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10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread 10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread

11-03-2013 , 01:03 PM

What day did the bomb go off? Day 3?
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 01:05 PM
Votes from post 10856 to post 11301
Night in 8:55:12

5 Eurotrash TheNothing (20), DWetzel (64), Kojiru (10), SirRawrsALot (8), El_Timon (15)
3 DWetzel Bremen (64), tmleafs1967 (22), filthyvermin (17)
1 unvote DiggertheDog (153)
2 not voting Eurotrash (39), Booker Wolfbox (9)
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by El_Timon
What do you mean by the bolded?
I mean that you seem unwilling to express an opinion on a lot of people, probably in the hopes that we go slightly wrong down the line and you can glom onto that mistake.

Now, "unwilling" may just be "I haven't done it yet", in which case carry on and actually do it, but right now I've got a burgeoning suspicion that you are bussing Euro here and may well be specifically the wolf day vig.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 01:09 PM
Kojiru could well be it too actually, unverifiable claim + spooky good shot lists + wolf lists.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 01:10 PM
More or less in order, but the underbelly is what needs to get sorted out for us to win this game:

Never lynching

SirRawrs (if he's a GF, good luck to you guys at f3 if there is a f3)

Probably unwise to lynch, even though I kinda want to anyway

The underbelly that has to have 2-3 wolves
El Timon

Needs to die and right soon
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 01:16 PM
I mean, if you want to take a flyer on the wolf day vig and just assume wolves are bussing Euro (which I think is a risky assumption to make, but whatever), then I'd look at one of El Timon or Kojiru. Possibly Bremen (who I actually probably should have put below leafs, but whatever), but I kinda don't think so.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 01:17 PM
Kojiru's day 2:

Comes in the thread to defend himself because bloo was putting him as wolfy.

Originally Posted by Kojiru
I never claimed to be try harding anything. I was just ready for the game. This is my second time on a game on the forum, so excuse me for any miscommunication there. Yes I was here for ITA's, but with town giving absolutely zero consensus for a target, rather then people hopping on shots, I ain't gonna shoot yet. As for EOD, yeah, I have this thing at work called a night shift most of the time. I'm lucky enough that I could make ITA's after realizing when they started that the thread is in EDT. Luckily I don't today though.

Well since he was (barring trickery) village cylon, this makes sense, granted it's bad luck I was the last one he wanted to talk about. I do blend in though, and you're having me break out to defend myself against the one "dead" guy who targeted me.

Now, I'd rather not waste ITA shots on me since I am a villager. We do need to make sure we know which cylons are the wolfiest and keep them down, at least one or two, otherwise they can influence the votes still. Obviously influence them, but still influence it nonetheless

Also, wtf at the domer shot. Seriously.
Shoots pry out of the blue, but explains himself and the explanation makes sense.

Originally Posted by Kojiru
Shoot Pry
Originally Posted by Kojiru
The chaos in ITA's is we can't get a consensus because we can't decide on who is clear to follow. I shot pry(I was waiting to see if anyone else would step up for the kill shot first.) to keep him out of the game for being a cylon (I know the diction about cylons). With the resurrection hub going down soon hopefully, and the cylons staying dead, we should be getting way more information from them.

Right now we need to see which of the cylons are good and bad, and I say use ITA's to keep them down and null their votes. The other problem is the chaos is causing random shots on yourself and others (I couldn't tell whether ATM just misread the ITA part or was just playing dumb.) This won't be solved until the hub is down.

Also, I've been ignoring god for now. IMO, I think God gets to choose one of whatever role actions they want during the day and night, but that is me.
More mechanics/lore talk:

Originally Posted by Kojiru
Correct. Colonists worshiped all the gods of Kobol, whereas the Cylons believed in one god.
Originally Posted by Kojiru
The currently resurrecting cylons will probably come back, then we can kill them.
This is actually the first time he provides a read. Two of them are cylons which he had said before "most cylons should be considered as likely wolves" and a meta read on ragnarok. Thoroughly unimpressive list of reads if you ask me.

Originally Posted by Kojiru
Pry, Gabe, I want to say Ragnarok because I feel hes doing the same thing as last game and coasting, but I can say the same for myself. Granted we were completely different roles in the same playstyle. I want to see what Kling(I believe it was) says as well in regards to his "role."
Then votes klingbard and explains that it is because of CT's claim, which is fine.

Originally Posted by Kojiru
Originally Posted by Kojiru
Its absolutely possible. The problem is just who do you trust more. The cylon finder, or the role blocker who says they blocked them?

Yeah, for balance I would assume the significent 7 all equal wolf, with one 6 and 8 for town, then the final five (Assuming Tory counts as town) would make it an even 7/7 split. So it is 50/50 for cylons
In conclusion, another unimpressive day. Defends himself and says "I never said I was going to try hard, I just said I was ready for the game" and gives reads that are purely mechanical and metagame related.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 01:24 PM
Mostly for me, for reference

Booker – clear mason
ITA – shot BWG on Day5
Day1 vote – vyk (lynched villager)
Day2 vote – zdye
Day3 vote – BWG
Day4 vote – well named
Day5 vote – not voting

ITA – Pry, Redd, VMF, jedi, Jim/Gabe
Day1 vote – vyk (lynched villager)
Day2 vote – zdye
Day3 vote – klairic
Day4 vote – well named
Day5 vote - reddboiler

ITA – D1 no shot, bloo, zdye, N/A, BWG
Day1 vote – klingbard
Day2 vote – zdye
Day3 vote – well named
Day4 vote – well named
Day5 vote - Error

ITA – D1 no shot, Pry, zdye, jedi, BWG
Day1 vote – not voting
Day2 vote – klingbard
Day3 vote – klairic
Day4 vote – well named
Day5 vote - reddboiler

El Timon
ITA – D1 no shot, filthy, zdye, wellnamed, jedi, BWG
Day1 vote – confirmedtroll
Day2 vote – klingbard
Day3 vote – well named
Day4 vote – well named
Day5 vote - Eurotrash

ITA – D1 no shot, VMF, pry, VMF, VMF
Day1 vote – klingbard
Day2 vote – klingbard
Day3 vote – Klairic
Day4 vote – well named
Day5 vote - reddboiler

ITA – D1 no shot, BATM, Duck, vader, D5 no shot
Day1 vote – vyk (lynched villager)
Day2 vote – duck
Day3 vote – Klairic
Day4 vote – reddboiler
Day5 vote - Eurotrash

ITA – D1, pry, pry, jedi, jim/gabe
Day1 vote – SGT ARR JAY
Day2 vote – klingbard
Day3 vote – dbmurph
Day4 vote – reddboiler
Day5 vote - reddboiler

ITA – Pry on day1
Day1 vote – vyk (lynched villager)
Day2 vote – filthyvermin
Day3 vote – Bremen
Day4 vote – pry
Day5 vote - reddboiler

ITA – D1 no shot, N/A, jedi, D4 no shot, kojiru
Day1 vote – Klingbard
Day2 vote – not in game
Day3 vote – Klairic
Day4 vote – pry
Day5 vote - reddboiler

ITA – D1 no shot, pry, pry, jedi, BWG
Day1 vote – filthyvermin
Day2 vote – zomghax (wn) no chance at lynch
Day3 vote – Klairic
Day4 vote – pry
Day5 vote – Eurotrash

Day1 votes
9 – klingbard (5 villagers, 1 wolf, digger, euro, TN)
9 – vyk (5 villagers, 0 wolves, booker, Bremen, filthy, rawrs)
6 – confirmedtroll (4 villagers, 1 wolf, el timon)
Kojiru off wagon on a SGT ARR JAY
Leafs off wagon on filthyvermin
Dwetz not voting

Day2 votes
15 – Klingbard (8 villagers, 3 wolves, dwetz, el timon, euro, kojiru)
10 – zdye (7 villagers, booker, Bremen, digger)
sirrawrs off wagon on filthyvermin
filthyvermin off wagon on duck
leafs off wagon on zomghax (w/n) along with watevs (wolf)

Day3 votes
14 Klairic (6 villagers, 2 wolves, bremen, dwetz, euro, filthy, tn, leafs)
11 – wellnamed (8 villagers, 1 wolf, digger, timon)
booker off wagon on BWG
sirrawrs off wagon on Bremen
kojiru off wagon on dbmurph

Day4 votes
11 – wellnamed (4 villagers, kojiru, Bremen, timon, booker, euro, dwetz, digger)
8 – pry (2 villagers, 3 wolves, tn, leafs, rawrs)
filthy off wagon reddboiler (no chance of lynch)

Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Votes from post 9564 to post 10850
Night in 00:00:32

7 ReddBoiler Bremen (171), confirmedtroll (246), DWetzel (9), Eurotrash (73), Kojiru (13), SirRawrsALot (6), TheNothing (177)
4 Eurotrash El_Timon (42), filthyvermin (18), Quarrrr (63), tmleafs1967 (50)
2 El_Timon Charry (55), SimDaniels (13)
1 unvote ReddBoiler (132)
1 not voting Booker Wolfbox (7)
1 Error DiggertheDog (98)

:00 good :01 bad

imo euro & leafs don't look too good
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 01:25 PM
also kojiru

not looking good
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel

What day did the bomb go off? Day 3?
OK, had to check. Yes, day 3.

Q: Why wouldn't they set it off day 2, if they could? There was a real risk that pry would be dead for real when the resurrection hub went down near the end of day 2.

A: Because pry wasn't able to set it. Because he wasn't around and then got sent back to resurrection. Which wolves wouldn't want to have happen, because they'd really rather talk about shooting him and shoot someone else. (Hi, insanity. Hi, Euro.)
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel

What day did the bomb go off? Day 3?
That would be correct. What are you tinfoiling about?

Originally Posted by DWetzel
I mean that you seem unwilling to express an opinion on a lot of people, probably in the hopes that we go slightly wrong down the line and you can glom onto that mistake.

Now, "unwilling" may just be "I haven't done it yet", in which case carry on and actually do it, but right now I've got a burgeoning suspicion that you are bussing Euro here and may well be specifically the wolf day vig.
On the underlined, I've already said that I think digger is likely to be a villager, and I've had leafs in my wolfdar due to some thin accusations he has made in the last couple of days, but I need to read him more to get a better read.

"haven't done it yet" is correct, and that's what I'm trying to do now.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 01:29 PM
TN, can you explain why you think euro/leafs/kojiru don't look good based on those votes?
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
OK, had to check. Yes, day 3.

Q: Why wouldn't they set it off day 2, if they could? There was a real risk that pry would be dead for real when the resurrection hub went down near the end of day 2.

A: Because pry wasn't able to set it. Because he wasn't around and then got sent back to resurrection. Which wolves wouldn't want to have happen, because they'd really rather talk about shooting him and shoot someone else. (Hi, insanity. Hi, Euro.)
which, if correct, looks good for me, leafs, and kojiru, for those of you scoring at home.

Disclaimer: I'm not at all sure it's correct; maybe they already set it and didn't care, maybe pry didn't need to be around to send it.

It was also slightly good to put a cylon wolf down early in ITAs, by the way, insofar as they at least don't get their shot off.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 01:44 PM
Kojiru's d3. I am starting to get tired of pointing out how uninspired his day is and I'm starting to get a very shady vibe about his votes.

Comes in for event:

Originally Posted by Kojiru
Always late for events, sadface.
Originally Posted by Kojiru
Originally Posted by Kojiru
>Zarek is killed in the mutiny in the show, insanity is killed by the mutiny here.

Originally Posted by Kojiru
I voted for Euro to be saved.
I voted for Melfi to Lead
Interacts with WN, who was with him in the champions game.

Originally Posted by Kojiru
Oh hey well named, whats up?
Originally Posted by well named
this is shady as ****
Originally Posted by Kojiru
I absolutely agree.
Shoots pry again.
Originally Posted by Kojiru
Shoot Pry
More lore talk.
Originally Posted by Kojiru
Originally Posted by Kojiru
12 cylons, 3 are dead I believe (Cavil, Leoben, Tigh).

If we go under the assumption of just 12 cylons(7 evil, 5 good), that leaves a 5/4 split in favor of evil. If we go under the assumption of 14(Including copies of 6 and 8 for good, making it 7 evil, 7 good) we get a 5/6 split in favor of good currently.
And finally this is the post that sketches me out the most.

Originally Posted by Kojiru
Alright, I have to go to work.

I don't think Scar counts because he would fall under centurion, which don't quote be but are just manufactured. Resurrection is only for human cylons.

He hasn't mentioned dbmurph all game except to point out that he was with him in the champions game. What's more surprising to me is that he's put ragnarok in his wolf pile on d2, and is now voting dbmurph without any justification. Both turn out to be villagers, and I would expect kojiru to have a better grasp on their game since they're the only known players to him.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 01:52 PM
Going to brunch with the family, be back in about 90 I think
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 01:59 PM
I wanted to stop at this post on d4, because it is the first in which Kojiru makes a decent sized list.

Originally Posted by Kojiru
People I trust:
No explanation on why he trusts these people. But the most interesting thing is, all of these players are still alive!

Is he a wolf trying to keep his "villager" reads around for long?

Originally Posted by Kojiru

People I wonder why the hell they aren't dead yet
TehVader - Peeked
TheRagnarok - I at least think hes coasting like he was in Champions, where he was a wolf.
well named - Peeked now I guess, but isn't as forward as in Champions.
jedi - I just don't understand him. He even has me as villager in a list. Might actually be a confused villager.
pry (We all know though) - Peeked
His wolf list is comprised of three peeked players, one villager for whom he has a meta read (ragnarok), and a wolf who he calls a "maybe confused villager". This is day 4 already, I would expect a good player to have more substantiated reads at this point.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
TheRagnarok is peeked villager. How close are you reading?
Originally Posted by Kojiru
Oh well, i should have read more closely. Continue while I find the post.
Oh yeah, lol. Herp derp clear?
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by El_Timon
TN, can you explain why you think euro/leafs/kojiru don't look good based on those votes?
it's a combo of votes/ITA shots/general feeling

it's like the shots and votes feel like they are done to fit in and to skate by without suspicion

I'm just gathering info and haven't actually "read" stuff today. yes, I'm giving myself an out to find something that changes my mind.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 02:07 PM
wasn't kojiru he one who made the post about *cracking knuckles* and how he wasn't gonna be passive his game compared to last time?

10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 02:14 PM
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 02:17 PM
The rest of kojiru's d4:

Originally Posted by Kojiru
Shoot jedi
Shoots a wolf who was on his wolf list. Good.

Originally Posted by confirmedtroll
CT brings up the lack of talk about kojiru. This could indicate that kojiru is a wolf PR.

Originally Posted by Kojiru
pry, cmon resurrection hub destroyed again before EOD.
Votes pry, who has resurrected twice already.

Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
this makes me think we are not going to be able to kill pry until the hub is gone

and kojiru is a wolf with TMI
VMF calls him out for that vote.

Originally Posted by Kojiru
Basically, thats the truth with any cylon.

Plus, I have TMI? ........

No comment.

Game mechanics, the hub has to go down again soon. For a longer period of time hopefully.
he addresses VMF but his explanation makes no sense. Pry is a cylon who already resurrected twice, and thus shouldn't be lynched until the resurrection ship is gone, yet he keeps voting him.

Originally Posted by Kojiru
I'm willing to guess if we lynch a cylon they will just get put into resurrection. It's the same as any death, which triggers resurrection.
Originally Posted by Kojiru
We can't do anything unless we want to risk a lynch on a non-cylon wolf. We know there is at least one still left (Cain's XO, whatever his name is).

And well, I couldn't tell you. I really doubt it since resurrection is a mod controlled mechanic. It has to go down soon though again.
Originally Posted by Kojiru
If the rez ship won't be down until after EOD(If it even will be down), I don't know the validity of lynching Pry now and giving him an out of tomorrow's day vig's/ITA.
More discussion about lynching pry, while still keeping his vote on him, and after he said that not lynching WN the day before was terrible.

Originally Posted by Kojiru
Well named
And finally changes his vote. Why not change it earlier since everyone was assuming that pry could not die?

CT's question is interesting, I don't think there had been much discussion about him up to that point and that could indicate that he's a wolf PR. I am already thinking ahead about his claim and that could be a way of getting some heat off him so he can live longer. That fits with him possibly being the remaining wolf vig.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
wasn't kojiru he one who made the post about *cracking knuckles* and how he wasn't gonna be passive his game compared to last time?

Yes, see my first MQ about him.
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 02:20 PM
Kojiru, since it seems that you're around could you comment on my posts about you?
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 02:21 PM
Would you like me to wait until after you're done or now?
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
11-03-2013 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
these 2 posts shouldn't have been written by the same person...

"wolfy people are voting for euro - i'm not gonna vote him"

"hey guys, i'm clear, look how hard i went at Euro"

That's not what I was saying
10/28 Battlestar Galactica Mishmash Game Thread Quote
