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13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) 13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs)

12-16-2014 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
Mor it's prob not a mistake, if you get nk on n1 your peek is totally worthless. You gotta try to live without outing, it's sort of like a turbo.
yea it sucks when ppl wanna lynch you or your peek :/

Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
Probably because we had a medic and gambit dying n1 whilst getting his best shot off is not the worst.

My question to you is this: did you have any question about monstr claim?
Did you look at him?
Did you have any posts at him?

Surely you were suspicious of him? Did you consider peeking him?

i think i only have one or two posts with or about monstr before this morning i obv noticed the solf claim and the lack of volume im used to seeing from monstr but i like everyone else i wanted to hear his claim. so i say before d1 there was some doubt but mostly null so today he claims angel i pointed out that i thought monstr was likely a wolf and why but didnt get much feed back add that with another underwhelming day from monstr im thinking def wolf here

i didnt consider peeking monstr, just wn and hoya
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 07:32 PM

What was your thought process with your peeks?
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 07:36 PM
i'm not stressing over this game.

i think we'll be fine unless Hoya is ONCE AGAIN GOATING it up but I don't see how it's possible for him to be a wolf with luckbox (or Mor or Batm for that matter).

13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
This is about a 10 min period.


What were your thoughts about BATM as this played out?

What do you think he was doing?

Did you feel happy or what him voting with you on your n0 peek?

i mean those posts show why i thought he was villa hes trying to solve the game, do i agree with it otoh no but he might be thinking you get villa/wolf back not same or different

i know i didnt defend my peek but is that what im suppose to do there obv ppl thought lb was wolfy enough to lynch so does me outing a good play
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 07:41 PM

WHo are the wolves?
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12-16-2014 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
when you want him alive? If he's a wolf they can't kill you
why wouldnt the wolves want to kill the seer i would think they would take the 1for1 everytime even if you lynch me today still gotta lynch monstr i dont see how monstr is ever villa here after the qq nk
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog

WHo are the wolves?
if it's not 1 of monstr/mor, mets' wolf equity skyrockets.

no one is listening to me but his game is just kinda awful IMO.

mets with 1 of WN or master, probably WN because he was defending LB.

if LB was a villager then Hoya + Idk even know who.

If LB and BATM were both wolves then I have to review, we can probably rule out Master and WN as the last one.
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog

What was your thought process with your peeks?
well i already talked about hoya but went with luckbox n0 mostly cuz hes considered a really strong player thats also why singled out gambit d1 i didnt know how to play it so after i got flack i just stayed utr mostly but at least i peeked a woof
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 07:47 PM
i mean i have barely ever played with mets, but Gambit is a practically confirmed villager and hasn't been enamored with mets from the beginning.

Gambit, clarify please, I don't want to put words in your mouth here.
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 07:49 PM
I must note that even though baudib didn't know when EOD was, he did, as a matter of fact, vote luckbox rather than Mor.

Which makes him being second wagon today kind of asinine.
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 07:49 PM
The thing is:

It is about the most convenient believable set of peeks.

I can never see myself making it.

Sure - it looks worse once we know that LB is prolly wolf...and you could not know that if you are actually seer at the time you peek.

But I would have thought: peeking BATM or Monstr made alot more sense from your POV.

OR anyone on your wagon?

I mean you were being wagoned and you did not even consider the fact that a wolf might be pushing you?
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
if it's not 1 of monstr/mor, mets' wolf equity skyrockets.

no one is listening to me but his game is just kinda awful IMO.

mets with 1 of WN or master, probably WN because he was defending LB.

if LB was a villager then Hoya + Idk even know who.

If LB and BATM were both wolves then I have to review, we can probably rule out Master and WN as the last one.
Wow, there is an absolute zero chance of there being two wolves in me, wn, and mets.

What a terrible post
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 07:50 PM
Mor: you had 3 people effectively locked in on you.

Digger: I had made a case on you.
Monstr: popped in and dropped a vote on you
Wellnamed: popped in made a vote on you

You did not consider any of us a viable peek?
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
I must note that even though baudib didn't know when EOD was, he did, as a matter of fact, vote luckbox rather than Mor.

Which makes him being second wagon today kind of asinine.
I'm on my phone hoya, can you tell me what time he switched his vote and what the count was at that time?
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
I must note that even though baudib didn't know when EOD was, he did, as a matter of fact, vote luckbox rather than Mor.

Which makes him being second wagon today kind of asinine.
i agree with this fwiw hard for me to see a world where if lb was a wolf baudib votes there
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Wow, there is an absolute zero chance of there being two wolves in me, wn, and mets.

What a terrible post
your logic is solid. i'm sold.
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
Mor: you had 3 people effectively locked in on you.

Digger: I had made a case on you.
Monstr: popped in and dropped a vote on you
Wellnamed: popped in made a vote on you

You did not consider any of us a viable peek?
ive said many times i was going to peek well named n1 but went with hoya

i said yday itt i thought you were villa and this game reminds me of how you played in the ttt aids game
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 07:56 PM
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
I'm on my phone hoya, can you tell me what time he switched his vote and what the count was at that time?
It was at :00 and put luckbox up 5:4.
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
It was at :00 and put luckbox up 5:4.
Thank you
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 07:57 PM

What do you think of mor_tilt?
Do you think his claim holds up?
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 07:58 PM
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
It was at :00 and put luckbox up 5:4.
pretty sure he was on LB already

then switched to someone else

then back to LB

all within the last ~10 minutes

I forgot all of this till you just mentioned he voted LB

that makes me want to change my vote now kinda
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
pretty sure he was on LB already

then switched to someone else

then back to LB

all within the last ~10 minutes

I forgot all of this till you just mentioned he voted LB

that makes me want to change my vote now kinda
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
12-16-2014 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
pretty sure he was on LB already

then switched to someone else

then back to LB

all within the last ~10 minutes

I forgot all of this till you just mentioned he voted LB

that makes me want to change my vote now kinda
Possible he got yelled at by wolf chat for switching to the Mets vote?

Baud, when did you realize what time night actually was?
13er video mafia roleset sng vanilla (short nights) (no subs) Quote
