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12-31-2014 , 06:42 AM
I don't get what sirrawrs is doing. Also the Batman knowingly lynches peeked villa. Why.
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12-31-2014 , 06:44 AM
Oh and WN ****ed up so bad it's not even funny. Advise me here: is it a reasonable assumption from him that his hard claim with 55 sec to go will always save killer?
13er hot babes SNG vanilla Quote
12-31-2014 , 06:46 AM
Originally Posted by csarmi
Oh and WN ****ed up so bad it's not even funny. Advise me here: is it a reasonable assumption from him that his hard claim with 55 sec to go will always save killer?
only in a perfect world
13er hot babes SNG vanilla Quote
12-31-2014 , 06:46 AM
Gonna make a better time chart from home maybe. Thing is i would really love if someone did it i don't wanna sit down to a comp. Basically an analysis with second based timestamps.
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12-31-2014 , 06:49 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
only in a perfect world
I mean in this PoG world. And it's a serious question I am inexperienced with deadline rushes (we tend to have hammer only games on DM uuntil very recently and half a dozen people being around a deadline and quickposting is unheard of).

On DM you may well be late with such a claim 1 HOUR before deadline not one minute.
13er hot babes SNG vanilla Quote
12-31-2014 , 06:51 AM
Okay out for a while. Probably gonna do some research this afternoon (morning for us people, I am +6h to you). Depends on how tired I will be - time I shall have. I am still only skimmed up.
13er hot babes SNG vanilla Quote
12-31-2014 , 06:52 AM
yeah people should have moved off killer and batms vote is pretty lol-bad

WN definitely claimed thinking that killer would be saved
13er hot babes SNG vanilla Quote
12-31-2014 , 07:00 AM
Whodid he peek?
13er hot babes SNG vanilla Quote
12-31-2014 , 07:00 AM
peek you wolf

why you're dying lol

13er hot babes SNG vanilla Quote
12-31-2014 , 07:01 AM
13er hot babes SNG vanilla Quote
12-31-2014 , 07:02 AM
lock clear
13er hot babes SNG vanilla Quote
12-31-2014 , 07:28 AM
Quick question: I can assume that everyone understands how timestamps work here right?
13er hot babes SNG vanilla Quote
12-31-2014 , 07:37 AM
Something I don't understand at all:

Monkey Banana;45683565

Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
Votes from post 1 to post 853
Night in 0:01:56

4 killer_kill Quarrrr (36), SirRawrsALot (86), TheBrokenATM! (47), KruZe (35)
3 SirRawrsALot bhuber2010 (18), Luckbox Inc (33), thediceman (47)
3 csarmi gambit8888 (78), well named (108), killer_kill (95)
2 thediceman mutigers (68), CPHoya (132)
1 gambit8888 csarmi (51)

:00 good :01 bad
Monkey Banana;45683578

Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
Votes from post 1 to post 860
Night in 0:00:56

4 killer_kill Quarrrr (36), SirRawrsALot (87), TheBrokenATM! (48), KruZe (35)
3 SirRawrsALot bhuber2010 (18), Luckbox Inc (34), thediceman (48)
3 csarmi gambit8888 (78), well named (110), killer_kill (95)
2 thediceman mutigers (68), CPHoya (132)
1 gambit8888 csarmi (51)

:00 good :01 bad
Monkey Banana;45683598

Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
Votes from post 1 to post 870
It is night

4 killer_kill Quarrrr (36), KruZe (35), SirRawrsALot (89), TheBrokenATM! (50)
4 SirRawrsALot bhuber2010 (18), Luckbox Inc (34), thediceman (48), killer_kill (96)
2 thediceman mutigers (69), CPHoya (133)
2 csarmi gambit8888 (79), well named (111)
1 gambit8888 csarmi (51)


oh those are not timestamps, they are post numbers

how do i check when was a post done EXACTLY?
13er hot babes SNG vanilla Quote
12-31-2014 , 07:43 AM
right above everyone's names when they are posting

mine will say 5:43 above my name (my time)
13er hot babes SNG vanilla Quote
12-31-2014 , 07:45 AM
if u are talking about some automated system where the time the votes were made is in the VC we don't have that like some sites you have to just go look manually
13er hot babes SNG vanilla Quote
12-31-2014 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by mutigers
if u are talking about some automated system where the time the votes were made is in the VC we don't have that like some sites you have to just go look manually
I mean where I quote a post on, say, dragonmount, it also includes a timestamp which shows the exact second (in unix time) of when the post was made.
13er hot babes SNG vanilla Quote
12-31-2014 , 09:19 AM
How on earth was WN the seer?

Who counters a fake claim there? Even if I was a wolf that is a bad move.

Is there anyone in this game who is willing to believe I am a villager?
13er hot babes SNG vanilla Quote
12-31-2014 , 09:27 AM
I believe you could be but it's gonna be tough to overcome when a wolf would claim there ninety percent of the time and a villager very rarely
13er hot babes SNG vanilla Quote
12-31-2014 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by mutigers
I believe you could be but it's gonna be tough to overcome when a wolf would claim there ninety percent of the time and a villager very rarely
But it does happen.

I basically had to gamble.

Thing is everyone knows villagers will sometimes fake claim, yet Hoya said it meant I was a wolf 3/4 of the time and the seer 1/4 and he did not believe I was the seer. How does he never think that I could be a villager?

Can anyone figure out WHY Hoya is so reluctant to even consider me being a villager? He started pushing me pretty much as soon as I got into the thread (I had not even caught up before he was pushing).

Does his level of push reflect how wolfy I was at that point? I am pretty sure it does not. Was killer really so villager that Hoya should have been defending him at that point? Especially as I had not even voted him.

I guess you guys have to ask if you want to win this game or not. If you want to win it will require effort and some thought.
13er hot babes SNG vanilla Quote
12-31-2014 , 09:42 AM
Well I'll try and keep an open mind

Generally I am for the laziest path of least resistance and I am more concerned with getting drunk tonight then winning
13er hot babes SNG vanilla Quote
12-31-2014 , 09:43 AM
Dice, I got a few questions

1) your d1 progression and reads?
2) why did you fake seer? timing, expectations, reasoning
3) how did you choose your peek?
4) who did you think the seer was when you faked?
5) who did you think the wolves were when you faked?
13er hot babes SNG vanilla Quote
12-31-2014 , 09:56 AM
im awake again, now at work
13er hot babes SNG vanilla Quote
12-31-2014 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by csarmi
Dice, I got a few questions

1) your d1 progression and reads?
2) why did you fake seer? timing, expectations, reasoning
3) how did you choose your peek?
4) who did you think the seer was when you faked?
5) who did you think the wolves were when you faked?
1) Thought Killer was wolfy, then Hoya started pushing me before I had finished catching up. I found his push to be unwarranted and shady, decided he was the most wolfy person. While I was catching up there was a post I spotted by Quarrr that was pretty terrible, was something about WN and Hoya, it seemed very out of place.
During all this my thought process was that if I was wrong about Hoya and he was a villager, then maybe he had really seen something in killer that was villager. If I am right and Hoya is a wolf, I didn't think he would defend his bro in a spot like this, so that would also make killer a villager.
This is why I did not want to lynch killer at the end of the day.

Something to consider - if I was a wolf and thought killer was a peeked villager, wouldn't I have voted for him rather than causing a flip with rawrs? Wolves are in a better position with 0 live peeks and if I am "outed" anyway, this would be the right move.

2) Figured I was going to die, was not keen on that. Figured a late claim would get the votes off me and onto someone else, maybe even a wolf. If I was lucky I would get night killed. Did not expect a counter claim, did not even believe his claim.

3) Was kind of random, figured it needed to be someone I had not talked about to make it marginally believable. Bhuber had not made much of an impact either way so I thought he was a good choice.

4) No idea. Not my job to figure out who the seer is, even if it was I suck at that.

5) Mostly just Hoya.
13er hot babes SNG vanilla Quote
12-31-2014 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by csarmi
This struck me bad at first pass and ain't better at second pass either.

"Gais let's lynch X and if he flips villager we kill Y" is not a villager mindset ever unless the PoE is down to 2 or there is a mechanical reason for them being not v/v.
You also bad at humor...

I was telling killer to vote himself. Just read
13er hot babes SNG vanilla Quote
12-31-2014 , 10:17 AM

enough about your claim

I think it's fine if you're a villager.

I thought your response when you entered the thread at the start of today was borderline trolling

am I wrong?
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