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01-16-2012 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by Bremen
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01-16-2012 , 02:23 AM
One can never go wrong quoting ancient Sparta
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-16-2012 , 02:28 AM
laters. i actually have to go to class now. And i`ve slept like 3 hours.
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01-16-2012 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by Vivi
Whatever you say. I've spent my time this game doing the best work I could. Ignoring the early days where I was all over wolves, Chips, BAsaint, and I worked very hard to narrow our lynch down to four people. I picked which of the four incorrectly. Then I got caught up over the weekend and missed putting a vote down.

Most important is the fact that I've also done the best I can with remaining calm and not raging at people. I wish to continue this, so I will simply follow whoever you vote since you were peeked.
I've actually been one of the few insisting that you were a villager this entire time.
Originally Posted by Vivi
We know FCBL, Drontier, and Wheatrich are villagers.
We know AaronK and Bremen are wolves.
We are almost sure Kruze, PVN, and Tweedy are wolves.
We are almost sure Magic_gazz and Henrik are villagers.

Have I missed any?
The fact that you have all that, but you overlooked a simple (look below) = wolfy as mad. Those posts were all at eod. lots of last minute jumps yet none of those corrected back to bremen.
Originally Posted by Mittens

alright, let's see what happens. run good, one time, etc etc. remember, if the lynch passes to Herbie, lymch bremen again. if the lynch stays on bremen, lynch herbie. if the lynch hits someone else, lynch everyone on that wagon, and bremen, and probably herbie, and also cry in a corner. GL GL VILLAAAAA
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
the not voters are ****ing us
Originally Posted by KruZe
Originally Posted by Mittens
pvn is def a wolf too
Originally Posted by aaronk56
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-16-2012 , 02:33 AM
vivi--if we have any chance we're gonna need your help (yes, you've been spectacularly wrong so far but that's fine, it happens) instead of you just sponging whoever's clear.
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-16-2012 , 02:36 AM
i actually think we should just follow one person. and it should prob be you. noone listens to me. wolves even refuse to kill me.
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-16-2012 , 02:37 AM
whats hilarious about this game is the wolf roleblock found the sk team or something. sk team having trouble getting a kill off.
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-16-2012 , 02:38 AM
This village is full of fail.

2 seers risked their lives to reveal wolf peeks and those 2 wolves are still alive?

How the hell did everyone let the wagons get that close??

There should have been16+ votes on Bremen and a few on Aaron.

Now. If a wolf comes out and posts their PM I still do not want to see a single vote that is not on Bremen or Aaron.
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-16-2012 , 02:39 AM
I am guessing that the SK team can only kill women. If they target a man they get nothing
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-16-2012 , 02:40 AM
fcbl--kruze and pvn are also wolves. We can replace aaron with one of them (and it's pvn before both in my current guessing this person is a vig order).
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-16-2012 , 02:40 AM
One more thing.

1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-16-2012 , 02:42 AM
If the mod punishes us for the dead post than major LOLz

I want to create a game with no wolves. Maybe this village would have a fair chance to win.
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-16-2012 , 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by Sven O
eveyone who was around at eod and voted herbie is 100% wolfs.
ldo. how the butt eff do we not get a seer peeked wolf lynched...
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-16-2012 , 03:55 AM
Bleh, **** me. Yesterday was awful lol, the first wagon I start ever happens to be a villa in the midst of like a dozen howling wolfs..

Herbie wtf?. You are supposed to be a GOAT villa who somehow survived till day 7 playing the WOAT game and you can't make one post all weekend?. Wolf MVP yesterday imo.

I was up for the first time EOD too looking out for shenanigans, once herbie got over 7 I thought we were safe since I never expected him to be villa. Then I saw last minute vote switches too late. Sorry drontier

Anyone whos common to the 2 lists is a wolf vote buyer..

People who voted for herbie

aaronk56 (14), Bremen (19), exec771 (39), Geddy Lee (15), KruZe (7), Larry Legend (7), Mittens (47), pvn (2), Willi (11)

wizard 50 night 1

Chips Ahoy (56), 72off (19), ASPoker8 (15), BASaint (138), Bowens (25), Bremen (20), Cadaz (6), flytrap (49), Geddy Lee (29), iversonian (31), mjw0586 (29), TeacupVelociraptor (16), tweedybirdd (19), wahoopride (52)

Bremen or Geddy Lee is the wolf VOTEBUYER..
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-16-2012 , 03:59 AM
bowens would explain the wizard-50 lynch by himself, no?
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-16-2012 , 04:00 AM

Although he's probably vanilla, bleh..
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-16-2012 , 04:00 AM
sorry for not switching votes late, guys. by the time I refreshed the page and read it was :31.
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-16-2012 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by Mittens
bowens would explain the wizard-50 lynch by himself, no?
what was bowen's power again?.
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-16-2012 , 04:02 AM
Originally Posted by Mittens
sorry for not switching votes late, guys. by the time I refreshed the page and read it was :31.
Exact same thing happened to me.

I kept thinking the wolves were piling on with me on herbie early too, but I thought they were trying to level us to get off herbie. Turns out it was just level 1, wolfes pile on villas..
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-16-2012 , 04:03 AM
Originally Posted by exec771
what was bowen's power again?.
triple voter iirc
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-16-2012 , 04:06 AM
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-16-2012 , 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by exec771
Bleh, **** me. Yesterday was awful lol, the first wagon I start ever happens to be a villa in the midst of like a dozen howling wolfs..

Herbie wtf?. You are supposed to be a GOAT villa who somehow survived till day 7 playing the WOAT game and you can't make one post all weekend?. Wolf MVP yesterday imo.

I was up for the first time EOD too looking out for shenanigans, once herbie got over 7 I thought we were safe since I never expected him to be villa. Then I saw last minute vote switches too late. Sorry drontier

Anyone whos common to the 2 lists is a wolf vote buyer..

People who voted for herbie

aaronk56 (14), Bremen (19), exec771 (39), Geddy Lee (15), KruZe (7), Larry Legend (7), Mittens (47), pvn (2), Willi (11)

wizard 50 night 1

Chips Ahoy (56), 72off (19), ASPoker8 (15), BASaint (138), Bowens (25), Bremen (20), Cadaz (6), flytrap (49), Geddy Lee (29), iversonian (31), mjw0586 (29), TeacupVelociraptor (16), tweedybirdd (19), wahoopride (52)

Bremen or Geddy Lee is the wolf VOTEBUYER..
I dont think this is correct. I was going to bring this up myself.

Day 1 and 2 the lynch ended up on the 2nd wagon, it happened again yesterday. No one the same was the second wagon all 3 days.

There were however 3 people on the first wagon all 3 times. If I remember correctly it was Derm, Sun and Supine. I think one of them has a power where if they vote the lead wagon they dont get lynched.

If I have more time I will check where there votes were the days the lynch didnt flip.
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-16-2012 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by Mittens
yea ignore my useless analysis then..

Also any the wolves who switched votes late yesterday (kruze, pvn and bremen) are all probably vanilla, so we're still ****ed trying to find the vigs.

Game's over now pretty much I guess.
1/9 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mishmash Game Thread Quote
01-16-2012 , 04:14 AM
Outed wolves


Likely wolves

Geddy Lee

Sun Tzu could be a wolf too but I got no clue about him..
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