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19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD 19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD

01-21-2012 , 09:28 AM
And now... a list:

Noah - I concur with the rest of you.
Derm - see my previous post on him.
Monte - has been making mistakes, but they look random and non-intentional. I give him a C on quality control, but his posting appears spontaneous and therefore villagery. Should have made time to vote yesterday.
Timelady - I hated her Anarchist vote yesterday, but I still think she's villagery on balance.

Bsb - I like the fact that he comes up with these theories even if I don't always agree with them. Still haven't reread him.
Chrja - he needs to post more.
DB - SHC, otherwise wolfy.
Gazz - had a spurt of villagery activity early on yesterday, but mostly defensive and not that interested in the game around him.
Plough - UTR. I tried rereading him, but still couldn't get a good handle.
Wings - Insists that he's being villagery without actually coming across that way. Says he often comes across as wolfy to others, blames others for finding him wolfy.

Shadow - gives leans based on next to nothing, plays passively, would fit as Mac's wolf partner.
Mac - see my posts on this from early yesterday. I also didn't like his response to those posts at all.
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
What do you think of this tappokone and the fact that most people itt don't think I'm a wolf?
I think they should give you another read.
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 09:37 AM
wp willi

so DB and Noah are SHCed

I don't regret voting anarchist, despite the turn out. His EOD was ridiculously bad.
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 09:38 AM
I also happenstance to know that derm is a villager
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 09:41 AM

The more I play with Willi, the more awesome he is. Thanks for the save and I'm going to do my best to make your sacrifice worthy.

Sorry Annie. Even though you were giving me crap all of day 1, if you re-read my posts, I was actually giving you a villa lean for it. It wasn't until you pulled that Skype argument on NL and then dropped that bogus wolf peek on me that I flipped on you. At that point, I was 100% convinced you were a wolf and I was tunneled on you as you were on me. Mac was right, I should have let it go, but I just couldn't.

So now, aside from Noah who continues to be my top villager, I'm wiping my slate clean. Everyone (including you hotwings) starts from neutral again.

Here's where I'm starting out and will be posting thoughts about throughout the weekend.

Magic. I need to understand the vote on annie.

chrja. Understand the interview commitment, but I need to reread you because up to now I've assumed you're OK.

Mac/baseball. These two feel like they're linked and I want to explore that relationship. My gut says one is a wolf, but at this point I don't know which.

tappokone - You've been soft defending me all game and then dropping votes around for no apparent reason. I've played with you before and you're one of the most dangerous players in either role.

TimeLady - I've reread Noah's argument against you, and much of it is good. I need to reevaluate for myself.

Plough/Shadow - I really haven't had the time to look at either of them in detail, so it's about time I do.

Those are my starting points.
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 09:43 AM
I think we can find some wolves last night in the ensuing chaos.

Those that wagoned DB after willi "claimed", for example.
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 09:46 AM
Shadow & hotwings are my two BIGGEST villa leans and anybody pushing them today are likely to be wolves.
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 09:48 AM
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
RAWR? Acronym or what?
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by DB305
tappokone - You've been soft defending me all game
Huh. Are you referring to the posts for which you gave me a villa lean earlier?

and then dropping votes around for no apparent reason.
Plainly untrue.

I've played with you before and you're one of the most dangerous players in either role.
Dude, this is my third game. I've never wolfed.
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by DB305
RAWR? Acronym or what?
No just me roaring ike I'm the king of the jungle and I challenge anyone to come after my throne.
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by tappokone
Huh. Are you referring to the posts for which you gave me a villa lean earlier?

Plainly untrue.

Dude, this is my third game. I've never wolfed.
Give me time to put everything together. I'm not calling you a wolf, I am saying that so far, you've been allowed mostly free reign without being questioned about it. I've got others to get to first and I want to do so in a logical manner. You're good for now, but expect some questioning later on.
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
No just me roaring ike I'm the king of the jungle and I challenge anyone to come after my throne.
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 10:00 AM
That being said, I don't really care who is wagonned today but wings & shadow are off the table. Anyone trying to soft push them will be treated as claiming wolf.
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by tappokone
Dude, this is my third game. I've never wolfed.
So what makes you think you are better than 95% of POG at reading me? I have been caught by d2 in 100% of my wolf games since I returned to POG, my wolf game is that different.

I've played regularly with most people in this game and they don't have me as wolfy. The only person that has me as wolfy is you & Timelady, somebody who hasn't played with me in over a year I believe.
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 10:06 AM

You need to go back and read the thread and assume me & shadow are villagers. Then tell me what your reads are then.
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 10:11 AM

More love for Willi is needed in this thread!
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 10:18 AM
I'm desigining my mish mash pretty much all of today so I'm kinda in and out.

My first inclination is that Noah and DB are clear (ldo)

not voting for tapp or derm or monte

I need to reread EOD yesterday when I get a chance
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 10:19 AM
I'm going to go radio silent until I get off work today and See who posts up a storm and makes me proud.
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Lol at being voted already.

Thought I would pop in and say hi earlier before i went out for the evening, wasnt sure I would be able to get back on tonight.

Like Willi's first post, very nice to give a song to everyone.

Monte was a bit wolfy. Didnt have a problem with the vote for the pop in but I didnt like that he gets me and nofear confused, you had better know who I am if your gonna vote me.

Stern Judge hasnt been stern enough yet, im looking for him(?) to live up his name and lay down the law.
First set of what appear to be reads.

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Montecore for saying things that are not true.

I have never played a turbo.
Montecore vote. Consistent with previous read.

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Guesses like this are pointless. You are more likley to be wrong than right. Based on odds there is at best 1 wolf there.

In before someone says its me.
In response to Anarchists saying magic, hotwings and I are probable wolves. Doesn't call out Annie further though.

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
This is a lie. Big wolf lean for you. I dont think I have been UTR when I was a wolf ever.

I have a life, I have a job. I play ww when I have time, I post pretty much the same regardles of role.
In response to Willi. Big wolf lean now on him.

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Hmmm more lies.
Reinforces read/vote on Montecore.

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Villa lean for Tap as this is true. NL was really UTR as a wolf.
Villager lean to Tappokone. Implies that NLSoldier might be a wolf, but doesn't declare so strongly.

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Not at all, I can change my vote anytime.

Dont think I will though as you and willi are probably w/w together.
Reinforces his wolf leans on Willi and Montecore.

His EOD vote is on Montecore. So far this is consistent with his day 1, however after all that's gone down so far, his committed reads are that Monte and Willi are wolves. Not a single villager in the crowd?

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Lots of post from you this game (compared to the last one), does that mean your villa this time?
Question to McAvoy. I don't consider this a read however.

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
I can save you the time. Im a villager, I think you are too and possibly Mac.
In response to Noah. First villager read on obv Noah. Wishy-washy on Mac.

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Seems happy to be a villager
Gives villager read to himself???

Then posts 616, 617, 618, 619. All basically commentary mode.

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Doesnt think there was anything wrong with montes post, despite it being pointed out.

Kinda pushes me but doesnt commit to it. This is also a bit wolfy.
Willi is a wolf again.

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Will try and answer questions here as im going.

Reason I give a wolf lean for this is as a wolf you need to think more about how you want to portray other players, you cant go round calling someone a villager and then vote for them later.

It feels like he gave a villa lean then thought about it, realised that some people dont like gimmicks and realised this could be something to use later.

Wolves dont like to commit, that way they can change votes.

Perhaps im reading too much into it though, it is just 1 point.
Response to Noah about Willi.

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Hotwings in with ome reads. Justifys them when questioned.

Villa lean for this.
First commited villa lean of the entire game to hotwings? After all that's happened, he's the only villager in the crowd?

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Chrja in the thread. Making reads, asking questions, general all round being a villager.

Explains that he wont be around for the rest of the day. Im sure I saw people questiong where he was later in the day. Either they didnt read this post or they wanted to ignore it.
Huge multiquote of everything crhja. Second villager.

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Suspicious of Hotwings. Dont think I agree though. Its day 1 and Hotwings is saying that he can be convinced differently of peoples role. Thats just sensible. If he wasnt willing to change his opinion of anyone that would be bad.
Soft defends hotwings concerning post by Stern Judge.

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Dont like this post from Timelady where she is questioning Hotwings. I have a real problem with people turning things into something they are not.

Hotwings gave Stern a neutral lean, Timelady paints it as Hotwings calling Stern wolfy, but thats not what happened.
Again, soft defends hotwings from TimeLady post.

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Interesting read of Mac, especially the part where he votes chrja, as I quoted earlier chrja said he wont be around for the rest of the day. Mac could have missed this though. Interesting his list of reads didnt change, that is the most strange.

I had Mac as being kinda villagery based on his volume of posts. He was so UTR in the South Park game as a wolf. This post has got me wanting some answers from Mac.
Based on TimeLady post, begins a soft push of McAvoy?

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
I understand your point but some people think its unvillagery to play on a gimmick. He also said he was willing to change that read.

You have to understand that a lot of new players are very suspicious of the experienced players, especially if they are trying to hide who they are.

I would have to see something else on Hotwings to want to vote him, this just isnt enough for me.
Soft defends Hotwings again. Ok, this is starting to look like a bit of a bromance to me.

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Ok serious last post.

Hotwings didnt do the same thing. In 1 post he said that he thought Stern sounded villagery but was being downgraded to neutral.

You made a post, gave a lean, then came back and revoked it.

Its not just that that makes me lean wolf on you, its the fact that when Monte made what can be descibed as a wolfy post you said you didnt find it wolfy.

Its not just about 1 thing, its about lots of little things adding up to form an opinion.

UTR is nothing to do with it. People pressuring someone before day 1 has even ended for being "UTR" is nonsense in my opinion. At least give people time to show you something before applying pressure.

Rather than me have a day 1 where I can come and go, make some reads, make some votes and get some responses became spend ages pointing out how ******ed it is to call someone wolfy for making a post within the first half a page and then not sitting around to make bullcrap reads based on nothing whatsoever.
Love for hotwings again arguing with Willi on why Willi is wolfy again.

Then, misses the ENTIRE DAY and finishes out his participation with this:

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
crap missed the day Anarchist
Logically, I would expect a strong vote on Willi or Montecore if Magic were being consistent. A vote on Anarchist here makes absolutely no sense other than just a sponge to get a villager mislynched.

Magic, can you explain your logic here?
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by Noah

More love for Willi is needed in this thread!
Trust me, the last two games we've been in together, this one and one where he was wolf, he is moving into the Greatest of All Time territory!!!
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by DB305
Villager lean to Tappokone. Implies that NLSoldier might be a wolf, but doesn't declare so strongly.

First commited villa lean of the entire game to hotwings? After all that's happened, he's the only villager in the crowd?
Sorry, there was an error in my post here. He actually did give a villa lean to tappo before hotwings. My oversight in trying to assemble this all in one place.

But the question remains. Please explain the vote on Anarchist.
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 11:06 AM
For reference for some following posts:

8 nlsoldier anarchist (107), db305 (34), derm (12), Montecore (89), ShadowZero (18), tappokone (17), Timelady (42), willi (45)
3 db305 bsball8806 (37), hotwings18 (19), ThePlough (6)
3 Montecore chrja (11), magic_gazz (25), stern judge (16)
2 ShadowZero nlsoldier (25), noah (54)
1 chrja McAvoy (16)
0 not voting

5 anarchist db305 (25), derm (17), magic_gazz (28), theplough (16), timelady (38)
3 chrja mcavoy (25), bsball8806 (46), noah (34)
2 db305 anarchist (66), hotwings18 (16)
2 hotwings18 tappokone (21), willi (48)
1 timelady shadowzero (14)
2 not voting chrja (0), montecore (9)
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by McAvoy

You need to go back and read the thread and assume me & shadow are villagers. Then tell me what your reads are then.
Let's talk Shadow. I wrote that he "gives leans based on next to nothing" and "plays passively". Re his reads, he has done the following:

- gave a villa lean for Annie for posting a lot.
- gave a villa lean for Monte for making Shadow smile.
- gave a villa lean for Willi for taking the time to write that big first post.
- said he doesn't want to lynch NLS based on NLS giving an unverifiable reason for not being able to post.

I think it's fair to say that he's handing out leans for poor reasons and sometimes for no real reason at all.

Re his passivity, on day one he said that he'll vote for his wolf leans if they have a wagon, indicating that he's not prepared to start wagons. He's played like that, too.

Now, why do you have Shadow as a villager? Why do you think going after him is wolfy?
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
01-21-2012 , 11:32 AM
Im not sure what that EOD was about. Why was willi fake claiming seer? To stop DB getting lynched? If he had been seer that would have been the worst of all time play.
He obviously has his reasons but I dont like it at all. Now people are going to say Noah and DB are SHC and that may not even be true.

In response to DB's question, I voted Annie cause there was no wagon on the 2 people I wanted to vote.
19/1 Euro vanilla GAME THREAD Quote
