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17er Monkey Magic vanilla 17er Monkey Magic vanilla

01-15-2015 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Do I really have to point out how those are very different statements from killer and mucks, with very different levels of reasonableness?
the mucks one is pretty strikingly unreasonable, so I guess yes?
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
I mean JUST LAST GAME you were a wolf who turned in one of the most dog**** performances from a high volume player that I've ever seen, there's NO WAY you'd come in here and do it again. Of course you're gonna drop tons of long-ass terrible posts, it's just like, FRUSTRATING to me that this gets no traction. It's obvious, it hurts.
I'm willing to vote Monstr if it'll get you to shut up about your ANGUISH and the SUFFERING of your enlightened peoples
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
I mean JUST LAST GAME you were a wolf who turned in one of the most dog**** performances from a high volume player that I've ever seen, there's NO WAY you'd come in here and do it again. Of course you're gonna drop tons of long-ass terrible posts, it's just like, FRUSTRATING to me that this gets no traction. It's obvious, it hurts.
Of course I wouldn't but the key thing you're forgetting here is that as a villager I'm not about to give one of the most dog**** performances that I've ever given.

Fine, maybe my posts suck sometimes I admit that.

Fine, you want to tunnel me for it then have at it.
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by Captain Luffy
mucks & hooch not responding to my requests for elaboration. Noted.
who are you talking to and what are you talking about?
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by Captain Luffy
mucks & hooch not responding to my requests for elaboration. Noted.
mucks is struggling
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
I'm willing to vote Monstr if it'll get you to shut up about your ANGUISH and the SUFFERING of your enlightened peoples
I don't even care THAT much if you VOTE him or not, I want everyone to legitimately go read and think about his reads posts. That is ALL I'M ASKING. If the consensus AFTER DOING THAT is that he's villgaer-y, well then **** me, I'll have to shut the **** up and be productive somehow.
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
If that actually hurt your feelings please know I mean that no one cares about YOU FAKING THE READS, I don't mean that no one values your reads. I wouldn't even ever say that because Tom obviously does.
I mean it's fine. I'm not too incredibly hurt by it, but I still feel like a lot of people don't care about my reads usually.

That's probably my fault because of a lack of confidence but that's why I've been trying to just fake confidence with reads I'm not actually even remotely sure about.
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by killer_kill
Tom if you had a vig who would you shoot?
Out of spite or because I think they're the most likely wolf?

Spite: dice, wolf: possibly you. We should probably have a chat. Why did you start pushing Mexi at the end of your MQ there? It comes from nowhere and doesn't even make sense. It is not at all unreasonable to have you as both not a wolf and an unknown read, surely you know this?
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by monstrman
like I feel like no one would care if any of kruze/killer/benneh/luffy died and I think that's a problem, is what I'm saying.
Well killer is actually here and the other 3 could actually post and clear themselves if they so chose, it's up to them really.
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by monstrman
I mean it's fine. I'm not too incredibly hurt by it, but I still feel like a lot of people don't care about my reads usually.

That's probably my fault because of a lack of confidence but that's why I've been trying to just fake confidence with reads I'm not actually even remotely sure about.
I feel the same.

The only time people care about my reads is when they want to say how bad they are.

I am a big big though, I can take it.
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
Why are being considerable NICER this game?
Because familiarity helps. I was uber overwhelmed last game & didn't really have much time to think things through.

Here I can, and so should all of the players here.
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
the mucks one is pretty strikingly unreasonable, so I guess yes?
The only thing about it that's possibly unreasonable is that this game is still young, or was when he originally thought that. But what killer said about WN is straight dumb.
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
who are you talking to and what are you talking about?
Originally Posted by Captain Luffy
Could you please elaborate on why I am leaned that way? Other than meta reasons?
This right here.
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
I don't even care THAT much if you VOTE him or not, I want everyone to legitimately go read and think about his reads posts. That is ALL I'M ASKING. If the consensus AFTER DOING THAT is that he's villgaer-y, well then **** me, I'll have to shut the **** up and be productive somehow.
I'll do this in the near future, I have a raging headache now and need to look away from screens. Good luck with your pillage, Viking warrior.
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by monstrman
Wolves might as well nk me now I'm pretty much a free peek at this point.

Not that I wasn't already
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Captain Luffy
This right here.
I didn't see your question, apologies.

You're at that place on my list because I think everyone else above you has at least something good going for them, even if it's something very thin. I don't have any 'meta' reason to have you there, you've basically done nothing all game and I look forward to you putting in some effort, making some reads and elaborating on your thoughts so you can confidently climb your way up my list

How about a small list of you top-3 wolves/villagers and a sentence or two about each of them?
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
Every time I see this gif I think of a that one picture of a dog in a hat in hell sitting at a table saying "this is okay"
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 04:58 PM
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 04:58 PM
hoya, just so you know, i'm quietly rooting for you to be right because i know it would mean a lot to you
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
hoya, just so you know, i'm quietly rooting for you to be right because i know it would mean a lot to you
See that's why I kinda feel like he's a villager here almost ~always because last game he pretty much got told all game he was the WOAT villager and an OBVIOUS WOLF and to be honest I felt kinda bad, but couldn't say anything because I was just troll wolfing.
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 04:59 PM
Why is it bad to compare a mash to a vanilla? It's ww ffs
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 04:59 PM
I mean at least give me that I am correct that he is clearly conscious of projecting SUPER VILLAGER-Y TONE YO. Like at least that is clear to everyone?
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 05:00 PM
This game has been harder to keep up with than the mash anyway
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
I was voting tom to annoy him at the time, he occasionally needs to be admonished with a rolled-up newspaper across the nose to stop him from peeing on the carpet.

But when I think about his body of 'work' and especially his recent argument with dice I think he's more likely villa.

I'll freely admit I'm not really sure where you should be on that list but as I said when I posted it, it's very fluid, I'm just lettting people know where I'm at right now so don't treat it as a static thing. Essentially I thought I had a better idea of your meta and I'm questioning that now, however I remember your wolf game from HP6 so I think I'll get you right if you carry on posting and making reads and such, I have no plans to lynch you today if that's what you're worried about.
I'm not worried about being lynched today tbh. There's much better options today than me anyways. The thing is that my "meta" is always adjusting. Like I basically do random ****. Like some games I'll just do stupid stuff like peek a wolf bro villa and just like a kind of way to playing. Being a wolfy villager is more of a you problem tbh. I leave almost all my thought process when it's not just like minor stuff like the Mucks thing.
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
01-15-2015 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
Why is it bad to compare a mash to a vanilla? It's ww ffs
He has 35 posts halfway through one day of the game. He had 170 something last game in three days. That would seem to be more or less exactly on pace.
17er Monkey Magic vanilla Quote
