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2/19 Choose Your Own Adventure Werewolf Mish-Mash sign-up thread -New deadline Sun 8PM EST 2/19 Choose Your Own Adventure Werewolf Mish-Mash sign-up thread -New deadline Sun 8PM EST

02-05-2018 , 09:52 AM

Welcome to the Choose Your Own Adventure Mish-Mash sign-up thread, where -collectively or by your own- you will make choices that will shape what is going to happen to you in this very game.

Technical details:
  1. Designed and modded by UncleDynamite.
  2. 36 spots.
  4. No ITAs.
  5. The game will be played on gimmicks.
  6. You will still be able to attack each other, but not in the game thread.
  7. You may use Gold Pieces to purchase Day or Night Actions. GPs are typically won in events.
  8. You may apply for a high-intensity role via PM.
  9. This sign-up thread will close on Saturday, February the 17th.

Please be aware that...
  1. Those who want to play need to PM this account.
  2. Should you wish to play in this game please refrain from publicly stating these intentions (or hinting at them).
  3. Please do not recruit other players to this game. Leave this to me.

Participation requirements:
  1. This game requires a lot of reading. If you sign up, you will be expected to read long event posts and even longer modposts.
  2. This game will feature two daily group events. At their minimum, these events will require reading a post and choosing from several options. The events will be posted at SOD and 12PM EST, and the choices are due by 12PM EST and 4PM EST. If you cannot submit a choice to at least one of these events, do not sign up for this game.
  3. If you sign up, you will be expected to post at least 10 times per day and to dedicate at least 1h/day to this game.
02-05-2018 , 09:53 AM
Given the fact that this thread will remain locked, it will be regularly bumped by the moderator.
02-05-2018 , 10:03 AM
Q: Do I need to create my own gimmick for this game?

A: You do not. A gimmick will be supplied to you on night 0.
02-06-2018 , 03:31 AM
7/36 so far.
02-07-2018 , 06:00 AM
02-08-2018 , 04:19 AM

Guess I'll start spamming soon.
02-09-2018 , 06:11 AM

Reminder to those who plan to decide at the last minute: sign-ups close on Feb 17, not Feb 18.

Please adjust accordingly, or, even better, sign up now so I can have a peaceful week-end.
02-12-2018 , 04:34 AM
19/36, let’s speed this thing up.
02-13-2018 , 01:12 PM
02-14-2018 , 04:54 PM
02-15-2018 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
02-16-2018 , 03:35 PM

02-16-2018 , 03:36 PM
Also, I tweaked the roleset so the deadline can be moved to Sunday (6PM EST) but that is all I can do.
02-17-2018 , 03:04 PM

About 30h left to sign up.
02-18-2018 , 02:05 PM
Still 26/36 (that 33 in the last post was a typo).

Looks like this is not going to run, but there are still about 7h left.
02-18-2018 , 09:01 PM
30/36; I will not run this.

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who signed up and the game reviewer who read all my roles and the OPs.

Second, I am not giving up on the game; I will try running it again either in May or in September.

Either in mid-April or in mid-August, I will PM everyone that signed up, as well everyone who declined the invitation because of real life commitments and ask them to let me know which starting week would be most convenient to them. I will then pick a date based on the stats and hope for the best.

Third, I have a request: if you signed up for the game, please do not advertise this for obvious reasons.
Closed Thread Subscribe
