Originally Posted by JMurder3
Yeah, I didn't have any strong opinions based on her actual posting, pretty null.
Monte & IANAWW read quite villagery to me.
Manasi was kind of wolfy, but that's pretty moot now haha. Pretty weird when she posted an IRTM v peek & then said her peek hadn't posted yet.
IRTM should be a villa. The only thing that gives me pause is the lack of questioning Crimson's constant ball-washing, but could always be next level seer protection.
Was meh on NL's day. I'm not going to pretend to be able to read suga.
Yeah based on eod, and rereading I'm pretty solidly thinking monte and ianaww villa
Manasi was wolfy, and she is also very likely to defend herself pretty strongly on either side, so it's odd to me she never came back on yesterday. Maybe another point in the villa category though if she thinks there's no reason anyone would lynch her? Idk I missed seemingly fake peek thing though. Will have to go back and reread.
Also weird if manasi and crimson both fake peek Irtm:v, but lol @ crimson's eod
Will need more from NL and Slighted today.
Suga who knows lol, we shall see what the day brings!