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11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread 11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread

11-24-2012 , 07:00 AM
--The Village must lynch a wolf today or face annihilation.
--You may not change or undo your vote.
--If and when you cast the third vote against someone, please also indicate "night--do not post" and PM the co-moderators.
--If majority lynch does not end today early, it ends on Sunday 11/25 at 9:00 PM ET.
--If and when a wolf is lynched, it will remain night until Monday at 6:00 AM ET; the remaining wolf will have until Monday 11/26 at 3:00 AM ET to submit night action.
--You must make no greater than 100 posts before night.
--You must make at least 10 posts before night unless a player has received 3 votes.
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 07:00 AM

"I mean, he's just some guy in a bar." -- Walter White

It is day.
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 07:05 AM
all right that sucks a bit.

I had confirmed troll as a LOCK villager after reading his posts in this game.

ANARCHIST IS A LOCK VILLAGER as well. there is no way this guy is wolfing here.

well named/nofear is a LOCK WOLF.

everyone that has played in the past with WN and reads that atrocious d1 d2 of his knows he couldn't possibly be a villager in this game.

and I fully expect binkles to go read those posts and agree with me on this.

basically we need to find the last wolf in amplify/plz and boo/binkles

I think amplify is the last wolf.
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 07:10 AM
some points that I picked up while reading the thread:

there is no way annie and WN are w/w. WN's read of annie is one of the most atrociously mislynch efforts in the history of POG. I don't know why he would spew himself wolf that much, but annie is not anywhere near a good enough wolf to post the way he did d1. also LOL at the idea that annie would just flat out try mislynching the new guy early and that this is a wolf tell by him. it totally isn't.

WN avoided LKJ like an european avoids the plague (is that it?). also LKJ's interactions with boo are awkward enough to make me feel they MAY be w/w. but it was probably just LKJ being a wolf and all.

amplify never came out to play. he is probably the other wolf because of it.

so yeah that's my take on the players, I'll make mqs and **** if needed but we should definitely just go wn > amplify or their substitutes FTW here.
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 07:16 AM

sup br0s

I read bits of this thread while it was all unfolding and I thought Mac was pretty wolfy and Anarchist was villagery

If WN is a wolf he's less wolfy than he usually is imo but that's thin and I've read pretty little, I was kinda hoping I'd just get nightkilled or something :P

Nofear should be easy enough to read

I'll read the thread properly at some point I guess
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 07:17 AM
afaik europeans are historically pretty bad at avoiding the plague
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 07:19 AM
it's gonna be insanely hard to read the people in this gameday.

I agree nofear will be his generally wolfy self if he is a wolf and act completely different if he is a villager.

WN can't be a villager, binkles. look at how he was pushing slighted. do you really think villa WN does that? he knows slighted is pretty utr and very wolfy villager. he was looking for a mislynch there, quite clearly. his push of annie is the most ******ed thing ever as well. annie was being anything but wolfy in that D1, and well named just goes after him to see if the two newbs (ct and REM) and the dude being hard defended by him (tbob) would buy any of this.
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 07:20 AM
Fwiw Anarchist's boner for WN as a w/w thing is something he's done near and around ML as a wolf in the past

in college football anarchist ended up being 'spewed' clear by Iversonian and the rest of the game was a balancing act between anarchist pushing wolves and letting villagers get lynched (he called soah a wolf every day but somehow they won at f5 with some villager getting lynched instead)

I haven't read enough to know how likely it is here, but it's food for thought
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 07:24 AM
I'm not going to take this game super seriously, I just subbed in for the lols mostly :P

I'll look at his push of slighted, some of the wn posts I read seemed kinda gimmicky though, and he's not a gimmicky wolf. I saw Mac come in every day and call every mislynch 'horrible' because whoever it happened to be was an 'obvious villager' which is very much his wolf MO (trying to be generically villagery and 'right', as a villager he's way more likely to say villagers getting mislynched deserved it etc.)

I know you can't explain your predecessor's actions because you're not them, but you have some work to do today imo
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 07:25 AM
well I guess it's a lie that I'm not going to take this game super seriously

I probably won't be frantically taking notes all weekend and then again on Monday if I'm alive

but I'm obviously not going to troll the game or anything
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 08:08 AM
*******dead post********


********dead post********
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by Boo Radley
I'm teh seer.
well named village
anarchist waffle
Originally Posted by well named

Originally Posted by LKJ
I have a really hard time believing that's a true claim, even if it's consistent with my reads. He fakes the hard seer claim in like every vanilla he plays anymore, and in the one time he actually was a seer recently he held onto it until d3. I'd think he'd show way more interest in this game if that was true.
Originally Posted by Anarchist
oh my god boo you are so bad at this game

am i really gonna get lynched because of a fake seer claim

then obv boo gets lynched tomorrow and we're at must lynch
Originally Posted by Anarchist
this is such an atrocious spot for a fake seer claim, jesus fucing christ
Originally Posted by Anarchist
man i was a ll psyched to make 100 good posts today too, but now this? **** off
if the peeks were true that's totally not how annie would take it. he took it with a pissed-off-at-this-idiot-fake-claiming-here mindset rather than I 'omg is it possible that I'm peeked?' mindset. this locks him as a villager. the fact that WN failed completely to spot this makes him a wolf a huge amount of times. such an easy tell.

Originally Posted by well named

won't believe the fakeclaim, votes for a villager.

Originally Posted by amplify
annie in full meltdown mode
amplify won't read annie's meltdown as a villagery one.

Originally Posted by well named
I would propose that annie is more likely to be a wolf than felix in any case. Annie is tricksy
lol right after annie takes a fakeclaim with an absolutely villagery perspective.

Originally Posted by Anarchist
this is whats pissing me off about this game. when i look at the player list and try to find 3 wolves, i cant. im really ****ing lost. there's 10 of us, right? i have myself, mcavoy, felix and lkj as villagers

so i guess 3 wolves in the other 6 people

but slighted didn't feel all that wolfy to me

confirmedtroll maybe?
still after the claim, no counterclaim and annie shows villagery confusion.

Originally Posted by amplify
if annie isn't a wolf, he is such a bad villager that it makes little difference.

Originally Posted by LKJ
It's amp/CT/Felix for my vote tonight, in that order. Amp being seemingly perma-parked on Slighted and otherwise just trolling with most of his posts is looking pretty ridiculous.
hmmmm maybe boo is a wolf? I don't know how it would make sense for him to be a wolf here and spew annie villager.

also fwiw boo/annie not w/w ever

Originally Posted by well named
Point about annie the anarchist

from past experience I feel like as a wolf in this spot he doesn't play the "**** i'm clueless" card. He goes HARD IN THE PAINT at someone.

obviously boo usually

it seems kind of villagery for him
finally, after annie spews himself villager a gazillion times.

Originally Posted by well named
boo radley!
so much BS. no cc. wn doesn't actually know if boo's claim is real or not.

also note that WN never even PRETENDED to believe the claim was real. this is pure TMI.

Originally Posted by LKJ
Yeah, let's just do it that way. Boo
lol wtf is wrong with these wolves

note to self: god boo is softposting like hell. lol so wolfy. if it wasn't for that claim i'd insta go binkles/nofear here. with the claim it's kinda weird. it would mean boo is a completely clueless wolf, and I don't think he is. also wolfchat would be incredibly BH over it. meh

on a side note, maybe the wolves wouldn't vote him if he was a villager?

although it looks like LKJ voted with WN on a 'it's ok to bus here' spot


Originally Posted by LKJ

Still more than willing to go back to Boo. Amp flipping wolf implicates Boo even further with how uncharacteristically soft Boo has gone on him.

god this last wolf is hard.

but wn is locked now. showed COMPLETE disbelief for boo's claim, even tried to wagon him, didn't read annie's response how he actually should (should be lock clearing annie... if wn knows the first peek is correct it spews annie villager, this is so crystal clear omgomgomg).

oh god there's more:

Originally Posted by well named
meh anarchist

Here is what I think. Today is effectively must lynch + 1, although we do get a no lynch day if we miss. I can't justify lynching an uncountered seer claim. We really have to lynch a wolf today. I don't think boo is a vanillager fake claiming here, and actually despite my earlier thinking that annie not going after boo was villagery for him, it's also pretty weird that he thinks boo is a vanillager. Boo isn't playing this like a vanillager. He's either the seer claiming too early in a goofy fashion or a wolf claiming too early in a goofy fashion.

And I feel like given the game state if boo is a wolf the seer should just counter-claim. We're going to lose this game if we mislynch today. 2 live peeks would help a lot also. We're already in too bad of shape to play for an extra day

and of course if boo is the seer lynching anarchist is the straightforward best play.

So I'm lynching annie unless there is a counterclaim. I think this is the most straightforwardly correct play

WN is forcing the seer to claim here. he doesn't believe the claim for ONE SECOND and then goes all the way around to say 'boo wouldn't do this as a vanilla'. oh really? lol such a wolf

argh. finding the other one is going to be tough.
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 08:52 AM
What in the ****

How did 4/6 of the game sub out at must lynch

This game is fcuking ******ed

Well named aka nofear is a wolf and we're lynching him today
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 08:55 AM
I don't think nofear will even come out and play in this spot. WN's actions are defenseless.

does anyone know if boo radley fakeclaims seer d2 as a wolf without any sign of being peeked? sounds pretty ******ed for a wolf to do that, especially with a fake wolf peek that will likely spew a mislynch villa
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 08:58 AM
if boo never did that as wolf before i'll SUPPOSE he hasn't done that as a wolf this game and kinda clear him

he is softposting a LOT though
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 10:13 AM
that long post looks like you've POE'd yourself wolf :P

Iirc Boo claimed or at least quasi-claimed in the game you modded as a wolf
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 10:36 AM
any thoughts on the actual MQ and WNs role?
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 10:39 AM
Not really, no

I'm gonna read everything myself tomorrow hopefully just so I can see things in my own light
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 10:41 AM
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by starrazz
you shouldn't ask the players questions IMO

MQ = multiquote
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 10:48 AM
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 10:51 AM
binkles, you seem wolfy

how often do you think you would sub in a game during the night phase as a villager in a spot like this where we are at ML, and then not read the thread and have thoughts to share before day is called?
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 10:54 AM
With the whole game weekend ahead of me during a beautiful saturday afternoon where I spent my time swimming and getting sunburnt?

Probably always

I actually thought there was a non zero chance I'd get nightkilled too
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 10:56 AM
You can try and push me if you like, I don't think it's going to help me think you're a villager though

you know, in case that's something you're concerned about

woah zomg traps within traps
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
11-24-2012 , 10:56 AM

anyway i'm out for the day
11/19 Breaking Bad Vanilla Game Thread Quote
