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17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) 17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night)

01-27-2014 , 09:27 AM
UD I don't wanna alarm you or anything but I already have a zillion posts so I think your spam master title is in serious jeopardy
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
Yo Boiler/UD

with Chris I think one thing that might be important is that he addressed me when I said who I thought the strongest players are in the game, saying he should be on the list. I think it was semi-serious. If so I feel like he probably expects to play well here, sorta like the opposite of setting slank cover or whatever. Obviously it doesn't mean an awful lot except that he's set a standard for himself in the half hour before bed that he probably has to fulfill later. So I sorta expect him to come out hard when he wakes up regardless of role and the lack of energy was more likely a personal thing than a role-dependent thing

Anyway, we'll see :P

ChrisV should be on the short list of best players in this lineup. As a villager, he is clearly one of the best players in POG.

That being said, I'm used to him figuring out 3/4's of the posters roles by now. He didnt seem to be doing much work yet, he was just posting to post I felt.

Its early - I reserve the right to change my vote if he comes in and gets villagery.
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by DuracellDK
Hi. Guess i am in anyway. Not too bad

UAW710 remove your vote. I don't like to look at a votecount where I am at the top.

Not much had happen. Pure soulread (no peek) tells me that captain binkles is more likely than rand to be villa.
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:32 AM
Probably a good chance that UAW and IHCJay are both villagers too.
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by Willi
UD (better wolf than villa tho)
Willi, I am actually much better at villaging than at wolfing, it's not particularly close.

Also, this is a somewhat tough line-up for me, cuz I don't read well most of the players I have experience with, and there are a lot of them with whose I have little to no experience.
That, however, will not stop me.
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:33 AM
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:35 AM
^To follow up on what I was saying about Chris. What I mean is, like, given what he said about his own game I'm less inclined to care about a perceived lack of energy right before he went to bed, when I liked the content he provided, and I think he's likely to come out strong tomorrow morning regardless of his role.

Also I apologise for whoever has to read this page later and sift through all my aidsing

Gonna head to bed in a bit, as elite as my zayana vote is I think I'm gonna move to tweedy

some other random thoughts:
- I think Willi coming back at me in such an emotive/trolly way was, while unhelpful, somewhat pure.
- Idk if I agree with all of what Quarr is saying but I like his approach
- I like Jay's tone although his content is sorely lacking
- With duracell, I don't like him asking a fairly blah question and then leaving when I'm not sure why he'd necessarily think people were trolling with the answers
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
hello friends
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
Hmm why'd you call willi wolfy there bankles

I thought he looked maybe mildly wolfy but I kind've wanted to let him poast more and see how it goes. Didn't seem like a spot where you should be applying any pressure.

Seems like you should've had the same thought as me imo. Hold onto the read, see where it goes, etc.
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
Oh boay the fun has already begun
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
I don't think you should've mentioned it at all imo bankles. Saying "I'm going to allow it" doesn't really change anything. Obv you're never going to just start tunneling him or go HAM at him cause there's not a whole lot there. But mentioning it alerts him and gives him a chance to change it up.
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
I'm not arguing imo. I'm playing WEREWOLF.
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
captain bankles
tapping the glass too hard
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
something like that sir william
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
I am an accomplished day gamer bankles

17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:36 AM
oh **** UD must be bussing duracell

Redd, sure, just wanted to note it down. I have a lot of random thoughts in my head
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
I don't get why ib alwaysc thought we were coodela and I've specifically asked you if you and i are cool do and you've said yes


Im a villa but need every one to play with me or lunch me. No maj so I'll leave peek later

I'd rather just play
You're tempting me a little bit I must say
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:37 AM
That was quite the cross post
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:38 AM
Willi is a probably a villager. UAW started goodish but I need to see a bit more from him to make a call.
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
^To follow up on what I was saying about Chris. What I mean is, like, given what he said about his own game I'm less inclined to care about a perceived lack of energy right before he went to bed, when I liked the content he provided, and I think he's likely to come out strong tomorrow morning regardless of his role.

Also I apologise for whoever has to read this page later and sift through all my aidsing

Gonna head to bed in a bit, as elite as my zayana vote is I think I'm gonna move to tweedy

some other random thoughts:
- I think Willi coming back at me in such an emotive/trolly way was, while unhelpful, somewhat pure.
- Idk if I agree with all of what Quarr is saying but I like his approach
- I like Jay's tone although his content is sorely lacking
- With duracell, I don't like him asking a fairly blah question and then leaving when I'm not sure why he'd necessarily think people were trolling with the answers

I agree with a lot of what you're saying so lets hope you're a villager with pure intentions
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
I'd rather not to be honest, I think I'm in too much of a glass house to start throwing stones at people in that sort of way. I don't want that sort of role when I'm hardly a saint either. I'd rather just stay out of games with you for the most part.
You prefer irreconcilable differences? Let's fix it. For the sake of the kids

I want to be an open place to play games. If you and jim and others are going to be out games anytime after I enter I will be the one to graciously leave.

Y you don't want games to be all about me, then don't make games all about me. The wise I will start playing on a gimmick or some ****. This is stupid. I like you, I don't think I've done anything wrong to you. And if I did I would gladly apologize and get something on going gladly correct it

And no I don't want to survivor, I don't want one of us to have to leave, I don't want any of that. I want us to be able to play games together on a games forum. Ideally in my utopian state of mind I want us to be friends outside the games. But I have apparently done some wrongs that I'm not aware of that seems to make that unlikely

So if you're not going to tell me what I do so hirribly ne games that makes you refused to play with me there's not a ton I can do to fix it. But since I snuck into this game and you signaled me out which of course me the game about me... Let's try to work together and I will let go of my dreams of having any kind of an out of game relationship with you. But I do apologize for whatever I've done to make you hate me this much. I assume it was really bad. And I never tried to upset anybody
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
^To follow up on what I was saying about Chris. What I mean is, like, given what he said about his own game I'm less inclined to care about a perceived lack of energy right before he went to bed, when I liked the content he provided, and I think he's likely to come out strong tomorrow morning regardless of his role.

Also I apologise for whoever has to read this page later and sift through all my aidsing

Gonna head to bed in a bit, as elite as my zayana vote is I think I'm gonna move to tweedy

some other random thoughts:
- I think Willi coming back at me in such an emotive/trolly way was, while unhelpful, somewhat pure.
- Idk if I agree with all of what Quarr is saying but I like his approach
- I like Jay's tone although his content is sorely lacking
- With duracell, I don't like him asking a fairly blah question and then leaving when I'm not sure why he'd necessarily think people were trolling with the answers
oh you
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:41 AM
oh sick EOD is 1pm my time I think, that's cool
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by Willi
chris are you coming back later?


i must say I am pretty unimpressed with your effort. Like in forsy 25k post game.
Ok this I don't like. He asked a legitimate question and supposedly went to bed. Don't see anything wolfy from him.
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
That was quite the cross post
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:42 AM
Mets - less talking with Binkles about things that arent important anyways, and more of your signature/trademark owning wolves please.
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
oh **** UD must be bussing duracell

Redd, sure, just wanted to note it down. I have a lot of random thoughts in my head
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:44 AM
binkles, duracell's villa read on you is pretty strange.
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
Mets - less talking with Binkles about things that arent important anyways, and more of your signature/trademark owning wolves please.
I will by end of day. But my relationship or lack thereof with binkles is important to me even if its not to him

So I'm pretty distracted at the moment
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:44 AM

17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:45 AM
Curious fact: if tweedy's posts came up without a name, I would say that they were written by captain binkles
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd

Howl will you explain this
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
