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[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread [12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread

12-19-2014 , 02:19 PM
I'm a goat meta/tone reader. It's what I do.

And this is only my opinion on redd's slot and my doi. I could be wrong, but don't expect to be.
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Sili
I'm under the impression Tom and mucks are scum and angling for two quick mislynches. Redd is low hanging fruit because he's a troll, so if he flips town we essentially get no information. However, if I'm lynched subsequent mislynches for Tom become a lot harder so I want to be lynched sooner rather than later.

Tom and Muck's shouldn't mind since they 'think' we're both scum.

Should both me and redd be lynched and flip village then the game is 5-2, two lynches away from a scum win.
I would NEVER peek my wolf bro villager. Ask anyone about my game and they'll tell you I'm as ABC as it gets and I do not like to fps. Peeking my wolf bro on n0 is not something I have only game. Hell, my vote on killer last night should be enough for everyone here as I am not a bussing type of wolf, especially in vanillas where you only get two bros. couple that with the fact that I've been villagery and it's easy to see that I'm a villager.

You on the other hand have obsessed over one or two people the whole game which at points has looked somewhat villagery, at other times not so much. It just feels like you have an agenda. You're trying to lump me in with Tom which makes no sense as I've already explained.
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:27 PM
In theory, would people megalol at me if I said Sili, Redd and TTT were all villagers?
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by csarmi
I wasn't even playing in cthulhu.
I was great in woodstock.
My track record is actually pretty good.

Woodstock game for reference:
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:29 PM
Tom, can it be mucks/salami?
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by mexineil
In theory, would people megalol at me if I said Sili, Redd and TTT were all villagers?
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
Tom, can it be mucks/salami?
Hi Mexi. Welcome to my world
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:30 PM
Robik is a villager also btw
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:30 PM
I have one agenda. It's the obvious one and it's the one everyone in this thread is trying emulate.

I want to catch scum.

So I will give your slot a lot of consideration, certainly. Maybe you really wouldn't bus or peek your wolfpack... Maybe it's something new?

Why wouldn't you peek your wolfpack, why wouldn't you bus killer at the end there?
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:32 PM
UAW is someone who seems to be sitting back let all this happen.
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Just admit it, Salami. You're lazy. You're a lazy player. You go off wild hunches and feelings 90+% of the time. And that would be okay if your hunches were right more than not but they aren't. At best you're batting =rand unless you're dealing with a very emotion based player like Tress who you understand in some weird way.

And I do understand that this lazy playstyle is likely exacerbated by painkillers and your recent lifestyle changes. So it makes me feel ****ty to get so mad at you for something that's partly out of your control. But it IS also mostly in your control. You CAN read the thread from start to finish and improve your accuracy.

And if you want help, pull some posts ITT you think are important or confusing and I'll explain their significance from my POV.

But don't insult my effort by calling me a wolf for being angry. That's just... low.
1) Yes I'm lazy.
2) Yes I go on hunches. And I'm right about 90% of the time.
3) I don't need your sympathy or any sort of free pass for being sick.
4) I never get myaself cleared on pity
5) I don't call you "angry = wolf". I call you "Tom trying to bully people, shorten days and just beat the **** out of townies until they submit to you" wolfy.
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:34 PM
I'll just say I'll be pretty surprised if Mucks is a wolf, but even more surprised if Redd is a villager.
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
Tom, can it be mucks/salami?
[spoiler]No way. I'm a villa. Moreover, I have a strong villa lean on mucks so that's probably 0/2[/spoiler]
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
I'll just say I'll be pretty surprised if Mucks is a wolf, but even more surprised if Redd is a villager.
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:36 PM
Redd needs to be resolved

Like, now

Just maj him and move on

Read over the weekend or something
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
I had this game solved yesterday.

It's exactly Killer/Redd/Sili.

This game was actually pretty trivial.

If you need context, Sili linked me to Killer early as if he knew I was a wolf because I was defending Killer. Which is, you know, only possible if he knows killer is a wolf.

Sili and Redd also have a very limp fake push on each other that appears for no reason and disappears for no reason. Sili starts defending Redd "because redd does this as town" in #851. That's pretty incredible reasoning considering he paradoxically granted me ZERO village credit.

Killer mentions Redd and Sili as questionable figures but never follows up on it and refuses to vote Redd at EOD because Redd peeked him... then hard claims seer with a peek on me. Pretty smooth.

Sili and Killer were always play fighting, whether on Page 1 or when Killer reappeared in the thread around 5 PM yesterday to act indignant (which, to be fair to him, actually worked on me). Sili asking Killer if he's depressed, Killer saying he's bipolar, all fluff to achieve amicable resolution and move on to fighting villas.

But most telling is probably that Sili announced he had been "doing good work" and then drops a word bomb about how wolfy I am when killer and redd are both in the hot seat. It was pure fantasy, but the timing is key to understanding why Sili is a wolf in that spot. I mentioned it at the time.

And no Robik, Sili hasn't been villagery, he's just strange and borderline autistic. You aren't familiar with him.

But you did have a terrible game. I hope you feel bad for needlessly undermining me for hours and hours when I had this game solved almost 24 hours ago.

I would be remiss if I didn't give a thumb ups to Mexi, who has been, as far as I can tell, 100% correct about everyone. So well done, sir. Mucks also had it right in #871.

And if anyone is gonna try and claim that killer peeked me as his wolfbro, don't even bother. He was so far up my ass begging for mercy that he checked my prostate for me.
Reposting because I believe this is correct
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by DoUEvenLift?
Redd needs to be resolved

Like, now

Just maj him and move on

Read over the weekend or something
I oppose that pretty stringly but if you get six players who think alike, go ahead.

I'm reading up tomorrow regardless, today is too much for me. Tired as ****.
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Sili
Anyway, csarmi because I'm sadistic. And killer because of that opening. Go!
Originally Posted by killer_kill
My opening is role neutral. What didnt you like?
Think killer & Sili's early interactions look very good for Sili, particularly this one.
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by DoUEvenLift?
Redd needs to be resolved

Like, now

Just maj him and move on

Read over the weekend or something
Cool. I'll help you out cory.

Redd is lynched...he flips wolf...who are we killing and why?
Redd is lynched...he flips town...who are we killing and why?

Unless you have answers to these questions, you don't need to resolve ****
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by csarmi
I oppose that pretty stringly but if you get six players who think alike, go ahead.

I'm reading up tomorrow regardless, today is too much for me. Tired as ****.
Would rather get to reread over tonight and the weekend with Redd's flip already in mind

And guess he flips wolf regardless

But it's just something I need to keep going at this point

Only person I really want to wait for is bhuuuuuuuuuuuberrrrrrrrrrrrr
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
Cool. I'll help you out cory.

Redd is lynched...he flips wolf...who are we killing and why?
Redd is lynched...he flips town...who are we killing and why?

Unless you have answers to these questions, you don't need to resolve ****
I'd rather not have to reread the thread with two sets of hypotheticals to work out in my head when I can just have the answer

I have ideas

Don't talk to me, honestly. You don't like me, whatever, I have problem with you, just don't talk to me if you don't like me broham
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:42 PM
no problem with you*
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:43 PM
Actually I was quite bad in Woodstock.
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:43 PM
Cory, how do you read Tommy here?
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by csarmi
Cory, how do you read Tommy here?
You pray

He's not on the table today
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:46 PM
I am handing out olive branches today.






Top Tier Tom

Redd, salami, robik, and mex are the winners.

Cory doesn't get one because his voting last day was poor and he's sheeping my wolf reads too hard.
[12/16/14] Decapod Wars Vanilla SLOW GAME thread Quote
