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11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread 11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread

11-13-2017 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by dLGN
Makko, not Marko
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 05:13 PM
Monte i wasn't sure if you're gamer mason thing was for memes or not

still feel good about that read?
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11-13-2017 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by KingWiggles
lol. You've made it hard to respond to this post, i finish work at 7 our time, went to tesco our time and put my computer parts back together. I'm here to cover you in my village sauce Apoc. Remember how towny it was when I 1 post read you.
weird shroop
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 05:14 PM
almost got myself modkilled changing that you're to your

11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by JMurder2
The Marko case, at least from my perspective, is that in the 2 games I played with him he was very villagery d1. In this game he is not. So it's not that he's been overtly wolfy, he's just been lacking.

UFO says he usually just complains d1, so this isn't wolfy. Curious to hear more from him about his Marko read, if he has one.
I think he is wolfy lol. I thought him 'just complaining' wasn't a wolf tell but that was me responding to you, not reading his posts.

his ISO is wolfy. villager marko is grumpy and complains in a much different way, when he is in that mood. here he is kind of buddying up in the thread. I was picturing something different when you said all he did was complain (or something to that effect).
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11-13-2017 , 05:14 PM
Ace, if I expressed a bit of concern at how focused and not spazzy you were so far, how would you respond?
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids

NeverLucky is a wolf because

1) his posts are wolfy
2) his pushes are wolfy
3) he is a wolf
lol my bad didn't realize you were trolling
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 05:15 PM
Friendly reminder that the last time a Lodge was in the game, wolves got to explode the lodge on a later day, killing inhabitants

Enter at your own risk
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11-13-2017 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
The lodge is fine as long as there aren't too many visitors. E.g. with 3 I think a wofl would hold his shot. 4 is probably the maximum. With 5 it will be +EV for the wolves to use their free NK.
well it is that dynamic, and there's another dynamic that i don't want to elaborate on that would seem to give an informational advantage to woofs
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11-13-2017 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by ApocPS
Monte i wasn't sure if you're gamer mason thing was for memes or not

still feel good about that read?
As good as I can feel

We are masons, for whatever that's worth
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Ace, if I expressed a bit of concern at how focused and not spazzy you were so far, how would you respond?
Wouldn't bother me at all

There's a reason I'm focused
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids
Friendly reminder that the last time a Lodge was in the game, wolves got to explode the lodge on a later day, killing inhabitants

Enter at your own risk
n4, iirc

11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by HUstylez
no it's not
Agreed. That is a sus read
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Oh, I was assuming you were the cause of my situation
no I have a mason and it's a spot where my mason seems pretty sure we're v;v and I have no ****ing clue what her alignment is. they don't wanna out it yet so I'm not saying it. I outed that I had a mason on p2 or whatever.
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids
Wouldn't bother me at all

There's a reason I'm focused
Is that reason pharmaceutical in nature?
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11-13-2017 , 05:17 PM
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids
Wouldn't bother me at all

There's a reason I'm focused
You just said "Neverlucky is a wolf because he's a wolf" after saying my reasoning was bad

If this is focused I don't want to see unfocused lmao
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11-13-2017 , 05:17 PM

I'd also remind you that I came after knights pronto

Thin on d1 but he flipped important PR
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids
Marko villagery
Would be interested to hear more detail. I've been struggly as ****
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by MarkoRaj
Would be interested to hear more detail. I've been struggly as ****
you're gonna want to sit down for this
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by hardcoreUFO
no I have a mason and it's a spot where my mason seems pretty sure we're v;v and I have no ****ing clue what her alignment is. they don't wanna out it yet so I'm not saying it. I outed that I had a mason on p2 or whatever.
Interesting mechanic, assuming I believe you're another affectee and not the cause

Can't check right now, so I'll just back burner it for now in italics
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by theknightsofneeee
Bop I’m assuming you’re a reasonable individual who has a much greater chance of being a villager than a wolf, especially in situations where you pull this garbage on me. Especially in the limited amount of time I have it’s all I can really do.

And I honestly didn’t really see/process that people were actually wolf reading you until you just said it, but I don’t know how that has literally anything to do with me and my alignment relative to you.

That is a weak af argument for calling me a wolf
lol, finally found it...poor knights
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Is that reason pharmaceutical in nature?
It is both pharmaceutical and role related. I have to identify lock or likely villas in order for my power to be of any use
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 05:19 PM
but that was actually a town response from marko lol
11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
11-13-2017 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids
I meant Makko

11/13 Game of Thrones Werewolf Mish-Mash Game thread Quote
