wtf kind of thought process is this? Dont kill the wolf we are lynching because we need to lynch a wolf?
if he is likely protected from day vigs then why try. Why not just lynch him? 50% chance to kill one out of 2 likely wolves seems worse than 100% chance to kill 1 out of 2 likely wolves
A shot rings out, and Xaro von Ducksauce is dead. He was:
Xaro von Ducksauce, you are Pesto.
You are Pesto, one of the Goodfeathers, in the Animaniacs parody of the Godfather films. You’re the short-tempered one, modeled after Joe Pesci’s character from Goodfellas, and you frequently get into fights with Squit (which Bobby finds hilarious)..
Together with your feathered brothers Bobby and Squit, you are the wolf vigilante trio. Each night, starting n1, the wolf team will assign one of the three of you to be the night vigilante for the night; the other two players will have no actions.