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11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD 11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD

11-04-2015 , 05:22 PM
We could compromise and CFD Ben if you're up for that, Telc
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Telcontar
I've left reads all game long. Your wolfy tunnel has prevented/refused you from seeing them.

I said the last 2 wolves are in you/ben/monte

the last mafia is likely gad/viggo/lord.

I dont know what to do with bigger. He's definitely not mafia

AOS is villager and if you're a wolf, he's definitely a villager.

So out of 9 people I have 6 wolves, 2 villagers and me

thats pretty good
So you're saying that 6 out of the last 8 players other than you could be a non-villager

Incredibly helpful

11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 05:24 PM
It might just be exactly Telc Viggo Bigger

In which case good hustle today villabros
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
How altruistic
I had to google that one. Did you understand that one Benneh ?
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 05:29 PM
So telc, can you just leave a tiered list before you go

So we have something to work off of after we mislynch you and you flip villager and everything
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 05:31 PM
Feels like post game
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11-04-2015 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
So you're saying that 6 out of the last 8 players other than you could be a non-villager

Incredibly helpful

well, like I said. I have nothing left to give.

Wolves are definitely Tom and 1 of you/Benneh. If you lynch Tom and He's a wolf. Then village MUST focus it's attention on you too. This also goes out to the remaining mafia player. That is where you must aim your night kill.

Mafia - I'd plump Lord ahead of the other 2. I think Gad would be relishing the challenge as the lone remaining Mafia. I really didnt think viggo was a wolf at all, but his posting has dropped off a cliff since the start of the game and when viggo's posting drops off a cliff, he's wolfing. So if he's still not posting much tomorrow, kill him

So, in brief, for the people who tldr pretty much everything

Wolves :: Tom

Mafia :: Lord

Remaining Evil Wolves :: One of Benneh/Slankcore

Remaining Mafia :: Viggo ahead of Gad
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Telcontar
well, like I said. I have nothing left to give.

Wolves are definitely Tom and 1 of you/Benneh. If you lynch Tom and He's a wolf. Then village MUST focus it's attention on you too. This also goes out to the remaining mafia player. That is where you must aim your night kill.

Mafia - I'd plump Lord ahead of the other 2. I think Gad would be relishing the challenge as the lone remaining Mafia. I really didnt think viggo was a wolf at all, but his posting has dropped off a cliff since the start of the game and when viggo's posting drops off a cliff, he's wolfing. So if he's still not posting much tomorrow, kill him

So, in brief, for the people who tldr pretty much everything

Wolves :: Tom

Mafia :: Lord

Remaining Evil Wolves :: One of Benneh/Slankcore

Remaining Mafia :: Viggo ahead of Gad
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
So telc, can you just leave a tiered list before you go

So we have something to work off of after we mislynch you and you flip villager and everything
How many of banks reads have we read since he was mislynched ?

Grand total of zero and he was hardcore for lynching bigger, yet somehow, bigger remains untouched.

I'll give you a tiered list, absolutely. But no-ones going to read it after I'm gone. Most people will just "LOL, cant believe villa " " How can anyone post that bad, etc... "


11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 05:39 PM
And by the way, the "I've left reads all game" schtick is something wolves do, because they can't be bothered to have their reads evolve and change, or it's hard to do it as fluidly

You've essentially cleared one player other than AoS, who what is almost certainly a lock clearing claim, and tacitly given bigger a villa lean in a spot that seems almost designed to be interpreted as a triple reverse spew leveling war

So you're going to die tonight
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Telcontar
How many of banks reads have we read since he was mislynched ?

Grand total of zero and he was hardcore for lynching bigger, yet somehow, bigger remains untouched.

I'll give you a tiered list, absolutely. But no-ones going to read it after I'm gone. Most people will just "LOL, cant believe villa " " How can anyone post that bad, etc... "


How can bigger be below Gad? Didn't you just speculate Gad could be mafia?
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Feels like post game
It's not.

Believe me.

If you're a villager, the butthurt that will be leveled at you for this ridiculous tunnel will be mammoth
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 05:42 PM
Directing the orange NK is a nice touch
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 05:42 PM
isnt it like prime posting time in the US now ? And its only me, you and Monte posting. like, where the hell are all the other slankers
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Directing the orange NK is a nice touch

Of course, it only applies if you're a wolf. If you're a villager than I have re-evaluate entirely.

biggerwolf comes right back on the table if you're a villager
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Telcontar

Of course, it only applies if you're a wolf. If you're a villager than I have re-evaluate entirely.

biggerwolf comes right back on the table if you're a villager

11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 05:57 PM
Dunno why you're even engaging him anymore
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 05:57 PM
What happened inn the last 2 hours between you voting for bigger and you now having him as your 2nd most likely village read (excluding ace since that's a claim and not a read)

Also, why is Gad #1 when you had him as the most likely mafia (lol)?
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore

11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
How can bigger be below Gad? Didn't you just speculate Gad could be mafia?
Bigger has absolutely no mafia equity. His vote on reaper on day1 is not a vote a mafia bro ever makes.

I still think he has wolf equity and I think his wolf equity is stronger than Gad's mafia equity. hence why I have him below gad
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 06:01 PM
Votes from post 1953 to post 2295
Night in 3:59:55

4 Top Tier Tom Gadarene (14), Viggorous (9), LordJvK (20), Telcontar (35)
3 Telcontar Top Tier Tom (76), benneh (53), Montecore (95)
1 LordJvK Ace of Spaids (22)
1 not voting biggerboat (7)
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 06:02 PM
I like how telc called me, tom, and Monte the 3 most influential players even though the only people we seem to be influencing is eachother

That was funny
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Telcontar
Bigger has absolutely no mafia equity. His vote on reaper on day1 is not a vote a mafia bro ever makes.

I still think he has wolf equity and I think his wolf equity is stronger than Gad's mafia equity. hence why I have him below gad
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by benneh
What happened inn the last 2 hours between you voting for bigger and you now having him as your 2nd most likely village read (excluding ace since that's a claim and not a read)

Also, why is Gad #1 when you had him as the most likely mafia (lol)?
forgot about aces claim, my read on him is a read based on Tom's non-case. it was a read before he ever made a claim

As for the rest of your post, you clearly havent read, so keep reading.
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-04-2015 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Dunno why you're even engaging him anymore
Monte's still trying to solve the game.
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