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13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) 13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules)

04-15-2014 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Okay the game apparently isn't over so, good news, q_q is a wolf and we can move on from there
Let’s pretend we’re w/w dude.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:10 PM
kruze dying tells us nothing - that sucks
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:11 PM
I can tell you last hint, think if you’re villager and someone said they’re snapping you at 9pm how would you react? And go back and read.

Good luck.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:14 PM
I cant even say I am surprised that they're not v/v (obviously). That should have been apparent from like a million miles away - we should have just lynched TTT yesterday (or qq) and then we would have had a much better idea of what to do right now.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:15 PM
For a while I wanted to believe he's just an incredibly incompetent villager, like some kind of cross of the worst traits of CDL and xxsooted, and even tried to reason with him. Repeatedly. He rejected all attempts at compromise or cooperation.

His performance in this game has been entirely pro-wolf... which finally makes sense since it turns out he actually is a wolf.

Here's a couple of reasons why, off the dome:

1. He's been completely locked into his reads since early D1.

He hasn't actually done anything apart from troll me and has put his vote on me every single day. I've seen wolves tunnel on me before because I'm neigh-impossible to lynch as a villager, so if the wolves keep insisting I'm a wolf and don't NK me, eventually the village says "huh, why is Tom still alive?" It's surprisingly effective.

So while never once wavering from me being a wolf, no matter how villagery I actually am, he's hard defended objectively wolfy players like killer while acting like anyone who even considers otherwise is a ******. This isn't a style of play -- it's a front.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:19 PM
qq, why did you snap off at 9pm (like yes, you said you were "going to") but I kind of thought that was a joke/to get a reaction

did you read him over night? was there no possibility in your mind that he could be a villager?
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:20 PM
I mean I am a villa but I don't know how qq is coming to that conclusion. I feel so lost this game. If ttt/tweedy are wolves then I'm going to feel really dumb.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:20 PM
2. He's repeatedly shown awkward TMI.

Just from D3, here's a sample of GOAT posts that suggest he already knew what was going to happen:

Originally Posted by q_q
Mucks I’ll put more pressure on you.

If you miss today I’ll snap vote Tom at must lynch and force q_q/Tom and you’ll vote me and we lose.

So you absolutely have to lynch wolf today.
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
How do you know ill be alive tomm

This post reads so damn wolfy to me
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
so qq you think mutigers is a wolf or no
Originally Posted by q_q
Dunno, he’s not been doing anything.
Let’s say I think he’s a wolf but I won’t be surprised at all if he flipped villager.
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
q_q, do you know that muti is a w0alf?

cause how in the world could you ever interpret that as wolfy, that makes absolutely zero sense
Originally Posted by q_q
I don’t care about muti, if he’s villager snapping Tom at 9pm and if he’s a wolf I might wait like 15 minutes or so.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by killer_kill
I mean I am a villa but I don't know how qq is coming to that conclusion. I feel so lost this game. If ttt/tweedy are wolves then I'm going to feel really dumb.
I can wholeheartedly assure you that I am not a wolf and that q_q is. He's not even showing up to the fight. He's got no recourse left other than to vote for me, peace out, and hope someone snap votes me because he's done nothing but tunnel on me in this game. If he changes course now it will just look incredibly awkward.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:21 PM
Compelling stuff tom....fak I don't know what to do.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:22 PM
Ok I'm going to be lurking cause I'm not sure what to think/do right now. I need to reread obv and assess where to go from here.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by killer_kill
Compelling stuff tom....fak I don't know what to do.
Well, you've been in my sights for a while... but if you're actually a villager, then you have to do the right thing and go back and read the thread and decide for yourself who you think the wolf is. (It seems obvious to me, but due dilgence and all.)
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
qq, why did you snap off at 9pm (like yes, you said you were "going to") but I kind of thought that was a joke/to get a reaction

did you read him over night? was there no possibility in your mind that he could be a villager?
Because I said I was gonna do it jesus christ it wasn’t joke.

No I didn’t read over night.

Yes there was no possibility he could be a villager.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:25 PM
Top Tier Tom 455
q_q 445

3. He has almost the same number of posts as me, but they're 98% one-liners, troll responses, and refusals to contribute meaningfully. Seriously, go look at his posts in ISO. If you don't know how to do that, try this link:

His average words per post is something like ten. His average content per post is something like zero.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:28 PM
How is "if you miss I’ll snap tom" a TMI if you believe such non sense you deserve to lose.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:28 PM
4. He decided to go into straight troll mode today rather than even pretend to play pro-village.

He literally said he wasn't going to try.

Originally Posted by q_q
Do whatever you guys want I couldn’t care less.

I’ll be the only player to vote wolf every day.
Originally Posted by q_q
Tweedy I’ve given up.
Is that what a villager does as a must-lynch situation is approaching?

He gave zero ****s about the mutigers wagon last night, and if you look at point #2, even suggested he knew mutigers would flip villager. Yet he made zero effort to derail it or even get people to vote me, his "lock wolf."
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:29 PM
I am ghana hate myself if TTT GOATed this game as a wolf, dude is super convincing

My heart tells me he's a villager, my brain tells me he's a good wolf and not to ever forget that

time to read i guess
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
I am ghana hate myself if TTT GOATed this game as a wolf, dude is super convincing

My heart tells me he's a villager, my brain tells me he's a good wolf and not to ever forget that

time to read i guess
I think you’re wolf too.

13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by q_q
I think you’re wolf too.

Thats fine, I dont care.

Either you're a wolf and you die today, or you're a villager, and Tom is a wolf, and you're probably dead tonight.

If you're a villager, you're behind hope at this point (i.e. I dont really need to convince you)/I have the luxury of ignoring you both and just reading the 400+ posts of guaranteed spew that one of you has left.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:33 PM
5. There's really no reason he ISN'T a wolf. Can you think of one?

So the obvious conclusion is: he's a wolf. It'll be ******ed if his strategy nets him a win since he doesn't even deserve it. All he's done is refuse to participate and act like he's better than all of us. Like I said earlier today, it's kind of mind-blowing and awe-inspiring at the same time... a sad reminder of how appeal to emotion is often just as effective (if not more effective) than reason and logic. He's the Antony to my Brutus. Please don't be drawn in by his bull****.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
I am ghana hate myself if TTT GOATed this game as a wolf, dude is super convincing

My heart tells me he's a villager, my brain tells me he's a good wolf and not to ever forget that

time to read i guess
I feel like it's only me (and maybe, like, tappo or soah) who can get to a ML situation with a guy who hasn't done anything all game and still be doubted. It's kind of funny.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:35 PM
Like qq, pretend for a moment I am a villager and that this game hinges on my vote (because it does HURR DURRR). Pretend for a moment that you're an intelligent person and if you're a villager, its your job to get me to vote tom. Why should I? HELP me see why I should, EVEN if you think I am a wolf (which, HELLO, I am not) you still need to show me/the other villagers that tom is a wolf.

This isnt the time to go "ahh **** it, I told you guys tom was a wolf, just vote him already, FFS you people suck". You're not currying any favor that way.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
I feel like it's only me (and maybe, like, tappo or soah) who can get to a ML situation with a guy who hasn't done anything all game and still be doubted. It's kind of funny.
Dude, its not like you're a stellar beacon of hope here. I dont really have any reason to believe EITHER of you is a villager. THERE ARE 0 dead wolves. Zero, none. Zilch. So if you're a villagers its not like all the GOAT posting has got us anywhere. It hasnt. One of you is a wolf, or you both are. Now I read.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
Like qq, pretend for a moment I am a villager and that this game hinges on my vote (because it does HURR DURRR). Pretend for a moment that you're an intelligent person and if you're a villager, its your job to get me to vote tom. Why should I? HELP me see why I should, EVEN if you think I am a wolf (which, HELLO, I am not) you still need to show me/the other villagers that tom is a wolf.

This isnt the time to go "ahh **** it, I told you guys tom was a wolf, just vote him already, FFS you people suck". You're not currying any favor that way.
Dude I don’t care.

I gave up on this game when muck made tom/bh/tweedy circle of trust.

I couldn’t care less who wins.

It’s not my job to convince you, I’ve posted 10000000000 times why tom’s a wolf and no one cared and they all cleared him BECAUSE HE’S TOP POSTER OR SOMETHING (hello I’m too) when I literally showed last game he was top poster too.

I hate you all, as far as I’m concerned you can vote me right now if you’re villager and I can start loling at people post game.
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:40 PM
I feel like just prancing around the thread and proclaiming how foreseeable this was and just how avoidable it was.

Next time we just listen to me
13er Viking invasion SNG (monkey rules) Quote
