Originally Posted by Bloobird
Duckburg is in this game? Did he leave slank cover?
Well, I kind of did when I signed up - but since it was done on skype through UD, I cannot prove it.
You kind of have to take my word for it.
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
So much this.
And I agree Duck should be a discussion, and he'd be an awesome vig shot, but I'm also very comfortable with Tweedy/Sim wagons for today.
I would really object against this.
Besides I was RB'ed N1.
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Tweedy for sure.
Kruze or Duck seems a decent slanker shot, I'd feel more strongly about Duck as I expect more out of him when he's a villager.
3rd I'd go for a consensus to resolve something from yesterday. So I'd solicit opinions from lock villagers domer/charry and my stronger village leans. This would probably end up being either gambit or insanity.
THis is just bad advice.
I'll be doing my posts today- no worries