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1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! 1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread!

02-22-2016 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos

/\ that's my current villabro list (still no peek)
why Adam?
1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:02 PM
No mucks, I just listed you there because I've seen some post I didn't like as villa whatsoever

I have more solid wolf reads than you, but thinking about Vagos so much made me forget some, so I just gave Xander a couple of my wolf leans
1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:03 PM

Why inanity?
1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by monstrman
I DO have to go quote every villager game where I get over defensive

I'll be back in 15 minutes with 100 quotes
It's just one person...

Why not spare yourself the effort and spend your attention here instead?
1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos
mucks is on pace for about 900 posts by EOD3 - he's essentially a peeked villager
This. You're welcome, village.
1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by BenjaminAO
In the last game I played, I peeked a wolf, got another three in my list right before I died.

I think you telling me this is very rude, but my issue is I don't see you doing this as villa. In my first game ever, Haters 3, you guided me and helped me even though I had read incorrectly.

This game when I have much better reading skills, you put me down and give me no chance of getting good reads.

I am thinking all the time, and right now you being villa and the world around that, is the main topic atm.
Ok, sorry for being rude.

You think I'm a wolf, fine. You've made your case to the world. Everyone ITT is free to consider it and digest it and form their own opinion. All I can tell you is that I'm a villager and I plan on finding wolves and clearing villabros and to just let me be.
1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by BenjaminAO
So Vig, I just gave you your target tonight

If Vagos flips w, we get Xander,Insanity, and Benneh

Holy Molly Batman
This is almost a parody of a BenAO rage post

a) setting village night agenda
b) planning out lynches in advance
c) tunneling someone and calling anyone who disagrees a wolf
d) "holy molly"
e) middle of day 1

This feels intentional, I'm not feeling the genuine rage
1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by monstrman
I DO have to go quote every villager game where I get over defensive

I'll be back in 15 minutes with 100 quotes
do you ever get over defensive as a wolf bc if so you shouldnt waste your time
1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos
Ok, sorry for being rude.

You think I'm a wolf, fine. You've made your case to the world. Everyone ITT is free to consider it and digest it and form their own opinion. All I can tell you is that I'm a villager and I plan on finding wolves and clearing villabros and to just let me be.
LOL at that ben quote. He spent about 90% of the game insisting we lynch a villager because he was 100% wolf.
1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
why are you lying right now zdye?

you and me are about to go
I wasn't lying

I am shaking in my boots right now though

Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
idk, but what I am sure of is that monstrman didnt respond to me wanting an explanation in a very villagery manner and that is certainly the actual important part in this whole thing
1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by fmxda
This is almost a parody of a BenAO rage post

a) setting village night agenda
b) planning out lynches in advance
c) tunneling someone and calling anyone who disagrees a wolf
d) "holy molly"
e) middle of day 1

This feels intentional, I'm not feeling the genuine rage
... That post is supposed to be filled with rage? Did you quote the right thing?

That post is just me telling people that Vagos is a great info kill

I don't think you are a wolf, but damn you are focusing on things not there
1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:06 PM
I don't know if BenAO is villa or wolf but he's sure distracting my attention.

1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by BenjaminAO
No mucks, I just listed you there because I've seen some post I didn't like as villa whatsoever

I have more solid wolf reads than you, but thinking about Vagos so much made me forget some, so I just gave Xander a couple of my wolf leans

Please tell me who I've been sheeping a lot. Assuming sheeping means sponging, right?
1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by DividedSky
Do you actually believe that you can get Vagos lynched today?
How many people are going to stop disbelieving this and get on board? It's like the people last summer who didn't think Trump would last to Labor Day, my God.

1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:07 PM
scalding hot take:

xaro is a wolf solely for not doing one of his standard super annoying villa openers

plus his posts are just terrible
1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by zdye724
He kinda got mad when I called out namath too, so if namath is a wolf I think that's bad for effen
zaids this post is a verifiable lie, actually it's two lies in one phrase, I'm genuinely curious what makes you think I wouldn't notice? you still think I'm the easy low accountability mislynch i used to be but nahhh
1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by xander biscuits
I don't know if BenAO is villa or wolf but he's sure distracting my attention.

Can't tell whether this is sincere or not, but as a villager in his tunnel it's a very similar feeling to what Xander is explaining.
1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by Adam33
how common is wolf WIM role? in my experience, fairly, but you could probably answer with game designers in mind in addition to a more perfect sample size
I mean, it's a role that has popped up from time to time but it's in no way worth considering specifically for mucks, because he's simply way more likely to just be a villager.

Originally Posted by DividedSky
why Adam?
In my experience, he is overly fluffy as a wolf, and mostly disinterested in the game itself. That doesn't seem to be the case to me here.

Originally Posted by benneh

Why inanity?
I think I actually read insanity well, and when I've been suspicious of him in recent games where we're v/w, the read typically strengthens, but then the wolves just kill me or w/e. So far, I feel fine about him, and that's enough for me to treat him as a villager. If I'm concerned about him at all, I'll let it be known.
1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
looking back for the Apoc post I found wolfy, and I saw this one from Stork, which I hate:

i hope for Stork's sake that he didn't rand wolf again, but there's nothing villagery about the content of that sentence and the thought process feels contrived

in any case, i can't remember which of these Apoc posts pinged me, or whether it was all of them collectively, because they are all supremely awkward and staid and not flow-y

the periods freak me out; i recall him being more of the uncapitalized and unpunctuated thoughts school in Genius and Die Hard 2

the posts are also quite soft

now keep in mind that i still haven't read from post 401 through ~1000, and didn't really focus on his posting from post 1000+, but in the first couple of pages Apoc flat-out does not sound anything like what i remember of his villa game

and since i've just thrown shade on both of them, i will put a pin in the following post to revise my reads pending flipaments:

now, having finally fulfilled item 1 on my list, i'm gonna go do work
I don't think Gad has ever made such a comprehensive read on me. Most of it is fair based on my current postings.

Feels villagery
1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs

Please tell me who I've been sheeping a lot. Assuming sheeping means sponging, right?
It does, I need to go back and look, I have a lot on my mind aorn

I recall you going along with me and someone on a couple reads, even though you hadn't posted about them before.

That can be villagery, but I didn't feel like it was at the time

I can find the quotes if you really want them
1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by insanity31
scalding hot take:

xaro is a wolf solely for not doing one of his standard super annoying villa openers

plus his posts are just terrible
1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by Zorkman
How many people are going to stop disbelieving this and get on board? It's like the people last summer who didn't think Trump would last to Labor Day, my God.

1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:09 PM
Isn't Xaro someone's gimmick?
1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
zaids this post is a verifiable lie, actually it's two lies in one phrase, I'm genuinely curious what makes you think I wouldn't notice? you still think I'm the easy low accountability mislynch i used to be but nahhh
Lol come on son

You've never been a "easy low accountability mislynch"

You're one of the easiest players to clear by 4pm on d1
1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by insanity31
I'm not inviting you because of last time
It wont happen again


I dont wanna be in a villabro cirlce that includes adam unless someone gives me a good reason hes a villager
1990s Toon Mash Werewolf 2/22 -- Game Thread! Quote
