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17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) 17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night)

01-28-2014 , 10:17 PM
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:17 PM
Huber there is no way you can actually think I'm a wolf

I thought you read D1?
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by DuracellDK
Just had to check my PM again. I am still not the seer.

But if i was, then i have peeked a wolf.

But chillax guys. Just a vanilla
Originally Posted by DuracellDK
Zayana is my peek
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom

Hold me

How many people here realize that the kill was made specifically to get us to lynch Zayana and Willi out of paranoia?

*raises hand*
Well, the NK clears Willi. But Zay likely has to die, regardless, now. Considering how quick the kill was, there is a decent chance of her being a wolf.
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:18 PM
K so conspiracy theory would be binkles tweedy

And hope we mislynch zay

If zay were to make that kill would it be that quick?

Unless jay is a Wolf

17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom

Hold me

How many people here realize that the kill was made specifically to get us to lynch Zayana and Willi out of paranoia?

*raises hand*
We have 13 people left. 2 are wolves so we have a butt load of mislynches left. If the wolves want to FPS to make us lynch zay when she is likely to be lynched anyways than lol them.
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom

Hold me

How many people here realize that the kill was made specifically to get us to lynch Zayana and Willi out of paranoia?

*raises hand*
this is what my tinfoil brain is telling me
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:19 PM
I think I'd like to go today guys

game is over anyways

just get to F3 and figure out the last wolf there
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:19 PM
its gotta be zay/x

whose the x?

the kill was pretty much submitted RIGHT at EoD - which means the wolves KNEW they were going to kill Duracell long before EoD IMO

which is probably the result of a zay = w peek yes?

an FPS kill would likely be discussed after EoD, yada yada yada
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
K so conspiracy theory would be binkles tweedy

And hope we mislynch zay

If zay were to make that kill would it be that quick?

Unless jay is a Wolf

Certainly possible, but quite the desperation play at this point.
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
K so conspiracy theory would be binkles tweedy

And hope we mislynch zay

If zay were to make that kill would it be that quick?

Unless jay is a Wolf

17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by Nofear3838
Well, the NK clears Willi. But Zay likely has to die, regardless, now. Considering how quick the kill was, there is a decent chance of her being a wolf.
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:20 PM
Why would zay kill that fast
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
its gotta be zay/x

whose the x?

the kill was pretty much submitted RIGHT at EoD - which means the wolves KNEW they were going to kill Duracell long before EoD IMO

which is probably the result of a zay = w peek yes?

an FPS kill would likely be discussed after EoD, yada yada yada
This was my initial thought on it
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:21 PM
ok, dammit I'm not going to let the wolves get me mislynched after I was finally somewhat clear.
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:21 PM
Lynch me tomorrow if I can't get a sub, it won't matter at that point anyways. Zay needs to die today though.
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:21 PM
And zay seems to really not know that he peeked her Wolf

Maybe I'm a sucker


Good job duracell.
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:22 PM
--- Day 1 ---

Originally Posted by ChrisV
This is a villagery post.

Originally Posted by ChrisV
Tweedy's case on UD is kind of OK, but I agree with bankles that looking at UDs day holistically he's been no worse than rand. He was wolfy circa page 4-5 or so but if you showed his subsequent posting to someone who hadn't read those pages they'd have no reason to think he's a wolf.

I'm gonna reread Luckbox and mets.
Originally Posted by ChrisV
OK I just reread mets and he is struggling super hard. I would lynch him over Willi now.

His posting is a stream of dribble reading people based on how they're reading or reacting to him (which is trademark wolf mets). Then there's a nonsense case on Duracell and then he actually starts trying to read me based on Duracell's interactions with me:

lolz. OK so looking at mets' posting on me, here he is after I made 7 posts last night:

Then after I come and make a bunch of long posts, pretty good ones imo, this is mets' reaction:

Nothing about the actual content of my posts, just more tinfoiling about how we're w/w. If I'm "easy to clear", why isn't he writing about the contents of my posts instead of trying to read me based on my interactions with a guy who he doesn't actually know is a wolf?

Literally everything mets has posted today is either commentary on what people think about mets, or it's about how he's "caught" Duracell and commentary on people's interactions with Duracell. This is struggling 101.

Originally Posted by ChrisV
I'm here. I went to reread Luckbox, then mets, and mets took ages because he has 200 posts of utter rubbish and I had to write up a case on him.
Originally Posted by ChrisV
I will if it's him/Luckbox but mets is the lynch here.
Originally Posted by ChrisV
mets > UD > Luckbox. Not much separating the last two.
Originally Posted by ChrisV
mets your wolf game is a shambles bro, if you don't get lynched here it's going to be a stain on this village.
Originally Posted by ChrisV
lol at me tweedy and binkles all on mets and basically every noob in the place on UD
Originally Posted by ChrisV
If UD flips villager we are killing mets tomorrow and everyone is listening to me tweedy and bankles from this moment forth.
--- Day 2 ---

Originally Posted by ChrisV
ok nice heh

i still think we had w/w wagons there though
Originally Posted by ChrisV
Why am I a wolf?

I said I was going to go reread Luckbox and mets an hour before EOD. It took ages because mets had a million posts (all of them useless) and my gf kept interrupting me.
Originally Posted by ChrisV
God you are aids. I'm not allowed to go have lunch after EOD?

I'm starting to come around to the idea that you are a villager because your posting since EOD has been much better, but you're going to lead the village off a cliff with this sort of lazy ****.
Originally Posted by ChrisV
If I get lynched then take a serious look at mets after I die, he is really not this stupid.
Originally Posted by ChrisV
There's two hours until EOD bro.

Last game I played mets got lynched partly for saying he was voting for "self prez" 3 hours before EOD, since that isn't a real thing.
Originally Posted by ChrisV
I don't think binkles should be lynched either btw, I don't see what he's done wrong other than "not want to lynch UD", which appears to be my crime also.

Good luck solving the game by just lynching everyone not on UD's wagon, I can't see how that could possibly go wrong.
Originally Posted by ChrisV
Originally Posted by ChrisV
I just gave her a reread and her posting style is exactly the same as when we wolfed together a few games ago.
Originally Posted by ChrisV
After carefully considering the candidates, Zayana miraculously came to the conclusion that the lead wagon was a wolf.

Zay if not me, then who?
Originally Posted by ChrisV
lol Zayana
Originally Posted by ChrisV
i dont think hes a wolf, is problem.

Zayana's response to pressure has been absolutely terrible.
Zayana, mets spewed clear

Binkles spewed wolf

17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:22 PM
meh, w/e

I'll just let the thread run its course tonight and consider how to let this play in the morning
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Why would zay kill that fast
I wouldn't, because I'm NOT a wolf.
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Why would zay kill that fast
Because duracell laid good cover imo. Might as well take the chance and waste a whole day sooner rather than later if he flips seer.

You know how it goes when there is a peeked wolf.
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:23 PM
Seer should peek Zayana tonight

Or Luckbox

That's about it

Any other peek is legit stupid
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:23 PM
I assume zayana will work her ass off here, if it was FPS

Mets infinitely clear tho
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:24 PM
Did anyone post the peeks? I haven't seen them, just people saying it happened...
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-28-2014 , 10:24 PM

Your peers are actually terrible at this game

I'm so ashamed of everyone
17er Postpunk paradise vanilla thread (no subs) (no night) Quote
