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11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread 11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread

11-11-2013 , 03:30 PM

are people I'm never voting to lynch today.
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
i think in the universe where redd is a villager and klairic is a wolf, he saw a very easy opportunity to step in with content and hard defend a villager
ok I get it now.
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:31 PM
I'll be contributing for 30 min in about 30 min
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by No Lynches
Give you a few days IMO, better suspects first. You're not that lazy, though you have the potential to be.
why did you make the statement though?
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
what the hell is this
it was an unvote

11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
why did you make the statement though?
Because its true. You're not a big content guy. You're a quantity guy. You're not going to read over the thread or make huge cases or leads village. Neither am I of course, but your play style isn't like that. Lazy was a bit of a harsh word, but it's sorta accurate.
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:34 PM
out for a while
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler

are people I'm never voting to lynch today.
child please

there's probably 2 wolves on that list
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
child please

there's probably 2 wolves on that list

Who on my list do you think is wolfy? I'm pretty confident in all of their posting so far.
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by No Lynches
I haven't gone at him that hard.

Lynch vmf.
Can you explain why? I don't have a read one way or the other on him.
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by No Lynches
Because its true. You're not a big content guy. You're a quantity guy. You're not going to read over the thread or make huge cases or leads village. Neither am I of course, but your play style isn't like that. Lazy was a bit of a harsh word, but it's sorta accurate.
No Lynches

your story makes no sense
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:37 PM
wolf list

varianceminefield is wilfing and regretting his involvement
well named is wilfing and trying to recover
charry is either a wolf or a wannabe wolf

klairic is sketch
confirmedtroll is sketch
gadarene is sketch
sgt rj is sketch
tmleafs is sketch
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:37 PM

Xkf and vmf - 2 easy
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Quarrrr
Half the posts read lololo. Just because there's already so many posts in this thread.
I remember Redd saying after hydra game: "So I simply throw all these MQ-s together and gain villager leans from everyone" I don't trust you here reddd.
I don't trust him either, but calling him a wolf for doing villager work is silly.

Originally Posted by ihcjay
Yeah, but here's the thing. You aren't trying to find wolves...
I'd like this claim to be backed up.

Originally Posted by well named
The following people are villagers:

Originally Posted by kre8tive
So far I think ChrisV, disco and redboiler are the most likely to be villagers.
Yeah, low credibility coming from the new guy...

Originally Posted by ihcjay
I guess being wrong has never stopped you before so go ahead

A vote is the best way to push someone though.

I'm pushing Redd because his push of leafs is terrible (or not push as he claims), not just because I disagree with it. Leafs said he won't be around much today and did his fairly standard fluffy opening but then Redd makes a MQ on the first page and votes him. He then claims he is wolf hunting but also says he didn't really push leafs. Now his only wolf read is me because I called him out on his bad leafs' push. This is not the villager Redd that I know.
I haven't played with villager Redd... what do you expect would be different?

Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
ReddBoiler is very likely a villager. Dont remember posts like this in his wolf game. the tone is aggressive, but not psychotic
This is very much how I felt when reading his posts.

Originally Posted by gambit8888
I dont like this progression at all

I dont understand why you would call him out for a lolreason, then try to put doubt in your read, then come back with the peeked wolf line? Seems to me the middle post is pointless if the third post is true

The fake peek seems to be a big reason why he's being called wolf... which is silly, because:

Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
The Leafs is a peeked wolf line is something I do to Leafs pretty much every game now to troll him over the Seer Mets peeking him wolf as a villager.

I think what you are sayign is you would've rather me stubbornly claim Leafs is a wolf which is dumb imo.

I found his posts wolfy - then I admitted that he does mess around alot in opening posts too. If Leafs isnt actually a wolf - it would be dumb of me to stubbornly stick by a read I made in teh first 70 posts or so.

Part of not having information is making reads on the same player that conflict with each other.'

What would have been wolfy IMO is if I didnt bring up that Leafs does mess around in his opening posts alot as a villager as well.
Originally Posted by gambit8888
Anyone who has played with Leafs knows that he messes around a lot in the begining. That MQ you made about it is pretty lol

Then you point out that he does mess around a lot which voids that original post

Then you say he is a peeked wolf.

All within moments of each other, without nothing else happening in the thread.

That **** makes no sense at all and I think it was wolfy. Seems like you wanted to vote for Leafs so you made up a lolreason for it, then a moment later realized how lol it was and made the second post, then realized how lol those two posts together were and decided to just say he is a peeked wolf.

Not sure I have seen a worse three post string like that in a long time, maybe never
The peeking leafs wolf can't be wolfy here... it's a joke. If he did it to anyone other than leafs or Kruze, your point would be valid.

Originally Posted by Xkf
solid post, solid case

as a vanillager (at least in turbos) it's typical for me to fake peek someone who i read as villagery, but i intentionally leave out the middle step of explaining my reads so that everyone knows it's a peek and not a read

here redd includes all that and then retroactively assigns his peek to a case he's already made. if it were a true wolf peek he would either a) make it explicit up front before trying to build a case or b) wait longer to reveal that it was a peek after building a case

basically the progression makes no sense from a vanillager pov and i highly doubt he's fpsing this deep if he has a real peek

it's also weird because i probably wouldn't think twice about it if it were a villager peek

and it's ALSO weird because he fake peeked (incorrectly) leafs wolf early day 1 in his most recent game
Dude, hydra game. Remember?

Originally Posted by Gadarene
any wolf case on ReddBoiler that hinges in part on him justifying his tmleafs vote with a retroactive wolf peek has a huge gaping flaw in it
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
Xkf and Gambit - both played in teh game Leafs got fake peeked. Both played in the last game where I fake peeked Leafs to troll him about that. They both have posted since I posted that I fake peeked him to troll him.

Either of you using the fact that I fake peeked Leafs wolf as a reason to find me wolfy is unacceptable. I troll Leafs with that because I was a wolf in the game he was fake peeked and I kept using that against him even though it was obvious he was a villager.

Both of you guys know this and its starting to ping my radar that you guys are playign so dumb about it.
Originally Posted by domer2
alright i'd thought i would have more reads but vmf is a wolf for serious, how ppl have him in their village lists is beyond my comprehension. guy has struggled in every post so far except the "lmao at sgt rj" bit which itself was completely pointless and non-game related.

kre8tive is very probably a villager for diving straight into the pool

thats all i got folks

one idea is to just to kill off reddboiler which would be a net positive, and then we can determine if his read on tmleafs is legit or not. but maybe not such a good immediate idea since reddboiler is posting a lot of reading-worthy posts this game and not just sucking himself off.
I wanted to think you're wolfy for this... but I'm guessing this is likely a lack of reading every post.

Originally Posted by domer2
redd ill be honest, i agree with you on tmleafs

but everyone is calling you a wolf so i am doubting whether to agree with you or not
I read this one as super wolfy earlier... why attack Redd here? Seems obvious that the reasons for calling him a wolf right now are silly. Lack of reading or wolfy? Not sure.

Originally Posted by domer2
no he doesn't "always play this way"

he is a wolf

ANYWAYS i like the way that xkf and disko are both posting. its very game solvey and villagery. they're both a bit slippery though so i am reticent to just call them straight up villagers this early.
Ok... what?!

Originally Posted by Xkf
you're ignoring half my post

it was your real fake peek last game, you were not trolling

this is anti-village

this feels like one of those spots where someone gets pressure for doing something wolfy and they're like "i was just trolling!" which is on par with "it was a trap! YOU must be the wolf!"

know what i'm talking about here ihcjay

Originally Posted by Gadarene
some leans

kre8tive, Redd, disko, Xkf villa

RJ, Quarrr wolf

still trying to figure out how I feel about Luckbox

imma go read Duck
Originally Posted by gambit8888
Can you expand on this more please?
So, yeah, that's a lot of ReddBoiler stuff already.

The main reason to attack him was him going too hard at leafs. That was a misinterpretation. If you take out the fake peek, the case against him goes down to almost zero at this point. Lots of people are posting a village lean on him, and they're included above.
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
No Lynches

your story makes no sense
Your story makes no sense.
Originally Posted by domer2
wolf list

varianceminefield is wilfing and regretting his involvement
well named is wilfing and trying to recover
charry is either a wolf or a wannabe wolf

klairic is sketch
confirmedtroll is sketch
gadarene is sketch
sgt rj is sketch
tmleafs is sketch
Everyone Cept leafs (peek) and maybe klairic. Goat reads.
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by kre8tive
Still think well named is a villager. I also think the two people going hardest at him, tweedybird and no lynches, are as well.
I think kre8tive has to be a villager after this post.. as a wolf you are minimizing your mislynch target group by trying to clear so many villagers.. not sure who his gimmick is or if he's new but I find this post hard to make/dumb for a wolf to make
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
wolf list

varianceminefield is wilfing and regretting his involvement
well named is wilfing and trying to recover
charry is either a wolf or a wannabe wolf

klairic is sketch
confirmedtroll is sketch
gadarene is sketch
sgt rj is sketch
tmleafs is sketch
so you are then implying that wolves are starting my wagon, right?

just, for the record.
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:40 PM
I am crushing this game



I think that's all I've noticed
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
this is three sentences of random nonsense
No, it's not, and if you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them.
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
I've wolved against Klairic two times. I was wolfin against him the other day and I made the comment to someone in wolf chat that the first time he is a wolf - it will be so obvious because his posts are just 100% pure. They are not manufactured in any way and cant be considered that way.

Thats basically how I read them this game as well. If you have played with Klairic before I think he is pretty obviously villa this game unless some of his future posts start showing otherwise.
ok you're probably a villager too
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:41 PM
When I'm gone, domer is the voice of justice.
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:41 PM
Wellnamed asking Gambit his thoughts on me is kind of wolfy. He's never hesitated to call me a wolf/wolfy before as a villa and it seems like that is the answer he wants from Gambit.

Klairics opening post was bad too. He says I gave kre8tive a wolf lean when thats not really what happened. I just said him lurking in the thread was wolfy, because it was. I also said I'd give him time and now that he's posted some more I feel he's been villagery
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:41 PM
Charry is wolfing up this thread like nobodies business. Random clears lol
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
wolf list

varianceminefield is wilfing and regretting his involvement
well named is wilfing and trying to recover
charry is either a wolf or a wannabe wolf

klairic is sketch
confirmedtroll is sketch
gadarene is sketch
sgt rj is sketch
tmleafs is sketch
Other than well named, I don't have anyone on that list as a likely villager. I think it's pretty good.
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
11-11-2013 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
wolf list

varianceminefield is wilfing and regretting his involvement
well named is wilfing and trying to recover
charry is either a wolf or a wannabe wolf

klairic is sketch
confirmedtroll is sketch
gadarene is sketch
sgt rj is sketch
tmleafs is sketch
uhhhhh, explain your thoughts re: me.
11/11 World chess Champioship vanilla+ game thread Quote
