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13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla 13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla

01-30-2015 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by OncleDynamute
just got home

is anyone else on redd?

he is either 1) openly howling or 2) thinks randing redd is good enough reason to just be aids all game and not actually do anything
So this is how you react to a wagon you? You think it's unjustified or something?
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by OncleDynamute
just got home

is anyone else on redd?

he is either 1) openly howling or 2) thinks randing redd is good enough reason to just be aids all game and not actually do anything
No posts don't get much wolfier than this one
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by ill named
I think redd is right on this one. Why are you defending Uncle?
This post is super aids, fwiw

but to answer your question, OD was the first person ITG to actually play the game instead of just randomly trying to act like their gimmick and click buttons.
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:07 PM
mindmeld with mocks

bottom not a great start

i would still rather lynch redd but he seems to be getting a pass bc lolredd
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by mocksandgrubs
Redd, just because you randed ReddEbola doesn't mean you have to play like ebolaids
Originally Posted by OncleDynamute
thinks randing redd is good enough reason to just be aids all game and not actually do anything
You wolves are cute
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:08 PM
At least whoever Redd is is living up to ReddBoiler's name. Just randomly tunneling people thinking he solved the game on day 1

so he's got that going for him which is nice
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by OncleDynamute
mindmeld with mocks

bottom not a great start

i would still rather lynch redd but he seems to be getting a pass bc lolredd
No one gonna lunch me unless you convicne villa to SPL

I am handing them wolfs on platters ffs
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by mocksandgrubs
At least whoever Redd is is living up to ReddBoiler's name. Just randomly tunneling people thinking he solved the game on day 1

so he's got that going for him which is nice
This is not how a villa thinks

This is a wolf trying to discredit the greatest wolf soul reader of all time

13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:10 PM
oncle mocks and krooze all try to discredit me today

I am too good and they know I am going to read them all by EOD
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by mocksandgrubs
This post is super aids, fwiw

but to answer your question, OD was the first person ITG to actually play the game instead of just randomly trying to act like their gimmick and click buttons.
That's fair, he did try to contribute. I emphasize try, because he just sheeped someone else, but let's put that aside. Isn't the lack of gimmick scummy? Whoever oncle is thinks it's more important to 'act like a villager' than play the game as their gimmick.

It's a question of authenticity. Why join this game if you don't want to role-play? If you wanted to role-play, then why stop once you get your rand? The only thought that occurs to me is Oncle is a new wolf.
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by ill named
That's fair, he did try to contribute. I emphasize try, because he just sheeped someone else, but let's put that aside. Isn't the lack of gimmick scummy? Whoever oncle is thinks it's more important to 'act like a villager' than play the game as their gimmick.

It's a question of authenticity. Why join this game if you don't want to role-play? If you wanted to role-play, then why stop once you get your rand? The only thought that occurs to me is Oncle is a new wolf.
ill named for mod
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by ill named
So this is how you react to a wagon you? You think it's unjustified or something?

all ebola has done all game is play to his gimmick and tunnel others for no reason

i realize that part of this game is to have fun with the gimmicks, but you would think even someone going full blown aids with the redd acct would stop to actually make a case on someone unless he just dgaf about the game

as for my wagon i understand why it is what it is but what else should I do if not try to find a wolf?
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by ill named
That's fair, he did try to contribute. I emphasize try, because he just sheeped someone else, but let's put that aside. Isn't the lack of gimmick scummy? Whoever oncle is thinks it's more important to 'act like a villager' than play the game as their gimmick.

It's a question of authenticity. Why join this game if you don't want to role-play? If you wanted to role-play, then why stop once you get your rand? The only thought that occurs to me is Oncle is a new wolf.
Tbh, the role playing thing is something I think wolves are more likely to do. I understand trying to post like a gimmick, but people attempting to post like their gimmicks are really helping this game. They may as well be =rand.
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:15 PM
Votes from post 4 to post 363
Night in 0:45:53

3 BottomTierTom Bonkey Manana (36), mocksandgrubs (15), OncleDynamute (8)
3 OncleDynamute domaids2 (30), metsmetsMETS (37), ill named (23)
2 KrooZe CPHiya (18), cornycurrant (24)
1 ill named KrooZe (54)
1 mocksandgrubs ReddEbola (62)
1 domaids2 TheBorkedATM! (16)
1 CPHiya killager (30)
1 not voting BottomTierTom (2)
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:15 PM
It's amazing to me that anybody could read all of BTTs two posts and not think he should be lynched.
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by OncleDynamute

all ebola has done all game is play to his gimmick and tunnel others for no reason

i realize that part of this game is to have fun with the gimmicks, but you would think even someone going full blown aids with the redd acct would stop to actually make a case on someone unless he just dgaf about the game

as for my wagon i understand why it is what it is but what else should I do if not try to find a wolf?
This is not just a problem for you as a wolf. this is a POG problem. Players have misguided emphasis on other players ability to "post villagery" or "explain reads" and its leading to some of the more skilled wolves prancing around the thread while being cleared because they do the dance of explaining their fake reads. WW is not about overexplaining little details that dont matter. You are a wolf because you make wolfy posts. Nothing more nothing less
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by mocksandgrubs
It's amazing to me that anybody could read all of BTTs two posts and not think he should be lynched.
more impsosible to believe stuff

bottom is exactly rand

its wolfy to move pressure off of your wolfbro onto someone with 2 posts
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:20 PM
holy ****

is it possible playing with redd's gimmick is more fing tilting than playing with redd?

assuming MB didn't let redd play as himself, someone else has to actually be typing this **** out without stabbing themselves in the eye with a fork
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by KrooZe
it's time for one of those well known krooze multiquotes

that are an integral part of my game

and i do all the time

but still, look at the three lowest posters and they're also the three worst by a long way

thought oncle was ok but I've gone back and re-read and actually yeah those posts are some hot bull****

let's get some heat up on tom, ill named and oncle for sure

tom manages two posts, they are both lolbad

all ill named posted before he vanished

i mean

these posts are just so bad

almost performance art in how bad they are

eh, an easy read, post 2 on redd is ok, but then that killah post is the biggest softpush ever and when he's called on it he vaguely fluffs before vanishing.
there is 1 wolf in this group and it is oncle

notice how krooze does not concentrate on oncle but on the other two LHF lunches

"some hot bull****"
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:21 PM
Votes from post 4 to post 368
Night in 0:39:52

3 BottomTierTom Bonkey Manana (36), mocksandgrubs (16), OncleDynamute (9)
3 OncleDynamute domaids2 (30), metsmetsMETS (37), ill named (23)
2 KrooZe CPHiya (18), cornycurrant (24)
1 ill named KrooZe (54)
1 mocksandgrubs ReddEbola (64)
1 domaids2 TheBorkedATM! (16)
1 CPHiya killager (30)
1 not voting BottomTierTom (2)
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:22 PM
krooze wagon at 2 but not moving

one wolf parked (hiya?)
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by OncleDynamute
I didn't like his opener but I'm not going into full Lynch mode based on those 2 posts. I was swamped so it's not really a good look to be on my phone

Not caught up, heading home I'll be back in about 45
casual w/w chat with krooze

no tension
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by OncleDynamute

all ebola has done all game is play to his gimmick and tunnel others for no reason

i realize that part of this game is to have fun with the gimmicks, but you would think even someone going full blown aids with the redd acct would stop to actually make a case on someone unless he just dgaf about the game

as for my wagon i understand why it is what it is but what else should I do if not try to find a wolf?
You have time, so let's try to get your alignment right before eod.

Redd is pointing out wolfy posts, most of which are actually wolfy (for reasons anyone who isn't Redd would elaborate on). Are his reads right? Maybe not, because not all wolfy posts have scum behind them. Are his reads good? Yes, because what he's pointing at in the thread is what I'm looking at too.

I get that it might be frustrating if a wagon built up on you without a layered case, but what you need is to build a case on who you think is scum right now. Go through the thread, peal apart people, build an mq, and if you think redd is scum after this process persuade me, and I will do my best to get him lynched.
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:24 PM
maybe hiya wolf instead of mocks

but mocks looks so wolfy with his following around oncle
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:25 PM
so it's day 1 and Redd has found 4 wolves apparently
13er Gimmicks Galore vanilla Quote
