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11/21 Vanilla Game Thread 11/21 Vanilla Game Thread

12-01-2011 , 12:08 PM
willis been out in front, putting in his own reads doing his own thing for better or for worse

thenothing has just kind of been there.

if you know what i mean
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12-01-2011 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by EADGBE

if we lose this game its like 90% my fault.

my initial plan was a good one before tappo came after me with that bogus case and i went full ****** on him. but its all gone to **** now.

youre basically going to have to flip willi vs thenothing @ f3

thenothing will vote willi prob because shes commited to a villa read on you

willi have to vote thenothing

you will have to decide. lol.

only other option is akspar/thenothing/willi

but thats a the same thing with him instead of you.

if you wake up you/willi/akspar, you fistpump vote willi and call it a day.
In all these scenarios you don't give one where AKS is the wolf.
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12-01-2011 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Noah
You hedged lynching Willi today earlier.
Yes, and I still am leaning that way. However, I am conflicted about it because Willi has been pretty damn faithful to the villager game I've seen from him in the past. I think he's smart enough to play a consistent game as a wolf. His voting and tendency to waffle don't bode well for him though.

Originally Posted by Noah
Also, you mentioning tonight's NK giving information with such confidence bothers me. You seem the least lynchable player of us all right now and the only way you could be 100% sure this will go to f3 given that is if you are the wolf.
I'm not 100% sure of anything. Hoping you're right, closing your eyes to any other possibilities and praying you've hit the last wolf and are in the endgame (like most did the day tappo was lynched) is not good villaging.

And I'd be surprised if I'm not the NK tonight but who knows what's going to happen? What if you're the last wolf and you think your best remaining course of action is to set me up for f3? And I don't know how you can honestly not see how much clearer things are going to be if it goes to f3 tomorrow and the number of possible wolves goes from 4 to 2.
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12-01-2011 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Noah
In all these scenarios you don't give one where AKS is the wolf.
i already said

if AKS is the wolf we lose.
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12-01-2011 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by AKSpartan
Yes, and I still am leaning that way. However, I am conflicted about it because Willi has been pretty damn faithful to the villager game I've seen from him in the past. I think he's smart enough to play a consistent game as a wolf. His voting and tendency to waffle don't bode well for him though.

I'm not 100% sure of anything. Hoping you're right, closing your eyes to any other possibilities and praying you've hit the last wolf and are in the endgame (like most did the day tappo was lynched) is not good villaging.

And I'd be surprised if I'm not the NK tonight but who knows what's going to happen? What if you're the last wolf and you think your best remaining course of action is to set me up for f3? And I don't know how you can honestly not see how much clearer things are going to be if it goes to f3 tomorrow and the number of possible wolves goes from 4 to 2.
You have got to be kidding me. You think the play here for me a wolf is to go after the player remaining who has the least consensus suspicion on them?
When any of the other three would be far easier to lynch today and I can just NK you?
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12-01-2011 , 12:24 PM
AKS: 'And I'd be surprised if I'm not the NK tonight but who knows what's going to happen?'

And this is a nice little comment. I'm willing to bet a lot of money right now that if we lynch edge today and he flips villager that I am mysteriously the NK.

I will be M I N D B L O W N if I wake up in f3 with Willi and thenothing at this point.
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12-01-2011 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by Noah
You have got to be kidding me. You think the play here for me a wolf is to go after the player remaining who has the least consensus suspicion on them?
When any of the other three would be far easier to lynch today and I can just NK you?
Or failing that, lynch one of the other three today, and NK to leave whoever you think is most suspicious out of them with you and me? Easy win for me as wolf imo.
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12-01-2011 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Noah
You have got to be kidding me. You think the play here for me a wolf is to go after the player remaining who has the least consensus suspicion on them?
When any of the other three would be far easier to lynch today and I can just NK you?
I don't know. It's a possibility. The chances of EADGBE going on some crazy level to clear himself are less likely than something like that if you ask me.

And I don't know if you as a wolf would attempt something like that, but you're at least opening the door to that possibility with your scrutiny of me. Yes, I have welcomed that, but I have to consider your motives if you're a wolf here. You still haven't provided any reactionary commentary to my posts beyond day 1 though.
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12-01-2011 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Noah
AKS: 'And I'd be surprised if I'm not the NK tonight but who knows what's going to happen?'

And this is a nice little comment. I'm willing to bet a lot of money right now that if we lynch edge today and he flips villager that I am mysteriously the NK.

I will be M I N D B L O W N if I wake up in f3 with Willi and thenothing at this point.

since everybody is villabroing you now

still a willi/thenothing flip then.

akspar's reads have been soooo close to mine the whole game, its very hard for me to think of him as a wolf at all because of that. he just seems super villagy to me.
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12-01-2011 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Noah
AKS: 'And I'd be surprised if I'm not the NK tonight but who knows what's going to happen?'

And this is a nice little comment. I'm willing to bet a lot of money right now that if we lynch edge today and he flips villager that I am mysteriously the NK.
So this is supposed to mean that if I'm the wolf here I NK you tonight so you don't vote me in f3?
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12-01-2011 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by AKSpartan
I don't know. It's a possibility. The chances of EADGBE going on some crazy level to clear himself are less likely than something like that if you ask me. - do you REALLY think this?

And I don't know if you as a wolf would attempt something like that, but you're at least opening the door to that possibility with your scrutiny of me. - lol, you need to read my wolf games then. That would be so far beyond me as a wolf. And so what? You should be scrutinized. Everyone should. Yes, I have welcomed that, but I have to consider your motives if you're a wolf here. You still haven't provided any reactionary commentary to my posts beyond day 1 though. - this is true enough. Better NK me tonight then so I don't spend 23/1/2 hours tomorrow doing just that.
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12-01-2011 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by AKSpartan
So this is supposed to mean that if I'm the wolf here I NK you tonight so you don't vote me in f3?
Oh man, this is a total mind ****.

I want to go on record as being the only one who imagined it could be AKS.
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12-01-2011 , 12:36 PM
I am kind a back now. But I have some other stuff to do also.

As said, EADGBE has to be lynched today because we can't let wolfes own us this way. Systo is proably banging his head against wall because I am still alive, but I am several times pointed out why I am villa and why I have played so. I'll try to search thread for some reads, but like yesterday tappo's thing showed I might make more damage than help. Nothing new in this game. Also seems I am little better at clearing myself compared to finding wolfes.
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12-01-2011 , 12:41 PM
im the consensus lynch here anyways

stop worrying about whether or not i could be leveling you guys

read everyone else until 7
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12-01-2011 , 12:46 PM
if we just look at the last 2 days in a vacuum,

thenothing is probably the clear lynch after me.

from nofear lynch day forward
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12-01-2011 , 12:49 PM
Ugh, we probably do have to lynch edge today. I hate how much he wants to be lynched though.
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12-01-2011 , 12:55 PM
Okay - reread Day1 when AKSpartan was one of the wagons. I know people cleared him later in the game & i'll find out soon if it was warranted but here's what happened Day1.

Originally Posted by AKSpartan
This. Make lists. They help you order your thoughts and force you to compare players with one another and to think about each player/reread their posts. When you start out you can expect to be way off but over time as you gain more information and people post more stuff/make votes you can strengthen your reads and improve upon them. It helps the village solve the game and helps demonstrate that you are a villager.
obviously knows the right way to “play” villager

Originally Posted by AKSpartan
****ed up? I mean, even if it's heavy on banter and light on content, getting to the 8th page the night before d1 officially starts is quite the ****ing achievement in my book. It definitely helps the village.
imo (and many others) this is NOT good for villa. How can we find anything in this ****pile?

Originally Posted by AKSpartan
I read through a few times in between bouts of Skyrim. This thread is really just disgustingly long. Keeping up is going to be a lot of work.
My thoughts (I pulled these post count numbers a few hours ago)
Sun Tzu (92) – Also active, engaging. Fairly fluffy. Villagery tone.
Askdal (30) – Combative with Anarchist. Fluffy/hasn't said much about the game. Aksdal always seems aloof and hard to read in the few games we've played.
Willi (11) – I've played with Willi before, as a villager he tends to be UTR, and he's consistent with that so far this game.
27Allin (10) - Not sure. Can't blame him for being exasperated that this game already has 8 pages.
HiFi (7) – Has a new job he can't POG at but will make up for it on the weekend? We shall see.
Supine (2) – Poked in when the thread first opened. Has been UTR in past games.
XXsooted has yet to post.

I need to take a break from this. Guys, please take it easy and try to put some more time into your posts.
I left in all AKSpartan’s reads of wolves and possible wolf left. He doesn’t seem very at any of them.

Originally Posted by Gadarene
Gad starts pressure

Originally Posted by Anarchist
spartysauce, i want you to come back and talk to me baby
Originally Posted by Aksdal
let's have a look shall we
Gad, you ahd AKSpartan as a villager lean right before this reread. It seems to me that you reread him with the assumption that he was a wolf. I think that this makes sense because if you are rereading someone you already have a lean on, then you are probably doing it because you doubt your read in some way. I think your reread was pretty villagery, but I still think AKS is a villager.
Aksdal defends Akspartan early on

Originally Posted by JimHalpert
Votes as of post 1013
Night in 02:32

5 AKSpartan timistere (13), Gadarene (43), McAvoy (10), Tappokone (10), The Moocher (50)
2 Anarchist Nofear3838 (42), Systolic (95)
2 shanks Aksdal (35), XXsooted (3)
2 XXsooted AKSpartan (17), shanks (22)
1 27allin VarianceMinefield (66)
1 McAvoy Willi (40)
1 TheNothing Anarchist (354)
1 VarianceMinefield 27allin (16)
6 not voting DB305 (21), HiFi (7), Noah (46), Sun Tzu (92), Supine (3), TheNothing (21)
early vote count. No wolves on AKSpartan wagon.

Originally Posted by AKSpartan
WTF why am I leading the voting right now? I'll try to clear myself but I won't be at a computer for the rest of the day.
Originally Posted by AKSpartan
This game started at a bad time for me I guess. I am a very active poster when I have time so punching me d1 makes no sense. On my phone right now and can't post much.

Anyways, my 2 soulread villas: Noah, Gadarene
And wolf: Supine
Game started at a bad time but actually, the start of the game was fine. He wasn’t around during the day, when reads were being formed. I think this is genuine frustration but could be from either side.

Also, possible bussing of Supine

Originally Posted by tappokone
The AKSpartan situation is less than ideal. I was looking forward to reading a more detailed account of how he formed his reads and then unvoting him. That hasn't happened and the deadline is approaching. Annoying.

Originally Posted by Systolic
Holy balls Anarchist might actually be a wolf for real
we need to lynch hifi
I'm convinced
Systolic starts HIF (wolf) cfd

Originally Posted by Aksdal
On a bus. Just saw votecount. I see EOD is 7. Still think spartas

Vlabada do vlaba da da timi
Possible wagons as of now are TImi, Hifi and Akspartan.
Aksdal’s (wolf) vote is for timi

Originally Posted by JimHalpert
Votes as of post 1355
:05 for new corrections

5 AKSpartan timistere (32), Gadarene (50), McAvoy (19), Tappokone (11), Willi (59)
5 HiFi Anarchist (448), Noah (58), Sun Tzu (107), Systolic (133), TheNothing (39)
5 timistere Aksdal (39), DB305 (29), Nofear3838 (62), The Moocher (85), VarianceMinefield (72)
1 shanks XXsooted (3)
1 Supine AKSpartan (21)
1 VarianceMinefield 27allin (24)
1 XXsooted shanks (23)
2 not voting HiFi (25), Supine (3)
last vote count - only wolf on wolf vote here is Sun on Hifi. He's trying to clear himself by voting on the obvious village-led wolf cfd.

Like i said at the top of this post, i know AKSpartan gets cleared for something, gotta find it.

But at the end of Day1, he was a MAJOR wolf suspect to many people.
11/21 Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-01-2011 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by Noah
Ugh, we probably do have to lynch edge today. I hate how much he wants to be lynched though.
i just fear the postgame beration to come.

11/21 Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-01-2011 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by EADGBE
i just fear the postgame beration to come.

God, if you are leveling, you bastard.

I almost don't wanna lynch you now.
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12-01-2011 , 01:02 PM
What?! That doesn't filter? Ugh, first post I've ever wanted to edit.
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12-01-2011 , 01:09 PM
I need a break from this thread.

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12-01-2011 , 01:10 PM
thenothings akspar case she just made is air

makes you wonder why she even posts it
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12-01-2011 , 01:10 PM
Taking a nap, later.
11/21 Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-01-2011 , 01:16 PM
Here's Day2 - not much of a read really because Sun Tzu has been outed so there's never a question of who's going. Still a lot of conversation about being towards AKSpartan but everyone is so intent on staying on Sun Tzu that votes don't really matter today.

Originally Posted by McAvoy
This only bolsters my theory that AKSpartan is a wolf.

Sun Tzu was one of the people who called him a vilalger for no reason early on. Its what set off my radar to Gadarene.
Possible spew by Sun?

Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
I don't remember calling him a villager

can you quote the post?
Sun defensive. He's been peeked, he's gonna get got. He's trying to cover for something he "may" have said.

Originally Posted by McAvoy
You didn't call him a villager. Someone else called him a vilalger super light and you agreed with thier posts.

I can probably regurgitate all 1200 posts itt if I had to. Thats how vivid it is to me.
Okay, so a slight defense

Originally Posted by McAvoy
akspartan is a wolf, what more is to explain.
Originally Posted by Anarchist
NO spartan is a villager (imo)

well i have extra knowledge hifi is a wolf lol

but look how willi made sure his voted ended on spartan

way too risky to bus there for no reason
Originally Posted by tappokone
Your plan is based on the assumption that one of the wagons yesterday was for a wolf. If we proceed based on that assumption, and if HiFi gets lynched and flips villager, the next stop should be AKSpartan instead of any HiFi wagon advocates. (The alternative theory is that we had three villager wagons going and wolves didn't care who lost, hence the tie.)
Next stop should be AKSPartan after Sun. No one disagrees.

Originally Posted by Gadarene
And you've now recanted that lean, because I reread Spartan and not only have I made it abundantly clear that I (like you) think he's a wolf, but I STARTED THE WAGON ON HIM, right?
Originally Posted by Gadarene
No. I fought the timi wagon to the extent I could, by saying that the case on Spartan was much better (I still don't know what the case on timi even was). But I was phone posting and couldn't contribute much, and once Anarchist misrepresented me by claiming that I thought timi was a bad wagon because timi claimed villager (which is f**king ridiculous on its face, to think that's why I thought his wagon was bad, rather than, y'know, the fact that I MADE A DETAILED CASE ON SPARTAN AND NOBODY HAD MADE ANY SORT OF CASE ON TIMI THAT I SAW), I couldn't do much else with the time I had.
Damn. I didn't quote the posts in between so I dont know who Gad was arguing with. Maybe anarchist? Quoted these just to show AKSPartan was still high on many people's wolf list but Sun Tzu is today.

Originally Posted by TheNothing
These 2 observations are good, Noah.

I don't like how Nofear jumped to timistere amid pressure on himself.

And Aksdal does say he thinks akspartan is the good vote but then DOESN'T VOTE HIM.
My last line - Aksdal is wolf but won't vote AKSpartan

Originally Posted by AKSpartan
I have had zero time to participate the past 36 hours, sorry guys. RL gets in the way. And it really doesn't help that this thread gets blown up by fluffy posting. I'll be around in a bit after my last class.
Originally Posted by AKSpartan
I took an LSD trip yesterday and forgive me if I was more preoccupied with that than if the dumbass village wants to lynch me (no offense).
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
sounds legit
LOL is all I can say here

Originally Posted by McAvoy
Why would the village be dumb when you just stated that going on LSD trips is a bigger priority for you than helping the village?

please explain why lynchingsomeone not interested in posting aand voting at eod makes the village dumb.
Originally Posted by Gadarene
I've heard some excuses for spotty/bad participation, but this is a new one. You want to take another crack at defending your reads list now that you're no longer frying?

And, speaking of which, I'd love to see a new reads list from you, with as many detailed justifications as you'd like to give.

Originally Posted by AKSpartan
I feel like in this game I've been completely unable to keep up with the thread because people spend more time mashing the 'post quick reply' button than the enter key. I don't see anyone else even attempting to give their thoughts on each player or make any long, surmising posts. It's all just quippy bull****. And yet when I try to do so after skimming through a massive thread and I don't have strong reads, I'm getting lynched. It's pretty to just say F it to a game like this.

I just want to throw this out there for future games so we can avoid unreadable time-chewing car wrecks like this in the future.
but earlier Day1, having a super long thread was good for the village. ???

Originally Posted by tappokone
A List
by Tapp O'Kone

HiFi - is important to correctly interpreting day one vote.
AKSpartan - see HiFi.
shanks - says he falls into UTR mode when a wolf. So far showing a bit of effort.
27allin/Aksdal/etc. - haven't done much to distinguish themselves.
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Who are your top three current wolf and villa leans, AKSpartan?
Originally Posted by AKSpartan
Ignoring Sun Tzu...


Sooted and TheNothing not terribly far behind


And had I been around to vote at EOD yesterday, my vote would have been for HiFi.
I think it's easy to list HIFI here. She's been pointed at along with himself, why not deflect?

Originally Posted by AKSpartan
I peeked Gadarene villager.
What would this mean???

If you get lynched and flip wolf, Gad will be assumed wolf??

Wolves know Gad is a villager. So you never got nk'd.

Haven't found anything "clearing" yet.
Moving to Day3
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12-01-2011 , 01:23 PM
you dont know what seer cover is?

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