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13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) 13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules)

04-13-2014 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by q_q
So Tom can we see these wolfy things which I’ve done?
First I wanna see if anyone else sees what I saw. (And it's more fun if you sweat a little bit.)
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
This conversation is off -- killer starts with seer hunting (toward q_q, which suggests q_q is a villa if killer is a wolf, I know), then immediately accepts a pretty stupid explanation for why Aston can't be a wolf (noob wolves don't make personal comments? Maybe pussy wolves, I sure did), then makes sure to specify he would be a mislynch and not just a lynch; that doesn't read as genuine. So killer's got some wolf equity just from this exchange alone. I'm surprised there are no votes on him when people like Aston are asking me why I cleared killer with my super-boss list?

So, hands up, who thinks killer is very likely to be a villager?
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:22 PM
im getting rid of my villa read on Tom
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:22 PM
Tweedy what's your current top villa/wolf list? I've been jumping around the thread and if you posted it I haven't seen it.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
im getting rid of my villa read on Tom
I think my OP gets me a 3-day pass at least?
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
Kruze playing completely different to his last wolf game. I put forward the theory that this is because he is a villager.
This post is in Donk's favor; I know it's just one lean, but it's something I agree with. I'd like to see more from him though, last game he was a wolf and slanked and I was the only one who gave him **** for bad logic.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Wilverine
shots fired

ehhh i liked you early but this was a little awk.
This post from Wilv (about killer) could be bad. If he's a wolf he's either trying to distance from killer or get himself in position for a killer lynch because multiple people have pointed out his wolfiness.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:28 PM
Tom what is the point of that MQ? Yes killer was *seer hunting* except not really. I think he has been villagery and I'm putting zero stock into that exchange you quoted.

My reads should be fairly obvious tom. Why are you asking me? Do you want to sponge me?
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by mutigers5591
like i don't rly understand killer's progression here

does he actually think i'm a wolf or is that just a spite vote

even if it's a pure spite vote (which it looks like) i'm not sure its necessarily wolfy. but i need to know
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
Votes from post 4 to post 159
Night in 8:00:52

1 younguns87 q_q (20)
1 Top Tier Tom Jimmy Rustle (35)
1 AstonMartinDB9 Luckbox Inc (21)
1 killer_kill mutigers5591 (22)
1 mutigers5591 killer_kill (27)
8 not voting younguns87 (17), Top Tier Tom (0), tweedybirdd (0), Wilverine (2), mucksandgravs (0), DonkDonkDonkDonk (2), bhuber2010 (0), AstonMartinDB9 (4)
Originally Posted by killer_kill
I feel like you've recently been villa muti


ok going to bed. I'll be back for like an hour or so before EOD.-
I kinda like this from Muti and dislike it from killer. If he had given at least a little reasoning as to why he thinks Muti got more villagery, fine, but it looks like appeasement and he follows it with some slank excuses.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
Tom what is the point of that MQ? Yes killer was *seer hunting* except not really. I think he has been villagery and I'm putting zero stock into that exchange you quoted.

My reads should be fairly obvious tom. Why are you asking me? Do you want to sponge me?
Did you not see the ? What's up, you grumpy today or something? You're one of my favorite players but you're usually more cheerful than this. I'm asking because I haven't gone through all of your posts yet.

What do you see in killer that you think makes him more likely to be a villager? I think I've seen him village twice and he was a bit absent but sounded carefree, here he seems more reserved, reticent, whatever you wanna call it.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:33 PM
I saw that post from killer, tom. What you didn't include was like the 10 or so posts that mutigers made before killer flipped his read.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by q_q
No one cares.

Kindly shut the **** up and stop asking other players to lolcat, etc.

While it’s great for post game bragging when you’re right you’re only creating a toxic environment right now.
So q_q, you later said:

Originally Posted by q_q
You’re correct, my second post was forced and objectively wolfy I think.

There was a reason I made that post.

Other than that I’ve been villagery I think.
What did you get out of this masterful tarp you laid?
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
So q_q, you later said:

What did you get out of this masterful tarp you laid?
You should know I don’t talk to wolves.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:36 PM
alright i'm over it

i'm here

i'm ready to roll
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by q_q
You should know I don’t talk to wolves.
Must make wolfchat awkward. If you don't talk to me, how can you convince me I'm wrong? That's your job now, right?
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:38 PM
Tweedy boay, there's not much ambiguity there. Killer and Muti have a chat:

Originally Posted by killer_kill
Are you upset about last game muti? I apologize a trillion times.
Originally Posted by mutigers5591

why would i be upset about the last game

i was a villager and u were a wolf and u beat me fair and square at f3. all in the game yo

i don't like your response here at all

but it's very early and there isn't much of anything to go on in this game so far. u can worm your way into my heart eventually br0
Originally Posted by killer_kill
I'm sorry dude now I feel bad for a mild troll/jab. You obviously are way better than me and it is indeed early. I'm a villa tho playa, I still <3 you anyways. Didn't you used to have the anime avatar and crush sngs muti?
Originally Posted by killer_kill
It's such an interesting dynamic though. Because all my posts are bad. I think DDD mentioned it when he said I'm always wolfy.
Killer then votes Muti:

Originally Posted by killer_kill
DOESN'T POST AGAIN until here:

Originally Posted by killer_kill
Wilv, what do you think about muti?
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
Votes from post 4 to post 159
Night in 8:00:52

1 younguns87 q_q (20)
1 Top Tier Tom Jimmy Rustle (35)
1 AstonMartinDB9 Luckbox Inc (21)
1 killer_kill mutigers5591 (22)
1 mutigers5591 killer_kill (27)
8 not voting younguns87 (17), Top Tier Tom (0), tweedybirdd (0), Wilverine (2), mucksandgravs (0), DonkDonkDonkDonk (2), bhuber2010 (0), AstonMartinDB9 (4)
Asks Wilv what he thinks about Muti, sees the VC, and then unvotes Muti with no explanation other than he's been more villagery lately.

Originally Posted by killer_kill
I feel like you've recently been villa muti


ok going to bed. I'll be back for like an hour or so before EOD.-
So does that look squeaky clean to you?
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by q_q
I didn’t like younguns’ first post.

So I'm prolly gonna be pushed and mislynched again, even though I'll prolly make lists that are 90% accurate

This is what wolves like to do very often, put emphasis on how they got mislynched last game, etc. I guess it makes now people sorry to vote younguns in the fear of mislynching him again.
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
I don't think you really care about looking at his past games. Dare I say your question is #fake. I'm irked that you said "still don't like his immediate...let's make lists". You made that thought known already, and restating it implies that there was some new information that may given you pause to reconsider. Kruze hasn't posted since you last posted.

I think this entire post is wolfy but it's not really productive to highlight everything in red
i liked this post from tweedy i might have to reevaluate my aston v soul read
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by mutigers5591
alright i'm over it

i'm here

i'm ready to roll
Good timing, what do you now think about killer?
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:39 PM
didn't mean to quote that qq post too my bad

was working on something slightly diff then got sidetracked and my thought process was stupid anyway
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:39 PM
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Did you not see the ? What's up, you grumpy today or something? You're one of my favorite players but you're usually more cheerful than this. I'm asking because I haven't gone through all of your posts yet.

What do you see in killer that you think makes him more likely to be a villager? I think I've seen him village twice and he was a bit absent but sounded carefree, here he seems more reserved, reticent, whatever you wanna call it.
I'm probably grumpy. I'm still hungover and people aren't posting a lot so the game is harder.

Killer said something like "I only post sporadic random ****" and he admitted that all his posts are wolfy. I thought it was villagery enough. I think his mutigers progression was fine as well.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
Approved village reads right now would be

Jimmy Rustle

Hopefully there's no wolves in there.

I think q_q is a villager but I just need a see more before I put the stamp of approval on it

That basically goes for everyone else who has posted as well.
YG, are you still here in terms of villa leans?
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Good timing, what do you now think about killer?
i have been trying to decide whether i think him unvoting me is wolfy or villagery

i'm trying to avoid tunneling him today but i think he has been wolfy

i'm also cognizant of the fact that my record on reading players i don't rly play with on d1 is probably horrendous so it's hardly a strong read
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:42 PM
Tom I'm aware that killer didn't detail his progression. But mutigers had a string of posts that I thought were plenty fine and I didn't feel the need for further clarification. I'm not sure why you're harping on it.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-13-2014 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
YG, are you still here in terms of villa leans?
I dont know, once I get time, im gonna reread and reeavluate
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
