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11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread 11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread

11-13-2017 , 06:47 PM
my prize is not a readily vig just fyi

other than that I'll keep it coy
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Neverlucky16
First ask yourself how I would know his village role as either alignment and why me being a certain alignment might be more likely

Second, I'm not claiming any role
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:47 PM
looking at the vc quite a few people i'd expect more out of:

stand out from the non zero posters
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
Meh. I prolly misplayed this. You are very happy for a player that did not won.
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids
Shoot, thought you'd fall into that trap
what trap?

we weren't given each others roles/alignments so this could very well be a w/v masonry though I don't believe it is
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by HUstylez
nice x-post, just saw you had only posted once and was surprised, never seen you do that as a villa or wolf
Ya, I forgot about this game, so the d1 Vagos volume is definitely not going to be there. Hoping the wolves are bad enough to leave me alive til d2 tho.
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:49 PM
i multiquoted earlier but no idea how to do it from recent posts, but I find Ace of Spaids wolfy, the way he town reads Hardcore.

How he reads people doesn't feel like genuine thought.

His question to monte about mason wolfiness felt wolfy, how he gives his reads seems intentionally wordy.

He disagreed with me that gabe's mechanics talk was towny and i felt like he might say something about me and later on answered my question, didn't seem to have a problem with me. Maybe game is too big for that to have an effect or it wasn't wolfy from his pov for me to have a different opinion to him about gabe's post but this is where my eyes are. Letting y'all know.
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
what trap?

we weren't given each others roles/alignments so this could very well be a w/v masonry though I don't believe it is

You're overthinking this

Villagery tho
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids

That'd be an absurdly easy w/w interaction
it's page 2, so definitely easy to fake.

point: villager aaron found something hinky about knights already. (no evidence that aaron did)
but knights getting got so early means that he was pinging other people for similar things?

then this post

Originally Posted by aaronk56
I think I'm gonna sort of try not to be specific or solid with any of my reads or leans in this game for at least today or maybe tomorrow and possibly after that.
seems bad. and a fluffy exchange with inDheart follows.

conclusions: this is all stupid.
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:52 PM
I'm going to go grab supper bbl
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by HUstylez
looking at the vc quite a few people i'd expect more out of:

stand out from the non zero posters
thisll be rectified soon enough for me
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids
Why wouldn't you just move off him now??
didn't have a good sense of where i would go

i feel like i was finding more villagers than wolves earlier today and didn't have the time to sort out who was claiming what, since that bit of time when i came back suddenly a bunch of people were masons
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:52 PM
kling seems likely
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:52 PM
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by KingWiggles
i multiquoted earlier but no idea how to do it from recent posts, but I find Ace of Spaids wolfy, the way he town reads Hardcore.

How he reads people doesn't feel like genuine thought.

His question to monte about mason wolfiness felt wolfy, how he gives his reads seems intentionally wordy.

He disagreed with me that gabe's mechanics talk was towny and i felt like he might say something about me and later on answered my question, didn't seem to have a problem with me. Maybe game is too big for that to have an effect or it wasn't wolfy from his pov for me to have a different opinion to him about gabe's post but this is where my eyes are. Letting y'all know.
It's not wolfy for you to have a different opinion than me
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:54 PM
I think I just sheep Vagos from here on out and hope he isnt too rusty
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:54 PM
Decided to go a run. Did I miss anything?
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids
Tell me more about how my read was wrong in a game where I was the mod and literally sent you your role PM
Originally Posted by JMurder2
Weird. That should have started with the anecdote about last time you read me wolf based on that exact same line about modding games I play when we were v/v.
x-post & all

It looks like it might have been Anniversary, although I thought it was more recent than that? You definitely pulled the whole "I've modded him when he played & this isn't what I expect from his villa game" thing before.

My posts aren't the exact same every single game. Super weird. The villagery thought process & poking things that I see is there as always, & you never responded to the actual substantive part of my post about it being pretty pretty silly to still have an opinion of my posting based on that gap in posting while I was getting situated, & then ignoring the fact that I got right to good quality posting right after that.
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:54 PM
ill sheep Monte too, to get a nice blend of the good and bad
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
I think I just sheep Vagos from here on out and hope he isnt too rusty
I'm either gonna be super rusty or it's gonna be the kind of game where I just go on thin feel reads that are mostly great. Stay tuned.
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Neverlucky16
good question
seems like a bad idea to speculate

slash one of those things you write down
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by inDheart
didn't have a good sense of where i would go

i feel like i was finding more villagers than wolves earlier today and didn't have the time to sort out who was claiming what, since that bit of time when i came back suddenly a bunch of people were masons
Yeah but unless I misunderstood, you were saying you were going to move off him

You'd already decided not to votw him

But then you left your vote on him
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by srupstr
Speed-catching-up hot take:

Everyone seems really villagery, I don't think we should lynch anyone.
Srupstr's posts seem so troll but this one got me.

Unsure if villagery to out that his prize isn't so useful and then claims is a gun later. I guess we'll see what happens yo.
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos
I'm either gonna be super rusty or it's gonna be the kind of game where I just go on thin feel reads that are mostly great. Stay tuned.
Quick give me a barometer.
What's your read on me?
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 06:57 PM
I think ace is a villager
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
