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01-09-2012 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by Cadaz
why? Whole thing seemed pretty v/v to me. VarianceMinefield seems especially villagery so at least we agree on half of it.
Best I can tell you is that in my experience MJW being as measured and controlled as he is so far in this game is a distinct wolf tell for him - as a villager he's generally much more out there saying whatever comes to his mind no matter how it sounds. The fact that he appears to be trying very hard to sound villagery here in my experience makes it very likely that he is in fact a wolf.

It's possible this has changed for him since I've been gone lately, but I'd need to see an example to make me change my mind at this point
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-09-2012 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by BASaint
i dont think its enough to start a credible wagon right now but i got my eye on u MoB
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-09-2012 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by BASaint
i dont get it

were u joking or genuinely asking if he is a mason

cuz if its the first its super weird given your lack of xp and if its the second then its bad (we dont want the identity of the masons to be known ldo)
I thought it was a joke. The term had been tossed around itt previously like no big deal.

Originally Posted by BASaint
fwiw this is the exchange in the prev. game that im referring to. bowens was hyper noob and then:

both ut & bowens were wolves. dont see how bowens would know ******ed seer cover from good seer cover given his experience level without having discussed it in wolfchat. similarly, dont see how he could do that masons? thing without discussing it, unless hes confused as to the joke meaning in this context.
This won't matter now, because I was a wolf that game, but me agreeing with ut was meaningless there. I think vix is a giant moron, most of the time. All I was saying was that I thought he was too stupid to realize what he was saying.
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-09-2012 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
Best I can tell you is that in my experience MJW being as measured and controlled as he is so far in this game is a distinct wolf tell for him - as a villager he's generally much more out there saying whatever comes to his mind no matter how it sounds.
strange - i've had the opposite experience with him. very little fluff as a villa, only short, succinct, direct posts.
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-09-2012 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by exec771
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-09-2012 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by BASaint

similarly, dont see how he could do that masons? thing without discussing it, unless hes confused as to the joke meaning in this context.
So what are the odds he posed the question in wolfchat and got an answer without the other (presumably more experienced) wolfs telling him not to mention it?

I think blatant mason-hunting is on the same level as blatant seer-hunting (correct me if i'm wrong here), so either this is a genuine n00b villa screwup or a total lack of organization among the wolfs.
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-09-2012 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by vyk07
wolf leans for everybody bad mouthing New Jersey
Ha, no.

Originally Posted by aaronk56
Wow, I was going to quote Flytrap and say I'm glad to finally see someone making sense about PBAL.

Wolf lean for bigger.
It's like some people don't know how to make or recognize jokes. This makes me sadface.

Originally Posted by BASaint
cliffs: PBAL has fps
PFT, that ain't nothing.

Originally Posted by flytrap
Now for the really important decision. FM2012 or Skyrim while obsessively reloading this thread? Advantage of FM2012 is that I can have actual time to skim again while the game is simulating.
Urgh, the two biggest time sinks ever, I think I hate them more than I love them.

Originally Posted by BASaint

go into editor and create player 'tim tebow' with a pass rating of 3/20.
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. But seriously, coming up with cool scenarios in the editor is fun.

Originally Posted by BASaint
fm has caused more university dropouts than stupid & drugs combined
I've only seen BASaint village and he didn't make so many jokes but I'm giving him my biggest villa lean as it's good for the game.

Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Giving a 1 week pass is wolfy imo. It seems like a really long time.
This. **** it, that's strike 2 flytrap

Originally Posted by flytrap
I'm guessing my opinion of herbie means diddly poo, since he's a really good player, and I'm really bad, which means that there is no way in hell that my clearing or condemning him will actually influence anyone
Well that's better.

Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
Peeking me is always terrible

Lynching me regardless of how you feel about my role if I'm still alive near endgame much better strategy
Originally Posted by TeacupVelociraptor
It's not even a gimmick, I'm Hoya. Outed in in sign-up, in this thread, etc. CPHoya account is at 19,999 and I haz a plan for 20k.
Ah I wondered why you were doing it.

Originally Posted by officedog
Fine. Barring someone telling me what I asked:

GAHHHHHHH, why is POG not fun?

Originally Posted by TeacupVelociraptor
I would usually agree except that this joke requires a mock-up AIM chat and screenshot - i.e., requires a little work.
I'd go to those lengths if I'd thought of it first....

Originally Posted by officedog
OK, I'll buy the "joke" thing...but pretty much only because it's PBAL. It's still a really strange thing to do.


Originally Posted by BASaint
we're obv not lynching pbal tonight so i think we should move on and start discussing serious potential wagons

i like the logic employed here and would like others to review it
Actual villa points for this (and to 72 obv)

Originally Posted by officedog
When you post as a wolf, you are usually posting as ANGRY MAN!!
Show your work. If you can back it up then it might be significant.

Caught up now.
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-09-2012 , 03:03 PM
Cadaz is an even more obvious villager than biggerboat itt
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-09-2012 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by BASaint
strange - i've had the opposite experience with him. very little fluff as a villa, only short, succinct, direct posts.
Game(s) where you had this experience?

I also wasn't saying he fluffed as a villager - he attempts to contribute content regardless of his role, what I meant was that as a villager he tends to say whatever he is thinking without worrying about whether it seems wolfy, whereas when he's a wolf he's always very careful about the way he phrases his posts, which is what I'm feeling from him here
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01-09-2012 , 03:04 PM
Good post from Cadaz.
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-09-2012 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
Cadaz is an even more obvious villager than biggerboat itt
bigger> cadaz
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-09-2012 , 03:05 PM
for those of you playing along at home

here is how you know cadaz is a villager:

it is pointed out that he gets mislynched a lot and he is known for being UTR

he goes on to post that that is why he took a break and that he is committed to playing harder this game. on d1. despite there being a leeds-arsenal game!
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01-09-2012 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
bigger> cadaz
if you insist on playing along at home please wait for the relevant posts
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-09-2012 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
Game(s) where you had this experience?
both SE games he's been as I described. first game I thought the lack of 'free flowing' posts from him was wolfy. he was the same in the 2nd game. a villa both times.
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-09-2012 , 03:06 PM
If Leeds win then my facebook feed is gonna be insufferable.
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-09-2012 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
Game(s) where you had this experience?
I'm seeing a trend here where all the SE regs from the Tebow game are going to let logic from the previous game dictate their reads in this game
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-09-2012 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
it is pointed out that he gets mislynched a lot and he is known for being UTR

he goes on to post that that is why he took a break and that he is committed to playing harder this game. on d1. despite there being a leeds-arsenal game!
I'm not a sucker for these types of posts tho
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-09-2012 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
despite there being a leeds-arsenal game!
counter: no one gives a **** about the FA cup any more, not even minnows such as leeds.
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-09-2012 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by BASaint
ive come to realise that anyone who thinks they have a lock wolf read on d1 is either stupid, naive, or anarchist (both stupid and naive). we shouldnt spend 90% of d1 talking about 1 person

Originally Posted by flytrap
I mostly agree, but I think the best way to deal with the behavior of PBAL and others that do this is by lynching them. Hopefully in the future people will learn that this gets you lynched, and we won't have this problem.
I agree wholeheartedly. Sadly some people seem to want to believe its good because it got people talking and outed some wolves. I'll believe that when I see dead wolves.

Originally Posted by bowens
Ok, hold the **** up. The masons thing was a role in the SE game. Two people tied together or some **** like that. I thought that was a common thing in mishmash games. I'm almost positive someone else brought it up earlier in this game. I was mostly kidding and trying to participate more, and now apparently I've screwed the pooch.
bowens is a villa. Confusion makes no sense here unless he is genuinely confused (wolf fakers always fake confusion about far more basic stuff).
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-09-2012 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by zdye724
I'm seeing a trend here where all the SE regs from the Tebow game are going to let logic from the previous game dictate their reads in this game
i mean it makes some sense?

being progressive you have to take the past and improve upon it, but you still need it.
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-09-2012 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by zdye724
I'm seeing a trend here where all the SE regs from the Tebow game are going to let logic from the previous game dictate their reads in this game
if someone says 'person x doing y is wolfy' and i've encountered something different, i'm saying so. and quite right too!
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-09-2012 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
for those of you playing along at home

here is how you know cadaz is a villager:

it is pointed out that he gets mislynched a lot and he is known for being UTR

he goes on to post that that is why he took a break and that he is committed to playing harder this game. on d1. despite there being a leeds-arsenal game!
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-09-2012 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
You're misremembering. That was Convention of Awesomeness, and Thingy was a neutral jester. And nobody noticed the "seerhunt" tab until post-game.

I brought up CoA on the first page in response to PBAL's post.
There was also the LOTR game where Sam outed Frodo when a screenshot was posted. He listed the other player with the description Mason with Sam or something like that.

Yeah the mistake was a by a villager but it is a similar mistake. People make mistakes both as wolves and villagers, so I'm staying on PBAL.
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-09-2012 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
I'm not a sucker for these types of posts tho
from Cadaz, you should be.

if i made it, then maybe. but cadaz is cadaz is cadaz
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-09-2012 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by bsball8806
in this case saying>doing.

Well maybe not greater but more clearing.
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