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11/26 Eye of the World Mishmash Game Thread 11/26 Eye of the World Mishmash Game Thread

11-29-2012 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
how cum eye ain't dead yet
dunno why would you be?
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11-29-2012 , 04:11 PM
this is why its bs that we just allow people to claim wolf all the time. Because sometimes people do it for real, and nobody even really cares. haha vix nice one. oh, you just vigged 3 people for real. haha, jokes on us. still a good one.

i dont think its very funny, but i can accept being in the minority.
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11-29-2012 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
dunno why would you be?
your spell!
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11-29-2012 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Shark Sandwich
You're getting heat because you're tone is that of a mad and burnt out wolf, not because you rand wolf a lot
exclusively toan reading on d3 is weak, even by your standards.

I saw PBAL was trying to discredit me because I thought TL spew looked ok for Duck. pretty lolzy reasoning behind it but unlikely anybody will care to notice.
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11-29-2012 , 04:12 PM
I'd like to once again point out that SYF has done essentially nothing for a third straight day now.
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11-29-2012 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by okse54
Alright, wtvr

I'll preface this that I don't think they should be lynched just bc of this, its very possible it was random

Also based on reveals it seems that only very few players are convertable since only 1/4 players came up as covertable so far so the fact that it was 2 yesterday and there is 2 that we know of now doesn't neccessarily have significance

Ibavly and pbal said the word yesterday

ok let's see what happens
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11-29-2012 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by okse54
Alright, wtvr

I'll preface this that I don't think they should be lynched just bc of this, its very possible it was random

Also based on reveals it seems that only very few players are convertable since only 1/4 players came up as covertable so far so the fact that it was 2 yesterday and there is 2 that we know of now doesn't neccessarily have significance

Ibavly and pbal said the word yesterday
Can you plz link a poast or two if you don't want to say the word
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11-29-2012 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by RollWave
this is why its bs that we just allow people to claim wolf all the time. Because sometimes people do it for real, and nobody even really cares. haha vix nice one. oh, you just vigged 3 people for real. haha, jokes on us. still a good one.

i dont think its very funny, but i can accept being in the minority.
If they all die, def kill me.
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11-29-2012 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by okse54
Alright, wtvr

I'll preface this that I don't think they should be lynched just bc of this, its very possible it was random

Also based on reveals it seems that only very few players are convertable since only 1/4 players came up as covertable so far so the fact that it was 2 yesterday and there is 2 that we know of now doesn't neccessarily have significance

Ibavly and pbal said the word yesterday

PBAL i'm not sure knows about this, but it's very possible ibav does.

Plus ibav came out earlier today and said i was a villager.
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11-29-2012 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by Shark Sandwich
Can you plz link a poast or two if you don't want to say the word
Just trust us.
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11-29-2012 , 04:15 PM
Pleasebeaneutral with CDL and ibavly?
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11-29-2012 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by Eurotrash
exclusively toan reading on d3 is weak, even by your standards.

I saw PBAL was trying to discredit me because I thought TL spew looked ok for Duck. pretty lolzy reasoning behind it but unlikely anybody will care to notice.
Even by my standards huh

Sounds like you're casting aspersions on my game. To that I tell you to eat the largest of dicks.

It's not just your toan btw. It's the soft clearing of Duckburg (whom you hate clearing, as we both very well know), combined with the weak ass depakote=hifi thing on INAR. Other things too that I'm forgetting.

Point is, this looks 100% like your wolf game
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11-29-2012 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by zdye724
Just trust us.
so you really trust okse then, yeah?
and vice versa?
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11-29-2012 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Bryant Reeves
so PBAL, what do you make of that vix thang there?

Originally Posted by okse54
Alright, wtvr

I'll preface this that I don't think they should be lynched just bc of this, its very possible it was random

Also based on reveals it seems that only very few players are convertable since only 1/4 players came up as covertable so far so the fact that it was 2 yesterday and there is 2 that we know of now doesn't neccessarily have significance

Ibavly and pbal said the word yesterday
Two of like the only people who know what the lore is, seems possible to be a coincidence.

Seems unimportant, ibavly will be dead soon and I'll be villagery enough.

I'm definitely not convertible.
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11-29-2012 , 04:19 PM
Oh I quoted that Henrik post cause I was gonna say that I didn't really have an opinion. Seems fake, vix is bored?
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11-29-2012 , 04:20 PM
i think there is a pretty good chance both okse and zdye are telling the truth and are both not wolves

pbal and ibav is interesting

ibav was weird and id love to find the context

but again let's not worry until we see if you die
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11-29-2012 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Bryant Reeves
so you really trust okse then, yeah?
and vice versa?
I don't see why I shouldn't trust
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11-29-2012 , 04:21 PM
so there's a word that if you say it you become a wolf, and those folks said it, and okse and zyde are going to maybe die if they don't say it today?

this sounds like it will be resolved easily tomorrow.
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11-29-2012 , 04:21 PM
yeah add reeves to the wolflist
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11-29-2012 , 04:21 PM
lol vix

mishmash gettin mishmashy
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11-29-2012 , 04:22 PM
It looks like the word is Ba'Alzamon.

Ibav and I both said it yesterday. Ba'Alzamon is also known as Ishamael, he's basically the main apostle of the dark one who isn't really in book one.

It makes sense that he would be the one converting people I guess.
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11-29-2012 , 04:23 PM
I forget the context I said it in, I think I was speculating on various wolf roles.
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11-29-2012 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
If they all die, def kill me.
if they don't die though - do you actually think those players are wolves and the troll was just in the manner of providing your reads, or do you think those players are villagers and the troll is listing them at all?
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11-29-2012 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by PlzBeALevel
Through post #500, doing this in chunks because I end up mq'ing posts and forget what I wanted to say.

Huge villa read on Henrik for this post, very initiative-laden to deviate from thread consensus at the time which was very much in agreement with Aksdal's reads (not necc wrongly), but interjecting with his unique thought process instead of head nodding is very good.

I give tweedy a village lean too, d1 all you can try to do is toneread like this really. Unfortunately, not because I'm especially skilled at wolfing, but because I'm very careful with my language when I'm a wolf and not otherwise, this is the kind of post that often gets made about me trying to catch me. There are people in the game that I'm sure can verify that I will frequently come under more pressure d1 as a villager than as a wolf for this reason.

I didn't think tweedy's big long case on me which I haven't quoted made as much sense as his attempt at language reads. It delved into some sort of content/non-content ratio of my posts and I thought it was very tenuously linked to his conclusion that I was a wolf trying to get village leans early.

I quoted this because I thought it was wolfy for the pile on aspect and the logic disconnect at the end.

Thought this was villagery from Vix along with a couple of his other posts.

This is Vixticator giving Depakote a village lean for reading Aksdal as villagery which is super lol given that's the most obvious and easy read to commit to at that point of the game as he had been somewhat of a thread captain so far.

I quoted this because I thought it was wolfy but his posts got better.

Heh, you'd think so right.

Sando's repeated claims to not be reading anything are wolfy. Definitely my number one wolf as of post #500.

Seems unlikely that they would be a neutral faction just given the lack of bad guy material in book one.

I mean, there is:

Padan Fain
Mordeth (?)

I guess there are a couple random darkfriends that they meet too.

I always preview my posts as a wolf.
Originally Posted by ibavly
Also we have convertible villagers. Which I don't really find consistent with the story in book 1, can't think of a role that would fit that. Maybe Ba'alzamon but would still be fairly random to put in the game.

Would make a lot more sense for the shadar logoth evil which we haven't seen yet
Assume these are the posts. Initial reaction is that these guys are probably wolves.
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11-29-2012 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by PlzBeALevel
Two of like the only people who know what the lore is, seems possible to be a coincidence.

Seems unimportant, ibavly will be dead soon and I'll be villagery enough.

I'm definitely not convertible.
Why is ibav dying soon?

And why are you saying the word?

You probably need to die.
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