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11-28-2012 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by well named

guys, I'm sorry about timelady. She was having a good game. This isn't my fault. I for one blame jim halpert.

Also I get a 1 day pass because I freed gder

Also Also I'm naked right now but I gotta get moving and go to work


I'll probably try to find a wolf today
this makes zero sense

Originally Posted by Ashington
There is pretty much 0% chance Boo is a wolf, if there was any doubt before.
yeah, Boo can be curmudgeony but he's on his villager game imo

Originally Posted by ElliotR
I don't know whether to laugh or take this as a sign that you like like me.


you prefer me to tunnel relentlessly?

Originally Posted by amplify
I would apologize for missing eod but I could have only ****ed it up if I had been here and I have the goddamn flu so whatever. Called off work today so I am here yo.
uh oh. paging Boo. he's got "the flu".

hope you feel better, tho - our entire house had it a couple of weeks ago
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11-28-2012 , 11:07 AM
And fwiw I expect the wolf list I posted earlier today to not be much better than 50% pretty much ever, mostly because it has a ton of lower posters and low hanging fruit and stuff

for example I've liked bobman's posts today already
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11-28-2012 , 11:07 AM
Meh, I'll drop it, at least for now. Binkles makes sense (and is probably a villager to boot).

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11-28-2012 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
lol you

what a ridiculous thing for you to say
hi, how about taking a time in your busy WW to actually respond instead of making a personal attack?
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11-28-2012 , 11:10 AM
Ashington and TimeLady's interactions yesterday:

Originally Posted by TimeLady
I do think that as a wolf in his first mish mash, it would be very difficult to post at quite this volume. Admittedly, not every post has been particularly content fabulous, but he seems at ease with being itt, which for someone newish like him is a decent village tell.
That was in response to an Ashington poast re: starazz

Originally Posted by TimeLady
My reads list is kinda a small subset of binkles list:

well named
sun tzu
the moocher

Suspicious Face:
Ashington is a villager according to TimeLady

Originally Posted by TimeLady
this is an example of a post that is not helpful to the thread
(that was another starazz poast that TL was referring to)

Originally Posted by Ashington
He has made many of those. It strikes me as someone trying to sound like a noob villa while at the same time attempting to volume clear himself. I am still skepticalface but it doesn't appear as though he is going to get much heat from people smarter than me itt.
Originally Posted by TimeLady
I mean, it's possible, but it's a very high risk strategy for a new wolf. If he can't sustain the posting speed, or the posts he makes are awkward/wolfy, then he gets got a lot quicker

Non impossible for him to be a wolf, but I still lean villa
Basically these interactions weren't nearly as damning as I remembered, I just didn't like the casual conversation you two had going. Certainly not enough to wagon you on its own though, but your comment towards EOD still has me very suspicious of you. I'll bring that up shortly.

But while we're here, speaking of TimeLady hard-defending wolfbros:

Originally Posted by Priptonite
Nvm, found it.

Looks like monikrazy doesn't get mislynched often (unless I'm reading this wrong), so I'm even happier with him as a wagon.
Originally Posted by TimeLady
Originally Posted by okse54
It means when moni is a villager he doesn't come off wolfy and get mislynhed

So if he's coming off wolfy and a wagon he's actually a wolf
Originally Posted by TimeLady
the problem is, he's also very rarely lynched as a wolf. (more, but not drastic).

you can't look at one stat and not the other
Originally Posted by Priptonite
Is 9.1% not low?
Originally Posted by TimeLady
it is - but it's more that you drew the conclusion without looking at the other stat (14%)
monik still looks like a pretty damn good wagon to me
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11-28-2012 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by hardcoreUFO
hi, how about taking a time in your busy WW to actually respond instead of making a personal attack?
Well, do you really think if Moni came in and said exactly that, that it's a villagery or reasonable thing for him to say? Do you think it would lead to anyone not voting him today who otherwise would have?
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11-28-2012 , 11:11 AM
yeah I guess I should vote for Moni

I've been hoping he would get dayvigged by now or something
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11-28-2012 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by Boo Radley
if could only vote once and wanted a tl wagon so badly, why vote.....mcavoy?
Because I voted McAvoy at like 2 pm yesterday

I'd rather not go into my reasoning for it now. But suffice it to say, I wanted to vote someone who I felt could never be a bad d1 lynch
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11-28-2012 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by Shark Sandwich
Ashington and TimeLady's interactions yesterday:
I think the best case you could make against me would be based on my EOD, which is easily explainable.

Obviously if starz flips wolf I look terrible though.
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11-28-2012 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
Well, do you really think if Moni came in and said exactly that, that it's a villagery or reasonable thing for him to say? Do you think it would lead to anyone not voting him today who otherwise would have?
well no, I'm wondering why you're signaling to what you want him to say and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

like from my perspective what you're saying is 'it would be villagery of moni's EOD yesterday if she was doing x because of y'. but it's more effective if you just let him respond. like, if he is a wolf he won't be able to make his EOD villagery unless you signal to him what would make it villagery (from your perspective).
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11-28-2012 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by Ashington
I think the best case you could make against me would be based on my EOD, which is easily explainable.

Obviously if starz flips wolf I look terrible though.
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11-28-2012 , 11:15 AM
Shark, confirm that Ashington reads like a fairly obvious villager on this page?

I think I'd like it if you two cleared each other
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11-28-2012 , 11:17 AM
Biggest question to me right now is who Chips was saying is funnier between amp and INAR.

Anyway, a wolf leapfrogging two others while trailing by four votes is absurd. Moni
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11-28-2012 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by starrazz
This is the single most wolfy post I have ever seen in my entire life. That's really cute how you put my #1 wagon as your #1 wagon then put me 2nd. Congratulations, you actually earned a semi-defensive response from me on a wolf accusation. Good luck getting that wagon forming, you're going to need it!
This is where meta comes in; I don't think I've ever seen TehVader make a post like that as a wolf in his life.

Reads list incoming as soon as I read the last page+
11/26 Eye of the World Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-28-2012 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by hardcoreUFO
well no, I'm wondering why you're signaling to what you want him to say and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

like from my perspective what you're saying is 'it would be villagery of moni's EOD yesterday if she was doing x because of y'. but it's more effective if you just let him respond. like, if he is a wolf he won't be able to make his EOD villagery unless you signal to him what would make it villagery (from your perspective).
Hmm, maybe it's a language thing.

I was just mocking him. You know, because he always thinks he's right and amazing and the best, he has a large enough ego to convince himself that he actually thought TL was a wolf and was posting the way he did to reverse level the village into lynching a wolf, because he's such a good villager. Which is obviously silly.
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11-28-2012 , 11:18 AM

i was upset by your brief vote of me but im really going to assume you have a real life problem with some of the things ive done in pog recently, and even tho i think that is unfounded, i respect it. so i will not try to emo go back at you, esp since you did call tl a wolf iirc

if you are a villa, let's work together
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11-28-2012 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by TehVader
I assume you've not played many mishmashes but that is absolutely a good night for us (maybe not for you though)
losing the vig makes it not a good night

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11-28-2012 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
Shark, confirm that Ashington reads like a fairly obvious villager on this page?

I think I'd like it if you two cleared each other
Yeah he seems villagery here

But I'm not clearing him for it
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11-28-2012 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by Shark Sandwich
Because of the interaction you quoted there between me and TL, it was about starz. I've probably stuck my jimmy a little too far out into the wind in clearing him but I feel like it's a solid read. But I will look (at best) like an incompetent jackass if he flips wolf.
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11-28-2012 , 11:19 AM
Binkles kind of has to be a villager just because he's breaking his streak of light-clearing me on every d1 we've ever played together aside from the couple where I was wolfing.

Seriously doubt he breaks that streak as a wolf regardless of his role.

(And this isn't moni-esque delusion to even act like this is worthy of a read; he and I have a running thing about this.)
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11-28-2012 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Seriously doubt he breaks that streak as a wolf regardless of his role.
regardless of MY role*
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11-28-2012 , 11:21 AM
Good morning. Results were actually pretty good last night. Losing three vanillas and only a one time vig is not bad, I was expecting much worse.

Big surprise to see TimeLady lynched wolf as the third wagon. I feel as though the voting mechanism that resulted in this happening can't have been controlled by the wolves, otherwise why would they allow this to happen? If they knew the third wagon was going home, or if they were aware of mechanisms in place that would prevent Depakote/monikrazy from getting lynched, why wouldn't they manipulate it? Lynching a wolf on day one is rare in my limited experience. With the lack of information out there and so many players alive, day one should be the easiest mislynch for them to cause. I conclude that his result had to have been a surprise to them.

The wagons were relatively close for most of the evening. At the end of the day, I saw a 14-13-12 votecount with TL in third place... I feel like this would be a very bad time for wolves to bus if they thought top wagon is going home. I think late voters on TL should get villa credit.

Similarly, people who started the TL wagon super early on (Boo of course, I also have TbobLP in the back if my mind) should get credit.

I'm most skeptical of people who hopped on TL in the middle of the day when Depakote looked like a runaway wagon. Could be a great spot for some easy credit later in the game when TL flips wolf.
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11-28-2012 , 11:21 AM
ashington can we be friends itt?
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11-28-2012 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by RollWave
ineedaride2 is the only person who has admitted to only submitting by pm, did not post his limerick in thread.

I had conjectured that all the wolves would have a submission, that there would be at least 1 wolf willing to write a limerick for all the other wolves who didn't write one. and they could just pm it in, rather than have it scrutinized in thread.

I don't have any particular reason to doubt ineedaride wrote his limerick though, i mainly just don't like the circumstance.
wait wait wait


I'm too lazy to check atm, but did Ineedaride post any limerick in the thread?

because if he didn't, then I invite you to check out CDL's reaction when WERx announced that Ineedaride was the winner.


I'll quote it when I'm caught up, but the cliffs are that if Ineedaride didn't post a limerick in the thread, then Ineedaride/CDL are >>>>>rand to be w/w (with only one other lol possibility that I can see), and CDL derpouted himself
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11-28-2012 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
losing the vig makes it not a good night

One time vig, no big deal.

Forgot vix on my villa list, like boo's theory on hardcore
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