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10/27 Shadows of Amn Mishmash Game Thread 10/27 Shadows of Amn Mishmash Game Thread

10-30-2011 , 07:37 AM
JJhender gets a villa lean for his posting on that page. He seems villagery and I like the way he's questioning wisski, seems like genuine wolf hunting.
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10-30-2011 , 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by younguns87
1st Underline: I gave a reason for why I shot him. I explained multiple times, and posted itt "I like a Bobman shot" when there is a clear discrepency in his posts, meaning he doesn't care about them, then he becomes a likely wolf

2nd Underline: Seriously? Are we gonna clear everyone that posts the amount of HP itt. He tried to use the amount of HP he lost to incriminate me, whcih is lolstupid as the village is gonna have some people that are good at ITA's. I will possibly be nk'ed now because of that

3rd Underline: Do you know Bobman is gonna flip villa?
this is why I think younguns is a villager and shadowzero is still a wolf especially underline 3!
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10-30-2011 , 07:50 AM
If Bobman is a wolf Silman is very likely to be one as well.
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10-30-2011 , 07:54 AM
Morning all.
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10-30-2011 , 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by UAW710
Not all the way caught up but,


I don't know what shanks posted, if anything, but how in holy hell can you possibly think I'm wolfy for the two posts I've made so far, one of which you liked and the other was saying hi.
I was gonna agree with you until I read the context of everyone's posts. You made 2 posts and then disappeared. You looked to have so much promise and then gone . . .

Gabe was well within his rights. You made a post saying silman looked wolfy, Gabe said this was villagery of you and then you disappeared. It's like a wolf who thinks he's clear and then stops posting so he doesnt make a mistake and incriminate himself.
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10-30-2011 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
I think so. We have used too much firepower on jim to stop now.

I wonder how long it will take monikrazy to come into the thread and berate me if cakewalk flips villager.
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10-30-2011 , 08:22 AM
The thing is that using ITAs when there's no clear villagers or wolves yet invitably (as we have seen) to heavy village losses, even more so if it's as I suspect that wolves are among the most influential ITA target deciders. This in turn leads to a shorter game.

What faction do you think benefits the most from a short game? I would say the wolves as it gives village seers less time for peeks and less days for village as whole to process info from lynches and daily events.

Regarding Bobman, I'm not clearing him or anyone else for that matter as a villager just yet. But so far YG your actions have been way more wolfy than his.

I still maintain the stance that ITAs early in the game is mostly helpful for the wolves, while ITAs later in the game is mostly helpful for village.

Seeing that Cakewalk is near death and most likely will be finished off today, I hope that he really is a wolf. But, even if he flips wolf I wouldn't celebrate the genius of the ITA council just yet, as he might very well be a wolf with no or little power that the wolves might be willing to sacrifice in order to be able to keep this uncertain ITA slaughter train rolling with little or no resistance.
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10-30-2011 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by monikrazy
i kind of want to clear kruze, even though cake is likely to flip villa if people keep shooting
If people stop shooting he will flip wolf? What kind of logic is that.
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10-30-2011 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by ShadowZero
The thing is that using ITAs when there's no clear villagers or wolves yet invitably (as we have seen) to heavy village losses, even more so if it's as I suspect that wolves are among the most influential ITA target deciders. This in turn leads to a shorter game.

What faction do you think benefits the most from a short game? I would say the wolves as it gives village seers less time for peeks and less days for village as whole to process info from lynches and daily events.

Regarding Bobman, I'm not clearing him or anyone else for that matter as a villager just yet. But so far YG your actions have been way more wolfy than his.

I still maintain the stance that ITAs early in the game is mostly helpful for the wolves, while ITAs later in the game is mostly helpful for village.

Seeing that Cakewalk is near death and most likely will be finished off today, I hope that he really is a wolf. But, even if he flips wolf I wouldn't celebrate the genius of the ITA council just yet, as he might very well be a wolf with no or little power that the wolves might be willing to sacrifice in order to be able to keep this uncertain ITA slaughter train rolling with little or no resistance.

ITAs early in the game aren't necessarily most helpful for wolves, the way they occurred d2 was pretty poor though(8 different targets?), if we don't use our ITAs though i feel it's a bit wasteful, its' not like you can hang on to them, not using on d2 doesn't mean you have an additional ITA on d3, using them earlier should obtain us information faster than just lynching, particularly since if we don't use them, the wolves still use their NKs, and ITAs at least have a chance of getting a wolf
i'm seeing a problem with the whole consesus thing, it seems that the most active posters(and not everyone trusts them atm) decide who the best targets are, if you don't shoot these people apparently you're regarded as wolfy by some, but if you do shoot the "consesus targets" other people think you're wolfy when they flip villa, and obv if the people with greatest ITA influence are wolves that is just bad in general for the village
also how are we supposed to narrow down the targets from the broad 8 that we had on day 2, if it gets down to just one or two people that everyone agrees is wolf, chances are they're not all too valuable to kill, since in such an situation the target will seemingly have nobody on his side, and this will only occur either if we've got the wrong guy, or the wolves have made him expendable in a way that we can't learn anything from him(though we still gain in actually having killed a wolf)
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10-30-2011 , 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
So that ITA did 30 points of damage to me, which is enough to one-shot most of the players we've seen revealed so far. He says he suspected he was very strong at ITAs. So ask yourself if he's acting like someone who knows his ITAs are really powerful and is trying to use them responsibly. He is clearly not. afaict, not a single person expressed any support for his idea of shooting me. he didn't give me an opportunity to make any claim I might have. Wolf wolf wolf
I kinda want to agree that younguns should get a lot of heat for making that shot but unfortunately that's how he rolls as a villager, see HP3.
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10-30-2011 , 08:38 AM
On a random note it's very hard to concentrate on reading the thread when you have 3 people talking around you.
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10-30-2011 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by Thiradell
Lol at people suspecting/voting me. Village is drunk this game, or something. I was doing work for my school's homecoming and had almost no time to read the thread. If I was a wolf I wouldn't have posted at all and slid by just as easily, I wasn't getting any heat.
If you don't post at all you are subbed or modkilled, this defense doesn't hold anything.
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10-30-2011 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by KruZe
I think KruZe has the most deer heads itt, and that makes me, well I don't even....
Originally Posted by Bremen
Originally Posted by KruZe
maybe it's a secret code, i've said too much already
This looks like desperate signalling. I can't see any villa motivation for that post, it's almost certainly a signal. Kruze hasn't been villagery imo, these two factors combined make him a very good lynch.

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10-30-2011 , 09:18 AM
And to connect it to another post quoted:

Originally Posted by Bremen
Morning thread!

Wolves going down!

Fatburger takes forever

This game is gonna be AWESOME
Both Kruze and Bremen used some form of orange seemingly random in one of their posts. If kruze turns out to be signalling bremen should be the next person to be lynched. And if bremen is a wolf we need to look hard at silman even though he's been super villagery.
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10-30-2011 , 09:22 AM
UAW would be another good target. After subbing in he said he would catch up, that's role neutral. But when he came back last night he only called gabe and jjhender wolves for calling him a wolf and asked for the case on younguns. He didn't offer anything substantial, this is not villagery behaviour.
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10-30-2011 , 09:24 AM
Two (not one) rounds of horrible stabbing in the dark should be enough to cause someone genuinely interested in the village winning to reconsider the approach.

We should be using the ITAs to pressure people, not to kill them. When someone delivers a killing blow on one, that should be very suspicious.
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10-30-2011 , 09:25 AM
I also think that we need to continue attacking cakewalk. Gad brought up that he might be angeled and while this is true he has only been hit 3 times. So he most likely has lost 30-40 HP (if there wasn't a younguns like 30 HP strike) which means that he could sit on just a few HP. If he doesn't die from 2 more hits we should probably switch to someone else.
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10-30-2011 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by derwipok
nice one!
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10-30-2011 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by derwipok
typo, should be Cakewalk ldo

Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
We should be using the ITAs to pressure people, not to kill them.
Totally disagree
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10-30-2011 , 09:29 AM
Does anyone else notice that it seems like the people arguing for handling the ITAs like we do are mostly experienced players while the people arguing for different approaches are mostly rather new players?
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10-30-2011 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
typo, should be Cakewalk ldo

Totally disagree
How do you get from cakewalk or even cake to jim on a typo?
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10-30-2011 , 09:31 AM
Okay guys, I'm up to 600+ post of reading thread. Some reads so far:

Switch, Loretta, AE and Silman seem villagery so far.
Switch because he's pointing things out and questioning things in what seems like a wolfhunting way, Loretta because she is one of the few people I've already played with and she's posting in the same way as she did there and she was villa, AE based on tone (but this is hard for me to explain because this is only my second game and I'm still getting the hang of all that tone stuff), and Silman because he seems to be trying to figure things out in a very open, wordy and informative way.

Don't know what to make of YG and Hadis yet. Don't really understand all the claiming and randomizing stuff. Will post more as I read more. Sorry I'm being so slow. Should have thought about how hard it would be to read the entire thing before I subbed
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10-30-2011 , 09:35 AM
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10-30-2011 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by Palo
I'm a conditional seer. Doesn't look like the conditions will be met though.
Originally Posted by rdgb
ITAs early in the game aren't necessarily most helpful for wolves, the way they occurred d2 was pretty poor though(8 different targets?), if we don't use our ITAs though i feel it's a bit wasteful, its' not like you can hang on to them, not using on d2 doesn't mean you have an additional ITA on d3, using them earlier should obtain us information faster than just lynching, particularly since if we don't use them, the wolves still use their NKs, and ITAs at least have a chance of getting a wolf
i'm seeing a problem with the whole consesus thing, it seems that the most active posters(and not everyone trusts them atm) decide who the best targets are, if you don't shoot these people apparently you're regarded as wolfy by some, but if you do shoot the "consesus targets" other people think you're wolfy when they flip villa, and obv if the people with greatest ITA influence are wolves that is just bad in general for the village
also how are we supposed to narrow down the targets from the broad 8 that we had on day 2, if it gets down to just one or two people that everyone agrees is wolf, chances are they're not all too valuable to kill, since in such an situation the target will seemingly have nobody on his side, and this will only occur either if we've got the wrong guy, or the wolves have made him expendable in a way that we can't learn anything from him(though we still gain in actually having killed a wolf)

Many of the problems you mention here are the same problems that we have in our daily lynch. -sure it is difficult to avoid wolf influences on the village, but that is kind what tyoe of game this is. The most important part of the ita is getting information and the best way to do that is to have an open discussion on who we attack and why. If we open up for a free for all attack face, anyone can enter and shoot anyone without much reasoning. See what happend d2. cdl just entered and shot me without me or anyone else having an opportunity to defend me. The result? cdf got vigged by (what I assume must have been) the village vig. What information are we left with. Nothing.

At leas with a list it leavs us with an discussion before the fact. In that way we can in retrospect see who was pushig that person and why. In time I believe this will be very helpfull to us in solving the game later on.
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10-30-2011 , 09:36 AM
UAW710 has been killed!

Shanks/UAW710 you are Anomen. Every even night starting night 2 you can protect a player (even night angel)

You start off with 45 hit points.

You are a villager, you win when all non-villagers are eliminated.
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