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11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread 11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread

11-26-2011 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
yea i dont like how she came out here with a real defeated attitude

i hope its just the alcohol talking.
I feel dumb for leading the charge to save him.

Regardless, I forget what his role was but it was weak. IIRC all the other wolf roles are stronger than his, and it wouldn't make sense for me to try to defend him as w/w.
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
if you missed that, you might have missed the sheep questions!
Omg lol, we all know there are sheep, I won't miss one don't worry.
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by InsureMePlz
I feel dumb for leading the charge to save him.

Regardless, I forget what his role was but it was weak. IIRC all the other wolf roles are stronger than his, and it wouldn't make sense for me to try to defend him as w/w.
people always say this but it's a lie

someone tried to start a CFD on me and i'd bet heaps there was a wolf there, so obv someone thought it was worth it to try to save filthy
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
people always say this but it's a lie

someone tried to start a CFD on me and i'd bet heaps there was a wolf there, so obv someone thought it was worth it to try to save filthy
it becomes worth it at a point.

when me and imp voted was like 10 mins before eod with 7-2 wagons. it is a suicidal move for a wolf to make a move there

but at a point it became maybe a good spot.

i think 425 had the worst vote based on timing tells.
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
people always say this but it's a lie

someone tried to start a CFD on me and i'd bet heaps there was a wolf there, so obv someone thought it was worth it to try to save filthy
It's not a lie.

It's sort of embarrassing to be "100% confident" in something, and probably encourage other villagers to change their vote, and then 2 minutes later find out I'm dead wrong.
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 03:23 AM
Originally Posted by InsureMePlz
It's not a lie.

It's sort of embarrassing to be "100% confident" in something, and probably encourage other villagers to change their vote, and then 2 minutes later find out I'm dead wrong.
yeah i was hoping filthy would flip villa

ill admit it here and now.
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 03:23 AM
ok so if you're claiming to be a villager, which if any of my voters were wolves?
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
i think 425 had the worst vote based on timing tells.
Can you explain this so I can follow what you mean?
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 03:24 AM
@IMP obv
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11-26-2011 , 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
ok so if you're claiming to be a villager, which if any of my voters were wolves?
Claiming to be villager? That's a weird thing to say. Of course I'm claiming to be villager, I would regardless of my role.

I don't know who the wolves are. I'm not going to think about it right now. I tend to not try very hard until it gets closer to down to the wire.
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by Noah
Can you explain this so I can follow what you mean?
not really much to it right now

thats just all i rememeber from last night

i need to read it over and think about it

just in my gut when he made that switch from filthy

without putting any posts in previously

like me and imp were in there for like 10-15 minutes pushing for a different option.

so if someones not making there opinion known on who they think should be lynched, its a bit fishy

but when someone doesnt voice their opinion and then casts a vote with 1 minute left in the day.

it is really fishy

its not consistent

if you are there to vote with 1 minute left and decide a lynch possible

but dont care enough to talk about it in the prevoous 5 minutes.

it jsut doesnt make sense
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by InsureMePlz
Claiming to be villager? That's a weird thing to say. Of course I'm claiming to be villager, I would regardless of my role.

I don't know who the wolves are. I'm not going to think about it right now. I tend to not try very hard until it gets closer to down to the wire.

11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
not really much to it right now

thats just all i rememeber from last night

i need to read it over and think about it

just in my gut when he made that switch from filthy

without putting any posts in previously

like me and imp were in there for like 10-15 minutes pushing for a different option.

so if someones not making there opinion known on who they think should be lynched, its a bit fishy

but when someone doesnt voice their opinion and then casts a vote with 1 minute left in the day.

it is really fishy

its not consistent

if you are there to vote with 1 minute left and decide a lynch possible

but dont care enough to talk about it in the prevoous 5 minutes.

it jsut doesnt make sense
Yeah. Because im going to cast a vote as w/w to make it 6-5 with like 1 minute left when suspicion is going to immediately follow me once filthy turns up wolf. I always thought anarchist was a wolf. I said that. I was wrong. If everyone feels the need to resolve me then ok, but IMP, you, Cross, and Loretta should die first imo.
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by 425kid
Yeah. Because im going to cast a vote as w/w to make it 6-5 with like 1 minute left when suspicion is going to immediately follow me once filthy turns up wolf. I always thought anarchist was a wolf. I said that. I was wrong. If everyone feels the need to resolve me then ok, but IMP, you, Cross, and Loretta should die first imo.
why should we die before you?
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by sangaman
Sorry for the confusion between mods. Jim's flip will count.

Filthyvermin was sent off to the slaughterhouse. Underneath the outer layer of wool, the butcher found a furry little critter with sharp teeth.

Filthyvermin was the Fox, a wolf.

Sheep reveal will be in ~2 hours.
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 03:39 AM
id love to hear ur thoughts fluttershy
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by The Moocher

Good vote wolf.
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 03:39 AM
Ponies are gay. I don't get the appeal
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 03:40 AM
IMP, you either have to work towards clearing yourself, or die.

pick one
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by InsureMePlz
Ponies are gay. I don't get the appeal
probably because

1. gay people

2. women

both exist?
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by The Moocher

Originally Posted by InsureMePlz
Good vote wolf.
rofl terrell owens had a better comeback than this
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 03:42 AM
whats CFD?
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11-26-2011 , 03:43 AM
chinese fire drill

late flurry of votes near end of day to get a different person lynched
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
I feel the same way.

Originally Posted by Anarchist
and a big to fluttershy for reconsidering her initial villa lean on filthy and saving me

best pony evar!!!
We all have you to thank for doggedly pushing filthy.

That was a quite an end of day.

Originally Posted by Anarchist
ok so now that our next FIVE lynches are set, yes i said FIVE, as in the FIVE people who said, "let's cfd anarchist lolz"

it's so pathetic you guys tried to save your wolf buddy and couldn't even get it done, and in the process outed your whole team
I disagree that the next five lynches are set but I do agree that perhaps our next two, maybe three lynches are set. There should be a lot of information in that end of day.
11/24 Sheep WW Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
11-26-2011 , 03:52 AM
Stuff from Loretta eod:

Originally Posted by Loretta8
that's a good point

also, gad being afk for most of the day is a horrible reason to lynch him, its not like he's scared to post when he's a wolf. in fact i think he's way way more likely to not post as a villager. gad = lock villager imo.
Responding to 425. Read on Gad

Originally Posted by Loretta8
um, wtf

can we cfd dye or c-vig who both said they'd contribute today and then added nothing?
Talking to Anarchist. Asks to cfd off filthy onto UTR/AFK.

Originally Posted by Loretta8
i'm getting worried we've just got a lot of village/village violence late in the day and the wolves are just laughing at us and not posting
A genuine enough concern. The main violence going on at the minute is Anarchist tarring and feathering filthy.

Originally Posted by Loretta8
anarchist, are you angle shooting?
Talking to Anarchist again.

Originally Posted by Loretta8
thats a good point, but what got me was the whole pop into the thread, say youre gonna add something, and then not add anything

and anarchist, if im a wolf with filthy i would have bussed him hours ago, if he flips wolf vig then you can go after me tomorrow as hard as you want, but hes not going to imo
Don't really understand why a specific wolf role was mentioned here.

Originally Posted by Loretta8
ok that post by evene right there was the spongiest sponge to ever sponge

Doesn't like Evene's vote. Will reread and find out what she thought of Evene up to this point.

Originally Posted by Loretta8
i dont think hes a wolf based on some earlier posting

also, evene
Says doesn't think filthy is a wolf based on some earlier posting, but doesn't mention what posts or paraphrase any. Drops vote on Evene.

Originally Posted by Loretta8
i dont feel strongly enough about any other wagons, with the possible exception of Evene coming in to pile on. i do remember filthy's weird suggestion to let a few people be thread captains i thought was something a wolf would never say, that was the crux of my case for filthy being villager.

its an exercise in futility at this point anyways
Feels suspicious enough about Evene's vote to wagon her over anyone else? Now explains her case for filthy being a villager.

Originally Posted by Loretta8
filthy, at this point i dont think you can be saved

Addresses filthy.

Originally Posted by Loretta8
agree with this
Not sure how to digest what this comment could potentially mean now that we know filthy wolf and sun villager.

Originally Posted by Loretta8
Hops on Anarchist.
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