10/31 - Rat Infestation Game Thread
, 10:59 AM
nope, im cool with lynching either one. sun is just the more obnoxious wolf at the moment so im madder at him. but voting loretta is perfectly fine.
and im berating myself cuz im more than a little nervous. but then i went to sleep and im still ****ing tired, and i decided i don't really care. you'll probably win because you're way more experienced, and that's fine.
and im berating myself cuz im more than a little nervous. but then i went to sleep and im still ****ing tired, and i decided i don't really care. you'll probably win because you're way more experienced, and that's fine.
, 11:02 AM
so yes sun, if you win, you somehow managed to trick everyone. and maybe you won't feel forced to quit WW after all.
also, loretta you should just give up. you're a lock wolf and need to die.
also, loretta you should just give up. you're a lock wolf and need to die.
, 11:20 AM
I'm not pointing this post out as evidence of wolfiness per se
I think anarchist does similar things as a villager and whether that's good or bad isn't important right now
what is worth noting is that I think the wolves crossed 27ai off their seerhunting list fairly early based on this kind of stuff, thinking his interactions with sanga were inconsistent with peeking him
this may have contributed to their inability to find him for so long
I think anarchist does similar things as a villager and whether that's good or bad isn't important right now
what is worth noting is that I think the wolves crossed 27ai off their seerhunting list fairly early based on this kind of stuff, thinking his interactions with sanga were inconsistent with peeking him
this may have contributed to their inability to find him for so long
Another important point is whether 27a was still crossed off their lists on d4 before the flutter kill. He was crossed off my list (to a certain extent) given how many times he pushed his peek. Lets assume wolves thought 27a was unlikely to be the seer. The flutter kill could have been:
1) A legitimate seerhunt, this is only true if Anarchist is a villager.
2) A seerhunt of someone they believed to have flipped a peek, in this case Anarchist. I find this highly unlikely.
3) The wolves could have said omg who the eff is the other seer, we are lost, lets just kill a clear player and hope it FPS-es Anarchist clear. This scenario is particularly likely if they thought VM could have been the seer (since most players' had completely blown seer cover such sa myself).
It's important to keep in mind that if the wolves targeted 27a or VM and were wrong, then the game is basically over. So when I reread the thread, I'll keep a close eye on VM and see if the wolves might have thought he was seer.
gj on this, I forgot about it
it seemed wolfy of jim to focus on stupid points like this and ignore the villagery posts palo made
also, asking villagers for their opinions instead of just giving his own opinion is wolfy and I think it's a hallmark of jim's wolf game (and asking a lot of weird questions in general)
also, asking villagers for their opinions instead of just giving his own opinion is wolfy and I think it's a hallmark of jim's wolf game (and asking a lot of weird questions in general)
kruze always seems like a wolf
I need to figure out how to read him
I need to figure out how to read him
tl tying villager palo to wolf loretta
connecting fluttershy and kruze in my mind
even if I didn't already think kruze was wolfy, I didn't see why she can have him as a villager at this point
it sounds like "too wolfy to be a wolf" to me
even if I didn't already think kruze was wolfy, I didn't see why she can have him as a villager at this point
it sounds like "too wolfy to be a wolf" to me
Keep this posting up Sun, it's helpful to see what you were thinking at every stage of the game.
, 11:30 AM
a villager questioning wolf jim for an inexplicable villa lean on a wolf
palo was an obvious villager
jim wanted to lynch him
and he was night-killed
after jim said the seer should peek him
another villager questioning jim for doing something shady
I thought I saw a wolfy triangle in jim, kruze and fluttershy
jim and kruze both fake-peeked flutter (and did it in a bad way)
flutter put both of them on her villager lists, for what I saw as superficial reasons
awesome post here:
- votes a wolf
- has palo as villagery (like everyone should have)
- has jim as a wolf
- sees jim/loretta as potentially w/w
the important thing is I wasn't the only one who thought jim was wolfy or that palo was an obvious villager
this has been discussed many times
it was her comment about the wolf list (liking it except for jim when jim was the only wolf on it)
another headshot
this fit with the idea I had of jim, flutter and kruze being wolves
this too
seriously, what villager leaves seer cover like this?
and the idea that he wouldn't fake-peek a wolf is just stupid
why wouldn't he?
I hadn't called jim a wolf yet, but it was obvious I suspected him by the way I was grouping him with kruze and flutter
note that I ask people questions, this is what villagers do
try to determine people's roles by trying to understand their thoughts
this answer was good enough for me
back to masony with aksdal
his reads looked pretty good and his thoughts looked real
I guess it's possible but I don't think it's likely that I would call out a villager for fake-peeking me and another wolf
but as a villager, you can bet your ass I'm going to call someone out for leaving ****ty seer cover, especially peeking me (wolves love to fake-peek me) and my main wolf suspect
still questioning jim
wolves say stuff like this so often, it's just silly
wolf timelady clearing wolf anarchist while calling him annoying
anarchist still hasn't explained why fake-peeking me would be a good reason to sponge me
but the reason is obvious: they were both villagers so he'd love for them to get lynched and for me to get blamed for it
but if he wants to pretend he's a villager, he's going to have to make up some reason a villager would do that
palo was an obvious villager and jim was an obvious villager for pushing him
the fact that palo got night-killed after jim called for him to be peeked is lolsauce gravy
this is loretta's whole wolf game: calling villagers villagers for little or no reason
seer making his peeks obvious
villagery of WN
palo was an obvious villager and the people who pushed him were suspect
also, TL was wolfy for pretending to be baffled by the nk
seer making his peeks obvious
what is this?
is it supposed to look like wolf-hunting?
what kind of information could you possibly get from this?
add me and domer
again, loretta's wolf game is calling villagers villagers for little or no reason
pushing jim from the beginning
this was day 2, the first day I played
so tell me again that I didn't have anarchist as wolfy all game
suck it, bitches
aksdal had a couple roles from the mod
I have good reads
WN votes jim
and 2 villagers jump right on
flutter calling jim a villager and earning wolf points from me (and aksdal)
again, with the horribad "seer cover"
and didn't he just say I as was a clear villager?
votes for the howling wolf are horrible
based on what exactly?
zsjostrom, soft-defending jim in classic w/w fashion "I'm not seeing the case" and earning wolf points from me, especially after jim is outed
solid case against jim
also potentially a peek at this point
anarchist follows this pattern throughout the game
he just calls a villager wolfy without providing any reasoning at all
jim calls zsjostrom out for clearing him lightly
this is weird and looked villagery of jim to me unless zsjostrom is a wolf with him
the wolves are aware of aksdal's peek (or fake-peek) of jim and this is their idea of spewing zsjostrom as a villa
so at this point I'm thinking jim, anarchist and zsjostrom are all wolfy
my only reservation is the possibility of anarchist actually being a seer
obviously I'm aware he's claiming to have peeked me (and I'm not happy about it)
and this here is a clear slip
it's obvious that anarchist wasn't even reading the conversation between jim and zsjostrom
this is damning imo
what is there to notice?
explain what you thought was wolfy
and don't say it doesn't matter because we know now that WN was a villager
it does matter because you need to explain what you were thinking
more of this silly w/w fake spew game
blah blah blah
so obviously w/w
seer making his peeks obvious
aksdal also thought fluttershy was wolfy
and probably for the same reasons I did (clearing wolves)
note I wasn't pushing kruze
I pushed jim all day and only switched to kruze toward the end when the wagons were master/kruze
a seer, making his peeks obvious
anarchist calling a villager wolfy for little or no reason
note there is no wolf-hunting or even pretending
just attacking
more of the same
why would domer want to vote a tilty villager for not reading the thread closely?
I haven't experienced anarchist's wolf game before this game but apparently VM has
he points out exactly what anarchist has been doing
lol @ the wolves if posts like this threw them off
calling another villager a wolf or very bad
for no good reason
anyone see a pattern yet?
congratulations, your IQ is at least 65
didn't anarchist call me out for calling people wolves?
what is he doing here?
and what did I actually do?
I made a post saying flutter and kruze were wolves
then I latched onto jim (an actual wolf zomg!) and pushed him until he got lynched
and you can't say it was only after it was clear he had been peeked
I was on him from the beginning
VM seems to know exactly what anarchist's wolf game looks like
someone should probably look into that if they're not sure
jumping on irrelevant details
no wolf-hunting
no questioning
just "you're a wolf"
is that what he does as a wolf?
I don't know but someone could probably look into that
I'd be willing to bet that it isn't
and that villager anarchist would not be all over VM like this
sure thing
villagery response (to me)
note I'm not just attacking him
I ask questions
I want to understand his thought processes to figure out his role
I want VM to read the whole thread before I try to read him
"pretty obviously a villager anyway"
until I push wolves and argue against his wolfy agenda
a villager voting fluttershy
do I get on that?
a villager voting VM, another easy wagon for me (I was on it at this time)
pay attention to how the day develops
he's going to go on insane monkey tilt if a villager doesn't get lynched
a villager that I don't think villager anarchist would think was a wolf
note jim was being discussed as a wagon
this is garbage
making a "soft" seer-claim to protect a wolf
does it look like seer cover?
not at all
it's only purpose is to protect jim
at this point, I'm thinking if anarchist isn't a seer, he needs to die
guess what
he's not a seer
I call him out for it
ok so the theory is what?
wolf Sun wanted to smash villager anarchist's defense of jim for what?
villager cred?
wait, didn't anarchist call me out for calling flutter a wolf?
but he put flutter down at the bottom
with a bunch of other villagers that it would make no sense for him to believe are wolves
or if he had reasons for it, he never posted them
and I wasn't pushing flutter at this point
I was hot on the trail of the real wolves, jim -> zsjostrom -> anarchist
tell me again I've played badly
suck it bitches
like I said, if anarchist isn't a seer (and if jim is a wolf he obviously isn't), anarchist needs to die
so we lynch a villager?
wolf wants to lynch outside the claim (other wagons are VM and jinxy)
the wolves realize jim is peeked but want to squeeze in a free mislynch
"idk what to do" let's ask sanga
note anarchist said the same thing (that he wanted to know what sanga and I thought) but when I said there was no reason to lynch outside the claim, he spazzed out did something completely different from what he had said
in other words, he was lying when he said that and he was just hoping we would both say to not lynch jim
this is damning
here's the post I was talking about
I think I have it out of order in my multiquote and it was before timelady's similar post
in any case, my point is valid
he said one thing and then did something else when it didn't go the way he wanted
27 feels the same way I did: the claim is obviously legit and jim was wolfy anyway
WN, another villager fells the claim is legit and it's a good idea to just lynch the obvious wolf
and it was the right thing to do
I'm not being results oriented
like I've said many times already, you lynch outside the claims when:
- there are competing claims
- there is a problem with the claim
- the claimant was in danger of getting lynched
none of those conditions were true
the odds of aksdal being a wolf there are negligible
and jim votes himself
would he do that as a villager?
I hope not
I really don't think he would
oh hey
a wolf wants to lynch outside the claim
they really want this mislynch
a villager wants to just lynch the obvious wolf
anyone notice a pattern yet?
all of those players were villagers
this has to be a lie. There's no way chips said that
it is very clear cut
you lynch the wolf
every time
and the fact that villager well named voted jim supports my point
is this a villager wanting to cfd a wolf for defending a wolf or is it a wolf wanting to cfd a villager for defending a wolf?
one makes sense
one doesn't
the same pattern
calling a villager wolfy but without giving any reasoning
the wolves really wanted this mislynch
VM was on their list of mislynches and anarchist was tilting at it slipping away
if you lynch the wolf, you are probably a wolf
so lynch one of the villager wagons instead
say what?
I was pushing him earlier
but I wasn't sure he was a wolf
I was sure jim was
ok, now imagine I was a wolf
how easy would it be to just go along with the outside the claim thing?
why would I fight it so hard?
calling a villager wolfy for wanting to lynch a wolf over a villager
there is literally no reason for villager anarchist to react this way
this is completely false
good players know the correct move here is to lynch the peeked wolf
jim wanted to lynch him
and he was night-killed
after jim said the seer should peek him
another villager questioning jim for doing something shady
I thought I saw a wolfy triangle in jim, kruze and fluttershy
jim and kruze both fake-peeked flutter (and did it in a bad way)
flutter put both of them on her villager lists, for what I saw as superficial reasons
my last night's vote was ******ed. There is absolutely nothing I could've done to save crackedquads due to my late entrance, but my reasoning for voting for aksdale is completely ******ed and nonsensical now that I've completely read the thread. My read on 27a is the same, but I sense no coordination between 27a and aksdale.
alright so fair warning ahead....I haven't set up a spreadsheet yet because the template is absolutely garbage now due to my other game (my first game of ww)...3 ppl claimed seer on the same day, i was unprepared for that, and i have no clue what's going on and have to wait for who the wolves eat. So these notes are copy/pasta from notepad lol.
(needless to say, these are my thoughts from day 1 with the hindsight of knowing that crackedquads was eliminated but NOT KNOWING who was eaten at night)
JimHalpert - wolfy - weird entrance, weird first real post
27AllIn - wolfy - very active early, offeing little, claims to be unaware of rule he requested
loretta8 - wolfy - wolfy entrance, basically just summed up what other ppl posted, cozies up to 27allin at a time when there's a wagon on him, tries to dispel anarchist's posts with weak ****
Fluttershy - neutral, cautious - active early, offering little, hides behind her schtick, which while cute at first is going to become grating incredibly quickly
Well named - neutral - Well Named and JimHalpert are communicating a lot. Unlikely to be W/W communications like that this early, possibly clears one.
variance - neutral - the 3 votes in 3 posts is possibly wolfy. if variance is a wolf, at least one of his votes is a wolf.
TimeLady - neutral, cautious - got the same villa vibe as others are echoing at first, but careful not to get caught in a trap here. remember she changed D1, and at around 6pm, when wolves get nervous usually.
Palo - villa - strange post on seer hunting, but adding meat, other reasons for villa
Anarchist - villa
Sangaman - villa - adding meat to discussions.
donkdonkdonk - villa - adding meat to discussions.
Jinxy52 - villa entrance
TheNothing - confrontational villa lean, note: miscommunication between fluttershy and thenothing indicates they are not w/w
zsjostrom - villa entrance vibe
Kruze - lazy villa vibe
((((given that I now know who was eaten, Palo's read is confirmed for me, so gg to me, 1/1.))))
Further notes...
Fishy coordination:
JimHalpert/Loretta8 could be W/W
TimeLady/27A could be W/W
TL at post #200 changes the entire course of D1
Couple posts later she "immediately regrets it." Loose cover counter-train for 27A?
TL at post #226 tries to create a v/v connection between Palo and Loretta with very wolfy logic.
TL at post #259 indicates a possible flutter/TL W/W connection by claiming she will wagon fluttershy tomorrow but not today. wolfy as hell.
(Fluttershy at #282 says TimeLady is a friend after TimeLady just said she wanted fluttershy votes and will wagon her tomorrow!)
Here's the real whopper. Post #337 Time Lady says we will get good information from today's vote, seemingly trying to justify he vote she initially started with very little reasoning. What the f is she talking about? Cracked Quads barely posted, how are we supposed to discern good information from that day? Considering that CQ came back villa, I read this as her trying to soften the blow.
I have not read any of your posts today, but here is my day 1 newb player conclusion: we need a wagon on Time Lady today, for sure.
Time Lady
alright so fair warning ahead....I haven't set up a spreadsheet yet because the template is absolutely garbage now due to my other game (my first game of ww)...3 ppl claimed seer on the same day, i was unprepared for that, and i have no clue what's going on and have to wait for who the wolves eat. So these notes are copy/pasta from notepad lol.
(needless to say, these are my thoughts from day 1 with the hindsight of knowing that crackedquads was eliminated but NOT KNOWING who was eaten at night)
JimHalpert - wolfy - weird entrance, weird first real post
27AllIn - wolfy - very active early, offeing little, claims to be unaware of rule he requested
loretta8 - wolfy - wolfy entrance, basically just summed up what other ppl posted, cozies up to 27allin at a time when there's a wagon on him, tries to dispel anarchist's posts with weak ****
Fluttershy - neutral, cautious - active early, offering little, hides behind her schtick, which while cute at first is going to become grating incredibly quickly
Well named - neutral - Well Named and JimHalpert are communicating a lot. Unlikely to be W/W communications like that this early, possibly clears one.
variance - neutral - the 3 votes in 3 posts is possibly wolfy. if variance is a wolf, at least one of his votes is a wolf.
TimeLady - neutral, cautious - got the same villa vibe as others are echoing at first, but careful not to get caught in a trap here. remember she changed D1, and at around 6pm, when wolves get nervous usually.
Palo - villa - strange post on seer hunting, but adding meat, other reasons for villa
Anarchist - villa
Sangaman - villa - adding meat to discussions.
donkdonkdonk - villa - adding meat to discussions.
Jinxy52 - villa entrance
TheNothing - confrontational villa lean, note: miscommunication between fluttershy and thenothing indicates they are not w/w
zsjostrom - villa entrance vibe
Kruze - lazy villa vibe
((((given that I now know who was eaten, Palo's read is confirmed for me, so gg to me, 1/1.))))
Further notes...
Fishy coordination:
JimHalpert/Loretta8 could be W/W
TimeLady/27A could be W/W
TL at post #200 changes the entire course of D1
Couple posts later she "immediately regrets it." Loose cover counter-train for 27A?
TL at post #226 tries to create a v/v connection between Palo and Loretta with very wolfy logic.
TL at post #259 indicates a possible flutter/TL W/W connection by claiming she will wagon fluttershy tomorrow but not today. wolfy as hell.
(Fluttershy at #282 says TimeLady is a friend after TimeLady just said she wanted fluttershy votes and will wagon her tomorrow!)
Here's the real whopper. Post #337 Time Lady says we will get good information from today's vote, seemingly trying to justify he vote she initially started with very little reasoning. What the f is she talking about? Cracked Quads barely posted, how are we supposed to discern good information from that day? Considering that CQ came back villa, I read this as her trying to soften the blow.
I have not read any of your posts today, but here is my day 1 newb player conclusion: we need a wagon on Time Lady today, for sure.
Time Lady
- votes a wolf
- has palo as villagery (like everyone should have)
- has jim as a wolf
- sees jim/loretta as potentially w/w
the important thing is I wasn't the only one who thought jim was wolfy or that palo was an obvious villager
it was her comment about the wolf list (liking it except for jim when jim was the only wolf on it)
this fit with the idea I had of jim, flutter and kruze being wolves
this too
and the idea that he wouldn't fake-peek a wolf is just stupid
why wouldn't he?
I hadn't called jim a wolf yet, but it was obvious I suspected him by the way I was grouping him with kruze and flutter
note that I ask people questions, this is what villagers do
try to determine people's roles by trying to understand their thoughts
back to masony with aksdal
his reads looked pretty good and his thoughts looked real
but as a villager, you can bet your ass I'm going to call someone out for leaving ****ty seer cover, especially peeking me (wolves love to fake-peek me) and my main wolf suspect
still questioning jim
I'd love to know exactly what I've done that's "annoying" this game. Cite some examples perhaps?
Also, I know variance owed his absence to the weather, but I'm also starting to get the feeling this is his UTR game.
Sun tzu is confident kruze/flutters are wolves and since sun is lock villa I might go with him today. I want to see how variance responds first.
Also, I know variance owed his absence to the weather, but I'm also starting to get the feeling this is his UTR game.
Sun tzu is confident kruze/flutters are wolves and since sun is lock villa I might go with him today. I want to see how variance responds first.
but the reason is obvious: they were both villagers so he'd love for them to get lynched and for me to get blamed for it
but if he wants to pretend he's a villager, he's going to have to make up some reason a villager would do that
palo was an obvious villager and jim was an obvious villager for pushing him
the fact that palo got night-killed after jim called for him to be peeked is lolsauce gravy
Complete works of VM
he aggressively enters the thread, seems to think most of the thread is howling, and then vanishes. he also says his internet is shaky which could explain his disappearance.
I think its difficult to get a strong read on VM just from this, I'm inclined to lean slightly village though since a wolf probably doesn't make themselves the center of attention like that. I'm surprised anyone wants to lynch him for this tbh, seems thin.
he aggressively enters the thread, seems to think most of the thread is howling, and then vanishes. he also says his internet is shaky which could explain his disappearance.
I think its difficult to get a strong read on VM just from this, I'm inclined to lean slightly village though since a wolf probably doesn't make themselves the center of attention like that. I'm surprised anyone wants to lynch him for this tbh, seems thin.
VM is my peek for today. If you really think his absence means he's a wolf I'll vote for him.
I think Kruze is either a bad villager or a bad wolf, I don't have enough playing history with him to know which one. I would lean towards villager because when you're wolf you have complete information and it's easy to play smart and pretend to be not-so-smart in a couple areas, but playing villager is difficult and Kruze has stated this. He also said he doesn't have any power roll, I don't know if a wolf would want to say this because it might increase the chance he gets lynched.
I think Kruze is either a bad villager or a bad wolf, I don't have enough playing history with him to know which one. I would lean towards villager because when you're wolf you have complete information and it's easy to play smart and pretend to be not-so-smart in a couple areas, but playing villager is difficult and Kruze has stated this. He also said he doesn't have any power roll, I don't know if a wolf would want to say this because it might increase the chance he gets lynched.
villagery of WN
palo was an obvious villager and the people who pushed him were suspect
also, TL was wolfy for pretending to be baffled by the nk
some more evidence that I wasn't aware of wagons if you're still hung up on that. also fwiw, when I make a d1 soul read wolf dream team list I'll typically put 3 or 4 of my wolfiest players on it and 1 or 2 UTR extra souly read soul reads
that said, making lists is mad fun so ima do one with everyone from villageriness to wolfiness w/ spaces for emphasis
V -> W
well named
Sun Tzu
that said, making lists is mad fun so ima do one with everyone from villageriness to wolfiness w/ spaces for emphasis
V -> W
well named
Sun Tzu
is it supposed to look like wolf-hunting?
what kind of information could you possibly get from this?
Another thought just popped into my head: Jim must know that he's a likely candidate to get peeked on the first or second day so he could very well tell his wolf mates to make a comment about how he looks wolfy in case he did get peeked.
I think the only players that suspected Jim were myself, aksdal and sanga though.
I think the only players that suspected Jim were myself, aksdal and sanga though.
again, loretta's wolf game is calling villagers villagers for little or no reason
so tell me again that I didn't have anarchist as wolfy all game
suck it, bitches
aksdal had a couple roles from the mod
I have good reads
I hate just about everything about this post
- calling sanga wolfy is definitely wrong and given Jim's village game I would think he would be naturally inclined to find sanga's style villagery
- lol I'm going to vote at random! is wolfy
- voting palo for being a suspicious paranoid villager is bad and I think jim is better than that
I see there's a lot of mild JimHalpert suspicion in the thread, multiple people have already mentioned him as a suspect. I think it's time to formalize that in a wagon
- calling sanga wolfy is definitely wrong and given Jim's village game I would think he would be naturally inclined to find sanga's style villagery
- lol I'm going to vote at random! is wolfy
- voting palo for being a suspicious paranoid villager is bad and I think jim is better than that
I see there's a lot of mild JimHalpert suspicion in the thread, multiple people have already mentioned him as a suspect. I think it's time to formalize that in a wagon
and 2 villagers jump right on
So...I see some of you might want to ask JimHalpert to leave...I...I don't think that's a very good idea. I think JimHalpert is as mousey as they come!
I could almost quote any post and explain why they are mouse-like but here are just a small sample of his most recent ones.
A very good (and first) read on domer's villager entrance. So far, it doesn't seem that anybody has disagreed with this.
A good read on Anarchist being villager and Loretta perhaps being a wolf based on sound logic.
A night kill that is explained from the perspective of somebody that likely did not do the night kill. There's so much reasoning in this that I am fairly sure JimHalpert took no part of the sneaky night events!
JimHalpert is helping us all by letting us know his reasoning behind his Anarchist villager read. I know it has helped me at least since I initially thought Anarchist could be a sneaky rat!
JimHalpert is admitting to wanting to lynch the person who was nightkilled, and also provided a lot of reasoning for why he thought the person nightkilled was weird. This comes from a mouse!
So that's why I think JimHalpert is a mouse! And I defend my friends!
Too loud?
So...I see some of you might want to ask JimHalpert to leave...I...I don't think that's a very good idea. I think JimHalpert is as mousey as they come!
I could almost quote any post and explain why they are mouse-like but here are just a small sample of his most recent ones.
A very good (and first) read on domer's villager entrance. So far, it doesn't seem that anybody has disagreed with this.
A good read on Anarchist being villager and Loretta perhaps being a wolf based on sound logic.
A night kill that is explained from the perspective of somebody that likely did not do the night kill. There's so much reasoning in this that I am fairly sure JimHalpert took no part of the sneaky night events!
JimHalpert is helping us all by letting us know his reasoning behind his Anarchist villager read. I know it has helped me at least since I initially thought Anarchist could be a sneaky rat!
JimHalpert is admitting to wanting to lynch the person who was nightkilled, and also provided a lot of reasoning for why he thought the person nightkilled was weird. This comes from a mouse!
So that's why I think JimHalpert is a mouse! And I defend my friends!
Too loud?
Lol sun tzu if I hadn't peeked you villager I would think you're a wolf. You're trying to get my other peek lynched. Also you clearly have some sort of agenda putting me on a "possible ewolf" lis. I mean how can you vote with well named here who's ~40% to be a wolf? It looks clearly like someone is trying to derail a variance wagon here. He STILL hasn't posted. Wtf?
and didn't he just say I as was a clear villager?
votes for the howling wolf are horrible
And 27allin trying to push this back on me is laughably wolfy. You have openly contradicted yourself and refused to clear villagers, only calling people who disagree with you "wolfy." The concencus clearest villager, sangaman, also picked up on what you're doing. Sun tzu didn't post at all yesterday and based on his posting today I'm actually baffled he's a villager.
I just went and reread Jim's D1 from the VD game a couple months back, and I'm not seeing the case on him here. In that game, he just seemed to float along with the thread, asking questions but never seeming to draw any conclusions from the answers he got, and concentrated on having good tone (which he did very well). There's a little of that here, but he has given out some concrete leans. And then there's his case on Palo, which reminded me quite a bit of his push of me in the recent NBA game and (again) bears no resemblance to his VD game (he literally did not make a single case on anyone the first day there). I will not be voting Jim in the near future.
I'll do some more rereading and see if I like any of the other wagons better.
I'll do some more rereading and see if I like any of the other wagons better.
stuff about Jim
Interprets the kill as an obv sanga = villa peek SHK
First of all, it gave me the creeps when he was talking about villagers as NKs and mislynches because that's how I think when I'm a wolf. He rationalizes why he says it below, but I still think its pretty creepy.
So wrt to the red, he admits that after thinking about it, the Palo kill was most likely a tone kill, which I also agree is probably true because of how much Palo was talking about seers and how he flipped out about anarchist. I think it's fairly likely that whoever was responsible for that Palo tonekill noticed the seery tone before EOD. Most of Palos posts yesterday were early in the day, so either the tone read was picked up then, or during reread at night. Put this together with the fact that Jim is definitely capable of coming up with that tone read, and the fact that Jim was the main proponent of getting Palo lynched yesterday, and I think it makes him look really bad.
Interprets the kill as an obv sanga = villa peek SHK
First of all, it gave me the creeps when he was talking about villagers as NKs and mislynches because that's how I think when I'm a wolf. He rationalizes why he says it below, but I still think its pretty creepy.
So wrt to the red, he admits that after thinking about it, the Palo kill was most likely a tone kill, which I also agree is probably true because of how much Palo was talking about seers and how he flipped out about anarchist. I think it's fairly likely that whoever was responsible for that Palo tonekill noticed the seery tone before EOD. Most of Palos posts yesterday were early in the day, so either the tone read was picked up then, or during reread at night. Put this together with the fact that Jim is definitely capable of coming up with that tone read, and the fact that Jim was the main proponent of getting Palo lynched yesterday, and I think it makes him look really bad.
also potentially a peek at this point
he just calls a villager wolfy without providing any reasoning at all
I'm being wagoned and am in the lead at the time of this post. I'm trying to think how wolves would react to it, and I think there's two options:
1. Pile on and help get me mislynched
2. Pop in and defend me to look good
Now, as after those 3 in a row a flurry didn't happen, I'm going to lean #2.
So which was wolfiest?
This one:
Zsj pops in out of nowhere and defends me hard. The main point that concerns me: my case on palo reminded him of my case on him in NBA. THIS IS FALSE. False. False. My case on him in NBA involved me thinking he was a wolf trying to suck up to three of the better vilalgers in the game and giving us villager leans early. My case on Palo was NOT tinfoil. It was NOT out of nowhere. It was a concrete thought process about being avoided.
Then he goes after well named:
I've already explained why I think Well Named is a villager now. This case seems disingenuous to me. It's the ONE target that's on me that's easily mislynchable "zomg didn't post a ton normally day 1, he was weird!". He's picking on liking the 25% thing from Palo? You find him wolfy for that?
If wolves are trying to gain credit by defending me, Zsj is the one I think is a wolf.

I'm being wagoned and am in the lead at the time of this post. I'm trying to think how wolves would react to it, and I think there's two options:
1. Pile on and help get me mislynched
2. Pop in and defend me to look good
Now, as after those 3 in a row a flurry didn't happen, I'm going to lean #2.
So which was wolfiest?
This one:
Zsj pops in out of nowhere and defends me hard. The main point that concerns me: my case on palo reminded him of my case on him in NBA. THIS IS FALSE. False. False. My case on him in NBA involved me thinking he was a wolf trying to suck up to three of the better vilalgers in the game and giving us villager leans early. My case on Palo was NOT tinfoil. It was NOT out of nowhere. It was a concrete thought process about being avoided.
Then he goes after well named:
I've already explained why I think Well Named is a villager now. This case seems disingenuous to me. It's the ONE target that's on me that's easily mislynchable "zomg didn't post a ton normally day 1, he was weird!". He's picking on liking the 25% thing from Palo? You find him wolfy for that?
If wolves are trying to gain credit by defending me, Zsj is the one I think is a wolf.
this is weird and looked villagery of jim to me unless zsjostrom is a wolf with him
the wolves are aware of aksdal's peek (or fake-peek) of jim and this is their idea of spewing zsjostrom as a villa
so at this point I'm thinking jim, anarchist and zsjostrom are all wolfy
my only reservation is the possibility of anarchist actually being a seer
obviously I'm aware he's claiming to have peeked me (and I'm not happy about it)
it's obvious that anarchist wasn't even reading the conversation between jim and zsjostrom
this is damning imo
explain what you thought was wolfy
and don't say it doesn't matter because we know now that WN was a villager
it does matter because you need to explain what you were thinking
Jim, when you put on the
you're only supposed to wear it as a hat, not wrap your entire brain in it <_<. This makes even that NBA case look good.
Or, you know, 3. Ignore it until later in the day to get a better feel for how it's going. You're a strong villager (I still think you're a villager here), and I think that would make it dangerous for wolves to take a strong stance on your role. If they try and fail to get you mislynched it looks pretty bad for them, but they can't afford to pass up a chance to get rid of you (as you've said in the past, you've never yet been mislynched).
I know I told you in that NBA game that I'd feel fairly comfortable defending villagers as a wolf, but that doesn't mean I'd defend ALL the villagers, and you're definitely one where it would be a terrible mistake to miss out on a potential mislynch.
Your case on me in the NBA game involved pushing me for one thing I did that was wolfy under a certain interpretation, while ignoring the fact that there was no reason I couldn't have done it as a villager, not to mention that I was fairly villagery otherwise. Your case on Palo involved pushing him for one thing he did (or more precisely in this case, didn't do) that wolves sometimes do while ignoring the fact that villagers don't always pay attention to everything and that Palo had been somewhat villagery otherwise.
Do you see how I MIGHT have seen some similarities here?
1) I had a wolf lean on well named yesterday
2) There was plenty I didn't like about his posting other than the 25% thing. Sanga expressed a lot of it; I added a few other things that stuck out to me.
3) You're STILL failing to take into account that my play makes more sense when I'm a villager. I reviewed the lead wagons and expressed my opinions on them; I think you're a villager and that well named is a likely wolf (and well named being on you is consistent with both of these). How on earth does that necessitate this ridiculous scenario wherein I'm a wolf hard-defending a valuable mislynch and attacking another player who's trying to get you lynched?
In short: nope. Jim, you really need to stop grasping at why people could possibly be wolves and start concentrating on why they're probably wolves or why they're probably villagers. If I hadn't seen you do this before as a villager (and fail to do it as a wolf) I'd think you were incredibly wolfy for it.

Or, you know, 3. Ignore it until later in the day to get a better feel for how it's going. You're a strong villager (I still think you're a villager here), and I think that would make it dangerous for wolves to take a strong stance on your role. If they try and fail to get you mislynched it looks pretty bad for them, but they can't afford to pass up a chance to get rid of you (as you've said in the past, you've never yet been mislynched).
I know I told you in that NBA game that I'd feel fairly comfortable defending villagers as a wolf, but that doesn't mean I'd defend ALL the villagers, and you're definitely one where it would be a terrible mistake to miss out on a potential mislynch.
Your case on me in the NBA game involved pushing me for one thing I did that was wolfy under a certain interpretation, while ignoring the fact that there was no reason I couldn't have done it as a villager, not to mention that I was fairly villagery otherwise. Your case on Palo involved pushing him for one thing he did (or more precisely in this case, didn't do) that wolves sometimes do while ignoring the fact that villagers don't always pay attention to everything and that Palo had been somewhat villagery otherwise.
Do you see how I MIGHT have seen some similarities here?
1) I had a wolf lean on well named yesterday
2) There was plenty I didn't like about his posting other than the 25% thing. Sanga expressed a lot of it; I added a few other things that stuck out to me.
3) You're STILL failing to take into account that my play makes more sense when I'm a villager. I reviewed the lead wagons and expressed my opinions on them; I think you're a villager and that well named is a likely wolf (and well named being on you is consistent with both of these). How on earth does that necessitate this ridiculous scenario wherein I'm a wolf hard-defending a valuable mislynch and attacking another player who's trying to get you lynched?
In short: nope. Jim, you really need to stop grasping at why people could possibly be wolves and start concentrating on why they're probably wolves or why they're probably villagers. If I hadn't seen you do this before as a villager (and fail to do it as a wolf) I'd think you were incredibly wolfy for it.
so obviously w/w
aksdal also thought fluttershy was wolfy
and probably for the same reasons I did (clearing wolves)
Votes as of post 699
Night in 00:11
Night in 00:11
Votes | Lynch | Voters |
7 | KruZe | Aksdal (34), Anarchist (26), domer2 (20), DonkDonkDonkDonk (14), Master3004 (14), sangaman (31), well named (28) |
6 | Master3004 | 27AllIn (25), Fluttershy (22), KruZe (5), Loretta8 (9), zsjostrom35 (8), shanks (10) |
1 | Aksdal | VarianceMinefield (1) |
1 | Fluttershy | Jinxy52 (13) |
1 | JimHalpert | Sun Tzu (32) |
1 | VarianceMinefield | TimeLady (16) |
1 | zsjostrom35 | JimHalpert (33) |
1 | not voting | TheNothing (0) |
I pushed jim all day and only switched to kruze toward the end when the wagons were master/kruze
So this is Donk's d1
no discernible peeks as far as I can tell.
Then for d2
vmf SHC villa?
I think I could argue im SHC too if wolves thought he left 2 peeks yesterday, but I think Donk sponging me wasn't peekish
another day, another new villager to add to my circle of trust.
welcome, miss fluttershy
no discernible peeks as far as I can tell.
Then for d2
vmf SHC villa?
I think I could argue im SHC too if wolves thought he left 2 peeks yesterday, but I think Donk sponging me wasn't peekish
another day, another new villager to add to my circle of trust.
welcome, miss fluttershy
note there is no wolf-hunting or even pretending
just attacking
here is anaechist using his confident wolf tunneling tone.
you are a wolf
you are a wolf
trying to jump on anything small
again jumping on something small. thinking about something that wolves would be thining of more then villagers. about how wolves have perfect information. allin does play wolfy day one too and i think anarchist knows this
villa lean for fluttershy
she thinks that anarchist is wolfy
and sanga is villa
maybe aksdal, i havent gotten to donks posts yet
you are a wolf
you are a wolf
trying to jump on anything small
again jumping on something small. thinking about something that wolves would be thining of more then villagers. about how wolves have perfect information. allin does play wolfy day one too and i think anarchist knows this
villa lean for fluttershy
she thinks that anarchist is wolfy
and sanga is villa
maybe aksdal, i havent gotten to donks posts yet
he points out exactly what anarchist has been doing
You're a wolf or really bad 27.
Variances argument that my voting for him is wolfy is particular insulting.
He hasn't posted at all this game other than to yell at the people voting him when he wasn't even a wagon, then tilt self vote.
Then he goes back to day1 and asks us our opinion of a dead player, then makea his entire argument of who's wolfy based on the idiotic premise that not only is he a village, but that everyone should know he's a villager. This is basically hilarious because variance hasn't done anything villagery all game, but in fact has done a bunch of wolfy things.
Variances argument that my voting for him is wolfy is particular insulting.
He hasn't posted at all this game other than to yell at the people voting him when he wasn't even a wagon, then tilt self vote.
Then he goes back to day1 and asks us our opinion of a dead player, then makea his entire argument of who's wolfy based on the idiotic premise that not only is he a village, but that everyone should know he's a villager. This is basically hilarious because variance hasn't done anything villagery all game, but in fact has done a bunch of wolfy things.
for no good reason
anyone see a pattern yet?
congratulations, your IQ is at least 65
what is he doing here?
and what did I actually do?
I made a post saying flutter and kruze were wolves
then I latched onto jim (an actual wolf zomg!) and pushed him until he got lynched
and you can't say it was only after it was clear he had been peeked
I was on him from the beginning
youve made no case on me, just continually call me wolfy.
u havent answer any of my questions
both me and allin are shwoing villagery thought process. you just continually say
anarvhist is lock wolf here. another great thing about resolving anarchist is he spews an insane amount
youve made no case on me, just continually call me wolfy.
u havent answer any of my questions
both me and allin are shwoing villagery thought process. you just continually say
anarvhist is lock wolf here. another great thing about resolving anarchist is he spews an insane amount
someone should probably look into that if they're not sure
no wolf-hunting
no questioning
just "you're a wolf"
I don't know but someone could probably look into that
I'd be willing to bet that it isn't
and that villager anarchist would not be all over VM like this
The thing is in the 20ish% of the time you're a villager here, I can't possibly listen to you anyway. You've called me a lock wolf (which is wrong) and ironically have reverse-tunneled yourself. For some reason you can't even consider the possibility that someone would think you're a wolf, despite the numerous wolfy things you've done.
So no, I did not peek you, but yes, I think you are a wolf, and what the f that you can't grasp that. Lashing out instead of actually villaging is pretty sad.
So no, I did not peek you, but yes, I think you are a wolf, and what the f that you can't grasp that. Lashing out instead of actually villaging is pretty sad.
it looked like u were just insulting me, not asking me anything.
what were ur questions again?
if itabout reading the thread.
i plan to read the rest later. want to have posts to use to analyze them. so might wait till tomorrow.
i want to save some to interact tonight.
ask me questions though, i might wait till more posts are in thread so i can conserve posts.
what were ur questions again?
if itabout reading the thread.
i plan to read the rest later. want to have posts to use to analyze them. so might wait till tomorrow.
i want to save some to interact tonight.
ask me questions though, i might wait till more posts are in thread so i can conserve posts.
note I'm not just attacking him
I ask questions
I want to understand his thought processes to figure out his role
until I push wolves and argue against his wolfy agenda
Your story that you were rereading d1 EOD checks out, but then you also were interacting with Anarchist who was posting around the same time I was. It's not unreasonable that you'd miss my post (basically everyone who was posting around then did: Aksdal, Anarchist, Fluttershy, Kruze...) even if you're a villager though. Maybe I should've thrown in a lolcat post too to grab people's attention.
I meant what I said about POE, though. If you're a villager and shanks is a villager, then who are the wolves? I'm holding you to somewhat of a high standard because you're an experienced player and I've seen you be really villagery in VD.
Anyway, I currently believe VM is the best lynch today but for now I will vote
Because I think she may be evil:
I meant what I said about POE, though. If you're a villager and shanks is a villager, then who are the wolves? I'm holding you to somewhat of a high standard because you're an experienced player and I've seen you be really villagery in VD.
Anyway, I currently believe VM is the best lynch today but for now I will vote
Because I think she may be evil:
do I get on that?
pay attention to how the day develops
a villager that I don't think villager anarchist would think was a wolf
note jim was being discussed as a wagon
did anyone read the posts between us this morning? anyone?
did anyone read the posts between us this morning? anyone?
I think you should at least be able to see where I'm coming from. Your response seems like you think I'm more likely FOS than mistaken.
I believe you, which is prob pretty exploitable, but oh well. Also you pushing Jim makes me want to v-lean you. Can you vote for him? I'd be interested to see who tries to save him and who will bus.
I believe you, which is prob pretty exploitable, but oh well. Also you pushing Jim makes me want to v-lean you. Can you vote for him? I'd be interested to see who tries to save him and who will bus.
making a "soft" seer-claim to protect a wolf
does it look like seer cover?
not at all
it's only purpose is to protect jim
at this point, I'm thinking if anarchist isn't a seer, he needs to die
guess what
he's not a seer
wolf Sun wanted to smash villager anarchist's defense of jim for what?
villager cred?
Updated power rankings:
Sun Tzu
well named
Variance Minefield
Not sure exactly where the people in the middle go, but that's about right.
Flutters shooting waaaaaaay down for still being cryptic and vague.
I only have a few posts left so I will save them for end of day. Cya later.
Sun Tzu
well named
Variance Minefield
Not sure exactly where the people in the middle go, but that's about right.
Flutters shooting waaaaaaay down for still being cryptic and vague.
I only have a few posts left so I will save them for end of day. Cya later.
but he put flutter down at the bottom
with a bunch of other villagers that it would make no sense for him to believe are wolves
or if he had reasons for it, he never posted them
and I wasn't pushing flutter at this point
I was hot on the trail of the real wolves, jim -> zsjostrom -> anarchist
tell me again I've played badly
suck it bitches
so we lynch a villager?
wolf wants to lynch outside the claim (other wagons are VM and jinxy)
the wolves realize jim is peeked but want to squeeze in a free mislynch
note anarchist said the same thing (that he wanted to know what sanga and I thought) but when I said there was no reason to lynch outside the claim, he spazzed out did something completely different from what he had said
in other words, he was lying when he said that and he was just hoping we would both say to not lynch jim
this is damning
I'm using my last post today to say I'm not sure if we should lynch outside the claim today? I'm inclined to do whatever sanga or sun want since they're good and clear in my book.
at this point im not going to switch to jim because i ****ing want variance dead, and also i dont want to break seer cover here. if im seer jim is still a villager. if im not seer and the consensus is to lynch him, i will vote him by end of day.
so yeah this is my last post for today, also i agree with well named about the not pushing reads as a peek thing, yet i still think well named is wolfy for other reasons, but i wouldn't claim to peek him if i didn't. domer if u actually did peek him wolf, you're playing it very well fwiw.
anyway no more anarchist posts til tomorrow unless i have to switch my vote, and assuming i don't get NKed.
at this point im not going to switch to jim because i ****ing want variance dead, and also i dont want to break seer cover here. if im seer jim is still a villager. if im not seer and the consensus is to lynch him, i will vote him by end of day.
so yeah this is my last post for today, also i agree with well named about the not pushing reads as a peek thing, yet i still think well named is wolfy for other reasons, but i wouldn't claim to peek him if i didn't. domer if u actually did peek him wolf, you're playing it very well fwiw.
anyway no more anarchist posts til tomorrow unless i have to switch my vote, and assuming i don't get NKed.
I think I have it out of order in my multiquote and it was before timelady's similar post
in any case, my point is valid
he said one thing and then did something else when it didn't go the way he wanted
no **** wolf
I'm pretty sure the wolves knew I was seer at LEAST after n1, possibly some of d1. If I had to guess though, I'd say he didnt catch my thread alteration until after EOD on d1. So when you reread Jim, keep in mind that his agenda has been to spew his teammates villa.
I'm pretty sure the wolves knew I was seer at LEAST after n1, possibly some of d1. If I had to guess though, I'd say he didnt catch my thread alteration until after EOD on d1. So when you reread Jim, keep in mind that his agenda has been to spew his teammates villa.
This is too good. I think I'm going to just lynch in the claim. It's exploitable but it gains tempo
And the thought process around suspecting sangaman, that's just so hard to fake as a wolf, and the timing and delivery in response to sanga's post is also extremely villagery because it's in the flow of the thread rather than being a pre-cooked bit of the claim or anything
I'm out in 5 minutes blah blah blah
And the thought process around suspecting sangaman, that's just so hard to fake as a wolf, and the timing and delivery in response to sanga's post is also extremely villagery because it's in the flow of the thread rather than being a pre-cooked bit of the claim or anything
I'm out in 5 minutes blah blah blah
and it was the right thing to do
I'm not being results oriented
like I've said many times already, you lynch outside the claims when:
- there are competing claims
- there is a problem with the claim
- the claimant was in danger of getting lynched
none of those conditions were true
the odds of aksdal being a wolf there are negligible
Meh, I really hate this cause it forces me to claim.
I'm a vanillager
Why claim? Because I thought Aksdal could have been trying to gauge my response on being a seer since wolves have whiffed twice already. I felt like I was one of a select few that could be seer in his opinion, and wanted them to have a decision to make tonight.
But if we're not lynching outside the claim then there's no reason for that.
So I'm a vanillager. Aksdal is a wolf. He'll be killed tomorrow if we lynch me today. We only have 2 mislynches left though, and I don't want to be one of them.
But I think there's no chance I ever outlive Aksdal here barring a seer claiming. Also, theres no chance to accidently lynch a seer in the crossfire if we kill me.
So what I'm saying:
Lynch me.
Lynch Aksdal tomorrow.
Run good.
I'm a vanillager
Why claim? Because I thought Aksdal could have been trying to gauge my response on being a seer since wolves have whiffed twice already. I felt like I was one of a select few that could be seer in his opinion, and wanted them to have a decision to make tonight.
But if we're not lynching outside the claim then there's no reason for that.
So I'm a vanillager. Aksdal is a wolf. He'll be killed tomorrow if we lynch me today. We only have 2 mislynches left though, and I don't want to be one of them.
But I think there's no chance I ever outlive Aksdal here barring a seer claiming. Also, theres no chance to accidently lynch a seer in the crossfire if we kill me.
So what I'm saying:
Lynch me.
Lynch Aksdal tomorrow.
Run good.
would he do that as a villager?
I hope not
I really don't think he would
a wolf wants to lynch outside the claim
they really want this mislynch
anyone notice a pattern yet?
oh my god im pretty sure im going over my post limit to post this but i just have to:
all of my wolfiest players want to lynch inside the claim
chips just told me after the true blood game you never ever ever lynch inside the claim ever.
well named just asked people what to do, then voted inside the claim. what the f? why even ask for permission then?
we should lynch outside the claim here in case aksdal is lying. it's very clear cut. the wolves will resolve the claim for us. the fact that well named is voting jim only proves my point even more.
all of my wolfiest players want to lynch inside the claim
chips just told me after the true blood game you never ever ever lynch inside the claim ever.
well named just asked people what to do, then voted inside the claim. what the f? why even ask for permission then?
we should lynch outside the claim here in case aksdal is lying. it's very clear cut. the wolves will resolve the claim for us. the fact that well named is voting jim only proves my point even more.
this has to be a lie. There's no way chips said that
it is very clear cut
you lynch the wolf
every time
and the fact that villager well named voted jim supports my point
is this a villager wanting to cfd a wolf for defending a wolf or is it a wolf wanting to cfd a villager for defending a wolf?
one makes sense
one doesn't
calling a villager wolfy but without giving any reasoning
HOW THE HELL IS VARIANCEWOLFIELD surviving again. this is putting me on tilt. i just came off a villager game with really good reads (other than that stupid sooted thing) and someone NO ONE lynched 27allin who was a wolf and he went on to win
now somehow variance will get off again and again and again and again what the ****
now somehow variance will get off again and again and again and again what the ****
VM was on their list of mislynches and anarchist was tilting at it slipping away
so lynch one of the villager wagons instead
say what?
we have a seer claim
it's probably real
it might not be
jim didnt lolcat
you want to cfd me??? oh my god i'm so rarely a villager i will be so ****ing mad if i dont get to play out the rest of this game. what the hell are you doing and why are you SO RESISTANT to killing variance minefield
it's probably real
it might not be
jim didnt lolcat
you want to cfd me??? oh my god i'm so rarely a villager i will be so ****ing mad if i dont get to play out the rest of this game. what the hell are you doing and why are you SO RESISTANT to killing variance minefield
but I wasn't sure he was a wolf
I was sure jim was
ok, now imagine I was a wolf
how easy would it be to just go along with the outside the claim thing?
why would I fight it so hard?
there is literally no reason for villager anarchist to react this way
good players know the correct move here is to lynch the peeked wolf
, 11:38 AM
your post is very long, ask me a list of questions i can respond to instead of you making stuff up.
i noticed several contradictions very obviously in your tl;dr multiquote already. for one you said you knew palo was an obvious villager, then you criticized me for voting someone for voting palo! also, you were seerhunting then and you're trying to use that as villa points? I laid perfectly good seer cover. and of course you're going to be results oriented, you KNEW JIM WAS A WOLF. LYNCHING OUTSIDE THE CLAIM WAS STILL CORRECT.
but the biggest contradiction of all is the following:
you said that variance knew this was my wolf game and keep harping on it. that is false. the last thing variance said is that he would support lynching you over me. and same with well named. and same with fluttershy. it's because everyone ITT knows and knew you're a wolf. yet you still keep trying to find OLDER posts where they called you a villager. however, if you quote their LAST posts, it's quite clear they knew or at least suspected you are a wolf.
additionally, what you're describing isn't even how i play wolf anyway. as a wolf i don't push easy mislynches, i bus a LOT for credit. so you're now making something up and using it to build a case.
i noticed several contradictions very obviously in your tl;dr multiquote already. for one you said you knew palo was an obvious villager, then you criticized me for voting someone for voting palo! also, you were seerhunting then and you're trying to use that as villa points? I laid perfectly good seer cover. and of course you're going to be results oriented, you KNEW JIM WAS A WOLF. LYNCHING OUTSIDE THE CLAIM WAS STILL CORRECT.
but the biggest contradiction of all is the following:
you said that variance knew this was my wolf game and keep harping on it. that is false. the last thing variance said is that he would support lynching you over me. and same with well named. and same with fluttershy. it's because everyone ITT knows and knew you're a wolf. yet you still keep trying to find OLDER posts where they called you a villager. however, if you quote their LAST posts, it's quite clear they knew or at least suspected you are a wolf.
additionally, what you're describing isn't even how i play wolf anyway. as a wolf i don't push easy mislynches, i bus a LOT for credit. so you're now making something up and using it to build a case.
, 11:39 AM
if i were a wolf, i would have bussed jim when he was peeked. 100% of the time. ALways. every time.
the fact that you did it is one of the things that tipped me off to you being a wolf. because it's such a suspicious play.
the fact that you did it is one of the things that tipped me off to you being a wolf. because it's such a suspicious play.
, 11:40 AM
it's in my multiquote
after jim starts getting heat and is afraid he's been peeked, he starts doing the fake spew dance with zsjostrom, who calls jim a villager for some stupid reason and jim calls him a wolf for defending him
then anarchist replies with "just because he called you a wolf doesn't mean he's one", showing he wasn't even paying attention to the conversation they were having
ok, I'll get to that at some point then
my point is that will just be speculation on my part
there's no slip up
there is one wolf between me and anarchist
loretta is irrelevant
one thing worth pointing out is that the reason anarchist wants to lynch me, rather than loretta is because he wins on the spot if that happens
for the village to win, we have to lynch both of them
after jim starts getting heat and is afraid he's been peeked, he starts doing the fake spew dance with zsjostrom, who calls jim a villager for some stupid reason and jim calls him a wolf for defending him
then anarchist replies with "just because he called you a wolf doesn't mean he's one", showing he wasn't even paying attention to the conversation they were having
my point is that will just be speculation on my part
I think the slip-up is referring to Anarchist as "the" wolf, suggesting you are a wolf who will win by lynching Anarchist therefore you are making your focus on lynching Anarchist. However, Anarchist's desire to lynch you today instead of Loretta shows that his focus is on lynching you.
there is one wolf between me and anarchist
loretta is irrelevant
one thing worth pointing out is that the reason anarchist wants to lynch me, rather than loretta is because he wins on the spot if that happens
for the village to win, we have to lynch both of them
, 11:43 AM
im playing the same way i've played every other villager game. looking at peoples' tone and motives to see what their intentions are. your tone this game has been to bully people into mislynches. you've stated you "knew" who the wolves are and pushed for their lynches. this is false. i will go quote your voting record when i get back from class. this entire time you've posted about how you've known stuff, yet you made sure your vote ended up on a villager EVERY TIME except when we had a peeked wolf and you knew you could bus for credit.
and the specific post about well named, obviously (and i mean obviously) i asked him that rhetorical question "are you wolfing" to get him to talk to me so i could get a tone read off of him. stop nitpicking every goddamn thing, it just shows you have an agenda.
and the specific post about well named, obviously (and i mean obviously) i asked him that rhetorical question "are you wolfing" to get him to talk to me so i could get a tone read off of him. stop nitpicking every goddamn thing, it just shows you have an agenda.
, 11:44 AM
one thing worth pointing out is that the reason anarchist wants to lynch me, rather than loretta is because he wins on the spot if that happens
, 12:09 PM
you're not going to convince me you're a villager
but please show me (and the jury) where I've made stuff up
i noticed several contradictions very obviously in your tl;dr multiquote already. for one you said you knew palo was an obvious villager, then you criticized me for voting someone for voting palo! also, you were seerhunting then and you're trying to use that as villa points? I laid perfectly good seer cover. and of course you're going to be results oriented, you KNEW JIM WAS A WOLF. LYNCHING OUTSIDE THE CLAIM WAS STILL CORRECT.
I've pointed out in my multiquotes that the seers made their peeks obvious
that's relevant to the question of fps, which is the only thing you have going for you
aksdal was pretty obvious on the day he claimed, which was why I encouraged him to claim; he said himself he thought that he would get night-killed
him claiming there was 100% correct imo
and lynching jim there is 100% correct
every time
don't think that you can pull a fast one about this just because sanga and domer are new players and you killed off WN
you lynch the wolf-peek in that spot
every time
there's nothing results-oriented about it
but the biggest contradiction of all is the following:
you said that variance knew this was my wolf game and keep harping on it. that is false. the last thing variance said is that he would support lynching you over me. and same with well named. and same with fluttershy. it's because everyone ITT knows and knew you're a wolf. yet you still keep trying to find OLDER posts where they called you a villager. however, if you quote their LAST posts, it's quite clear they knew or at least suspected you are a wolf.
additionally, what you're describing isn't even how i play wolf anyway. as a wolf i don't push easy mislynches, i bus a LOT for credit. so you're now making something up and using it to build a case.
you said that variance knew this was my wolf game and keep harping on it. that is false. the last thing variance said is that he would support lynching you over me. and same with well named. and same with fluttershy. it's because everyone ITT knows and knew you're a wolf. yet you still keep trying to find OLDER posts where they called you a villager. however, if you quote their LAST posts, it's quite clear they knew or at least suspected you are a wolf.
additionally, what you're describing isn't even how i play wolf anyway. as a wolf i don't push easy mislynches, i bus a LOT for credit. so you're now making something up and using it to build a case.
please show me where I did that
you just got caught lying again
afaik, the only person I've quoted calling me a villager was you
I'm not going to use reads from players who had tons of bad reads as any kind of evidence
what kind of **** is that?
I'm using logical arguments; no appeals to authority, no appeals to popular opinion
this isn't a survey; we're not going to poll the audience
I'm a villager and you're a wolf and I'm pointing out all the evidence that shows that
feel free to dispute anything you disagree with
but make sure it's something I actually said
don't just pretend I said something that I didn't
and in any case, that's not even true because well named said there was basically no way I could be a wolf
and the only reason VM thought you were clear was because of the stupid nk
and are you sure you want to use flutter's read (self-described as fear) of me to support your case?
she had 4 of the 5 wolves in her villager lists
and claiming that the correct play is a suspicious play is just digging your hole deeper
no one is going to fall for that
, 12:28 PM
im playing the same way i've played every other villager game. looking at peoples' tone and motives to see what their intentions are. your tone this game has been to bully people into mislynches. you've stated you "knew" who the wolves are and pushed for their lynches. this is false. i will go quote your voting record when i get back from class. this entire time you've posted about how you've known stuff, yet you made sure your vote ended up on a villager EVERY TIME except when we had a peeked wolf and you knew you could bus for credit.
and the specific post about well named, obviously (and i mean obviously) i asked him that rhetorical question "are you wolfing" to get him to talk to me so i could get a tone read off of him. stop nitpicking every goddamn thing, it just shows you have an agenda.
and the specific post about well named, obviously (and i mean obviously) i asked him that rhetorical question "are you wolfing" to get him to talk to me so i could get a tone read off of him. stop nitpicking every goddamn thing, it just shows you have an agenda.
I want the truth to be as obvious as possible
that's my agenda
and I'm through responding to you
I'm not going to waste any more posts on your garbage
, 12:31 PM
Ugh I hate that. Firefox has been crashing on me way too often after the recent updates.
Because I've never seen Anarchist peek a wolf on d1 as a wolf before. It's a single data point of Anarchist doing something I've never seen him do as a wolf, so it increases the likelihood that Anarchist is a villager.
This does seem pretty w/w. Timelady makes one of those reads that isn't really a read. It's more like a "Hey did you guys know Anarchist is a villager when he's annoying? And my has he been annoying this game."
Good point. Anarchist should know better than to sponge his peek especially if he thinks his peek's game is off as it seemed he suspected you were that day.
To be fair, your reads weren't perfect. Yes you were right to be suspicious of Jim and you could clear a couple players like me and domer (and Palo, in hindsight), but you weren't the only one. 3/4 likely wolves on this list are villagers, and 2/5 likely villagers are wolves, although you are 2/2 on obvious villagers. But really everyone could say sangaman was a villager, I'd been very active and villagery and I was SHC. One of my points along is that the never wolves never had any sort of plan that involved mislynching me.
Somehow the first time I read this I saw "just because someone calls you a villager does not make them a wolf." But you're right. Anarchist clearly had zsj's post backwards and that does mean he didn't read zsj's posts but chose to comment on it anyway.
I agree that VM rereading the thread from the beginning wasn't wolfy. It was probably a waste of time to read from the beginning with no knowledge of the NKs and lynches, but the fact that VM was trying to reread at all could only increase the likelihood that he was a villager. It does look a bit like Anarchist was trying not to let a mislynch slip away.
Domer was actually convinced VM was a wolf and pushed him hard.
This is a pretty good point. It's a bad play to soft claim to hard defend a player for the sole reason that you may have peeked him.
Good point. He clearly says he'll do what Sun and sanga want to do. I think I my take on the situation was I'm not sure what to do but I'm leaning towards lynching outside the claim, and I was torn between VM and Jinxy. You on the other hand were quite adamant that you wanted to lynch Jim. So why would he listen to one of us that's less sure? He even hard claimed vanillager so it's not like he had even a shred of seer cover worth preserving by not voting Jim.
27 felt the same way you did because he had TMI that Aksdal was a villager. He should have voted Jim. If I had peeked Aksdal, I would have voted Jim and made up some case for why lynching Jim was correct, I wouldn't have gone along with one of my other peeks who was unsure what to do but was leaning outside the claim.
[QUOTEthis has to be a lie. There's no way chips said that[/QUOTE]
Here is what I believe Anarchist was referring to.
Let me know your thoughts on this, Sun.
wolf timelady clearing wolf anarchist while calling him annoying
anarchist still hasn't explained why fake-peeking me would be a good reason to sponge me
but the reason is obvious: they were both villagers so he'd love for them to get lynched and for me to get blamed for it
but if he wants to pretend he's a villager, he's going to have to make up some reason a villager would do that
but the reason is obvious: they were both villagers so he'd love for them to get lynched and for me to get blamed for it
but if he wants to pretend he's a villager, he's going to have to make up some reason a villager would do that
aksdal had a couple roles from the mod
I have good reads
I have good reads
and this here is a clear slip
it's obvious that anarchist wasn't even reading the conversation between jim and zsjostrom
this is damning imo
it's obvious that anarchist wasn't even reading the conversation between jim and zsjostrom
this is damning imo
anarchist calling a villager wolfy for little or no reason
why would domer want to vote a tilty villager for not reading the thread closely?
this is garbage
making a "soft" seer-claim to protect a wolf
does it look like seer cover?
not at all
it's only purpose is to protect jim
at this point, I'm thinking if anarchist isn't a seer, he needs to die
guess what
he's not a seer
making a "soft" seer-claim to protect a wolf
does it look like seer cover?
not at all
it's only purpose is to protect jim
at this point, I'm thinking if anarchist isn't a seer, he needs to die
guess what
he's not a seer
"idk what to do" let's ask sanga
note anarchist said the same thing (that he wanted to know what sanga and I thought) but when I said there was no reason to lynch outside the claim, he spazzed out did something completely different from what he had said
in other words, he was lying when he said that and he was just hoping we would both say to not lynch jim
this is damning
note anarchist said the same thing (that he wanted to know what sanga and I thought) but when I said there was no reason to lynch outside the claim, he spazzed out did something completely different from what he had said
in other words, he was lying when he said that and he was just hoping we would both say to not lynch jim
this is damning
27 feels the same way I did: the claim is obviously legit and jim was wolfy anyway
[QUOTEthis has to be a lie. There's no way chips said that[/QUOTE]
Here is what I believe Anarchist was referring to.
As I've said many times, villagers should never react honestly to claims. Most of the value of fake claiming is villagers do react honestly and thereby give away if they are <role> or not.
What sooted is doing is what every villager should do -- not reacting honestly to a fake claim.
When somebody claims, here's the checklist:
As soon as you have a "YES" answer, you stop going down the list! Your opinion of a claim is quite worthless when perfect information can be had for practically free.
What sooted is doing is what every villager should do -- not reacting honestly to a fake claim.
When somebody claims, here's the checklist:
- Is the claim verifiable?
- Will the wolves resolve the claim?
- What is my opinion of the claim?
As soon as you have a "YES" answer, you stop going down the list! Your opinion of a claim is quite worthless when perfect information can be had for practically free.
, 01:05 PM
your post is very long, ask me a list of questions i can respond to instead of you making stuff up.
i noticed several contradictions very obviously in your tl;dr multiquote already. for one you said you knew palo was an obvious villager, then you criticized me for voting someone for voting palo! also, you were seerhunting then and you're trying to use that as villa points? I laid perfectly good seer cover. and of course you're going to be results oriented, you KNEW JIM WAS A WOLF. LYNCHING OUTSIDE THE CLAIM WAS STILL CORRECT.
but the biggest contradiction of all is the following:
you said that variance knew this was my wolf game and keep harping on it. that is false. the last thing variance said is that he would support lynching you over me. and same with well named. and same with fluttershy. it's because everyone ITT knows and knew you're a wolf. yet you still keep trying to find OLDER posts where they called you a villager. however, if you quote their LAST posts, it's quite clear they knew or at least suspected you are a wolf.
additionally, what you're describing isn't even how i play wolf anyway. as a wolf i don't push easy mislynches, i bus a LOT for credit. so you're now making something up and using it to build a case.
i noticed several contradictions very obviously in your tl;dr multiquote already. for one you said you knew palo was an obvious villager, then you criticized me for voting someone for voting palo! also, you were seerhunting then and you're trying to use that as villa points? I laid perfectly good seer cover. and of course you're going to be results oriented, you KNEW JIM WAS A WOLF. LYNCHING OUTSIDE THE CLAIM WAS STILL CORRECT.
but the biggest contradiction of all is the following:
you said that variance knew this was my wolf game and keep harping on it. that is false. the last thing variance said is that he would support lynching you over me. and same with well named. and same with fluttershy. it's because everyone ITT knows and knew you're a wolf. yet you still keep trying to find OLDER posts where they called you a villager. however, if you quote their LAST posts, it's quite clear they knew or at least suspected you are a wolf.
additionally, what you're describing isn't even how i play wolf anyway. as a wolf i don't push easy mislynches, i bus a LOT for credit. so you're now making something up and using it to build a case.
Anarchist, in Video Games I don't really remember you bussing anyone. Gad a bit but you didn't vote him on d1, only when it was obvious he was a wolf IIRC. Of course the wolves crushed that game, so bussing wasn't necessary.
Alright here's where I stand. I'm going to be operating under the assumption that Loretta is a wolf for now. I gave Loretta a chance to make me think he's a villager, but I don't think that's going to happen. So from now on I'm considering only two wolf teams, Sun/Jim/TL/zsj/Loretta and Anarchist/Jim/TL/zsj/Loretta.
I'm going to start rereading the thread soon and I'll try to look at everything both ways. I'm blowing off work for the next few hours. I won't be quoting/responding to everything or try building a case since the only person I'm really trying to convince is my wolf, but I'll try to share some thoughts as I go along so you guys know where I'm at.
Sun and Anarchist, I think you've both played good games and you've both earned my respect. Sun, your work and your posts today have been tremendous and, in a vacuum, I'd be shocked if you were a wolf. But as of yesterday, I didn't see any way for Anarchist to be a wolf either (largely based on the Flutter NK). So I'm doing something wrong somewhere and I'm going to try to figure it out.
, 01:27 PM
sanga, we've played a lot together. i'm really not this tricky. you're thinking about 3 levels too high imo. take all the time you need, but i'm pretty sure level 1 solves this game.
, 01:42 PM
This is your voting history from days 2 through 4. Day 1 you didn't even both to vote. Day 2 you voted for a villager. Day 3 you went inside the claim. After that you voted for the outed/peeked wolves just like everyone else.
So my question is, if the wolves were so obvious as you claim, why did you never vote for them?
So my question is, if the wolves were so obvious as you claim, why did you never vote for them?
Count is slightly off. Jim was actually on Kruze as of post #700.
Sorry about that.
Votes as of post 736
Sorry about that.
Votes as of post 736
Votes | Lynch | Voters |
9 | KruZe | Aksdal (35), Anarchist (32), domer2 (24), DonkDonkDonkDonk (15), JimHalpert (34), Master3004 (21), sangaman (35), Sun Tzu (33), well named (28) |
6 | Master3004 | 27AllIn (27), Fluttershy (22), KruZe (5), Loretta8 (9), shanks (15), zsjostrom35 (9) |
2 | VarianceMinefield | TimeLady (16), VarianceMinefield (6) |
1 | Fluttershy | Jinxy52 (13) |
1 | not voting | TheNothing (0) |
Votes as of post 1207
Jinxy is lynched, she was a mouse (villager)
Night actions by 12:30am server time please.
Votes | Lynch | Voters |
7 | Jinxy52 | Master3004 (28), 27AllIn (29), Fluttershy (35), JimHalpert (29), sangaman (35), TimeLady (23), zsjostrom35 (9) |
4 | JimHalpert | Aksdal (41), Sun Tzu (44), VarianceMinefield (35), well named (35) |
3 | VarianceMinefield | Anarchist (49), domer2 (24), Loretta8 (15) |
1 | sangaman | Jinxy52 (16) |
1 | not voting | shanks (7) |
Jinxy is lynched, she was a mouse (villager)
Night actions by 12:30am server time please.
Votes as of post 1594
All Jim wanted was to live in Paris and cook food. But the owner of the establishment found out and kicked him out.

Jim was lynched. It came as no surprise to anyone that he was
Night actions by 12:30 am please.
Votes | Lynch | Voters |
7 | JimHalpert | 27AllIn (9), domer2 (36), Loretta8 (26), sangaman (37), shanks (9), Sun Tzu (39), TimeLady (37) |
6 | not voting | well named (19), zsjostrom35 (1), Anarchist (0), Fluttershy (56), JimHalpert (22), VarianceMinefield (64) |
All Jim wanted was to live in Paris and cook food. But the owner of the establishment found out and kicked him out.

Jim was lynched. It came as no surprise to anyone that he was
Night actions by 12:30 am please.
, 01:49 PM
knows her Big Ten
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 21,899
anarchist, can you and sun please post the wolf chat logs of the two of you planning out your coordinated in thread attacks on each other after i get mislynched here?
, 01:51 PM
loretta, i want to thank you in advance for not planning the end of game out at all.
as a result, you spewed sun so, so hard.
should have though about that one before the shanks mislynch.
as a result, you spewed sun so, so hard.
should have though about that one before the shanks mislynch.
, 01:51 PM
knows her Big Ten
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 21,899
as for that chips stuff about whether or not to lynch outside the claim, situations are situational. the game chips was yelling at you about, lynching inside the claim was lolbad, here, in the absence of a counter, it was a perfectly reasonable move. i'm kinda surprised anarchist didn't jump on jim the way sun did, i guess it was all part of the plan to set up the impossibility of you two being w/w
, 01:52 PM
i didn't jump on jim because it's a terrible play and outs you as a wolf. the only way you can do that is if you know jim is a wolf. and the only way that's true is if you're his partner.
, 01:55 PM
knows her Big Ten
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 21,899
an uncountered seer said he was a wolf
therefore, he was a wolf
therefore, he was a wolf
, 01:56 PM
jim did counter. he said he was a villager. unless someone lolcats, why would you test a seer claim? let the wolves do it. you and sun know this and you're just trolling me
, 01:58 PM
Done with d1. d2 becomes interesting because that's when becomes Sun starts participating.
, 02:05 PM
knows her Big Ten
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 21,899
variance obv wasn't seer since both sun and anarchist are wolves
hope that helps, sanga
hope that helps, sanga
, 02:13 PM
Something to note here is that a seer would only counterclaim if they have knowledge that Aksdal's claim is false. Since there were multiple seers, it's like the seer could have said "you can't be the seer because I'm the seer."
Where is the spew? Is it just that Loretta said Sun was a likely villager the last two days? Because I really can't buy that, after the wolves have perfect info it's dangerous to get information from anything they say.
, 02:14 PM
Where is the spew? Is it just that Loretta said Sun was a likely villager the last two days? Because I really can't buy that, after the wolves have perfect info it's dangerous to get information from anything they say.
Yes. Loretta and Sun have not interacted even ONCE in thread. Yet mysteriously loretta has sun down as a lock wolf and says never to lynch him. And mysteriously they both want to push shanks, and both have made me the focus of their attention today.
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