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11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread 11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread

11-27-2015 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by AllInBluff
Online viewing the thread on his dying laptop
Originally Posted by LordJvK

Nice catch AiB. Angleshooty, but I don't care. Careless from Zork.
Originally Posted by Viggorous
Don't punish a man for his dedication
you became a viable counter wagon fast you were LHF
Yet viggo wasn't interested in pushing you here
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Zorkman
RT, who was your vote on? I can't find the vote tally.
I had voted Lord but pulled a 180 there because I'm such an easy lynch for defending viggo, I can't see a wolf instigating a push away from me.

Originally Posted by LordJvK
Zork, AiB was Robik's peek wasn't he?

Or was it HiFi?
See my post #620 for all possible peek hints but this seemed the most obvious:

AIB - peek
AOS - peek
DLGN - peek
HiFi - cause she's gotten mislynched too many times recently by my hand

Yet in a post afterwards HiFi is listed by him in a possible wolf combination so I think its safe to rule out HiFi
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:21 PM
Lol.. Didn't read the whole thread, i am busy today but lmao at the two wolfiest people left defending each other.

I am voting for spurs

POE should be


Then we reevaluate if the two wolves are not within that 3.
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:22 PM
Zorkman can be lynched at f5 if we don't ping the two wolves but I still think his post yesterday not noticing he was peeked should give him a villa lean..

Also, who did robik peek?
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:24 PM
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:24 PM
I would be surprised if he actually peeked me but I guess it is likely
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by dLGN
continuing to taunt the 2 players who have been proven to have correct reads so far this game is getting you nowhere. my mind is never as made up as I make it seem, but you have done nothing to make me think otherwise. so until you tell me why everything I did yesterday to get viggorous was a whole lot of "saying nothing" and how hifi can't read but can manage to find wolves unlike you, my vote will not move and 0 regrets will be had if you do somehow manage to flip dumb village.
Wouldn't I have played this even worse as a wolf?

Does bad play = must-lynch?
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
Major slacking going to happen tomorrow, probably some friday slackage as well, and then standard weekend slackage. Real #work will start on Monday if I'm still alive
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
There will be copious turkey. Not sure about rustles.

I'll join the "in" crowd and express my happiness for not rolling wolf for the 3rd straight game.
Originally Posted by IAmRobik

This is his first read.. Maybe this is his peek.
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by AllInBluff
you became a viable counter wagon fast you were LHF
Yet viggo wasn't interested in pushing you here
Probably Viggo looking for town cred.
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:31 PM

robik had some interactions with you yesterday. He was saying stuff about how he thinks you're playing bad. Did he ever once suggest you may be a wolf? I will look later if need be but I don't think he did.
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:33 PM
Not that I recall
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:34 PM
Personally from my POV I thought ace made more sense as a peek the rest seemed to be read based peeks
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:36 PM
i think he likely peeked you then. But idk..
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:37 PM
I don't really think you or aos should be in the poe anyway so it doesn't matter much to me.
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:39 PM
steve is not getting lynched today or the next day imo, there are far, far scummier players in this game.
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:39 PM
Lord unvoted then didn't vote viggos counterwagon. I think as a wolf he would do one or the other so that is why he is 3rd on my poe..
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
There's a really really strong reason to believe that he's a villager ITT
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
Which is?
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
Let's talk about this tomorrow or the day after. He's off the table for today though.
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by dLGN
steve is not getting lynched today or the next day imo, there are far, far scummier players in this game.
Such as?
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:41 PM
that was about steve suggesting AOS as a push.
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:41 PM
that looks good for aos
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:43 PM
Aos is the peek and aib is almost always a villa for not taking peek credit.
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:43 PM
I like my poe..


Then we can re evaluate if we don't nail two wolves there.
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:45 PM
i do not buy lord's bull**** about viggorous bussing steve at all. vig was not under enough pressure to be bussing that early in the day to distance. he was far too ok with that push materializing into a lynch imo.

steve is villa as long as I am in the game.

also, lord, refer to what viggorous did with me when I hard pushed on him to see what his spew/pocketing looks like. I also do not buy what you are saying about him defending you as a pocket attempt, sorry.

i had fraley as weird yesterday for voting and wagon reasons i think

AoS seemed to be on the wrong page imo but not necessarily wolfy

i never understood robik's townread on AiB and think I even explicitly asked him about it and never got a response. I think that is a likely n0 check from him. fraley pointing out the copper vote by robik is interesting but I think he would have found a way to make that the lynch or say something else about it if that were the case, idk... like, he could have died with his vote on copper or something, there was a 2 vote gap in the wagons i think.

something to consider in a day or two if we haven't solved it, but not thinking much of it atm.
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:45 PM
Ya ace looks good for the peek, missed that little interaction
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
11-27-2015 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by AllInBluff
was that his response about you?
11/26 - Vanilla 13er Game Thread Quote
