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11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD 11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD

11-03-2015 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by LordJvK
Also Tom, it pings me pretty hard when people call me insane. I really don't think I'm a bad villager at all. It is upsetting and hurts my feelings when people say things like that.
Alright I'm sorry. But you are very independent and have very... specific ideas, and don't do a good job of getting people on your side

FTR I like you, but you are an outlier compared to POG median
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Do you merely prefer world 1, or have evidence to suggest that you actually inhabit world 1?
Basically tone. World 1 marries up quite well with who I actually think is villagery.

There are two exceptions -- bigger (leap of faith) and Ace (taking claim at face value).

World 2 has some hard evidence (Allun signal stuff, which may be a read herring).


Now in both worlds, Telc is the odd man out since he's bottom three in both. And he's really giving me a lot of pause. If it's not him then probably I have to start thinking about someone like Bigger or QB.

If it's QB he's replicated his villa game pretty well -- which seems to be modelled on early-era Lord wagonomics at the moment.
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:16 PM
I also think Viggo has more mafia equity than telco does while having relatively rqual wolf equity sl I think he's a better lynch for today since killing non-villas is great, but cleaning out a faction, reducing KP and thus increasing our room for errors in POE is the most +ev strat

I think lords being pretty villagery today and is an excellent peek target but glgl with that since, well, you know
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:16 PM
I guess I'm not really sure why we're wagoning viggo -- is it because we think he's mafia and decided to call out his mafia bro two posts in to the game, or because he's a wolf that's so terrible he wasn't able to figure out that he soul crushed his defector?
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
I guess I'm not really sure why we're wagoning viggo -- is it because we think he's mafia and decided to call out his mafia bro two posts in to the game, or because he's a wolf that's so terrible he wasn't able to figure out that he soul crushed his defector?
-Known hard busser
-Lack of content
-Could fit with either team
-Stupid face
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:18 PM
FFS, 1:18am.

Going to ISO Viggo just to see. I haven't really thought about that. I am still just hunting non-villas.
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
-Known hard busser
-Lack of content
-Could fit with either team
-Stupid face
If he randed non-villager, I think even viggo can make the connection that bussing is a terrible idea in this format
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:20 PM

I thought i was gonna stay to 6, but my wife wants to have dinner early and I don't see anything happening in this game, so leaving work now.

Anyways, my final reads are that:

Gad = mafia

Tom and lord = wolf

-I request xkf to jail keep Gad

-also if I had an action last night I peeked XkF human. Consider throwing me in the angel/doctor rand

Good luck village.
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
If he randed non-villager, I think even viggo can make the connection that bussing is a terrible idea in this format
Literally every person who has talked to me about Viggo, or that I've seen discuss his wolf play in post-game, has mentioned that he's a level 0 hard busser wolf

Old dogs, etc.
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Viggorous
but i can make some hottakes


benneh ???
Lord (u deserve 2 b a bit lower frand)

probs all villagers

aos i have no idea, which bothers me a bit, gad is my tinfoil wolf, telc im thinking is a villager

Low Tier Wolf
Look at this. Ace claimed and Viggo seems completely oblivious to it.

He hard defended banks a lot.

Which makes me think that Banks is not a Viggo bro.

Viggo is a busser, not a bro defender.
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:21 PM
Votes from post 1164 to post 1835
Night in 0:39:57

5 LordJvK Montecore (87), TehBankertin (22), Ace of Spaids (18), biggerboat (15), Quick_Ben (67)
5 Viggorous Top Tier Tom (105), benneh (83), Xkf (40), LordJvK (98), Gadarene (22)
1 Top Tier Tom Viggorous (62)
1 unvote Telcontar (41)
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by benneh
My only problem with this list:

I can't have tom with any of those 3 really, which means if he's anything he's probably mafia, but that is pretty unlikely (but not a lock)

I also think you could maybe swap banks with a few people but I have no interest in defending him very hard if it comes to it
On my phone so no C++ details but for Tom to be mafia he would have to be a power role that isn't the one that's untrackable, correct? (Because if he was untrackable then he would have carried out the kill and it would have been blocked if Xkf is telling the truth)
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by benneh
My only problem with this list:

I can't have tom with any of those 3 really, which means if he's anything he's probably mafia, but that is pretty unlikely (but not a lock)

I also think you could maybe swap banks with a few people but I have no interest in defending him very hard if it comes to it
Who that's not on that list would you consider swapping Banks for?
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by Viggorous
i think youre a villager, not something i really ever reconsidered but im not gonna do that aorn anyways so ill take a leap of faith
FIVE minutes previous to the post I've just quoted he says this about benneh.

He went from being sure to ???? in five minutes.

A sure sign that Viggo is basically just throwing out random fake soulreads.

11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by LordJvK
Look at this. Ace claimed and Viggo seems completely oblivious to it.

He hard defended banks a lot.

Which makes me think that Banks is not a Viggo bro.

Viggo is a busser, not a bro defender.
I like Viggo more as orange than red

And nobody would be in chat to alert him to Ace's claim
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
On my phone so no C++ details but for Tom to be mafia he would have to be a power role that isn't the one that's untrackable, correct? (Because if he was untrackable then he would have carried out the kill and it would have been blocked if Xkf is telling the truth)
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
This is called "villaging"
No, it's like there's very little flow

You pop up to make a post and then you pop up to make a post and then you pop up to make a post but there's no through line or narrative
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
No, it's like there's very little flow

You pop up to make a post and then you pop up to make a post and then you pop up to make a post but there's no through line or narrative
This is indicative of my village game, if anything, due to not feeling like I need to spell out every single thought I have or how I get there

And it is especially indicative of my tired irl village game
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:25 PM
On the other hand there's decent content; it just seems like content on demand
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
I like Viggo more as orange than red

And nobody would be in chat to alert him to Ace's claim
So he pulled the trigger on Allun?

I am still completely baffled by that kill.
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:25 PM
I also just disagree with that assessment of my play ITG in general, but if you're gonna make a read based on it, it should be Tom v
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:25 PM
lord, are you still claiming that you actually didn't remember that there were no n0 peeks or the specific mechanics of the traitor/defender roles?
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:26 PM
Allund's posts re Telc still rub me the wrong way
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by LordJvK
So he pulled the trigger on Allun?

I am still completely baffled by that kill.
Either him or X!!!, sure. I think X!!! has Allund as a top villager due to consensus following
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
11-03-2015 , 09:26 PM
11/2 Two Fold C9++ GAME THREAD Quote
