would be good to read gad in that fiasco as well
I'm not going back to read anything right now, but I'd like to get some kind of semi-consensus for a shat if I win, or I'll just YOLO.

This event sucks if it's villager heavy.
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos
Def a very villagery post for domah I thought.
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:51 PM
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by fnord_too

There's some talk that you have peaked zay villager. Please clarify.
I said Zayana is a villager

hope that helps
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
look at his posts more, there's a lot of one line reads, a fair few of his reads have conditionals attached in a pansy-stepping-around-issue way, plus a lil off topic thing, plus a general tone

nothing on it's own is indicative of swiitch wolf, but put 'em together and what've you got? swiitchery-wolfery-woo
Originally Posted by Swiitch
I'm not sure about that

Effen's thought process the last couple of pages is really off. You even said that you could see how effen would discount vyk w/moocher v (which I agree with), but then in like his next 3 posts, he goes on to say that he thinks vyk is a w and moocher is a v.

So why the **** would he post his original bull**** 'read'?
See, I disagree with TL, posts like this are why I think Swiitch is probably a villager. He's disagreeing with what someone said and I highly doubt wolves are super worried about keeping one person for a mislynch or something today, he explains why he disagrees, and it makes sense assuming that's what happened. And it doesn't make sense to lie there.
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:51 PM
stop the presses

OUR BOAY has arrived
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:51 PM
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Disney Mod
************Mod Note***********

For events with deadlines to register, it is mandatory to in by PM before the deadline to have a spot in the event. You know how long the queues are in Disneyland...

There might be a quick in thread late-registration possibility for late players. (For instance from 10.15am->10.25am, for the Pictures event.)

You can discuss freely about which events you are inning.

Activity Price (tickets) PM-deadline Opening Time
Shopping 0 None 8am
Dapper Dan's Haircut 1 12.30pm 1pm
Hide and Seek 1 2.30pm 3pm
Winter Parade 0 None 5.30pm
Pictures with Disney 1 10am 10.30am

just had this in queue.. was gonna go back and find all the significant related to the start times n stuff but I'll do that later, so just for reference.

Originally Posted by gambit8888

lol sup gambit? You know this isn't a turbo right?
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Can anyone help me read domer here

Because it sounds like fence sitting bull**** to me

He reminds me of UD last game - where he appears wolfy but has done at least a decent job of deflecting the pressure and volume pushing his way thru the pressure.

Going to be hard having confidence on him going forward without resolving him.
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:52 PM
**********Hide&Seek In Main Street************


We are going to play a quick game of Hide&Seek while waiting for the Winter Parade!

Please report to this thread:
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:52 PM
winner of the event kill someone else from the event exec
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Thoughts on our genie stuff

I outed the 3rd choice being cloak as a power villa

Possible well named did that?
There was indeed an option that made you peek as a villa for the rest of the game. (Pretty powerful for wolves)

In order to do that, wn would've had to choose a genie, and win the only non dud left after me and you. Slim odds.
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by wangpirate
also i have 30 minutes free for lunch. if anyone wants me to dig through posts for a certain individul, i'm open to suggestions besides insanity.
I don't see your conclusion on me?

Originally Posted by Disney Mod
************Mod Reminder***********

Do not forget to in by PM before the deadline to have a spot in the event. You know how long the queues are in Disneyland...

Activity Price (tickets) PM-deadline Opening TimeReward/DangerTime Consuming
Dapper Dan's Haircut 1 12.30pm 1pm ***/****
Hide and Seek 1 2.30pm 3pm **/-***
Winter Parade 0 None 5.30pm???/???until 6.15pm

If the attractions do not get the mininum # of participants, they will be canceled and tickets will be refunded.
So you can in ITA's if you want to?
2/3 The Battle of Disneyland Mishmash Extravaganza: Game Thread! Quote
