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2/24 Land Before Time Vanilla ww 2/24 Land Before Time Vanilla ww

03-01-2011 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911
BTW this was my 1st seer game since my 1st game ever.

so about 75 games and 2 years between getting to seer.
now i feel really really bad for losing this game. you might have to wait another 2 years before you get a shot at being seer again
2/24 Land Before Time Vanilla ww Quote
03-01-2011 , 09:42 PM
I was also swept in my first game as a seer.

No more seering for me imo.
2/24 Land Before Time Vanilla ww Quote
03-01-2011 , 09:43 PM
well at least now i don't feel as bad :P
2/24 Land Before Time Vanilla ww Quote
03-01-2011 , 09:45 PM
Well the night before my first game I discussed seer strategy with one of the other people playing.

ofc I get seer and he gets wolf so he reads me n1 and I get lynched.
2/24 Land Before Time Vanilla ww Quote
03-01-2011 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911
BTW this was my 1st seer game since my 1st game ever.

so about 75 games and 2 years between getting to seer.
wow, you run bad on seeraments.
2/24 Land Before Time Vanilla ww Quote
03-01-2011 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by InsureMePlz
Exo that is probably the most tilting avatar I've ever seen lol
yup it's pretty awesome
2/24 Land Before Time Vanilla ww Quote
03-01-2011 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by exoendo
yup it's pretty much the worst thing ever
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03-01-2011 , 11:03 PM
I feel like if i look at exos avatar too long I'll have a seizure
2/24 Land Before Time Vanilla ww Quote
09-04-2013 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by HiFi
Votes as of post 702
night in 2:08
4PerditionEADGBE, exoendo, Filthyvermin, J.D.
2Pikelmetsandfinsfan, rebonkulous
2wowluckyInsureMePlz, OnThInIcE911
2not votingPerdition, Pikel
Originally Posted by Perdition
Since he is the only other person on my wolf list with a vote:
I'd rather have me/eadgbe wagons than me/pikel
Originally Posted by rebonkulous
did anyone else find this really really creepy?

a sort of weak reads list that was unexplained

being 'unsure' on duck to me makes me think you're a wolf who knows duckburg is a villa, doesn't want to look bad voting him, but doesn't want to defend him because you're happy with his lynch.

I cind of think wow could be a decent lynch too becasue if he flips wolf he'll spew EAD ivilla

i stopped a reread of the UTRs here because i came across this. EAD not voting me is really really really wolfy now. IF THIS IS A TRUE READ A VILLAGER EAD WOULD HAVE SNAP VOTED ME D1 TODAY

Originally Posted by J.D.
fwiw, I will snap vote eadgbe if it will get him lynched.

notice my two votes yesterday were perd and ead. I got off eadgbe because no one else would vote with me.
So on day 1 J.D. goes hard at EADGBE. On day 2 he does it again. Then he change to Perdition to give EADGBE some space. Then the above happens.

So not only does he start the wagon, he really wants to put in the kill shot, as a wolf, even though his other wolf read just voted EADGBE.

Note that EADGBE was mislynched on day 2.

I'll keep reading this but lol at J.D.'s line here.
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