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2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread 2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread

02-22-2012 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
that depends on what you mean by "trolling" and "just"
intentionally trying to convince me that youre a wolf when youre a villager just to **** with me

Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
aao, what do you think about eadgbe?

he's pretty much lock wolf at this point imo
my post was basically

if sun is a wolf, he could have thought that NL peeked him.

and then i voted you to see what your reaction would be

and your immediate reaction was to call me a wolf

even tho im a pretty unlikely ass wolf at this point considering i tried to lynch nofear > kruze at eod when i could have easily just fake AFK'd.

and then i agreed to thunderdome with you

and then i backed off because i thought you gave off a villager tell

why the **** would i do that as a wolf?

there is NO reason for me to clear you after pushing you

i really really really doubt i would get lynched ahead of you this game
2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread Quote
02-22-2012 , 03:22 PM
Aao's push of carty seems insincere
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02-22-2012 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by crmccarty
OH NOES! Something you posted as I was posting caused me to change my mind. I'M OBVIOUSLY WOLFY AS HELL.
So are you therefore comfortable that there are 2 wolves in aao/monte/annie then?
2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread Quote
02-22-2012 , 03:25 PM
ok, here's the evidence aao

apparently you didn't read all this even though it's only a page back

Originally Posted by EADGBE
really an asston of sun probing by NLS

makes me think that if suns a wolf, he could have thought NLS was stringing him out after wolf peeking him.
no one thinks someone peeked them wolf who never called them a wolf

no one sane anyway

Originally Posted by EADGBE
dont know how much you can infer from his ordering

sun not on either list
admits I'm not on his lists and therefore can't possibly be a peek

and would never imagine I was

Originally Posted by EADGBE
like if sun is a wolf

this post in particular could have def pinged his seerdar
claims I have a ****ed up seerdar

which may be true in the sense as far as seerhunting in general goes, but I'm a pro at knowing when I've been peeked and this doesn't look anything like it

and I can't see how anyone could think it does

and I don't believe eadgbe thinks it does

Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
so I vote the obvious wolf for howling

Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
eadgbe is full of ****

nothing nls posted even vaguely suggests me as a wolf peek
Originally Posted by EADGBE
oh cool

sun is a wolf

extreme dishonesty with added wolfy emotes (laughing because he knows it can't be taken seriously and he doesn't want to be accountable for it)

Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
let's thunderdome then

me vs you

I don't even care if I go first as long as you get lynched next
I'm sure enough that eadgbe is a wolf that I'm willing to die to guarantee his death

wolves of course don't want to do that because a wolf is more valuable than 1 mislynch

Originally Posted by EADGBE
k you go first then.

more wolfy emotes as well as wolfy cowardice

Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
I call his bluff because it's a good trade for me, bad for him

Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
note that eadgbe is saying that I would think nls peeked me wolf and then didn't leave the peek anywhere

which is saying he thinks I'm some kind of moron

which I don't think eadgbe thinks
I already posted this so it's dishonest of you to ask me for evidence

have you not been reading the thread today, aao?

Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
eadgbe, do you think I'm a moron?
Originally Posted by EADGBE
no, but i think youre a wolf.

me thinking you could have thought NLS peeked you wolf and not left the peek != me thinking you are a moron

you trying to extrapolate that into me either being a wolf OR thinking youre a moron is a false premise.
note the inconsistency with what he said before

he claimed to think I'm stupid enough to think that someone who peeked me wolf would ask me some questions and then never suggest that I'm a wolf or even put me on his suspect lists

is anyone that stupid?

has anyone in the history of ww ever thought like that?

Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
only a moron would peek a wolf and not leave the peek anywhere

and I don't think nls is a moron

but eadgbe, for you to believe any of this horse****, you would have to be a mouth-breathing imbecile

and I don't think you are

so I'm never taking my vote off of you until you're dead
oh look, I already said this

why did you ask for evidence, aao?

what the **** does this **** look like?

Originally Posted by EADGBE

that last post makes me think youre a villager

this is wolfy for several reasons:

1. tmi: there's no reason for that post to make him think I'm a villager if he thought I was a wolf

2. backing out: he was lying about being willing to thunderdome me,
even the favored version where I get lynched first and he only gets lynched after I flip villager

3. more wolfy emotes. Why the hell is he laughing? We're talking about life and death here.

Originally Posted by EADGBE
that wasnt sarcasm

how do you like this vote, aao?

do you agree with it?

does it bother you?

should he think you're a wolf?

Originally Posted by EADGBE
well it was thin to begin with and i dont think you tell me to go **** myself if youre a wolf so i dont wanna thunderdome anymore

calls his own case thin, which is an extreme understatement

his case was dishonest horse****

and again, more wolfy emotes

Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
doesn't add up

you thought I was a wolf for no reason

and now for no reason you think I'm not

is ww some kind of weird joke to you?
again I call him out for it, but apparently you haven't seen this yet either
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02-22-2012 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
Aao's push of carty seems insincere
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02-22-2012 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by aao
So are you therefore comfortable that there are 2 wolves in aao/monte/annie then?
Yup. Though slightly less so. You, in particular, seem pretty wolfy to me. I'm like 99.99999% sure there's one wolf on that list.
2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread Quote
02-22-2012 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by crmccarty
Seriously, timestamps are a thing, and you should take them into account before you make a terrible logical leap.
There's 2 minutes in between those posts...
2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread Quote
02-22-2012 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by crmccarty
Yup. Though slightly less so. You, in particular, seem pretty wolfy to me. I'm like 99.99999% sure there's one wolf on that list.
Oh so it's now one wolf?

Make up your mind...
2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread Quote
02-22-2012 , 03:30 PM
Definitely leaning towards Sun's side in the Sun/EADGBE argument, though I'm not sure it clears either of them given that it could be planned out in wolf chat (constant wolf chat is great for wolves and bad for town).

Order I truly believe this interaction is: (Sun/Ead)
2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread Quote
02-22-2012 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by aao
There's 2 minutes in between those posts...
Where did you get two minutes between your post at 1:10 and my post at 1:10?

My mind IS made up. I'm positive that list contains 1 wolf and fairly certain it contains 2. I'm not changing what I'm saying, though you are trying VERY hard to make it seem that way.
2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread Quote
02-22-2012 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by crmccarty
Lulz. You're STILL on this one, huh? Tunnel much?

I'm still thinking aao/monte/annie/globe contains 2+ wolves.
So we have a confident 2+ wolves from 4 players...

Originally Posted by crmccarty
To me, that clears globe more than anything else does. Wolves would make sure fellow wolves are listed.
Then 2 minutes later taking off globe, leaving 2+ wolves from 3 players.

Originally Posted by crmccarty
Yup. Though slightly less so. You, in particular, seem pretty wolfy to me. I'm like 99.99999% sure there's one wolf on that list.
To having near enough 100% chance of there being only one wolf from 3 players.

2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread Quote
02-22-2012 , 03:36 PM
I'm saying it took you two minutes to do a 180 on one of the 4 people you were confident contained 2+ wolves in...
2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread Quote
02-22-2012 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by EADGBE
intentionally trying to convince me that youre a wolf when youre a villager just to **** with me
more wolfy dishonesty

I never did this

I'm not a wolf and there's no reason to think I'm one

I called you out for trying to back out of a thunderdome because even the favorable version (I die first) is bad for you and you were never sincere

you don't get to back out

you don't shove all your chips in the middle and then say "just kidding" when you get called

you're done, you're getting lynched

we can lynch me first but you're going to die

Originally Posted by EADGBE
my post was basically

if sun is a wolf, he could have thought that NL peeked him.

and then i voted you to see what your reaction would be

and your immediate reaction was to call me a wolf
your post was to say something you know makes no sense and to suggest I thought something no sane person would ever think

Originally Posted by EADGBE
even tho im a pretty unlikely ass wolf at this point considering i tried to lynch nofear > kruze at eod when i could have easily just fake AFK'd.
blah blah, meow chow

stfu, you're a pretty likely ass wolf

Originally Posted by EADGBE
and then i agreed to thunderdome with you
case closed

we're thunderdoming

Originally Posted by EADGBE
and then i backed off because i thought you gave off a villager tell

why the **** would i do that as a wolf?
because wolves don't want to die

please don't ask ******ed questions

Originally Posted by EADGBE
there is NO reason for me to clear you after pushing you

i really really really doubt i would get lynched ahead of you this game
the order doesn't matter

you agreed to get lynched after me

there's no backing down

how could you possibly be a villager here, doing all this horrible, dishonest, wolfy, anti-village crap?

get lynched
2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread Quote
02-22-2012 , 03:38 PM

this is the most skewed biased case ever

i cant even fathom you writing this as a villager
2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread Quote
02-22-2012 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by aao
So we have a confident 2+ wolves from 4 players...
Yup. Given the info I had at that moment. Your post at 1:10 (same time as mine) made me change my mind about globe.

Then 2 minutes later taking off globe, leaving 2+ wolves from 3 players.
WAT? I dropped the +. You're INTENTIONALLY changing my statements. Kind of dumb considering people can read back. I think you're hoping people don't take the time to actually do that.

To having near enough 100% chance of there being only one wolf from 3 players.
Again, I never said that list only contains 1. I said I'm certain it contains 1, and am confident it contains 2.

Stop misconstruing my posts to make it seem like I said things I didn't say.
2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread Quote
02-22-2012 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by aao
I'm saying it took you two minutes to do a 180 on one of the 4 people you were confident contained 2+ wolves in...
So what?
2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread Quote
02-22-2012 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by crmccarty
Definitely leaning towards Sun's side in the Sun/EADGBE argument, though I'm not sure it clears either of them given that it could be planned out in wolf chat (constant wolf chat is great for wolves and bad for town).

Order I truly believe this interaction is: (Sun/Ead)

vote one of us

we're the wagons today
2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread Quote
02-22-2012 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by EADGBE

this is the most skewed biased case ever

i cant even fathom you writing this as a villager
how about addressing my points instead of making unsupported assertions?

what do you disagree with?

explain what you were thinking
2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread Quote
02-22-2012 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu

vote one of us

we're the wagons today
I probably will. Gonna let it play out some more.

In b4 aao comes in talking about how neither of you were on my list when I was certain I'd already found all three wolves.
2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread Quote
02-22-2012 , 03:42 PM
did you or did you not make a case that you knew had absolutely no merit whatsoever?
2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread Quote
02-22-2012 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by aao
I'm saying it took you two minutes to do a 180 on one of the 4 people you were confident contained 2+ wolves in...
180'ing like that is villagery

Villagers have reactions to things and post from their guts

wolves aren't reacting because they already know. they have to fake it. Faking it takes longer
2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread Quote
02-22-2012 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu

vote one of us

we're the wagons today

you two are terrible wagons for today

let's do something productive instead
2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread Quote
02-22-2012 , 03:45 PM
you guys can agree to thunderdome all you want but it doesn't obligate any of the rest of us to be anti-village

you can do that on your own :P
2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread Quote
02-22-2012 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by well named

you two are terrible wagons for today

let's do something productive instead
did you even read our interactions?

did you read my case?

what's wrong with it?
2/16 Cupcakes and Lollipops Vanilla Slow Game Thread Quote
02-22-2012 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by well named
you guys can agree to thunderdome all you want but it doesn't obligate any of the rest of us to be anti-village

you can do that on your own :P
how is lynching an outed wolf anti-village?
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