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17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) 17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night)

03-22-2014 , 12:33 PM
Good morning beautifuls
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 12:34 PM
I’m actually fairly confident mets is a wolf.

There’s no way his read on me is genuine.

"if qq SOMEHOW is a villager then i’ll have to reevaluate tom"

Aer you makeing jokes?
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
Sup bros, villager here.

Hopefully I'll get off work in a couple hours so I can scan the thread and drill WILves. I'll read/post when I wake up tomorrow at the latest.

Just an FYI that I work nights so on work days, I may be AFK for a lot of EODs.
Is this your first game? Would people here not know your schedule by now? I ask this because I don't see a reason why you would still be reiterating this fact unless you're trying to give yourself an excuse/leeway for not posting.
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by q_q
I’m actually fairly confident mets is a wolf.

There’s no way his read on me is genuine.

"if qq SOMEHOW is a villager then i’ll have to reevaluate tom"

Aer you makeing jokes?
This reads really genuine to me. First town read goes to q_q!
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 12:38 PM
I'm done reading hte first 100 posts. I've posted my reactions on them. I'll do some more after a game of league. Maybe. This is all very cumbersome and I'm probably not helping by posting in spurts as opposed to posting one long post. I think I'll try that for my read of page 2.
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 12:38 PM
Bye beautifuls

had to lay slank cover while I bust the main at Live! today

I'll be all up in here lurking like a pro up in yalls thread

Might even drop a read or two
wish me luck boays - I'll be back later to GOAT it up etc etc

17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan


will prob get mislynch

lol village

So happy that lolmets is here to just be a douche all game. Either quit being a bitch or quit signing up for games.

That being said, slight villa lean

Originally Posted by wangpirate

ima villa ima villa ima VILLLLAAA

#turnup #villageswag
UGH, I'm a Villa = "I'm going to act like I'm unhappy about my rand, but I really am, cause I is a WOLF"

slight wolf lean to wang

Originally Posted by grant2
hi wangers. i'm kinda down about other WW games so hopefully this one will pick me up.
This post makes me O_o, it's kinda like grant is already making excuses for possibly being wolfy.

Originally Posted by Dragontamerx
This is my first game, and I have been trying to figure out how best to win as a villager. Seems tricky since we won't be starting with much info to go on.

I was thinking the best thing to do as a villager is try to protect the seer and give the seer the chance to feed information to the team without outing himself.

To that end I suggest we all make a list with one persons name on it. And say "I suspect person x is a villager" Or "I suspect person X is a wolf"

This way when the Seer is inevitably killed we can go back to his list. Day one we should do this with the understanding that no one has any clear info on who is who yet, so these guesses should be considered random. Honestly, no one's list will be particularly useful until the seer is killed and then we can go back and look at his list.

Each day everyone adds one more person to their list. When Seer dies we have a list of everyone they identified without putting them in any danger. So just post "My list: " and then after that we can go on with the usual guessing and searching out the smelly wolves.

I say anyone who refuses this strat is a wolf, and we should GET EM!

My List: Askthepizzaguy is a villager. Naming him since he gave me some good strategy advice in the previous thread
Not sure what to make of this post.

Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
see if this is what this game is gonna be im already regretting signing up

thanks guys
Seriously, STFU or GTFO

Originally Posted by Dragontamerx
I wonder if I can make it past day 1.

The hardest part for me will be not forgetting that I cannot edit posts. Removing typos is something I'm usually pretty anal about and do without thinking when I see them.
The bolded makes me really skeptical

Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
grant is being dickish to me the way tom was in my last turbo

he's outed

good job grant
Tell me more, sir.

Luckbox Inc
Top Tier Tom

Really doubt that grant/wang/dragon are all wolves, gonna hope I see some better posting on p2, but that's what I have on p1
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Xkf let's be cautious friends for a few days
I'm down

I read u pretty well, u read men pretty well, we'll let it sit for a few
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 12:48 PM
Meant u read me

But I bet u read men well too
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
Bye beautifuls

had to lay slank cover while I bust the main at Live! today

I'll be all up in here lurking like a pro up in yalls thread

Might even drop a read or two
wish me luck boays - I'll be back later to GOAT it up etc etc

Last time I saw you do a 1-2 post d1 u were a wolf
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
in turbos everyone lollynches me day 1 now and thinks its funny and dont care about my role

you all sucked the wim out of me

Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
you were at least a wolf at least but getting spammed into games and having people sign up with the sole purpose of trolling me was enough to make me want to permaban

people have me on ignore and vote me for ****s and giggles----

it gets annoying

yes, im a bitch

now shut the intercourse up about it and pretend were cool dammit


realizing why grant is a wolf would be a good start
Seriously on the verge of just parking a vote on mets forever until he's lynched.

Originally Posted by grant2
Hello village! With devout and detailed examination of posting history, message subtext, searches for mason codes, and other complex analyses both scientific & mystical, I've identified 2 of the 4 evil wolves in our midst:

askthepizzaguy and q_q

I believe my share of the work is done. You all can find the other 2.

I don't like somebody already claiming to have two wolves nailed in the first 50 posts.

Originally Posted by q_q
Thin tone read: tom’s wolfing.
Originally Posted by q_q
Top Tier Tom
I like this from q_q

Originally Posted by Xkf
Hahahaha ahahaha I'm a villager

Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy
Oh shoot it's "villager" isn't it? Not townie!?!?

Oh why, oh why didn't I read the thread closely enough? Now everyone knows I don't have a villager PM.


SuQA and monk, I'm sorry I failed you already. My shame will curse my family for generations.
This does not seems like a post a wolf would make

Luckbox Inc
Top Tier Tom

on to p3
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
Is this your first game? Would people here not know your schedule by now? I ask this because I don't see a reason why you would still be reiterating this fact unless you're trying to give yourself an excuse/leeway for not posting.
First vanilla SnG, only my 3rd non-turbo game.

Don't expect people to know my work schedule, and yes, part of the reason I'm reiterating it is because I don't want to put up "Wow, Rawrs was really FROZEN there ay EOD. Dude's probably wolfin'"

I'm legit worried about the modkill for not posting in the final hour before EOD. There is possibility that I get locked in around that time and can't post. Apologizes in advance if that happens.
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
I'm legit worried about the modkill for not posting in the final hour before EOD. There is possibility that I get locked in around that time and can't post. Apologizes in advance if that happens.
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 01:00 PM
loool Rawrs.. I expect it to be:
if you haven't posted at all an hour before EOD - then you're modelled...

otherwise every euro like me is getting modkilled
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Scummy post
scummy post

Originally Posted by q_q
I like half of this list

Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Still loling at this

I say we lock clear him and move on

All in agreement say "aye"

Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy
I'm fine with that especially if the seer never peeks him. Then we can feel like we're almost taking an actual risk.

TTT I am willing to vote monk anytime if you vote SirRawrs at EOD if he is one of the top 2 candidates.

Meaning, if you think he's wolfy help me lynch him if there's a realistic chance that will happen.

If he's got like 1 vote then do whatever.
Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy
Also don't get discouraged if people don't flock to follow your suggestions, especially this early in the game.

Follow the leader is a bit forced, it's harder to look for unusual behavior if everyone acts in the same manner. I prefer a free / chaotic approach.
Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy
Yes, and if SirRawrs does not get lynched, I am willing to offer my assistance on this matter as well.

I am not feeling the too drunk to participate, then still coming in the thread to post.
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Luckbox what do you think is villagery about that Sirr post
Legit loling about you guys trying to put so much merit into an opening post. Move on and try to find a real wolf.

Giving a slight wolf lean to TTT for now

Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
He's a new player and he's excited to play

Means he's probably a villager

Makes sense to me


Do you think he's wolfy or something
This is true, most new players are excited when then are villager and get kinda nervous as wolf/seer. I feel like if Dragon is a wolf, he will slip up eventually.

Luckbox Inc
Top Tier Tom
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by q_q
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
2. Modkill if you don't post 1 hour before the lynch
I'm a poker dealer. There is a legit chance that on some nights I will be in the box from 6p-7p (which would be 8p-9p server time). There is a 0% chance of me posting during then.
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
I'm a poker dealer. There is a legit chance that on some nights I will be in the box from 6p-7p (which would be 8p-9p server time). There is a 0% chance of me posting during then.
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
now cue the people saying how the me/mets interaction was odd or one of us (prolly me) was forced
Originally Posted by monk2310
Also, was it me, or was that mets/luck interaction kind of fake?
Originally Posted by wangpirate

i lol'd
this is the correct response

Originally Posted by Xkf

They are capable of extended w/w interaction
this is not
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 01:15 PM
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 01:15 PM
Hrm hard to have any reads yet. I was going to unvote wang when others shat on my seer cover idea, but then he never came back and defended himself and stayed pretty quiet/unconcerned to have a vote. So that feels slightly wolfy. Not sure.

Then the interaction between luckbox and mets makes me feel like one is a wolf and one is a villager, but I don't really have a good read which is which.
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 01:15 PM
Suq you think xkf is wolfy?

I think this post is wolfy too:

Originally Posted by Xkf
Last time I saw you do a 1-2 post d1 u were a wolf
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by grant2
Robik fwiw, i don't care much about people voting me and I'm villager.

Mets' response may merely indicate that he has accepted our Lord Saviour Jesus Christ into his heart.
I'm a jew
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by q_q
I’m actually fairly confident mets is a wolf.

There’s no way his read on me is genuine.

"if qq SOMEHOW is a villager then i’ll have to reevaluate tom"

Aer you makeing jokes?
I'm 100% serious
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
I'm 100% wolf
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
03-22-2014 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by q_q
I’ll try to explain but it’s a FEELING thing.
Originally Posted by q_q
It’s not like that.

I’m not comparing your posts, that’d be useless.

In vacuum, this game, you’ve had wolfy tone and I feel you’re a wolf.
After completing a four-pass analysis of these posts, I have determined that the alternative slanted apostrophe character used in "you've" by q_q here is a wolf signal

Originally Posted by q_q
Like why’d you vote monk randomly?
Originally Posted by q_q
Don’t go to bed plz.
I thought you were villagery last night but you're pushing the limits of my suspended disbelief by acting like you don't know how I play when we've been in a couple turbos together
17er Reggae reggae SNG Vanilla (monkey rules) (short night) Quote
