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11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread 11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread

11-26-2011 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Hi again everyone, hope you guys all enjoyed Thanksgiving!

Disclaimer: I'm going to do my best this game to not ruin it for the rest of you like I did in the mason game. Sorry again for that...

So I get that everyone is in holiday spirirts and ww is supposed to fun etc, but I was not happy at how much useless crap I had to read in order to get through this monster. I can't see any scenarios where that is a benefit to us.. People who are posting a lot of useless crap should be among the first to go.

Strongest villa leans:

Crossnerd- lock villa

Aksdal- strongest villa lean, villagery thinking right from the start, talked about deciphering roles and mechanics. He's tough to read on tone alone bc of the constant sarcasm, but I like his actions so far, has asked a lot of questions and had several interactions. I don't know his wolf game, but his village game is strong

Sun- strong villa lean, posted strategy he researched from past games from amazing players, slightly aggressive tone, came down hard on vmf and 425 for bad play, also a strong player, would be a good leader

Loretta- villa lean, opening post contained a reads list, asked for a cutback in the useless chatter which I more than agree with

Less strong but still villa leans:

theNothing- posted a reads list that demonstrated a villagers thought process, even though I did not agree with it in its entirety

themoocher- seems like a super noob, he showed genuine frustration with being suspected by the more experienced players and to me it came across as honest

alrightyroo- super duper noob, he said this is the beginning of his ww career, then necro claims he peeked him wolf, his reaction was so normal that necro backed down

Thin villa leans:

evene- I liked her original reads list

fluttershy- seems enthusiastic, could prove helpful aside from the pony shtick


Zeestein- got a few weird votes in the beginning, hasn't posted that much, but supposedly a super noob so I can't peg these actions as wolfy yet, but I am observing the noobs more closely this game since there seem to be so many

Anarchist- If I had to make a choice right now, I'd prob throw him on the village list, but thats mostly based on tone and the fact that I want us to get along this game lol, the thunderdoming is weird, also someone pointed out that you made mention of rules for not discussing sheep answers which is really only an issue for the wolves, so undecided at the moment

IMP- threw around votes, said she is playing half-heartedly which is...not great, however he sponged aksdal at one point who is my strongest villa lean so he might be thinking like me as vanillager, not sure yet, should not play half-heartedly though in any role

Slight wolf leans:

BASaint- weird opening posts, weird tone, the weirdest of the noobs lol, and hasn't contributed much content until pressured by other players, seems to lurk and be around when others post about him

425kid- he spammed a lot in the beginning which I don't like at all, I've never played with him so I don't know if he is always this spazzy, hasn't posted too much content, his tone is ok but the spamming is not

necro- that was pretty bad to say you peeked a complete noob as a wolf and then back off, I don't understand that play at all, it seems just bad, and I've played with necro before so I know he's not a total noob to just spout off and do something like that, I don't get it

Wolf leans:

willi- has posted very little content, he's probably made more estonian jokes than content posts, thats not ok

VMF- I've seen him play so strongly as a villager and his day 1 this game is imho like garbage, I saw him in previous games as a major contributor, his tone also sets off my spidey sense, its so forced, the interactions early on with both anarchist and CQ were so bizarre, I don't see how all three of them can be village

CQ- worst offender of the spamming, posting drunk is usually a bad sign, also had bizarre interactions all day especially with anarchist, I've seen CQ also be a major contributor and he posted a lot but it was full of actually useful information, not all this clutter, definitely not himself this game

Its taken me a while to compile this bc I'm not feeling so great this morning so now I will reread a bit of the afternoon I've missed and see if anything has changed. I know there are a few people missing on my list, I tried to get everyone but some of them have not been very memorable and need to post more.

11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:15 PM
Anarchist I'm reading the thread, dunno what else im meant to do when my thoughts remain the same - lets start with the anarchist wagon

lol 425 hahaha
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i changed my mind about this game being the best thing in my life lol!

what a bunch of slop to read through.

just from skimming it seems to me that crackedquads and anarchist are villa, the way they are going at each other seems too careless to be wolfy
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
whoa, this is weird. they both vote him at exactly the same time like out of the blue....

i think CQ and sun wouln't do this as wolf team mates. they are almost never gonna be w/w here.

i admit i haven't read the thread yet. can someone please give me cliffs on the case on ba?

i am going to skim the thread now. i am not going to read the whole D1. i think chips said D1 is really valuable to go back and reread later in the game. i am excited to try that this game.
Originally Posted by filthyvermin

not sure if i got this right but.... were you voting for varianceminfield earlier? because if you were then you switched your vote to basaint and no one was voting for him except for varianceminfield. what's up with that?
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i don't know willi. if he is a guy who always makes jokes then obviously that makes it less wolfy than from a random player. but i am still going with my read that it was a wolfy post because it was a wolfy post. and i am a little suspicious that none of the other players commented on it. looking forward to hear what CQ, sun and gad have to say.

actually, i just had an idea. what if we made CQ, sun and gad village leaders? if they are all wolves we will lose anyway. if they are all villagers, or if 2/3 them are villagers and the rest of the village listens, we should have a pretty easy win.
i think all these posts spew Quads wolf, but especially the bold/blue.

wolves LOVE telling the truth in spots like this, i now that we know sun is a villager and gad is presumably peeked, i think quads is a wolf.
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:18 PM
also i can't remember quads doing any real wolf hunting, mostly joking around
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:20 PM
yeah i agree with you anarchist

cracked could easily be wolf

he wanted to mason with me earlier and said something like he will clear me after 7 posts

and then later that day when people were pushing me and calling my posts bad

he tried to move me to neutral to wolfy

seemed real odd, considering how well he reads me that hed be influenced by others like that
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:22 PM
that would be so funny if we agreed to filthy's plan and the wolves NKed sun and gad. i can kind of imagine someone thinking that up as a good idea, lol
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by 425kid

Hello?? I ended that paragraph by saying I was still UNDECIDED. (You seem to read better in allcaps.) If I had him pegged as a villager, he'd be under the villager lean column, NOT the neutrals.

And I DID do a read on filthyvermin, on [i]everyone[/b] as a matter of fact. I followed up pretty soon after my original reads list with reads of the people I had missed.

I've seen anarchist lead lynches before, I'm not just going to follow him blindly. I have my own opinion and I went with it.

11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by Loretta8
i can see why youre skeptical of the claim but you'll eventually become a believer when it isnt countered
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
6 Anarchist filthyvermin (28), 425kid (83), Crossnerd (20), InsureMePlz (21), Loretta8 (30), VarianceMinefield (61)
6 filthyvermin Anarchist (247), Evene (36), fluttershy (27), Noah (18), Sun Tzu (124), The Moocher (49)
2 crackedquads Aksdal (51), Gadarene (15)
1 425kid lenC (5)
1 Alrighty Roo Necro (22)
1 BASaint crackedquads (92)
1 C-Viggity Zeestein (11)
1 Evene BASaint (32)
1 Necro Alrighty Roo (30)
1 Sun Tzu NoFear3838 (2)
1 unvote Willi (49)
3 not voting C-Viggity (2), Dyenimator (2), TheNothing (17)
he had 120 posts but voted completely off wagon

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11-26-2011 , 05:26 PM
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:27 PM
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
People who weren't on my original list:

c-viggity- needs to post
dye- needs to post more, the few post he's made have been weird, I don't know this player, is he new or experienced?
noah- seems his usual villagery self, I have only played with him together as villagers (Hi Noah! So glad you decided to play )
filthyvermin- says he hasn't reread the thread yet, um... I hope he has time, doesn't look good
gad- looks really suspect, I have seen him play as villager really well and he posts a lot and this is not his usual self, I know its thanksgiving but its been 2 days and he has been here, looks weird

The CQ/Anarchist interactions continue to raise red flags to me, I'm not sure what to make of it.

Willi, giving your reads list and then saying you won't give explanations is ridiculous and terribad...
That looks like the standard wolf trying to make up a read on a wolf. You probably should have pretended you didn't leave a read on him, cuz this looks even worse for you.
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by crackedquads
Gad we have enough meta that I know for a fact you'd never lynch me day one as a villager.

You're effectively outing yourself here.
Originally Posted by Anarchist
Votes as of post 984
Night in 00:30

6 filthyvermin 425kid (78), Anarchist (216), fluttershy (27), Noah (18), Sun Tzu (110), The Moocher (46)
2 425kid InsureMePlz (11), lenC (5)
2 Anarchist filthyvermin (22), Loretta8 (19)
2 BASaint crackedquads (92), VarianceMinefield (52)
2 crackedquads Aksdal (48), Gadarene (13)
1 Alrighty Roo Necro (22)
1 C-Viggity Zeestein (11)
1 Evene BASaint (32)
1 Necro Alrighty Roo (28)
1 Sun Tzu NoFear3838 (2)
1 Willi Crossnerd (17)
1 unvote Willi (49)
4 not voting C-Viggity (2), Dyenimator (2), Evene (31), TheNothing (17)
that was quads' last post last night, and the vote count came 2 minutes later

he planted his vote like all good wolves do
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:30 PM
in the entire 48 hour day, cracked voted TWICE, once for me and once for BASaint.

he votes so much more often as a villager.

i think he's a wolf
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
in the entire 48 hour day, cracked voted TWICE, once for me and once for BASaint.

he votes so much more often as a villager.

i think he's a wolf
Why should we lynch him before the people that CFD you though? Doesn't make much sens to me.
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
zeestein has now moved from possible wolf hunch to WOLF
one sides wagons - what can go wrong?

I'm new but I mean, I understand the rules and I'm not an idiot

like, god ur dumb, like you're either a terrible emo villager

I'm basically open on anyone on the anarchist wagon, figured getting close wagons is GOOD FOR THE VILLAGE

11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by 425kid
That looks like the standard wolf trying to make up a read on a wolf. You probably should have pretended you didn't leave a read on him, cuz this looks even worse for you.
All of the reads from that list are thin. They didn't make the first list I made because they weren't memorable and had made no posts that caught my eye. Try again.
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:33 PM
i think crossnerd and 425 had the most wolfy ends

because crossnerd was off wagon with 30 minutes to go

loretta was on anarchist with filthy there. i dont think loretta would want to vote with someone who is about to reveal wolf

before reading the posts that really lead up to eod. id say wolfiest players are

c viggity
dyenminator(he was multiquoting and so much more involved in the gme i played with him)

alrighty roo

11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by 425kid
Why should we lynch him before the people that CFD you though? Doesn't make much sens to me.
i didnt say we should

sometimes you have t bring the pressure though
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:33 PM
I'm going to use a poker analogy here because it works so well. Next up is my four part series. Pre-Flop, Flop, Turn, and River. There are four distinct parts of the way the vote going down yesterday.

Part 1: Preflop

Originally Posted by Anarchist
Votes as of post 816
Night in 03:00

3 425kid Aksdal (38), InsureMePlz (11), lenC (5)
2 Anarchist filthyvermin (22), Loretta8 (17)
2 BASaint crackedquads (89), VarianceMinefield (52)
2 Dyenimator Noah (15), Willi (38)
2 VarianceMinefield Anarchist (155), Sun Tzu (93)
1 Alrighty Roo Necro (22)
1 C-Viggity Zeestein (11)
1 Evene BASaint (27)
1 fluttershy The Moocher (40)
1 Gadarene fluttershy (14)
1 Necro Alrighty Roo (28)
1 Sun Tzu NoFear3838 (2)
1 Zeestein 425kid (65)
6 not voting Crossnerd (11), C-Viggity (2), Dyenimator (2), Evene (21), Gadarene (5), TheNothing (17)
3 Hours from night, there's no consensus on how the lynch will be going.

Up next, the flop, turn, and river -- all of which will reveal important things about the participants of this particular ahnd.
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:34 PM

alright roo has been really villagery

filthy spewed dye villa
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
All of the reads from that list are thin. They didn't make the first list I made because they weren't memorable and had made no posts that caught my eye. Try again.
Start lolcatting bro. I also love how you have Loretta as a strong villa lean. How the hell did that happen?
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
i think crossnerd and 425 had the most wolfy ends

because crossnerd was off wagon with 30 minutes to go

loretta was on anarchist with filthy there. i dont think loretta would want to vote with someone who is about to reveal wolf

before reading the posts that really lead up to eod. id say wolfiest players are

c viggity
dyenminator(he was multiquoting and so much more involved in the gme i played with him)

alrighty roo

So were a ton of other people! At least I attempted to make the wagons close, which you yourself said is good for the village. Am I wrong here???

Btw, you listed zeestein twice. Weird of you to do that.. I have barely noticed him.
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist

alright roo has been really villagery

filthy spewed dye villa

i plan to read in the next couple days and ill adjust all my reads

i really want people to do more work clearing people

i ahvent seen any lists yet


11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Fluttershy
I'm going to use a poker analogy here because it works so well. Next up is my four part series. Pre-Flop, Flop, Turn, and River. There are four distinct parts of the way the vote going down yesterday.

Part 1: Preflop

3 Hours from night, there's no consensus on how the lynch will be going.

Up next, the flop, turn, and river -- all of which will reveal important things about the participants of this particular ahnd.
Lol. I'm like the only person on a wolf at this point.
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