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11/14 NFL Slow Game 11/14 NFL Slow Game

11-15-2011 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by crackedquads
Fair enough, I gave him a small village lean but didn't really talk in much detail about why. He got the initial village lean after posting his little strategy and then later coming back itt to explain it. I liked the follow up explanation and commented as such during my read of the thread.
Do you believe that what he was posting was good strategy? If so, why did you never say anything to that effect when the consensus has been that his strategy was bad? Why do you give him a village lean for just discussing strategy?
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Let's accept for the moment the idea that there's only a small handful of people whose villa games are so strong as to be legitimately difference-making. Do you agree that there's a difference in the opposite direction, between average-to-good villas who have been around and will put work in to solve the game and think about things generally clearly (on the one hand) and inexperienced, indifferent, or unfocused villagers (on the other)? And do you agree that we'd prefer to have more of the former alive in the mid- to late stages over the latter, all else being equal?

I feel like we're hobbling ourselves if we undertake a strategy that will allow the wolves to thin out the villa ranks from the top two categories down without any attempt to divert this. Especially if it means that it might be hard to find the seer's peeks after the fact if and when the wolves succeed in finding and killing him.
Yes. It functions as a standard curve. Very few elites, very few useless, lots of solid players in the middle.

Yes, but there is no strategy that can be undertaken to mitigate the loss of good villagers.

Leaving fakepeeks doesn't do anything to prevent this. Sure, occasionally the village will get lucky and one of these "useless" players may get NK'd early. But they probably aren't as bad as poggers think they are if they are eating kills. The early kills are largely going to be eaten by the elites and all the good guys in the middle anyway.
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 03:57 PM
shanks's posts:

Originally Posted by shanks
Hey guys, didn't know the thread was opening up that early, but no great loss. Slow games are awesome like that.
Soah, I've never played with you before but your postcount and "legendary villager" status must count for something over that odd opener. SPDK imo.

Homernoonjr, I think you have a villagery mindset with your posts here, but I'm not sure I agree with the point. I'm noob but surely if everyone fakepeeks its essentially the same as nobody fakepeeking (minus the few who fakepeek wrong) except we get more info to base it on? Tell me if I'm wrong but that is how I feel

Pays respect to soah, piles on to Homer (although puts it in a way that nobody else really had yet). I think this post was pretty much within gameflow. Not sure how I feel about the "/opener" bit at the end; it strikes me as a little forced.

Originally Posted by shanks

Everyone on this list, I've never played a game with you AFAIK.

I'd like to know something about your ww game if possible
At first I didn't like this post, because it seemed like an easy thing to say if someone was looking for things to say (plus it wasn't accurate, as I'm positive that I, at least, have played with shanks before). Looking at it again, though, I think it's a pretty good way to get people talking about themselves and encouraging interaction in a somewhat game-related way, so I don't have any problem with it.

Originally Posted by shanks
These two posts have something in common. Can you spot it? Hint: I made it easy to find.
These two posts have a major difference. Can you spot it?

I dislike both openers, but I strongly dislike supine's. Atleast Soah posted other stuff.
This is the beginning of a sequence where shanks tries to point out (and later explain) a distinction between the wording of Supine's "I won't be posting much" post and soah's "I won't be posting much" post. I actually find the whole discussion kind of tiring to try and recap, but I post the rest of it below.

Originally Posted by shanks
Very good point.
I'm a very weak player in general. Trying to improve each game but it is a slow process.
I'm also wolfy by nature. In the Captain planet game I believe I managed to hardclaim wolf as a villager... And that wasn't the wolfiest thing I'd done that game >_>
I am getting better though, so if you are a wolf, be afraid
I like this post for its honesty, but it also lowers expectations.

Originally Posted by shanks
3 game days per week I believe. mon/tue, wed/thu, fri/sat/sun I think is how it works
helpful fluff

Originally Posted by shanks
Hey guys, just woke up.. woohoo!
Multiquote of stuff I have incoming in about 10 minutes. Remember I'm noob so I'm trying my best here
last sentence lowers expectations and makes me frown

Originally Posted by shanks
1) SPDK=strong player don't kill (already covered I believe). I've heard of you in other posts and your reputation is one of a very strong player. So this fact outweighs the wolfiness of your opener I believe.
2) I bolded the part that was similar to supine's entrance, the part where you say "I won't be posting much." The point I was making was, you said "I won't be posting much" and other things while all supine said was "I won't be posting much". That was the only point I was trying to make then I think.

Voting a UTR isn't antivilla. My understanding is the vote was just to get you to post, which I think it achieved.

Ouch. Point taken I suppose, but I am trying to get better

I don't like this post. Willi is new and seems unparanoid by nature. Don't vote to lynch on day 1 imo
I'm not a fan of shanks's response to chrja's cryptic post about Willi. While I (and others) stated that we didn't understand what chrja meant by his post and wanted him to clarify (which he hasn't done), shanks seems to know what chrja meant by voting Willi "for his lack of paranoia," and engages him on those terms. So either shanks understood what chrja was going for where I failed (which is possible), or shanks was just looking for a thinly supported post to take issue with and that reason ("Willi is new and seems unparanoid by nature") seemed as good as any. shanks, do you understand what chrja meant by "lack of paranoia" in his post? What did he mean?

Originally Posted by shanks
Also, supine. You asked why I thought your opener was wolfy?
Posting about how you are going to be antivilla isn't good
then, being antivilla (not posting) for quite a long period of time is worse imo.
Even in a slow game
Originally Posted by soah
That's the thing, though. You didn't bold that part of my post.
Originally Posted by shanks
Ugh fail on my part.
Yes that was a careless mistake.
I make quite a few of them :\
Originally Posted by soah
So what other things from my post did you consider important enough to make my post overall different than Supine's post?
Originally Posted by shanks
I've already explained it. Yes my thought process is thin. You actually put effort into the post rather than 1 line, which I believe makes it fundamentally less wolfy.
See above. I'm still not sure I understand what shanks was going for here, but it's certainly possible that he saw a genuine distinction between the posts and had a legitimate point he wanted to make that got a bit lost in the telling. The gist seems to be that soah expanded on the fact that he wouldn't be posting much, while Supine just said he wouldn't be posting much and left it at that. shanks believes that soah's is a more villagery approach than Supine's. I can actually see that reasoning going either way (i.e., I could argue that Supine is more villagery b/c he didn't feel compelled to explain himself), and the throughline of shank's conclusion is lacking the clarity of thought that I'd like to see from a villager, and it sort of seems like he's developing it on the fly, but maybe (as he says himself) that's just shanks in either role.

Conclusion: slight wolf lean (mostly for the weirdness of the chrja/Willi thing), correcting as best as I can for shanks's apparent inherent wolfiness. As with chrja and Bremen, I'd like him to contribute substantially more.
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
.lwhen was the last time you wolved? I don't remember
First my apologies for dissappearing. I am feeling rather under the weather. Of course there are no sick days in WW so here I am :/

Too answer your question my last wolf game was the 5th? Anniversary game, however as I was a lost wolf in a multifaction game I basically played my villa game (I won if either wolf faction won, so getting converted wasn't optimal). For a more typical wolfgame from me look at Disney or the second newbie game run by Timelady earlier this year.
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 03:58 PM
gadarene, when do you plan on voting? Same could be asked of Bremen, vyk07, and shanks.
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Bremen
First my apologies for dissappearing. I am feeling rather under the weather. Of course there are no sick days in WW so here I am :/

Too answer your question my last wolf game was the 5th? Anniversary game, however as I was a lost wolf in a multifaction game I basically played my villa game (I won if either wolf faction won, so getting converted wasn't optimal). For a more typical wolfgame from me look at Disney or the second newbie game run by Timelady earlier this year.
are you fully caught up in the thread?
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:07 PM
I appreciate the response.

Originally Posted by HomerNoonJr
Yes. It functions as a standard curve. Very few elites, very few useless, lots of solid players in the middle.

Yes, but there is no strategy that can be undertaken to mitigate the loss of good villagers.
Perhaps not, but I think your strategy demonstrably hastens the loss of good villagers, as there will be NO incentive for wolves to do anything other than strong player kill while hoping to hit the seer based on tone.

Leaving fakepeeks doesn't do anything to prevent this. Sure, occasionally the village will get lucky and one of these "useless" players may get NK'd early. But they probably aren't as bad as poggers think they are if they are eating kills. The early kills are largely going to be eaten by the elites and all the good guys in the middle anyway.
I agree that the wolves will prefer to nk stronger villas over weaker villas, all else being equal. But at the very least fakepeeks inject some element of agency into it on the part of the stronger villas (if a stronger villa happens to fakepeek incorrectly, then he/she goes waaaay down the list of nks until the wolves have been able to nab the seer), to say nothing of allowing other stronger villas to be seerhunt cleared, which (although there will always be the possibility of FPS) can be an extremely powerful weapon for the villa in clearing players -- look at the V.D. vanilla game from a while back if you want to see this in action.

We can talk about this more post-game, if you want to wait until then; I think it's an interesting discussion.
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by HomerNoonJr
gadarene, when do you plan on voting? Same could be asked of Bremen, vyk07, and shanks.
I voted chrja last page.
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by soah
are you fully caught up in the thread?

I still feel MrGatiso is >rand to be a wolf, and by extension Homer.

I like the tone from AKSpartan, and his reaction to CQ was entirely justified imo

Aksdal did some things I found villagery as well. The one that sticks in my mind is putting Banana on a wolf list, lol.
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by soah
Do you believe that what he was posting was good strategy? If so, why did you never say anything to that effect when the consensus has been that his strategy was bad? Why do you give him a village lean for just discussing strategy?
The strategy itself is meh. What's important is here is whether it was coming from a villagery or wolfy mindset and while others may have initially felt it was wolfy, I felt the opposite. I don't think wolf homer would be less likely to make that post because it doesn't achieve a whole bunch for the wolf team and may even make their job (of seerhunting) harder.
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:21 PM
"I think wolf homer would be less likely..."
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:23 PM
Any game mechanics posts I make are role neutral CQ, just as a heads up.
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:24 PM
I feel like there a lot of wolves in Bremen/vyk07/Donk/Supine/UAW at the moment. Not sure who to vote but I gotta do it right now.
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:26 PM
It doesn't look like any of them have a chance at getting lynched either.
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by HomerNoonJr
Yes. It functions as a standard curve. Very few elites, very few useless, lots of solid players in the middle.
Thinking about this more, I think the distribution along the curve can be very different from game to game given the subset of player population. McAvoy's recent reunion game, for example, is going to have a different distribution of elite/solid/less solid players than a random 17er like this game, and both might well be very different from a larger mishmash.

I don't know if this matters to my point, but I wanted to bring it up.
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:27 PM
[vote: Bremen]
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:27 PM
Then to be fair to myself Im not sure if I've ever seen you wolf.
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:28 PM
g2g, out for day. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:29 PM
viking village, vuroth modded vanilla, attack on the convention of awesomeness. won all 3(got carried hard by better players, i suck as a wolf), made it to f5 mustlynch in 2, was lynched as peeked anti-seer in AotCA. peace.
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:30 PM
Gadarene's Early Revised and Updated List of Wolf and Villa Leans (Now With Far Too Many Categories!)

Strong villa lean

Strong villa lean but it's soah

Slight villa lean
Monkey Banana

No lean yet because it's cracked

Will be able to read him at some point but can never read on d1

Wolfy but villa

Slight wolf lean

Strong wolf lean
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:35 PM
Gad I almost just asked you what "wolfy but villa" means
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:37 PM
Gad whys Chrja a strong wolf lean? From afaik about him hes never shown a strong villager game and usually is utr to boot. So him doing something anti-villa, but which is completely in line with how he plays as a villager, shouldn't make him a strong wolf lean.

Let's put him on the "no one cares if he dies" list.
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:38 PM
And my quick impression of shanks is that he looked better this game than he usually does. Maybe he's trying harder?
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by HomerNoonJr
I feel like there a lot of wolves in Bremen/vyk07/Donk/Supine/UAW at the moment. Not sure who to vote but I gotta do it right now.
Given the other names I'm shocked chrja isn't on it

Originally Posted by HomerNoonJr
It doesn't look like any of them have a chance at getting lynched either.
Probably should have quoted your vote of me so that I colpuld roll my eyes
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:41 PM
And supine, 425 and monkey banana are the only ones from the slight villa list that I'd agree with. Maybe vyk too.
11/14 NFL Slow Game Quote
