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10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread 10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread

11-05-2013 , 07:46 PM
let's just stop all this intelligent conversation & repeat after me:


10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-05-2013 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
Yeah, no, I know, I mean, I don't exactly want to say that you posting 200+ times is a BAD idea or anything (though I do personally wish more games had post restrictions in general, because it makes the game more playable)

It's more of the idea that you kind of expressed above, that posting 30 times is somehow inadequate or UTR or whatever. Because if that's not more than adequate, then you are cutting out a lot of people that would otherwise play the game, and/or you're making in-game judgements based on stuff that shouldn't have much to do with the game (how much time someone has to play), if that makes sense.

(And yes I know some people post a lot less as wolves than villagers, yada yada, I get it)

And I know someone will come along and say "well we don't really think that" and then it gets brought up every game anyway and it's no fun.
I cannot control what people conclude.

I do not believe that I said " I never post this much as a wolf"
They could have search for a game and realised that I still post a tonne as w olf

But I am not going to point out that in a thunderdome for ML.

What I am saying is

I might have not squashed the idea of clearing me on volume.
But I never posts more to take advantage of it.
And I certainly did not claim that I was clear because of it ---> I claimed village leadership and I claimed some style of posts as clear of me. But pretty confident I did not say I do not post this way as a wolf or I never post this much as a wolf.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-05-2013 , 07:49 PM
Oh I might have once
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-05-2013 , 07:50 PM
Was it post game or in game?

I kicked and bleed as a villa - where as I fight hard as a wolf but not that hard.
I think it was post game.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-05-2013 , 07:51 PM
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-05-2013 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
let's just stop all this intelligent conversation & repeat after me:


TN is a goat
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-05-2013 , 10:27 PM
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-05-2013 , 10:36 PM
TN is GOAT at randing roles that lock clear her.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-05-2013 , 11:33 PM
I didn't follow the late game much but I seem to remember thinking that Bremen was doing a fine job.

I declare him the village MVP.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-05-2013 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
let's just stop all this intelligent conversation & repeat after me:


ReddBoiler confirmed GOAT
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-05-2013 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Villagers please read up dead villagers FFS. How was redd alive for so long after I died?
BATM - I told you that you would 100% die before me and I meant it. Whenever I wanted someone dead this game I decided they would die. Messing with the GOAT is barking up the wrong tree.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-05-2013 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
BATM - I told you that you would 100% die before me and I meant it. Whenever I wanted someone dead this game I decided they would die. Messing with the GOAT is barking up the wrong tree.
I was gonna shot you bro. I got side track with bloo being a dick and the mods decided to make all shots hit.
Then you all shots in a row and I wasn't able to send the pm on time...
I almost shot you when I said the part of you wanna see how you die before me?
But didnt cuz then I felt BATM will get modkilled for kinda soft claiming I was about to put a vig.
My character was unclaimable if not I would have say you are dead! Submit the pm and proceed to laugh at u
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-05-2013 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
ReddBoiler you truly are the GOAT. Next time you tell me not to mess with you I'll find a different wolf. You werent playing when you said I'd die 100% before you.

Always lessons to be learned in every WW game. Even I still learn some things after every WW game I play.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-06-2013 , 12:00 AM
Yea I learn I have more wins than you. Or better winning % than most legends in this game.
One day in many years from now after I retire and you make a gimmick and pwn noobs like I do now you might reach my winning %
I just won, but if villa played better they snipe you as soon as I die. I can only do so much it's not my fault most people never read my 101 WW book.
U are pretty good but you know I'm above you, I'm at a diff level. You don't even understand what I type. One day when u are better you will be able to crack the code.
Within all this aids writing, I outed my role, who the wolves are and my n1 peek. U can't see it its ok lil boy

To you its aids but it's just that you are not as good. GOAT is what I use to put my wiener when I was younger, that's why I don't get why u want me to put my wiener inside you... Ima. Goat I'm goat u keep telling me! Well I moved on from that sorry.
"We WOLFs eat sheep and goats like you for dessert" -BATM
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-06-2013 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
BATM - I told you that you would 100% die before me and I meant it. Whenever I wanted someone dead this game I decided they would die. Messing with the GOAT is barking up the wrong tree.

No animals were harmed. The GOAT enjoyed it
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-06-2013 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Yea I learn I have more wins than you. Or better winning % than most legends in this game.
One day in many years from now after I retire and you make a gimmick and pwn noobs like I do now you might reach my winning %
I just won, but if villa played better they snipe you as soon as I die. I can only do so much it's not my fault most people never read my 101 WW book.
U are pretty good but you know I'm above you, I'm at a diff level. You don't even understand what I type. One day when u are better you will be able to crack the code.
Within all this aids writing, I outed my role, who the wolves are and my n1 peek. U can't see it its ok lil boy

To you its aids but it's just that you are not as good. GOAT is what I use to put my wiener when I was younger, that's why I don't get why u want me to put my wiener inside you... Ima. Goat I'm goat u keep telling me! Well I moved on from that sorry.
"We WOLFs eat sheep and goats like you for dessert" -BATM

Sorry bro - only language I speak is GOAT. Dont have an average translator.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-06-2013 , 12:16 AM
Haha. What's goat language?
Your language is so sexyyyyy hmmmm. I love it
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-06-2013 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
BATM - I told you that you would 100% die before me and I meant it. Whenever I wanted someone dead this game I decided they would die. Messing with the GOAT is barking up the wrong tree.
"Whenever I wanted someone dead..."

Now I would never claim to be GOAT - but to think you could have got me mislynched this game.

If Dwetzel couldn't have ----> Reddboiler couldn't have.

You would not have been able to get a number of players lynched this game

Felix - I do not think you could have got him
domer - why do you think he was nightkilled - nah you aint mislynching him
confirmedtroll - he had a claim that no one seemed to believe and he could not provide proof - I do not think he got shot at or had a lot of votes
theNothing - your team had to vig him late

Just to name a few.

Claiming you can kill someone needs more than just words.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-06-2013 , 12:57 AM
I'm just pissed off I didn't reread him at night

I didn't shoot DWetzel because he put doubt in my mind. Once I read reddboiler it was a mortal lock DWetzel was a wolf. I even managed to point it out before I died, but nobody looked at it. I had a sad.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-06-2013 , 01:12 AM
A slight blemish on a superbly played role Bremen.

You stayed out of the way - when your role had not activated then cleared yourself when you were an actual vig ----> you claimed in a spot that made sure that we got to a position where we could win.

maybe no claim is slightly better but your way allowed us to narrow down God. In half of one day -----> I push the idea of uniform worship, Koriju underlines he is not god which reinforces that he is also unlikely wolf, I am able to disclaim being God ----> You disqualify yourself from God, Unless god is a cylon TheNothing is not God....dwetzel remains silent, So it was Quarr El_timon or tmleaf.
We correctly work out late game after koriju hard claims not God.
tmleaf possible mislynch and misvig ---> we use worship process to narrow roles.

You then have a 2/3 chance of hitting a wolf
quarr, dwetzel, el_timon
1/3 of hitting vig

So I think your claim or last night shot were small errors at worst
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-06-2013 , 01:22 AM
One thing about the wolf game I did not get.

Why they did not use a wolf day vig to kill filthyvermin the village angel.

I think filthy claimed day 2....not sure if you had used your day vig early. But I would have used a day vig on him.
Angel is pretty strong late game with claimable village PRs.
I think it makes sense to use day actions for the village angel rather than seer hunt....say day 3.....yes you run the risk of two more peeks being available but you have ITAs to target possible seers or their peeks + at that stage you still had 8 live wolves so any one peeked or two peeked wolves is rarely catastrophic.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-06-2013 , 01:28 AM
I was never shooting Quarrr

At one point I think quite a few people thought I might be God. I wonder if anyone worshipped me.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-06-2013 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
One thing about the wolf game I did not get.

Why they did not use a wolf day vig to kill filthyvermin the village angel.

I think filthy claimed day 2....not sure if you had used your day vig early. But I would have used a day vig on him.
Angel is pretty strong late game with claimable village PRs.
I think it makes sense to use day actions for the village angel rather than seer hunt....say day 3.....yes you run the risk of two more peeks being available but you have ITAs to target possible seers or their peeks + at that stage you still had 8 live wolves so any one peeked or two peeked wolves is rarely catastrophic.
Iirc there was a feeling in wolfchat that filthy was a potential mislynch and there was also more concern about finding the vigs and seers. The fact that we lost our night vig early didn't help. It definitely ended up costing us in the endgame.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-06-2013 , 02:02 AM
I actually wish Klingbard I think it was (Baltar) would have lasted longer. Would have been quite interesting.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-06-2013 , 02:38 AM
yes, D8 he got a vig shot, lol, straight mod trolling there
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
