Originally Posted by monstrman
I'm a villager because if I was a wolf I would have given up by now
Also I would like to point out that I have nothing up my sleeve.
This isn't exactly what I wanted, it lacks some kind of... panache, but I was already thinking that you were unlikely to continue posting through hours and hours of Hoya rage
Hoya, even if you're 100% convinced he is a wolf, you must acknowledge that it would be new territory for Monstr to just keep going like the energizer bunny against the angriest person in the thread
So either he's a villager or he's a wolf that's basically trolling you and spewing for the fun of it
And that's something I've never seen before. If you take your blinders off, is his tone on this page anxious, nervous, wracked, etc. like it is when he's a wolf? Does he sound shook and overly serious to you? I'm asking seriously, if you believe that he is, please show me where on this page you think that's accurate